Hearing this, the director also said, "Everyone can write if they have ideas, and they must be loyal to their own hearts."

The director seemed to be reminding, but it seemed to be full of malicious intentions and sowing discord.At this moment, Reba looked at Deng Chao and said, "Brother Chao, I will write about you later. Do you want to write about yourself?"

Hearing this, Deng Chao laughed immediately, and said, "Let's write it out of conscience."

There were only three names, and everyone quickly wrote them down and stuffed them into cardboard boxes.Seeing this, the director continued to say, "Brother 150 Chao, please sing the ticket."

After Deng Chao and Chen Chichi teased a few words, they took out the first note, and only Deng Chao could see the words on the note.But after Deng Chao picked up the note, he didn't vote for the first time, but said, "Oh, this word is yours."

Deng Chao said and put the note in front of Chen Chichi, but Chen Chichi immediately rejected it after seeing it, and hurriedly said, "It's not mine, it's not mine."

At this moment, Chen Chichi thought to himself, how could such an ugly word be mine?Are my handwriting that ugly?

Deng Chao made everyone curious, why do you think it is Chen Chichi's handwriting?Whose is it?After looking around for a while, everyone denied that the word belonged to them.

At this moment, Li Chen said, "It's mine, mine."

The baby laughed when he heard the words, although he didn't speak, he seemed to be laughing at Li Chen's ugliness beyond a certain level.

For Li Chen's ranking, the first is Boge, the second is Xiaolu, and the third is about himself. .

Text 0676: Fickle woman

Deng Chao was the first to speak, "Li, little Li!"

Baby also said at this time, "You wrote yourself in!"

An Chen also said at this time, "So I'm not as handsome as Brother Chen."

Hearing what An Chen said, Li Chen hurriedly said, "Although you are good-looking, Xiaochen, compared to props or r coins, I can only have a conscience."

At this moment, Chen Chichi said, "Brother, who told you that you have something? It's going to bed soon, you think too much."

Li Chen heard the words and said, "No, I don't believe it, there must be something."

Deng Chao also took out a piece of origami at this time, looked at it and said, "It's folded so well, it must be a lady." When Deng Chao opened it, he glanced at it and said with certainty, "This must be Kunling."

Hearing what Deng Chao said, An Chen immediately said, "I bet 5 cents, it's definitely not."

Reba is a person who is sensitive to gambling, because she has never won a bet with An Chen, so she immediately said, "I bet a piece, definitely not."

Hearing this, Deng Chao said, "It can't be, because the characters are all traditional characters."

When Deng Chao finished speaking, Song Zu'er was the first to speak before An Chen needed to speak, "Sela is too."

Hearing this, Deng Chao suddenly felt a slap in the face, why did he forget about Sela, so he hurriedly said, "Yes, yes, there is also Sela, but there is a [-]% chance that it is Kunling."

Seeing that Deng Chao was still holding on, the baby said, "It should be Sela, you see, Sela is already smiling."

Following the baby's words, Sela laughed out loud, not only that, she turned around and knelt down in front of Chen Chichi, bowed her head and apologized, "I'm sorry."

sorry?What the hell?At this moment, Chen Chichi was stunned for a moment.But he suddenly thought of the note, and said, "It doesn't matter, the second is also okay. It doesn't matter, I am very satisfied."

At this time, sela completely forgot who Chen Chichi was the first to write about, and immediately asked, "Which number should I write about him?"

As soon as Sela finished speaking, Reba said, "The second one, the second one."

Chen Chichi also said at this time, "It's okay."

"It's not easy to be on the list."

Hearing what Li Chen said, Sela got even worse, and she yelled at the director, "Didn't you say anonymous? Director"

However, as soon as Sela's words fell, Chen Chichi laughed first, and shouted, "Anonymous, you wrote the traditional characters yourself, right?"

Sela heard the words, and the brain circuit couldn't hold it for a while and shouted, "Where did I write traditional Chinese characters?"

Speaking of which, Sela has snatched the small note she wrote, but after seeing that what she wrote was indeed in traditional characters, Sela also smiled, and her voice instantly became quieter when she turned her head.

"It's all traditional characters."

As soon as Sela's words came out, everyone laughed. Zhong Chuxi and Zheng Kai quickly suppressed their smiles and pressed the mask to prevent it from shaking off.

At this moment, Deng Chao suddenly said, "So Zheng Kai is all fake."

At this time, An Chen also said, "Yeah, I still remember when we got out of the car, Sela said swearingly that I like Zheng Kai the most."

"Come on the first day and say you're in the same group as me, but my name isn't on the list."

After Zheng Kai's words fell, Chen Chichi said, "No, I'm here with you on the first day, and we must have some variety show effects."

When Chen Chichi said that, everyone laughed, only Zheng Kai remained silent.At this moment, Deng Chao suddenly said, "Thank you Sela."

As Deng Chao spoke, he revealed Sela's note, because Sela's first name was Deng Chao.

But when the note was exposed, Chen Chichi suddenly said, "Wait a minute, why did you scribble on the front of my Chen Zi?"

Hearing this, Reba, who was closest to Deng Chao, took a look, and said, ".〃It's a block."

"Muzitou, it's Li."

Li Chen stood up when he heard the words, and also went up to take a closer look, and it really was true.At this time Sela knelt down again and began to say sorry to Chen Chichi.

Chen Chichi said weakly at this moment, "Sela, you're not a master of variety shows."

Sela wanted to explain at this time, but it seemed that there was nothing good to say, so she could only remain silent.Just as she was thinking, Deng Chao said, "I think this game is still a bit interesting. I actually managed to be the first one, so let's play the next one."

When Deng Chao opened the paper, he said, "This word is really good. The three names are Boge, Anchen, and Xiaolu. Li Nuohao"

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