An Chen's words evoked a burst of laughter again.This made Deng Chao shout "annoyingly" "Next one, next one."

Deng Chao took out another piece of paper as he spoke, and then said, "This must be written by a girl, because I have already recognized it. This is the word for baby.".

Text 0678: Regretful deer

This note was written by a baby, and there is nothing special about it.It seems that because of the middle-aged and elderly partner with Wu Xiubo, the baby has no energy to toss.

Then it was written by Kunling. Kunling's writing was not bad, the handwriting was not very bad, nor was it very good. Generally speaking, it had no characteristics.

The next one is Zheng Min.There were several girls in succession, even Deng Chao hadn't expected it, and Hou Minghao finally ushered in his second ticket. The first ticket was written by An Chen, so he couldn't be too disrespectful to the guests.Especially Boge still has so many votes, but there are almost no ones who write about Hou Minghao.

Of course, this may be because Hou Minghao is not as attractive as An Chen, Lu Han and Wu Xiubo, but he can't bully him like that.

What deserves the most praise is Zheng Min's handwriting. The slightly elegant handwriting is full of beauty, making people feel like a fairy~girl at a glance.

After Zheng Min finished, it was finally Hou Minghao's turn, and Hou Minghao was actually the one who wrote about himself.Well, at least it won't be too embarrassing.

Although there were more people, more people voted for An Chen, Xiao Lu and Wu Xiubo, because the three of them had no disputes.Even the Deng Dynasty currently only has 4 votes.It also includes his own vote.

The next one was written by Reba, Reba's writing is normal, An Chen, Lu Han, and Wu Xiubo.There is no controversy among people, the only bright spot is that Reba's handwriting is well written, and it was emphatically displayed.

Just then, Zheng Kai's ticket came out.What people didn't expect was that it was fine for him to write himself, but he still called himself Kaikai, which is a bit too much.

When everyone questioned Zheng Kai with a smile, Li Chen said, "That is to say, I will call myself Chenchen from now on."

The next one was written by Song Zuer, and besides An Chen and Xiao Lu, she also voted for Zheng Kai.Seeing this, An Chen asked curiously, "Guer, why do you want to vote for Kaikai?"

Song Zuer also asked about this question, and said, "I'm afraid that if no one votes for him, he will be very sad."

At this moment, Zheng Kai seemed to be struck by lightning, and he only heard him say, "I can understand that girls in this age group are embarrassed to express."

Hearing this, Deng Chao said, "The expressions of other age groups are almost the same."

Deng Chao's words made Kaikai speechless for an instant, and he was so embarrassed that he didn't know what to say.At this time, the voting was coming to an end, and Lu Han was the only one left.

Lu Han undoubtedly voted for himself, second for An Chen, and finally for Chen Chichi.

After everyone's ridicule ended, the director said, "Now let's announce the voting results. Xiaolu ranked first with 12 votes, Xiaochen ranked second with 11 votes, and Bogo ranked third with 10 votes. Ranked fourth Deng Chao had 5 votes, Brother Chen and Ming Hao ranked sixth with 4 votes, and Hehe ranked last with only [-] votes.

At this moment, Chen Chichi stood up suddenly, and said, "Wait a minute, you called me here tonight, what do you mean by gathering people to insult me?"

Just when Chen Chichi made everyone laugh, Chen Chichi continued, "Can't I go to sleep? I'm going to go downstairs and be insulted by you? I will have nightmares at night."

At this moment, Li Chen grabbed Chen Chichi and started his speech.

"Let me tell you that although we didn't make it into the top three, we are very happy. Because of our ranking, it brought joy to the audience friends in front of the TV."

Hearing this sentence, Chen Chichi immediately shouted, "I don't want to mention this matter anymore."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????

At this moment, the director also said, "Although you are ranked last, Chen Chichi, you are still the most handsome in our hearts."

Hearing what the director said, Chen Chichi immediately shouted, "Get lost."

But very few people dare to hate the director, and Chen Chichi is also awesome.However, Chen Chichi's outrage caused everyone to applaud unanimously.

"Next, everyone can continue the party game. Tomorrow we will go to experience the ice and snow world in depth. Please keep your spirits up and hope that you can perform well tomorrow. But we still have a final punishment, that is, the person who ranked first in the votes just now , to run in the yard in pajamas, shouting, I’m so handsome, I’m so handsome, I’m the most handsome in the world.”


At this moment, Lu Han was in a bad mood, and An Chen also said at this moment, "It's a good thing I didn't vote for myself, it scared me to death, the director team and your routines are too deep. "

Lu Han wanted to cry right now, if he hadn't cast himself to death, it would be good to have someone to accompany him.

When everyone was screaming, Li Chen suddenly shouted, "What did I say?"

say what?Is there a reward?This is obviously a punishment.

Deng Chao also said at this time, "I thought it must be the number one. It is so thick, not to mention the ice surface, I will get into the ice hole."

Although Lu Han wanted to let you have it, he also knew that it was impossible, so he ran outside honestly, and began to shout stupidly that he was too handsome.

Today's recording ended here, An Chen said, "Are you still playing? If you don't play, everyone should sleep and eat.".

Body 0679: Fair grouping?

"Don't be in a hurry. Why go back so early? How about we play truth or dare?"

Deng Chao's words received unanimous praise from everyone, except his own women.Seeing that everyone was very interested, An Chen said, "Then let's play."

At this moment, Reba was the first to speak, "Xiaochen, this"

But when it comes to this, Reba doesn't know how to continue.

"It's okay, as long as everyone is happy, it's not something shameful."

Hearing what An Chen said, Deng Chao suddenly said, "Forget it, let's play something else."

Everyone has their own "five zero three" secrets, and Deng Chao seems to have realized the part of the secret that cannot be told.It seems that there is still a bit more, so he ended the topic by opening his mouth.

Chen Chichi also said at this time, "That's right, what time is it, and we still play Truth or Dare, why don't we play Werewolf. The man who loses will do ten push-ups, and the woman will do ten sit-ups."

Chen Chichi's proposal was unanimously affirmed by everyone, but after three rounds, everyone stopped playing.

"Damn, Xiaochen, why are you a killer?"

"Xiaochen, why did you win again?"

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