It's soft and comfortable, and although it smells a bit like food, it feels good.This is Chen Yihan's idea.

It took a long time before An Chen let go of Chen Yihan.Just when the two looked at each other, Duan Aojuan suddenly said, "How is it? Does it feel good? When the teacher kissed me last time, I fell in love very quickly."

It was fine if Duan Aojuan didn't say it, but Chen Yihan was even more shy when she said it, especially when she didn't remember that Dajuan was there until Dajuan spoke.But she was also very embarrassed. In her heart, it was Dajuan who was with the teacher first, so she was considered a junior, right?

Chen Yihan thought so, and said to Dajuan a little embarrassedly, "Dajuan, aren't you angry¨"? "

"Angry? You mean you and the teacher?"

Seeing Chen Yihan nodding, Dajuan tilted her head and said, "I'm like you, I'm afraid I'm not qualified to be angry yet. I just hope that other sisters won't be angry."

"Other sisters?"

Seeing Chen Yihan's surprised look, Duan Aojuan said, "Don't you think that the teacher has no one else but me and you? The teacher said before that he has a girlfriend. And well, there are more than one or two. In fact, it's normal to think about it, the teacher took us down in just a few days, although others may be a little troublesome, but it is unlikely to escape the teacher's palm, right?"

At this moment, An Chen said helplessly, "Dajuan, can you say that about me?"

Duan Aojuan threw herself on An Chen when she heard the words, and then said coquettishly, "Teacher, you won't be angry with me, will you?"

Naturally, An Chen couldn't be angry, not to mention that this girl is cute and invincible now.After kissing Duan Aojuan on the lips, An Chen said, "You are the only one who can talk. Well, it's getting late, I'll give you a massage, and you can go back."


Seeing Chen Yihan's expression of disbelief, An Chen said, "Yes, you guys had a lot of training just now, and you didn't have a good rest, so I'll give you a recovery. Come on, lie down."

Lie down, lie down okay?Although they knew it shouldn't be, the two of them were still dreaming about it.I'm afraid that's the place where the word 坤好 is used the most, right?Although they haven't tried it, they haven't eaten pork, haven't they seen pigs running?As the young girls of the new generation, they have all seen that kind of film, okay?

The next moment, when the two of them were lying down with their butts up, the corners of An Chen's eyes twitched.What are these two chicks thinking?He bowed left and right, with one hand on the other, and after making a soft "snap" and a soft cry, he said, "...all get down."

At this moment, the two looked at each other and couldn't help smiling.As for what happened just now?That was intentional by the two of them. Chen Yihan is a rich second generation, so how could she never have had a massage.Even Duan Aojuan has never done it, but she has seen it on TV.

After the two of them lay down, An Chen recovered for them and let them leave.At this time, it was already half past three, and if they didn't go back to sleep, the two of them would definitely not be able to bear it.

After the two left, An Chen also went back to rest.After all, although he doesn't need much recovery time, he definitely needs to rest.

There was no accident when Dajuan went back, but Chen Yihan encountered an accident when she went back.Yang Chaoyue lived in the same dormitory with Chen Yihan. This night, Yang Chaoyue drank a little too much water. She couldn't hold back in the middle of the night and went to the bathroom after waking up Nuo Li.But before going in, a person pushed the door and came in.

At this moment, Yang Chaoyue glanced at Chen Yihan in a daze, and went straight into the bathroom without even saying hello.

Seeing this, Chen Yihan, who was just about to explain, looked confused.what's the situation?Didn't you find it?

Chen Yihan, who was grateful in her heart, quietly returned to her bed and began to sleep.Not to mention, after practicing all night, I was already tired, and lying on the bed, I really entered the state immediately.

But when Chen Yihan was in a daze, a person hugged her.Chen Yihan, who was thinking about An Chen before, subconsciously hugged her back, arched in her arms and muttered "Teacher~".

Text 0752: Are you not afraid of death?

However, this time Chen Yihan felt something was wrong, it was so soft, and there was a real person.At this moment, Chen Yihan's drowsiness was also frightened away, and she immediately looked up, just in time to see Yang Chaoyue's face.

At the same time, Yang Chaoyue also looked bewildered, did Chen Yihan act so intimately with the teacher?In addition, she realized in the bathroom just now that Chen Yihan came back from the outside.So where did she go so late?The result seemed obvious.

Chen Yihan didn't wait for Yang Chaoyue to speak, and said first, "I was dreaming just now, didn't I say anything?"

Heh, you dream so fast.Yang Chaoyue said, "You were with the teacher just now? Don't lie to me, I just realized that you came back from outside."

Chen Yihan opened her mouth when she heard the words and didn't know how to answer. Will this affect Teacher An Chen?

At this moment, Yang Chaoyue sniffed Chen Yihan, and said, "That's right, it's the smell of Teacher An Chen, don't you admit it? Don't worry, I won't tell others. I'm just curious about what you guys are doing, why are you so late?" just came back."

Chen Yihan couldn't help being a little suspicious when she heard the words, Yang Chaoyue and the teacher are very familiar?Otherwise, why can you even smell the teacher's smell?Thinking that the evidence seems to be overwhelming, Chen Yihan said softly, "You really won't tell others?"

Upon hearing this, Yang Chaoyue immediately raised three fingers and said, "I swear."

Seeing this, Chen Yihan said, "Actually, it's okay. Didn't the teacher buy food before, and then I found that the teacher returned to the practice room to eat, so I went to eat with the teacher. After eating, we chatted God, that's it."



Although the teacher didn't call her, Yang Chaoyue didn't say anything, thinking that the teacher also brought supper for her.But Yang Chaoyue looked at Chen Yihan's beautiful appearance, and said, "Yihan, let's sleep together tonight."

"Is that bad?"

"What's wrong, sleep, sleep." After Yang Chaoyue finished speaking, he ignored Chen Yihan, and after covering the thin quilt first, he squeezed Chen Yihan inside.

Chen Yihan was a little speechless. The single bed was already very tangled, but half of it was occupied. This was something she had never done before.But Yang Chaoyue has already come up, what else can she say?And at this time she was really sleepy, and fell asleep within two minutes of lying there.

On the second day, which was the third day of An Chen's teaching, their class today was mainly dance, and the song had already been made.Although it's not perfect yet, but they don't have much time, so they can only rehearse the dance first, and then get familiar with singing during the rest time.

The dance moves are different for everyone, Duan Aojuan and Chen Yihan's fierce sword dance, sunnee's horseback riding spear dance, Liu Nianwan's umbrella dance, Lai Meiyun's flexible neon dress dance and Qi Yandi's dragon dance.

The reason why Chen Yihan and Duan Aojuan performed the sword dance is because the two need to fight, and although their roles are divided into two parts, they are performed successively.

"Dajuan, remember to relax this movement, don't be afraid, I will take you away, feel it and then you can bring it yourself. Don't be afraid of insufficient strength or too much force, I will help you adjust it right, and use some more bbdj, Very good." An Chen said while using her own strength to form Duan Aojuan into various movements, these movements are not simple dance movements, they can be said to be real kung fu movements.

Although it's hard to achieve something like kung fu without more than ten years, but with the ability to teach and An Chen's martial arts foundation, it is not difficult to teach them some simple and beautiful movements.As for the others, they also needed some special moves, so this time An Chen took advantage of it.

Their training can be regarded as a closed training, except for themselves, no one knows the content.And An Chen also told them that if they want to make a big splash and shock everyone, then they are forbidden to leak it.

Time passed and it was night. This night was not only spent by the four of them, but two more people, namely Yang Chaoyue and Qi Yandi.

When Yang Chaoyue was taking dinner, he only heard Yang Chaoyue say, "Teacher, why don't we eat separately, just eat together."

"What do you mean?"

Hearing this, Yang Chaoyue said, "Teacher, didn't you all eat together yesterday? It's too bad that you didn't call me. But seeing that you didn't miss my dinner, I will forgive you."

Hearing this, An Chen looked at the other two girls, and when she saw Chen Yihan's blushing expression, she suddenly understood what was going on.Qi Yandi didn't know about supper at all, so it was naturally out of An Chen's understanding.

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