So An Chen looked at Huang Duoduo, and said meaningfully, "Duoduo is the one who might play tricks, right?"

Although Huang Duoduo is small, his EQ is very high. After hearing An Chen's words, he said, "Brother An Chen, don't worry, since I asked you to cook, Duoduo will definitely not renege on his debt."

This?Forget it, let's not talk about this issue. If Huang Lei knew what the two said, he would probably chop it up, and he didn't know it.

At this moment, Huang Lei said, "Hey, it seems that you two have some secrets."

"It's okay, let's go, let's go in first." An Chen looked at the expectant Huang Duoduo, and said, "Duoduo will stay with me for a few days, there must be a chance to cook for you."


When they arrived at the restaurant, Piggy was already waiting at the door.Glancing at the side, An Chen said, "Brother Lei, Brother Piggy, you are not sincere. You are actually waiting at the entrance of the restaurant. Let him pay the bill later."

"Okay, but you are recording a program, right? Are you still paying for it yourself?"

Well, this is really not the case.

"Brother Lei, can you expose me like this, I was just joking."

When Huang Lei heard this, he immediately said, "It's okay, it's okay, the big deal is to let Xiaozhu have supper at night and go out to eat."

"This can be."

When the two of them were talking, they were already beside Xiaozhu. After hearing the last sentence, Xiaozhu said in a dazed expression, "Why should I invite you to have supper?"

Huang Lei narrowed his eyes when he heard this, and said, "What do you think? My brother has already arrived in your territory, and you didn't go out to pick him up."

When Luo Zhixiang heard the words, he immediately said, "Well, isn't it just a treat, I invite you, I invite you"

"It's almost there."

After lunch, Luo Zhixiang helped Huang Lei and his daughter arrange accommodation, and An Chen let the team members get acquainted with each other and then take a good rest.

After dinner, it was finally the turn of today's topic.And An Chen also picked up Huang Lei's father and daughter, and arranged a viewing spot for them.

Afterwards, An Chen walked into the dressing room backstage.At this time, everyone is doing makeup, and more than a dozen makeup artists are rushing to work together.Basically, each team has three makeup artists.

When they came to Duan Aojuan's group, An Chen looked depressed when he saw how they looked.Then I looked at the others and found that they seemed to be similar.But seeing this, An Chen couldn't help but asked, "Did you 101 offend the makeup artist?"


An Chen's words were confiscated, even though the other groups couldn't hear them, Duan Aojuan and her group heard them all.At this moment, the three makeup artists felt a little unhappy. Although they didn't pay much attention, they shouldn't be said so.

Indeed, not only An Chen thinks so, but at least one-third of the girls in 10531 think so.It's so eye-catching, the style and clothes even seem to be two styles.

Although the three makeup artists were unhappy, it was impossible for them to contradict An Chen. After all, An Chen was a mentor.So one of the makeup artists said, "Mr. An Chen, if you have any ideas, you can tell us, but our skills are limited, so we can only try our best."

Hearing this, An Chen said directly, "You guys rest, I will do this group by myself."

At this moment, the three of them looked at each other in dismay, but since it was An Chen's request, they were happy to do so.The next moment, An Chen began to rearrange Duan Aojuan's hairstyle. .

Text 0755: Second public performance

A female hero pretends to make big cursive, but there is no one else.In the end, An Chen only gave Da Juan a chivalrous bun, while Chen Yihan got a chivalrous bun with cheekbones, and the others also combed their buns and makeup.

Looking at his masterpiece, An Chen smiled with satisfaction, and said, "Okay, this is decent. Today you will all become the most dazzling stars on this stage."

"Thank you, teacher."

Just as the girls were thanking, Xiaozhu and El also came over.

"Hey, the makeup of your group seems to be very good, and the costumes are also very good."

Before An Chen heard the words, she heard sunnee say, "The teacher made this for us, from clothing to makeup."

Sunnee's words made several people's mouths open, only to hear Xiaozhu say, "Xiaochen, we don't know what to do with you. Compared with you, we are so weak."

el11 also said at this time, "Yeah, they don't give us any way to survive."

Regarding what the two said, Wang Yibo also said, "Fortunately, I can eat with my face."

"One fight is enough for you, don't you think about those of us who are not handsome?"

After Hu Yanbin finished speaking, Zhang Jie said emphatically, "It must be without me."

A few people chatted and laughed, and the time was up soon. After the staff came over, they reminded, "Several tutors, it will start soon, please prepare."

"Okay, here we are."

With that said, the six of them walked to the place where they played, and then El entered first.Of course, the others didn't wait long. After El made a simple opening remark, he said, "Now we invite the tutor team to come on stage."

Following el's words, everyone walked out of the backstage together.Then, after an interaction started, several tutors entered the tutor's seat.

Huang Zitao didn't come today, so el replaced Huang Zitao's job, and An Chen took el's seat.

After everyone sat down, el said, "Then we are about to enter the most exciting stage of today, because we are going to enter the formal assessment. Before we start, I want to announce today's competition rules."

"In the last game, do you still have any impression of who the player with the highest number of likes was? Yes, it is Meng Meiqi, our big brother Shanzhi. Since she was the king of likes in the last game, so they The first team will be the first to appear."

After el finished talking, taking advantage of this time, el began to interview Wang Yibo.This can be regarded as enriching the midfield, otherwise we can't wait for the players on the way.Although the contestants are only about a minute away from the stage.

"At the scene, are you ready? Please invite the first group to come on stage."

Following el's words, the 6-point girl made her debut.Their group is the last six-member group besides the sunnee group.Their attire looks very simple, but the navel-baring outfit makes them look very attractive.

"Hello friends at the scene, our group is Mermaid and the track we brought is Anxiety."

As el retreated, the lights dimmed, and then the stage lit up.Immediately afterwards, music and dance unfolded simultaneously.

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