Duan Aojuan and Chen Yihan charged at each other, followed by the long swords in their hands, and then the movements unfolded neatly and gracefully.The weapons of the two seemed to have collided but not collided, but their movements exploded gracefully to the extreme.Every backflip has a side cut, and every slide has a handsome movement with a side cut.

The performances of the two are the third and fourth paragraphs, which are based on personal emphasis.The singers are Qi Yandi's heroine and sunnee killer.

Next is Qi Yandi's Dongfang Bubai.The last sentence of Qi Yandi's "Invincible in the East" is undoubtedly the most explosive. The sentence "Invincible in the East" fell, and eight red flags flew into the distance in an instant.

The last person is Lai Meiyun's Wu Zetian. No one thought that Lai Meiyun would play Wu Zetian, even An Chen was shocked when he saw it at first.But Lai Meiyun is worthy of being born in S. Although she is short in stature, she still manages to control Wu Zetian's aura.

When the last paragraph came down, An Chen applauded first.Following An Chen's applause, all the instructors applauded in the next moment.I only heard Zhang Jie say 747, "Really, you have sung everything in one song. And the dance also includes several kinds, which really makes it hard to know how to perform later. But it's okay, except for the singing group , the other groups don’t have the ancient style.”

Hearing what Zhang Jie said, Hu Yanbin said, "Strong, really strong, I really don't have confidence. But we are also very explosive, and I am looking forward to their performance."

To be honest, Duan Aojuan's group performance today has been impeccable, this kind of alternative dance, this kind of explosion, the tenderness at the beginning, the grand momentum of the turning point, the explosion in the middle, and the momentum behind it like a rainbow .As An Chen said, their group is the best, but votes will inevitably be divided in the selection of the like king, so the mentors are not worried.Although they lost as a whole, their individual players will still be outstanding.

Hearing this, An Chen said, "It's okay, it's okay."

At this moment, el said bgbb, "Then I will give a thumbs up to the generation of Tianjiao team." At this point, el looked at several people, and said, "Do you have anything to say?"

It happened that they had something to say, so Duan Aojuan was the first to say, "We hope that friends who like us can vote for Liu Nian, thank you everyone."

Following Duan Aojuan's words, everyone agreed, and when it was Liu Nian's turn, Liu Nian could only thank her.

And hearing what they said, El asked curiously, "Why do you still count Liu Nian when canvassing votes?"

Duan Aojuan heard the words and said, "Because we don't want to disappoint the teacher. As the teacher said, each of us has the same strength. But are we inferior? No, I believe we are the best group, so we want to To collect votes for one person, and this game is very important to Liu Nian, so we elected Liu Nian."

Hearing this, el said, "Although I don't advocate this method, I am proud of your teacher. Then the channel of praise will be opened in the next [-] seconds. All founders, please give a thumbs up to the players you like."

The [-]-second like time was fleeting, and after the [-] seconds passed, the backstage gave the result of the like.

"It's time for likes, can Liu Nian become the king of likes in this group?" After a brief pause, el continued, "The king of likes in this group lives up to expectations, Liu Nian. And what they don't know is that there is one in their group The number of votes for the individual and the like king is very close, so can Liu Nian let the like king hit us? Let us wait and see."

As el's words fell, a flame on the stage rushed from front to back, and the next moment, after a "boom", the screen behind him was lit.

"Congratulations to Liu Nian for being the King of Likes. Liu Nian's number of likes has reached 677, while Duan Aojuan, who is very close to Liu Nian, has reached 669 likes. This record is already the highest in the field, so whether Can anyone else break this record? Let's wait and see."

This record is more than a hundred points higher than Meng Meiqi's, which is not easy to win no matter how you look at it.

Seeing this, An Chen also smiled, she didn't expect Dajuan to be so popular.

"Okay, next, please point out the next team to play."

Hearing this, Duan Aojuan laughed, and then said, "Since Mei Qi and Teacher Hu Yanbin both want to watch the program of the yay group, let yay come."

At this moment, it is undeniable that Yay is under a lot of pressure, so her complexion is not so good-looking, especially under the premise that they are also Gufeng.

However, those who should play still have to play, and finally yay and the others played.In the case of a car crash with a comparison, although everyone performed well, but because Zhuyu was in front, everyone thought it was just like that for a while.

Not only them, but also the following groups were also affected.Although the competition seems to be very long, in fact, the real performance time is only more than 1 hour.

In the end, no one was able to pull Liu Nian down. The gap was too great. Even Lu Xiaoyu, who performed particularly well, was still behind Liu Nian by about 80 votes.

In addition to An Chen's team, there is another person who is impressive, and this person is Yang Chaoyue.Yang Chaoyue's improvement is almost visible to the naked eye.Although her singing and dancing are only at the middle level in this team, even this is how many times better than before.At least this time her fans can confidently say that we go beyond and work hard. .

Text 0758: One Peach Kills Three Men

It was night, after the game, everyone had dinner together for the last time, and An Chen expressed that he would leave early tomorrow morning.

When the dinner party was over, apart from Duan Aojuan and Chen Yihan who wanted to talk to him, Qi Yandi and Yang Chaoyue wanted to talk to him.Seeing this, An Chen smiled, not knowing why Yang Chaoyue and Qi Yandi said that.Although it seemed to be the harvest season, it was obviously impossible for An Chen to call out two uncertain factors.

Dajuan and Chen Yihan entered the training room again at three o'clock in the morning.At this time, An Chen was already waiting. Seeing the two of them coming in, An Chen said, "I don't have supper tonight."

"Zero Qiqi" Chen Yihan was a little puzzled when he heard the words and said, "Didn't the teacher have enough to eat tonight?"

You must know that they didn't eat until 10:12, and they didn't finish eating until [-]:[-]. It's only been three hours, so they won't be hungry, right?

An Chen heard Chen Yihan's answer, leaned close to Chen Yihan's ear and blew, "I'm full on the top, but not on the bottom. I've been teaching you guys recently, and I haven't eaten. You two should have a good time today." Make it up to me."

An Chen said that while eating, he bit those two words heavily, which made Chen Yihan understand instantly.

Chen Yihan's face instantly turned rosy when she heard the words, and she said shyly, "Teacher, you didn't just teach me and Dajuan, why did you ask us to make up for it? It's not fair!"

Hearing this, An Chen looked at Chen Yihan amusedly, and said, "What? Could it be that you still want others to make up for it?"

Chen Yihan blushed when she heard the words and said nothing, no one would want to share this kind of thing, right?If Dajuan and An Chen had not established a relationship, she would not even want Dajuan to be there.At this time, she had no idea how hopeless An Chen's fighting power was.

Duan Aojuan seemed to have heard what An Chen said in Chen Yihan's ear from the conversation between the two, so she smiled and said, "If the teacher wants, I can inform the two of you. I want Di Di and Xiaoqi are definitely willing."

Hearing this, An Chen looked at Duan Aojuan and shook her head with a smile. Duan Aojuan's 'considerateness' was unprincipled, but heartwarming.

An Chen didn't say anything more, and pulled the two of them to the window, and then kissed Duan Aojuan first.

Duan Aojuan is no longer the original Duan Aojuan. After five days of excess, she has lost 20 catties. At this time, she is as beautiful as a little fairy, even she is not worse than Chen Yihan.And the reason why I kissed Duan Aojuan first was because Chen Yihan still couldn't let go, so I just let her see it first to arouse her needs.

At this time, although Chen Yihan was too ashamed to raise her head, she couldn't help but peek at her in a low and suppressed voice.Seeing Duan Aojuan's fascination, Chen Yihan tightened her legs, the soft feeling seemed to be coming uncontrollably.She wanted to turn her head, but for some reason she felt as if she was frozen, and it was difficult to even turn her head.

As the suppressed voice in the room became more and more urgent, the temperature in the room seemed to rise rapidly, and Chen Yihan was also drawn into the battlefield after a while.

The wonderful time passed quickly, and an hour passed in the blink of an eye, and the two girls couldn't bear it anymore after experiencing such a thing for the first time.At this moment, they all seemed to have reached their limit, resting on a fluffy carpet.Naturally, this carpet was brought by An Chen. After many upgrades, the system space is not only large, but also able to place real things.

After covering the second daughter with a towel quilt, An Chen walked towards the door naked like this. The reason why he didn't let go was because he didn't have fun, and because there was another person at the door.

This person came in the middle of their battle, and An Chen had already noticed the moment the other party walked over.There was even a pause because he forgot to lock the door.But when he recognized that the person walking was Yang Chaoyue, An Chen didn't care anymore.As he thought, the other party did not leave, but peeked and listened.But since she came, An Chen planned to keep her.

When An Chen walked over, Yang Chaoyue, who had already collapsed, could only watch, almost crying.If I peek at the teacher doing this, the teacher won't be angry if he is found out, right?She wanted to leave, but it seemed that she didn't even have the strength to stand up. Not only that, but the water below her had already turned into a river. This was also one of the reasons for her anxiety, it was too embarrassing.

The next moment, when Yang Chaoyue was about to cry, An Chen opened the door.But the moment he opened the door, An Chen was stunned for a moment. He never expected Yang Chaoyue to have such an expression.

Seeing Yang Chaoyue's 23-year-old appearance about to cry, An Chen pulled Yang Chaoyue in and said in a low voice, "Don't cry, I like the way you don't cry."

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