Seeing this, An Chen stepped on the air cushion at the edge of the quagmire to the grass on the right.Then he said to Reba who just got up, "Okay, this time there is no chasing soldiers, you run for 30 seconds and I will run again."

Whether it is fast or slow in 30 seconds, it seems that 100 seconds on a track less than 30 meters is no problem at all.It can be said that if there is no accident, it is equivalent to An Chen giving up this victory.

When Reba heard this, a smile bloomed on her muddy little face, and the next moment she ran forward without stopping.

Reba, who just ran out of the quagmire, looked at a row of boxes beside him. He didn't know what they were for, but he thought it might not be a good thing.Although he was prepared in his heart, Reba was still frightened the next moment.

The sudden white spray made Reba let out a scream and then quickly ran forward.Next is the black track. There are two pairs of shoes on the track, which seems to have told the rules.

The next moment, Reba stepped on it and started running forward.However, this moment seemed to be underestimated, and Reba had already fallen forward in the next second.The whole person fell into a daze again.what's the situation?Are these slippers?Is this stuck with glue?

Fortunately, even though Reba thought this way, she stood up again. This time, she exerted enough strength and burst out fully.However, it was too difficult, every step Reba felt as if he was consuming all his strength.

Thirty seconds passed quickly, and Reba hadn't even stepped onto the slope.At this moment, An Chen also started to move, with Reba leading the charge. At this moment, he already knew everything in front of him like the back of his hand.

At this moment, Reba suddenly loosened, and suddenly felt less strenuous.At the same time, she looked behind her, and a shoe sole appeared there.In the next second, she had an idea, stepped on the slipper of the other foot hard, and quickly pulled it up with the assistance of her hand.Once, twice, three times, just three times the other sole fell off.

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And here, An Chen had already put on his shoes and ran over quickly.Yes, just run.At this moment, An Chen's strength seemed to be concentrated on his legs, and since he kept touching the ground with his toes, this fluffy thing did not bring him much resistance.

At the same time, Reba also quickly climbed towards the slope.The distance between the two is getting closer and shortened rapidly.The moment Reba climbed up the slope, An Chen had already run to the gong.But at this moment, An Chen didn't ring the gong, but stood there with a smile waiting for Reba.


"Why don't you knock?"

Isn't this obviously waiting for you, but An Chen didn't say that, but said, "Let's strike together, whoever strikes first wins, if they strike together, maybe we can get two pieces of information."

Hearing this, Reba also felt that this idea was great, so he said, "Okay, then let's go together."

After Reba finished speaking, he was already standing in front of the gong, and then he said, "I'll count 1, 2, 3, let's go together."

"it is good."

"1, 2, 3."

After the word 3 fell, the two of them knocked down together, but An Chen suddenly stopped in the middle of typing.

After falling with a "boom", Reba fell first.

At this moment, An Chen didn't expect that the program crew would be so good at playing, and the gong was about to fall, but luckily he didn't.However, just as An Chen was thinking this way, his feet were suddenly empty, and the scenery instantly collapsed.But An Chen, who was already prepared at this moment, suddenly buckled the board on the edge, and then stepped on the exit with a swing. .

Text 0768: Conscience may have fed the dog

After instinctively stepping on the ground, An Chen looked aside.At this moment, Reba's face was full of chicken feathers, and his face was bewildered.When he saw An Chen, Reba asked with a puzzled expression, "Did I win just now? Or did you win?"

It seemed that a gong sounded just now, but no one ruled out that the two of them struck the gong together or next to each other, so Reba asked this question.

"No, you won."

"Hey? Then why am I the one who fell? Could it be that this game only falls when you win? The program team really knows how to play."

While pulling Reba up, An Chen said, "That's not true, I fell too, but I grabbed the edge of the board, so "[-]" didn't fall into the chicken feathers."

At this moment, Reba opened her mouth wide and said in disbelief, "Is there still such an operation?" Just after she finished speaking, she seemed to have understood something, and continued, "Are you ready to see me fall?"

Hearing the words, An Chen naturally wouldn't hit Reba too hard, nodded, and admitted, "Yes, thanks to you falling first, otherwise I really wouldn't be able to hide."

Di Lieba thumped An Chen when he heard the words, as if he was blaming An Chen for making fun of him.After the two came out, Reba glanced at his feathered body and said speechlessly, "I won really badly! Looking at you, I think you are here to play, and I am here." Desperately."

Hearing this, An Chen also took a look at Reba, and said, "There's nothing wrong."

Hearing this, Reba gave An Chen another white look, and then the two followed the staff to the lounge.At this time, there were already 6 people in the lounge, and it seemed that only the last group was left.

The last group was Li Chen and Zu Lan. Li Chen twisted his waist when he came, but after An Chen gave him a massage yesterday, he was fine.The encounters between the two were similar to everyone else, but in the end Li Chen won.

The two didn't enter the lounge, because everyone came out, and the first competition had already been completed.So they came to where the game started.

After everyone arrived, the director said, "Let's invite the Rainbow Choir again to present a song for everyone."

As the director's voice fell, the voice of the choir sounded again.Not to mention, although the lyrics are fun, the sound quality is still great.

At this moment, Kai Kai also sang the last line.

"It sounds good."


Hearing this, An Chen looked at the proud Kai Kai and said, "Brother Kai, I'm not talking about you, you can put this expression on."

As soon as An Chen's words fell, everyone was overjoyed, and the baby even added, "Xiao Chen is right, we are not praising you."

Seeing everyone like this, Zheng Kai argued forcefully, "Don't you have a bad conscience when you say that?"

"Probably fed the dogs."


Following An Chen's sentence that he may have fed the dog, everyone laughed again.The director also laughed and said, "The obstacle course was full of accidents just now, but you all persevered to the end. You are all very good. Just now, the Rainbow Chorus gave you this song: the sun is always after the storm. difficulty"

However, before the director finished reading, there was a sharp cry from behind.


After glancing at the little brother who looked like the team leader, Sha Yi reacted first, and said, "It's not that the sun always comes after the storm, it's a sailor."

At this moment, the director blushed instantly.This is so embarrassing.

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