The director thought about it after hearing this, shouldn't it count as ejection?So he said, "Yes, it wasn't ejected."

At this moment, the baby immediately exclaimed, "Ah, I'm so happy."

This happiness is not fake, it is really happy.Everyone has a deep understanding of the previous ejection. No one wants to try the experience of being ejected one or two meters high and bi two meters away.

However, at this moment, Wang Zulan felt that the director team was not so kind, and asked, "Will it be reversed?"

Hearing this sentence, the director smiled, and said without any hesitation, "I will turn over."

At this moment, the baby who was smiling happily just a second ago widened his eyes and opened his mouth.Will it turn over?So you were kidding me just now?Doesn't it mean that it doesn't eject but will turn over?

I just heard Wang Zulan strike and said, "I will turn over, don't be too happy too early."

At this moment, the baby showed a helpless look, looking extremely cute.

At this time, Deng Chao came out and said, "What about Old Li?"

Before the director could answer, Li Chen looked for the steps first, and said, "I'm going into the water, right?"

The unspoken meaning of this sentence is that brother, I can't go into the water.However, as soon as Li Chen finished speaking, Deng Chao continued, "I mean what about the sideburns?"

Hey?At this moment, Li Chen said awkwardly, "There are no sideburns."

However, what Deng Chao is talking about is not whether there is any painting, but whether there is painting or not.

"It's gone in one rush."

At this moment, Li Chen also understood, and forcefully explained, "I didn't draw well, I didn't draw today."

Well, since you said so, then we reluctantly believe it.

At the same time, the director said, "Welcome everyone to the swimming pool. First, please invite the Rainbow Choir to present a song."

Before the director could finish speaking, Deng Chao immediately interrupted, "I don't want to hear it, I'm not in the mood."

Sha Yi also said, "When they sing now, my heart hurts, you know?"

And An Chen said at this time, "Do you want to save face? Although these men can't sing well, there are still beautiful singing voices from these young ladies. We can't give up the whole forest just for a single tree, right?"

What An Chen said made those little sisters blush, and those little brothers wanted to cry, so it's all our fault.

s: Pushing his new book, "The Wife of Martial Arts, Please Stay Away".

Text 0772: Sad reminder Zheng Kai

An Chen took another look at the Rainbow Choir, not to mention, the young lady who is second from the left is very beautiful, and she is very white, she looks like a good cabbage.

Although it was a good cabbage, An Chen didn't intend to be courteous. There are a bit too many women in his family, so let's leave the position to those who need it more.

"Thank you again to our rainbow choir. In fact, not all of them are professional~people."

At this time, the leader of the Rainbow Choir said, "In fact, everyone in our group comes from different occupations, not all of them study music. For example, there are doctors, lawyers, and PhDs in anthropology. There are many, many different occupations." "

"Doctor of Anthropology?"

Don't talk about Li Chen, even if they haven't heard of it, okay?

"Yes, he didn't come today, he is doing experiments."

Hearing this, the director said again, "Let us thank the Rainbow Choir again, thank you everyone."

After the director finished speaking, Deng Chao said, "I don't think there will be a task card in the future, and it would be good to just issue the task directly like this."

"There are answers and mysteries in the song."

The task of the third level game is called dangerous chat. The ten members are divided into two groups to play the game. Each group has four punished persons and one observer.Observers and experts trigger the specified words or actions during the chat, and the punished will be punished accordingly. After the chat is over, ask each group questions and get the corresponding clues if they answer correctly.

After everyone understood the mission, the director continued, "If you want to be a running man, it is not enough to run, you also need keen insight and a strong ability to withstand pressure. The pace of life of urbanites is very fast, and the pressure is also great. So the first topic we are going to talk about today is the topic of anti-stress and decompression. Please invite our first guest today, the well-known emotional psychology writer, Teacher Su Qin."

After the teacher came up, An Chen looked at the people beside him and said, "How do we divide it? Why don't you become an observer, you are so afraid of water."

Hearing this, Reba said with some embarrassment, "I'm fine, it's for the team to win. If you fall into the water, it won't be a big problem once or twice."

Hearing this, Lu Han said, "Xiao Chen, why don't you go up, you are the smartest in our group, if it were you, Reba would be the least likely to fall into the water, right?"

An Chen shook her head disapprovingly when she heard the words, and said, "I'm not the only one there. If she made a mistake, you will also fall into the water, so Reba should go. I will remind you when the time comes."

After An Chen said that, others naturally couldn't say anything, and Reba's heart was warmed because of An Chen's words.

Zheng Kai also said at this time, "Yes, Reba, don't refuse, can we still let you, a lesbian, go into the water?"

After everyone sat down, Su Qin said directly, "Today, everyone is going to talk about the topic of stress resistance. I especially want to ask Reba a question."

"Well, tell me, teacher."

"You know, we often find that some actors who work long hours are prone to depression."

At this moment, Di Lieba frowned, and after thinking about it seriously, he said, "Is there any? I don't have time to be depressed. I don't have time to think about other things except work and sleep every day."

As soon as Reba finished speaking, the bucket on Zheng Kai's head dropped a bucket of water with a "wow".At this moment, Zheng Kai was stunned. Is this just the beginning? Is it so difficult?

Seeing this, An Chen said, "Reba, did you answer wrong, you should say yes, I'm just depressed."

0 ask for flowers

Hearing this, Reba hurriedly said, "That's right, I'm just depressed."

Following Reba's words, another bucket of water fell from the bucket that had just been filled with water, directly pouring Zheng Kai into a daze.

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