When the game was over, Zheng Kai said, "Teacher, you can't really be Xiaochen's fan, are you? Why did he go into the water just once?"

Hearing this, the teacher said unabashedly, "That's right, I'm indeed An Chen's fan, and I often watch Running Man."

Text 0774: Who is worse?

Hearing what Su Qin said, An Chen said, "It's a pity that I'm wet, otherwise I would definitely give you a hug."

As soon as An Chen finished speaking, Su Qin came over and said, "Well, I don't mind, I think you can give me a hug."

Although Su Qin is more than 30 years old, she has a very good figure. Not only that, her skin quality is comparable to that of a little girl.It's a pity that Tang Yixin is also here today, otherwise maybe we can have a friendship cannon.

Since Su Qin didn't mind that An Chen was covered in water, An Chen naturally gave Su Qin a hug.At this moment, Su Qin's arms tightened slightly, turning An Chen's polite hug into a close-fitting one, even slightly revealing her clothes.

At this moment, Su Qin smiled and said, "I didn't expect to feel my male god up close, so happy."

"Your test in this part is over. 20, we will now start to ask questions based on your observations just now. What is the method of promoting sleep that the teacher said just now?"

At first, the director team wanted to ask about the trigger words, but An Chen is so good that all the trigger words have been exposed, so naturally they won't give away the points directly.

Hearing this question, Reba raised his little hand and said, "I know, I know, laugh before going to bed."

"If you answer correctly, everyone can get a clue card. Well, we thank Teacher Su Qin again."

"Okay, thank you, thank you."

When Su Qin left the stage, the director also said, "Okay, now let's invite the next team to play."

After several people sat down, the director said, "The next topic is about communication in the intimate session. Next, let's invite the second guest. She is Teacher Wang Tian, ​​a national second-level psychological counselor. Please."

Only Li Chen was safe in this group, and Baby, Deng Chao, Chen Chichi and Sha Yi were sitting in the back.

After sitting down, Wang Tian said directly to Li Chen, "I feel that this group should be calmer. I was a little worried when I watched it just now, because I knew you were injured."

As soon as a word fell, a bucket of water fell instantly, pouring over the baby's head.I only heard the baby let out a cry in an instant, obviously it didn't feel good.

Zheng Kai turned his head, looked at An Chen and said, "Worried?"

An Chen shook his head when he heard the words, and said, "This sentence is too long, I still can't understand it."

When the two were talking, the teacher continued, "Today I will mainly talk about communication in an intimate relationship. Communication, we know it is in"

At this moment, a bucket of water fell again and poured on Sha Yi's head.

"Communicate, Sha Yi, be careful."

Just then, another bucket of water fell.poured on the baby's body. The baby was a little confused, he opened his mouth and looked at Li Chen and the two, and said, "Are my words so easy to trigger?"

Sha Yi is definitely not a trigger word, and communication seems to be not a trigger word, because the first sentence at the beginning does not communicate, so be careful.Then it seems that there is only the most unlikely possibility left, and if the affirmative answer is excluded, then the remaining answer is no longer impossible but very likely to be the correct answer.So An Chen said in disbelief, "baby, your trigger word might be you."

At this moment, the baby opened his eyes wide in disbelief, and said, "Director, do you want to do this to me? Why is good for others a word, but for me it is a single word, and it is still the most commonly used word."

Li Chen didn't quite believe the words, and said, "Are you so careless? There's only one you?"

As soon as Li Chen finished speaking, another bucket of water was poured down.Seeing this, it is clear that the answer is correct.

"What should I do? It's such a simple word. Now I'm under a lot of pressure, and I'm restless."

After the teacher finished speaking, Li Chen said, "Stress is the last topic."


At this moment, a bucket of water was poured on Deng Chao's head.At this moment, although Deng Chao was drenched in a bucket of water, he was curious about what his trigger word was.Just as he was thinking, the teacher said again, "I don't dare to move now, you know?"

At this moment, Li Chen didn't know why he repeated it, and the teacher also took the opportunity to say "hmm" again.This "um" seems to be affirmative, and there is no dissonance.

But at this moment, with another bucket of water, 500 stunned Deng Chao.Is there a similar place?Let me think about it.

Just when Deng Chao was thinking about it, the teacher said again, "Next, we will finish the four ears as soon as possible. The first ear is the ear of feeling. In fact, we often hear it."

After the first sentence was finished, Sha Yi was poured a bucket of water, and before the second sentence was finished, another two buckets of water fell.This time apart from Sha Yi, Chen Chichi was also doused.

This time, Li Chen finally guessed the answer.After all, there are two buckets of water before and after, so it is not difficult to guess.

"We, we."

At this moment, Sha Yi asked in disbelief, "Us?"

Li Chen said firmly, "We."

Sure enough, as soon as Li Chen finished speaking, another bucket of water fell.

At this moment, Sha Yi said with surprise on his face, "Mine is the theme." No, maybe there is only surprise, not joy.

Baby also said at this time, "I thought I was miserable enough, but I didn't expect brother Sha Yi to be even worse.".

Text 0775: Miserable Sha Yi

At this moment, the teacher spoke again. "What we were just talking about was listening."

The teacher did it on purpose, was it tough?Another two buckets of water.Although Sha Yi was poured, but looking at Chen Chichi aside, Sha Yi secretly thought that it felt good to have someone to accompany him.

"What if we"


"There is nothing we can do"


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