"Then do you feel something is wrong?"

Di Lieba was even more melancholy when she heard the words, thinking is not her strong point.

"What's wrong? It seems quite normal? What's wrong?"

Hearing this, An Chen slapped his forehead, and couldn't help but said, "Didn't you notice that the dot in the last line, which is similar to punctuation, is not a place? The person who left the last line until the end will become the running man. Either this dot should be dotted or not." In front of the general, should it not appear, why does it appear behind the general?"

At this moment, Di Lieba blinked his big eyes in a bewildered expression, and said, "Is there? Is the dot just now behind the word "Jiang?"

At this moment, An Chen was amused by Reba, he couldn't even get angry, it was so cute.

Before An Chen could speak, Reba had already reacted with excitement. After looking around, he quietly approached An Chen, and asked, "Xiao Chen, have you found any clues?"

"Well, that is actually not a dot, but a word, a word that has been shrunk dozens of times. If you looked carefully at that time, you might have seen it."

"No?" Di Lieba frowned and read slowly, "The one who stays to the end will not be the running man? But didn't the program team say that there is only one running man? How did you choose this?"

Hearing this, An Chen continued, "Think about the other clue cards, Phoenix Nirvana, Rebirth from the Ashes, the end of the story is a new beginning, and a loss is a blessing. In other words, it is possible to start the game only after death. Probably the first one to finish is the Runner."

"Is that so? Then what shall we do? Shall I tear you apart?"

Di Lieba looked like a good baby, so that An Chen couldn't bear to stretch his hand behind her.But An Chen still said, "This time, I want to help you become a running man."

When An Chen spoke, he moved his hand, and at the same time as he finished speaking, a "stab" sounded at the same time.

At this moment, Di Lieba opened his mouth wide and looked at An Chen, as if he couldn't believe that An Chen had tore her up so hastily.

Reba looked at An Chen with a complicated face, and said, "So what you said just now, you must have lied to me, right?"

"Of course not, go and be your running man."

After An Chen finished speaking, he heard the sound of the radio.

"Di Lieba, out!"

Five minutes after Di Lieba was taken away, An Chen bumped into Wang Zulan, and Wang Zulan asked An Chen, "Xiaochen, do you know who is out of Reba?"

An Chen didn't hide anything when he heard the words, and said, "It's my out Reba."

"Huh? Really?"

"Well, this must be true, I won't lie to you."

"Why? Shouldn't it be?"

An Chen said no more, turned and left.He already knows the answer now, either Reba is a running man, or there are seven running man candidates, and then the game starts again.

Therefore, at this moment, An Chen has two choices, one is to eliminate all the brothers and let everyone become runners.The second is to eliminate yourself as soon as possible.

In the next second, An Chen suddenly turned around and ran towards the bewildered Wang Zulan.At this moment, Wang Zulan didn't react at all, and fled to the side instinctively.Seeing this scene, An Chen said, "Don't run away, group blue, think about the reminder of the mission."

Wang Zulan had always been skeptical about the out question, so at this moment Wang Zulan hesitated and finally stopped, and said, "Xiaochen, what do you mean?"


Wang Zulan stepped back carefully while clutching the name tag, while asking An Chen.

An Chen heard this, and said, "Today's task is to suffer a loss or a blessing. I want Reba to win, so I sent her to the dark room."

"Huh? So you want me to rip you off?"

"No, I'm the one who tore you apart and made you Runners. In fact, I already know the answer."

When An Chen said that, Wang Zulan didn't believe it. How could she want to lose instead of winning?Therefore, the next moment, Wang Zulan turned around and ran away.But the two are so close now, can he outrun An Chen?Within ten meters, An Chen grabbed Wang Zulan, and then gave a "stab". .

Text 0789: Massaging the baby

Hey?Bye?At this moment, Wang Zulan looked at An Chen with a depressed face, and said, "Xiao Chen, what you said just now is not lying to me, right? Is it possible for me to become a running man?"

An Chen nodded when he heard the words, and said, "If Reba hadn't become the Runner, then you should all be one of the candidates for the Runner, and then continue to the next round of the game."

At this moment, Wang Zulan finally believed what An Chen said, after all, he was already dead, so there was no need to lie to him anymore.It's just the night now, so is it possible that the second round of the game will be recorded tomorrow?This issue is also divided into two periods?

No matter what Wang Zulan thought, he had already been taken down.At the same time, An Chen looked at the camera and said, "It is said that suffering is a blessing, so if I know the rules and commit suicide, it should be considered a disadvantage, right?"

Yes, 17, An Chen felt that there might be another possibility besides the seven runners and Reba, and that was the possibility of committing suicide knowing the rules.If it wasn't for this guess, he would have gone back to accompany Reba a long time ago.

At the same time, Sha Yi appeared, and it was agreed that he and Zulan Gang would have a wave?He just thought about taking the initiative to attack, and the blue team died, how to play this?Is it possible to find someone else?But besides the baby, there are no weak chickens anymore. If he is compared with girls, will he still be a fool?

Forget it, let's find a short man among the tall ones.After Sha Yi thought about it, he finally decided on his opponent. Lu Han and Chen Chichi chose one.Luhan is thin and weak, with little strength, but has the advantage of being flexible.Next is Chen Chichi. Chen Chichi is a brain worker, and his agility and strength should not be particularly strong, but Chen Chichi's advantage is the tonnage.Thinking about the tonnage of more than 170 kilograms, it would not hurt too much.

In the end, Sha Yi chose Lu Han. In his opinion, flexibility is easier to deal with than tonnage and fatness.

"Lu Han, come out, I want to fight you one-on-one."

"Lu Han, come out quickly."

At this moment, Sha Yi exposed himself and chose the tough Lu Han.At the same time, Lu Hanxun, who heard Sha Yi's shout, walked over carefully following the voice.

At this time, Sha Yi was not the only one who was attracted, other people were also attracted.At this time, the baby was on the second floor looking downstairs, the fine beads of sweat on his forehead combined with his slightly pale complexion looked a little strange.

The director has already asked the baby, but the baby only said that a relative is coming, and he still resisted.At this moment, the director seemed to be moved by the baby. A girl who chose to drench in cold water during her aunt's visit, and maybe even entered the cold pool, was very hardworking.

At this time, An Chen walked over, and he knew what was going on just by looking at the baby's face.The next moment, he said, "baby, are you okay?"

The baby smiled reluctantly at An Chen, and then said, "It's okay, I can hold on."

An Chen frowned slightly when he heard this, and said, "Come with me."

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