As soon as Sikong Xuan waved his hand, the disciples of the Shennong Clan showed vicious faces, armed with weapons, and surrounded Mu Han and the others.

"Since you are looking for death, you can't blame me!"

Mu Han laughed, put his left arm around Zhong Ling, flicked the fingers of his right hand slightly, and gusts of strong wind shot out, directly sinking into the eyebrows of the disciples of the Shennong Gang.


Before everyone could react, dozens of Shennong disciples fell to the ground, with blood gushing out between their eyebrows, and they didn't even have time to let out a scream.

"Young master is really amazing!"

Killing dozens of Shennong gang disciples in an instant also made Zuo Zimu feel a sense of fear, so that he could no longer have the slightest desire to resist.

This killing god in white clothes is not an ordinary person at all.

"What? "Eight Nine Three""

Seeing dozens of Shennong disciples being killed instantly, Sikong Xuan's complexion changed suddenly, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

He was ordered to occupy the Sword Lake Palace of Wuliang Mountain and explore the secrets of Wuliang Jade Bi. Originally, with the strength of the Shennong Gang and the sneak attack with poison, the Wuliang Sword Sect would definitely be wiped out.

But I didn't expect that a young man in white appeared from nowhere, first broke his own poisonous mist, and then killed dozens of powerful Shennong disciples in seconds.

Now Sikong Xuan was shocked, angry and afraid!

"Sikong Xuan, do you have anything else to say?" Mu Han said lightly.

Zhong Ling at the side, being embraced by Mu Han, blushed a little, looking at Mu Han's handsome face, she was a little lost.

The entire hall became quiet, and everyone was looking at Sikong Xuan in front of him.

"Little baby, I was ordered by the envoy of the talisman of Lingjiu Palace in Misty Peak to occupy Wuliang Mountain Sword Lake Palace. If you dare to stop me, be careful that the envoy of talisman will kill you." Sikongxuan said viciously .

After finishing speaking, Sikong Xuan seemed to be relieved, with the backing of the talisman envoy, it was expected that the boy in white would not dare to act rashly.

"Sacred Envoy of Vulture Palace Talisman of Misty Peak?"

Mu Han smiled faintly, and said, "Sikong Xuan, what you should consider now is how to leave this Wuliang Mountain, instead of pulling a tiger's skin as a banner."

Misty Peak Vulture Palace Talisman Saint Envoy?

Mu Han has never heard of it, but he is not even afraid of Tianshan Child Elder, let alone a young man from Vulture Palace.

If Sikong Xuan wanted to survive relying on that so-called talisman envoy, that would be fantastic.

If he dared to play Mu Han's idea, even if he was the king of heaven, Mu Han would have to peel off his skin.

"Since you have nothing to say, I will send you on your way."

Mu Han smiled faintly, and waved his palm casually, a sound of dragon chant resounded throughout, and the mighty palm force whizzed out in an instant, and slapped Sikong Xuan fiercely.

"Shen Nong raised the tripod!"

Feeling the terrifying palm wind, Sikong Xuan's face changed drastically, he raised his hoe, trying to block Mu Han's palm.

However, even if the palm of a warrior of the first level of innate level is casual, it is not something that a mere first-class warrior like him can resist.


The hoe in Sikong Xuan's hand exploded in an instant, and his whole body flew upside down, and finally hit the wall directly, spurting out a mouthful of blood.

"The Fusheng Envoy...will definitely...not let you go!"

Sikongxuan said something with difficulty, another mouthful of blood spewed out, and he died.

"Young master is very capable!"

Seeing this, Zuo Zimu immediately praised him, feeling quite happy in his heart.

The Wuliang Sword Sect and the Shennong Gang had always been at odds, but in the battles, it was the Shennong Gang who repeatedly gained the upper hand. Many disciples of the Wuliang Sword School lost their lives at the hands of the Shennong Gang.

And today, if it wasn't for Mu Han's action, I am afraid that the Wuliang Sword Sect would be completely removed from the entire martial arts world.

Mu Han ignored Zuo Zimu, but said to the disciples of the Wuliang Sword Sect, "Lead the way!"

The disciple of the Wuliang Sword Sect trembled all over, and honestly led the way.

Mu Han ignored Zuo Zimu, but Zuo Zimu still watched Mu Han leave with a flattering smile.

After Mu Han left, Zuo Zimu also shouted, "Go find Tongtiancao for me."

After being poisoned by the Lightning Mink, and the fight with Sikong Xuan just now, Zuo Zimu was also a little dizzy.


Mu Han and Zhong Ling, led by the Wuliang Sword Sect disciple, walked all the way from Jianhu Palace to a cliff. On the cliff, a vine hangs and extends to the bottom of the valley.

Mu Han hugged Zhong Ling lightly, and in the midst of Zhong Ling's exclamation, he jumped down from the cliff and landed steadily...

However, the disciple of the Wuliang Sword Sect climbed down through the vine, but his speed was much slower.

The three of them passed through the valley, and there was a rumbling sound not far away. Soon, the three of them saw a waterfall rolling down from the middle of the twin peaks. The sound was like thunder, and it looked quite grand and magnificent.

"This place is so beautiful!"

Looking at the beautiful scenery in front of him, Zhong Ling couldn't help sighing, and ran to the waterfall to pick those bright and beautiful wild flowers.

Seeing this, Mu Han smiled, Zhong Ling is still a child at heart.

But sixteen years old is not too old!

"Young Master, that is the Wuliang Jade Bi. According to legend, on the night of the moon, there are often immortals dancing swords on the jade bi. Sometimes they are men, sometimes women, and sometimes men and women dance swords." The stone wall of the mirror said respectfully.

"Okay, I got it, you can go, tell Zuo Zimu not to let anyone get close to the Wuliang Jade Bi, and those who violate it will be killed without mercy." Mu Han said.

"Yes, son!"

The disciple of the Wuliang Sword Sect replied respectfully, and then left quickly.

Mu Han looked at the immeasurable piece of jade.

He knew that behind the immeasurable jade biscuit was the immeasurable jade cave, which contained the Beiming Divine Art and Lingbo Weibu, and these two great skills and martial arts were also the purpose of Mu Han's business.

At this time, Zhong Ling is in the sea of ​​flowers, with a pretty face, blooming with a touching smile, 2.1 is indescribably charming and beautiful.

"Ling'er, how long do you have to pick?" Mu Han asked helplessly.

"Brother Mu Han, this place is really beautiful, I want to play a little longer."

"Then be careful, I'll come whenever I go." Mu Han said.

"Well, I see, Brother Mu Han."

After all, Zhong Ling is a little girl with a very playful heart, seeing the beautiful scenery in front of her, she was not willing to leave for a while.

Mu Han didn't hesitate anymore, anyway, Zhong Ling still had the Lightning Sable by his side, so there shouldn't be any problem, so he also used the Lightning Walk to search for the Immeasurable Jade Cave.

According to the original records in his memory, Mu Han found the Wuliangyu Cave without much effort.

A stone door appeared in front of him.

Mu Han gently pushed the Shimen open, his eyes suddenly lit up! . "

Chapter 8 Beiming Lingbo, get it together (First update! Please subscribe! Please customize!)


The stone door opened slowly, making Mu Han's eyes suddenly brighten.

A jade statue of flawless white jade appeared in front of Mu Han. The jade statue was about the size of an adult, wearing a light yellow silk shirt, with a beautiful face, like a fairy in a picture scroll.

Mu Han stepped into the jade cave, and the breeze brought up by the walking, blew the jade statue's silk shirt, and in an instant, the jade statue's eyes were shining brightly, and it seemed to come alive, and it was really graceful.

At this time, Mu Han looked down and saw a futon on the bottom of the jade statue. He didn't care about the handwriting next to the jade feet, and directly stretched out his hand to tear the futon, but he heard two clicks, and the two booklets fell to the ground. .

The booklet was impressively written with the words "Beiming Shengong" and "Lingbo Weibu".

Lingbo Weibu is the unique lightness exercise of the Xiaoyao School. It is actually the technique of controlling Qi and flying. According to the directions of the eight eighty sixty-four hexagrams of the week, it is like walking on the air and walking on the ground, with a chic look like walking on the void. .

The Beiming Divine Art is also a unique divine art of the Xiaoyao School, but it is a magical art that absorbs people's internal energy, just like the sea is open to all rivers, absorbing the opponent's true energy into the body and using it for oneself.

"Ding, congratulations, Master, for practicing Beiming Shengong, a low-grade Xuan-rank kung fu. The reward system points 500 points."

"Ding, congratulations, Master, for practicing Lingboweibu, a high-grade Huang-rank martial art, and the reward system points 300 points."

Mu Han opened the two cheat books, and suddenly the system sounded in his ears, and a lot of information appeared in his mind, all about Beiming Shengong and Lingbo Weibu.

"Ding, congratulations, Master, comprehending the Beiming Divine Art is an entry-level level."

"Ding, congratulations master, you have realized that Lingbo's micro-stepping is a small achievement level."

Kung fu martial arts training is divided into four levels, which are entry level, small success, great success, and great perfection.

These cultivation levels are evaluated according to the proficiency of martial arts and martial arts.

The system defaults that Mu Han's practice of any martial arts and martial arts will reach the entry-level level in an instant, while Beiming Shengong is the entry-level level, and Lingbo Microsteps directly reaches the Xiaocheng level.

As for why Lingbo Weibu is directly at the Xiaocheng level, Mu Han also knows that it is because of the Lightning God Walking.

Lightning God Walking Step and Lingbo Weibu are both lightness kung fu techniques, but Lightning God Walking Step is a low-grade Xuan-level kung fu method, which is one level higher than Lingbo Weibu.

Mu Han's lightning-fast walking has reached the level of Dzogchen, allowing him to master some essentials about lightness kung fu.

This Lingbo Weibu is based on the hexagram orientation of the sixty-four hexagrams of Zhoutian, so the comprehension of Lingbo Weibu can only directly reach the Xiaocheng level.

However, based on Mu Han's comprehension of kung fu and martial arts, he believes that he will soon be able to comprehend Dzogchen.

The two kinds of martial arts have their own uses.

Beiming Divine Art is naturally used to improve the rank of Qiankun Shengyang Jue.

As for Lingbo Weibu, although it is the same lightness kung fu as Lightning God Walking, there is still a huge difference between the two.

Lingbo Weibu puts more emphasis on technique, while Lightning Walking puts more emphasis on speed.

If it is for chasing or escaping, the Lightning God's Walking Step is naturally better, but if it is for dodging in a small area, Lingbo Weibu is not weaker than the Lightning God's Walking Step even though its rank is one level lower.

After cultivating the two cheat books, Mu Han collected them into the system space, and then exited the Wuliangyu Cave, performed Lingbo Microsteps, and returned to the waterfall.

Perhaps Zhong Ling was tired, lying in the bushes with a blade of grass in his mouth, and said to himself, "Why hasn't Brother Mu Han come back? I'm starving to death."

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