Chapter 33 Six Meridians Excalibur Sword Manual, burn it! (3/3)

"Just in time."

Outside the Tianlong Temple in Dali, Elder Ku Rong led the monks of the Tianlong Temple, and when they were at war with King Jiumozhi of the Dalun Ming Dynasty, Mu Han had already arrived with Zhong Ling and Mu Wanqing.

Name: Elder Kurong

Age: 80

Sex: Male

Identity: Elder of Tianlong Temple in Dali

Cultivation: Innate first level

Name: Ben Yin

Age: 60

Sex: Male

Status: Abbot of Tianlong Temple in Dali

Cultivation: Ultimate Late Stage

Name: Kumochi

Age: 48

Sex: Male

Status: Tubo State Teacher, Great Wheel Mingwang

Cultivation: Innate first level

The other monks of Tianlong Temple, like Ben Can and Ben Equal, are all in the middle of the peak.

Although Elder Ku Rong and Jiumozhi are both of the first level of innate, Jiumozhi's aura is obviously much stronger than that of Ku Rong.

"The national teacher has come from far away, but I have not greeted him from afar. I have been rude." Facing a strong enemy, Elder Kurong said calmly with a calm expression.

"You guys should know why I came here. As for the six-18-meridian sword, I won't take it by force. I just borrowed it for Mr. Murong." Jiumozhi laughed.

"Ming Wang, the Six Meridians Excalibur is the treasure of Tianlong Temple in Dali, it is inconvenient to borrow, let alone take it by force." Elder Kurong said lightly.

"I also know that it is not appropriate to take it by force, but I once boasted in front of Mr. Murong, but I can't break my word."

Jiumozhi took out three cheat books from his bosom, and said: "These three Shaolin cheat books record the training methods, moves and methods of solving Shaolin's seventy-two unique skills. I exchange them for the six-veined sword. how?"

Elder Kurong and the others ignored it, making Jiumozhi very annoyed and feeling quite shameless.

Jiumozhi's expression was slightly cold, and he said with a faint smile: "I have heard for a long time that the eminent monks of Tianlong Temple are all highly skilled in martial arts and possess unique skills, so I come here to learn."

As soon as the words fell, the mighty internal force swept out, majestic like the sea, causing the complexions of Ben Yin and the others to change slightly.

Since soft ones are not good enough, come hard ones!

"Okay, since King Dalunming is generous with his teachings, I'll make a fool of myself."

Elder Ku Rong said calmly, there was no emotion on his face, and he couldn't see what he was thinking.

Elder Ku Rong's Ku Chan Kungfu has already trained his face to be like the bark of a dead tree, expressionless.

Mu Han looked a little bored, he came to Tianlong Temple for the Six Meridians Excalibur, not to watch these monks fight, even if it was a life-and-death fight, it had nothing to do with him.

"Come on, let's go in."

Gently patted the pretty buttocks of the two girls, the two girls showed a shy look, and gave Mu Han a hard look.

Mu Han smiled faintly, and sneaked into the inner room of the Muni Hall with the two girls.

On the walls of the inner chamber of the Muni Hall, there are six pictures hanging.

"Ding, congratulations master, I discovered the low-grade Xuan-level kung fu six-meridian sword, do you want to practice it?" The system prompt sounded in Mu Han's ear.

The Six Meridians Excalibur is the highest martial art of the Duan family in Dali. It was created by Duan Siping, the founding emperor of Dali. The internal force shoots out from the fingertips, reaching the realm of the finger sword. The place where the finger force reaches is like an invisible sword. Sweeping or false finger can hurt the enemy.

One yang finger is divided into nine levels, the first level is the highest level, and the cultivation of the six-meridian sword requires the fourth level of one yang finger as the foundation.

Mu Han's Yiyang Finger has already reached the state of Dzogchen, and it also has the foundation for practicing the Six Meridians Excalibur.


Mu Han said without hesitation.

He came to the Muni Hall of Tianlong Temple for the Six Meridians Excalibur.

"Ding! The Six Meridians Excalibur has been cultivated successfully, reaching the entry level, and will be rewarded with 500 system points."

Immediately, there was a lot of information in Mu Han's mind, all about the Six Meridians Excalibur.

"Is this the Six Meridians Excalibur? It looks so complicated."

Looking at the six pictures, Zhong Ling and Mu Wanqing felt that there were many meridians and complicated internal energy operations. After looking at them for a while, they suddenly felt dizzy.

"Chuck! Chuck! Chuck!"

With a thought, Mu Han stretched out the little finger of his left hand and tapped it lightly.

A cloud of black smoke rose from the six pictures, and then, with a chirping sound, they were surrounded by flames and burned to ashes.

Now that he has learned the Six Meridians Excalibur, Mu Han will not keep the Six Meridians Excalibur sword manual for others.

After all, it is better to be alone than to be happy with everyone.

Six Meridians Excalibur, you can learn it by yourself!


"Ding, congratulations, master, for destroying the sword manual of the Six Meridians Excalibur, you will get 100 system points reward."

The following system prompt sounded, causing Mu Han to be stunned for a while. He didn't expect that destroying other people's martial arts would also reward him with points.

This is good!

"Brother Mu Han, Sister Mu, come and see, what is this?"

Zhong Ling seemed to find something, so he asked Mu Wanqing and Mu Han to come and watch it together.

Mu Han looked over and saw a god statue with a dragon's head and a human body standing proudly.

Zhong Ling was very curious and reached out to touch the statue.


Mu Han put his arms around Mu Wanqing and Zhong Ling, and retreated violently.


Countless sharp arrows shot out from the mechanism and landed on the place where the three of them were standing just now.

It turns out that this statue is a mechanism!

"Who? Dare to trespass on Muni Hall?"

Hearing the movement in the inner room of the Muni Hall, a monk flashed in at the door.

Name: Duan Zhengming

Age: 54

Sex: Male

Status: Emperor Baoding of Dali Kingdom


Cultivation: the mid-term peak

"You guys... destroyed the Six Meridians Excalibur sword manual?"

Duan Zhengming's expression also sank suddenly when he saw the sword manual of the Six Meridians Excalibur that was still emitting black smoke but had been burned to ashes.

"I ruined it."

Mu Han nodded, but did not deny it.

"Who are you?" Duan Zhengming shouted in a deep voice.

"Mu Han." Mu Han smiled lightly, not hiding his identity.

Hearing Mu Han's answer, Duan Zhengming showed fury on his face, and shouted: "You killed Yu'er?"

"Emperor Baoding, I didn't kill Duan Yu." Mu Han shook his head and said.

"What about Zhu Danchen and others?" Duan Zhengming said.

"I killed the four of them, but the four of them disrespected me, so they should be killed!" Mu Han said lightly.

"Hmph, you cut off my Dali bloodline, and you destroyed my Dali Six Meridians Excalibur sword manual. I, the Duan family of Dali, swear against you. I will take your life today, so as not to harm someone in the future." Duan Zhengming is righteous Said sternly.

After the words were finished, Duan Zhengming pointed at Mu Han with two fingers, and a golden finger shot out, aiming at Mu Han's vitals.

Dali Yiyang Finger!

Looking at that golden finger force, the corner of Mu Han's mouth curled up in a sarcastic arc.

Duan Zhengming's Yiyang Finger is not as good as Duan Yanqing's! . "

Chapter 34 Angry Tenryuji Monk, Six Meridian Sword Formation (1/3)

"call out!"

Although Duan Zhengming's Yiyang Finger is not as good as Duan Yanqing's, its power is still not small.

Mu Han shook his head, with a look of contempt on his face, and immediately put his two fingers together, and with a volley, smashed Duan Zhengming's fingers away.

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