Everyone had seen Mu Han use the Shaoze Sword before, but no one thought that Mu Han could use the Six Meridians Excalibur at the same time.

You must know that the Six Meridians Excalibur requires extremely deep internal strength, and it is quite difficult to cultivate, otherwise Tianlong Temple will not have no one who has successfully cultivated the Six Meridians Excalibur, and can only cultivate one meridian each to form a Six Meridians Sword Formation.

Even Zhong Ling and Mu Wanqing were stunned.

Both women knew that Mu Han and they arrived at the Muni Hall at the same time and saw the sword manual of the Six Meridians Excalibur.

However, the two women didn't even understand the route and method of meridians running, but Mu Han had already successfully cultivated the Six Meridians Excalibur, and at least reached the level of beginners.

Why is there such a big gap between people?

Seeing this scene, Jiumozhi's eyes lit up, and he said with a smile: "Master Kurong, since you have some affairs to deal with at Tianlong Temple first, I will take a step ahead."

"Master Ming, go slowly!"

Although Elder Kurong looked at Jiumozhi with unkind eyes, he still politely saw off the guests.

If Jiumozhi hadn't come to mess around, how could the Six Meridians Divine Sword have been learned by others?And the sword manual of the Six Meridians Excalibur will not be burned.

But Mu Han is already very difficult, Elder Kurong doesn't want to add another enemy now.

Jiumozhi didn't care about Elder Ku Rong's attitude, he gently closed his palms together, and left quickly.

"Benefactor, do you really want to fight to the end?" Elder Ku Rong said in a deep voice.

"Hehe, Ku Rong, don't talk nonsense, either shoot or get out of here." Mu Han sneered.

Hearing Mu Han's words, Elder Ku Rong trembled with anger.

Intruded into Tianlong Temple, stole the Six Meridians Excalibur, destroyed the sword manual, killed Duan Yu, and cut off the roots of the Duan family in Dali.

All these are Chi Guoguo's robbery, but Mu Han behaved plausibly and confidently.

Even if Elder Ku Rong's Ku Chan skill has been cultivated to the state of Dzogchen, he will probably be so angry that he will be in a mess.

"Since this is the case, fellow nephews, don't hold back any longer. Today, no matter what, we must kill this thief!" Elder Ku Rong shouted in a deep voice.

"Amitabha, please follow the decree of Master and Uncle." Ben Yin and others all agreed.



Elder Ku Rong, Ben Yin, Ben Xiang, Ben Shen, Ben Guan, and Duan Zhengming, the six of them simultaneously sent out six sword qis and shot towards Mu Han.

The six people knew that Mu Han was tricky, so they didn't have any spare strength to attack. This time, the six-meridian sword array was three points stronger than the power just now.

The six invisible sword qi, wherever they pass, even the air seems to be pierced.


Mu Han could feel the attack from Ku Rong and the others, and he didn't hold back at all. If he couldn't resist, not only himself, but also the two daughters Zhong Ling and Mu Wanqing would be killed on the spot.

Since you are not benevolent, don't blame me for being unrighteous!

Mu Han didn't intend to kill these old monks before, but when he saw these old monks, they were so frenzied, and there was a cold killing intent in his heart.

The six invisible sword qi were so fierce and fast that Zhong Ling and Mu Wanqing's pretty faces turned pale, and they couldn't help but close their eyes.


Facing the six-meridian sword formation of Ku Rong and others, Mu Han slapped out with a palm, and the sound of a dragon chant resounded in the Muni Hall immediately, and the mighty true energy swept away, turning into a golden dragon of true energy, Raid out.

"Bang bang bang!"

The six invisible sword qi were all blasted by the golden dragon of true qi, and the violent wind ripples swept away like a storm, sweeping away the tables and chairs in the Muni hall.

"Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms?"

Seeing the martial arts performed by Mu Han, Elder Ku Rong said in a low voice, he also couldn't see through the young man in white in front of him more and more.

This white-clothed young man is less than twenty years old, but his cultivation has reached the first level of innate level, and he is not only proficient in Dali Duan's kung fu and martial arts, but also knows the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms of the Beggar Clan.

What is the background of this young man in white?

"Are you from the beggar gang?"

Duan Zhengming was even more puzzled, the Dali Duan family has always been in harmony with the beggars' gang, and has normal contacts with the beggars' gang, why the beggars' gang suddenly attacked him.

Moreover, apart from Qiao Feng, when did the Beggar Gang have such a young master? . "

Chapter 36 Heavenly Dragon Monk, All Destroyed! (3/3)

"Are you from the Beggar Gang?" Duan Zhengming said solemnly.

Hearing this, Mu Han couldn't help laughing.

"Do you have to be a member of the Beggar Gang to subdue the dragon with eighteen palms?" Mu Han smiled lightly.

"Hmph, could it be that you also secretly learned the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms of the Beggar Clan?" Duan Zhengming said coldly.

Mu Han chuckled lightly and said, "It doesn't seem to have anything to do with you, does it?"

"Hmph, you killed my Yu'er and destroyed my sword manual. If I don't kill you today, it will be hard to vent my hatred."

Duan Zhengming said loudly: "Uncle, senior brothers, please help me take down this thief!"

Hearing this, Mu Han was even more overjoyed.

It seems that the six of them have teamed up twice just now, and there is nothing they can do about themselves.

Ku Rong and the other six, the strongest attack is the Six Meridian Sword Formation.

However, after Mu Han practiced the Six Meridian Sword, he knew where the weakness of the Six Meridian Sword Formation was, and he would not be as laborious as Jiumozhi if he wanted to deal with it.

"You have already shot twice, now it's my turn to make a shot!"

Mu Han raised his brows slightly, a icy look flashed in his eyes, he swung his palms suddenly, and directly displayed the thirteenth level of Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu.

The roar of the dragon and the elephant, behind Mu Han, condensed the golden phantoms of thirteen dragons and thirteen elephants. Each phantom has a force of a thousand catties, as if it would tear the sky apart.

"What kind of martial arts is this?"

Sensing the aura fluctuations emanating from Mu Han's body, Elder Ku Rong's pupils shrank fiercely, his eyes filled with disbelief.

The entire Tianlong Temple is shrouded in a terrifying aura because of the golden phantoms of the thirteen dragons and thirteen elephants!

too strong!

Thirteen dragons and thirteen elephants roared towards Elder Kurong and the others with incomparable momentum.


Elder Ku Rong shouted in a deep voice, the true energy in his body surged out, turned into a sharp invisible sword energy, and angrily slashed towards the thirteen dragons and thirteen elephants.

And Ben Yin and the others also pushed the Six Meridians Excalibur to the extreme, and they felt a strong sense of danger in their hearts, as if they could smell the breath of death.

However, the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu is the thirteenth level, even if the innate level [-] martial artist wants to deal with it, it is not an easy task, let alone Duan Zhengming and others who are only in the top level?

"Bang bang bang!"

Before Ben Yin and the others came back to their senses, the five people, Ben Yin, Ben Guan, Ben Xiang, Ben Can and Duan Zhengming, all flew upside down, hit the wall, and when they landed, they were breathless Dead, all the bones in his body were crushed by the thirteen dragons and thirteen elephants, like mud.

"Ding, congratulations, Master, for killing Benyin, a late-stage Tianlong Temple monk, you will be rewarded with 100 system points and 500 additional system points."

"Ding, congratulations, Master, for killing Ben Guan, a monk from Tianlong Temple in the mid-Jue Ding period, you will get 100 system points and 500 additional system points."

"Ding, congratulations, Master, for killing the true monk of Tianlong Temple in the mid-term of Jue Ding, you will get 100 system points reward and 500 extra system points reward."

"Ding, congratulations, Master, for killing Ben Shen, a monk from the Tianlong Temple in the mid-Jieding period, you will be rewarded with 100 system points."

"Ding, congratulations, Master, for killing Duan Zhengming, the top mid-term martial artist, you will get 100 system points as a reward and 500 extra system points as a reward."

Five consecutive system prompts sounded in Mu Han's ears.

All of a sudden, he got 2500 system points, and he had already received extra rewards for defeating this gin just now, so there was no extra reward for killing this gin this time.


Elder Ku Rong also exerted all his strength just now to block Mu Han's attack, but when he saw Ben Yin and others die tragically, he spurted out a mouthful of blood.

After meeting Mu Han, Elder Ku Rong has discovered that the Ku Chan Divine Art that he cultivated painstakingly doesn't seem to have any effect.

"What a ruthless method." Elder Ku Rong said in a deep voice.

"Hehe, if I hadn't blocked your six-meridian sword formation just now, I'm afraid not only me, but even Wan'er and Ling'er would have died. I'm just putting your plan into action now." Mu Han said indifferently. Said.

"Hmph, even if the old man loses, he will fight to the death for the people today!" Elder Ku Rong said in grief and indignation, the true energy in his body was circulating, and his skinny body exuded a fierce killing intent, which made Mu Han's face turn pale. Slightly dignified.

Elder Ku Rong obviously planned to die with Mu Han, the true energy in his body was surging, and even the monk robe on his body was buzzing. ············································

"Hmph! Kid, take the move!"

Elder Ku Rong snorted coldly, his face like withered skin was distorted at this moment, becoming extremely ferocious.

As the Great Elder of Tianlong Temple, Ku Rong had never experienced such aggrieved things.

The sword manual of the Six Meridians Excalibur was destroyed, all the monks of Tianlong Temple were killed, and Baoding Emperor Duan Zhengming and Dali heir Duan Yu died in the hands of this son, which also made Elder Dekurong go completely berserk.

Elder Ku Rong practiced the Shaoshang sword, pointed at Mu Han fiercely, all the true energy in his body turned into this sword, and slashed towards Mu Han.

"Kurong, is the donkey at the end of its rope?"

Mu Han smiled lightly, and also slashed out with a Shaoshang sword.

"call out!"

Elder Ku Rong's sword energy was completely crushed by Mu Han, and that Shaoshang sword energy directly penetrated Elder Ku Rong's eyebrows.


Elder Ku Rong opened his eyes wide, with an unbelievable look in his eyes, and fell to the ground in a daze.

"Ding, congratulations master, kill Ku Rong, a monk from Tianlong Temple in the first level of innate ability, get 200 system points reward, and get an extra system point reward 1000 points."

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