
Jiumozhi spat out a mouthful of blood, which was mixed with some broken teeth. Obviously, every slap of Mu Han spared no effort.

Looking at Mu Han, there was a look of humiliation in Jiumozhi's eyes.

Anyone who is slapped in the face like this, I'm afraid it will not feel very good, let alone him, the majestic Dalun Mingwang and Tubo national teacher!

"Jumozhi, life or death is in your mind!"

After all, behind Mu Han, the thirteen dragons and thirteen elephants once again condensed and emitted waves of terrifying aura fluctuations.

The reason why Mu Han slapped Jiumozhi was not because he was crazy, but because he wanted to completely remove the arrogance and self-esteem in Jiumozhi's heart through these four slaps.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for Jiumozhi to surrender to himself.

Looking at the thirteen dragons and thirteen elephants behind Mu Han, Jiumozhi's face turned blue and red from time to time, his face was unpredictable, obviously he was struggling in his heart.

Through the confrontation just now, he also knew that he was definitely not Mu Han's opponent. If the other party wanted to kill him, he might have become a cold and stiff corpse long ago.

"Hey, I promise!"

After pondering for a while, Jiumozhi sighed and said with a complex expression.

There is no way, the strength gap between the two lies here.

Although they are both in the first level of innate, but the strength of the other party completely crushes themselves.

"Since you agreed, why not be polite?" Mu Han was overjoyed, but his face was still cold, and he said in a cold voice.

"Jumozhi pays homage to the master..." Jiumozhi hurriedly knelt down on one knee and saluted.

"Get up."

Mu Han said lightly, "You can call me son from now on."

De Muhan still feels a little uncomfortable with the title of master.

Mu Wanqing and Zhong Ling who were on the side were all dumbfounded.

They didn't expect that the arrogant Da Lun Ming Wang would actually surrender to Mu Han.

The eyes of the two women looking at Mu Han were full of admiration and admiration.

Looking at Jiumozhi whose face was swollen high like a pig's head, Mu Han suppressed the smile in his heart and said, "." Jiumozhi, is your face okay? "

"My lord, this little monk has rough skin and thick flesh, so it doesn't get in the way." Jiumozhi said.

Jiumozhi was also very depressed in his heart, if he knew this was the result, why should he be slapped four times in vain!

Although these four slaps only made him suffer some skin trauma, it really didn't feel good!

Through the system, Mu Han also learned that the self-esteem and arrogance in Jiumozhi's heart had been completely shattered by him, and the strength he showed made Jiumozhi completely lose his will to resist.

"My lord, where should we go now?" Jiumozhi looked at Mu Han and asked.

"You go back to Tubo temporarily! Listen to my orders at any time." Mu Han said lightly.

"Yes! Son!"

Jiumozhi put his palms together towards Mu Han, Mu Wanqing and Zhong Ling, saluted, then (Zhao Hao) turned and left.

After Jiumozhi left, Mu Han looked at Mu Wanqing and Zhong Ling, but found that the two women were staring at him blankly.

"What's the matter, do I have flowers growing on my face?" Mu Han jokingly asked.

"Brother Mu Han, you're really amazing!" Zhong Ling and Mu Wanqing had expressions of admiration in their eyes.

"Haha, these are trivial things. Does your Brother Mu Han have anything more powerful?" Mu Han smiled lightly.

"What's more powerful?" Mu Wanqing and Zhong Ling both asked curiously.

"What's more powerful? Don't you know?"

A wicked smile appeared on Mu Han's face, he took out a blanket and spread it on the ground, then put his arms around the slender waists of the two women at the same time, and put them down on the grass blanket while the two women cried out in surprise...

Not long after, a low whimper came out... "

Chapter 40 Two Women and Two Cultivators, Shura Sword Qin Hongmian (1/3)

In the secluded forest, Mu Han, Mu Wanqing, and Zhong Ling lay side by side.

After a great battle, Mu Wanqing and Zhong Ling's pretty faces also had a look of exhaustion.

"Brother Mu Han, where are we going next?" Zhong Ling buried his head on Mu Han's chest and asked.

"Hehe, how about we go to Jiangnan for a walk?" Mu Han said with a smile.


With excitement on Zhong Ling's face, he said, "I also want to go to Jiangnan to experience it."

But on Mu Wanqing's face, there was a hint of worry.

"What's wrong, Wan'er?" Mu Han asked strangely.

"Brother Mu, back then Master and I were hunted down, and I was rescued by Brother Mu. But Master has not heard from him yet, and I don't know how Master is doing now? I am a little worried, and I want to go back and have a look. Meet Brother Mu and Linger?"

Mu Wanqing's fingers were entangled, and on her beautiful cheeks, there was a slight look of embarrassment, with a look of hesitation. She didn't want to disobey Mu Han's intentions, but she also missed Master in her heart.

She was raised by her master and never left the valley.Now, I don't know if Master has escaped from Mrs. Wang's minions, and I am very worried.


Mu Han nodded, Mu Wanqing's master is also her biological mother, Shura Dao Qin Hongmian, she and Gan Baobao are fellow teachers and sisters.

In the original book, Qin Hongmian and 000 Mu Wanqing went to Jiangnan Mantuo Villa to assassinate Wang's wife Li Qingluo, but the assassination failed, which made them chased by powerful enemies and had to escape separately.

Although Qin Hongmian had nothing to do in the original book, but now it's the chaotic version of Tianlong World, and Mu Han doesn't dare to be sure easily.

Moreover, Mu Han also knew that although Qin Hongmian was cruel and indifferent, her appearance was not inferior to Mu Wanqing's. Otherwise, Duan Zhengchun would not have said the words "Death by Shura's sword, even being a ghost is flirtatious".

If such a woman is conquered under him, she should have a sense of accomplishment.

Thinking of this, Mu Han smiled and said: "The journey is not peaceful, why don't Ling'er and I go back with you, see your master, and then leave for Jiangnan, how about it?"

Looking at Mu Han's handsome face, Mu Wanqing was full of gratitude, and said, "Thank you, Brother Mu!"

Mu Han patted Mu Wanqing's fragrant shoulders lightly, and said with a smile: "Wan'er, thank you, you can't just stay in words!"

Sensing Mu Han's big hand and making a fuss on her body again, Mu Wanqing exclaimed, "Are you still here?"

Zhong Ling at the side was also frowning.

Brother Mu Han's ability in that aspect is really too powerful!

"Wan'er, didn't you say that I can't find other women? Then you..." Mu Han smiled wickedly.

"I agree with you to find more!" Mu Wanqing said hastily.

Mu Wanqing now wishes to have a few more sisters to help her share the burden.

Mu Han smiled and said, "But now..."

Before the words fell, Mu Han turned over and pressed Mu Wanqing under him...

Just as Zhong Ling wanted to get up, Mu Han stretched out his hand and got involved in the battlefield again...


Bright Valley!

The valley where Mu Wanqing and Qin Hongmian lived.

Mu Han hugged the two girls in his arms, performed lightning-fast walking, and under Mu Wanqing's guidance, he finally came to the entrance of Mingyou Valley.

Mingyou Valley is extremely secluded, without Mu Wanqing's guidance, Mu Han would never have been able to find the entrance, let alone other people.

Walking into the valley, several clean but slightly shabby cabins were built in the valley.

"Boom boom boom!"

Mu Wanqing walked to the door of a wooden house and knocked lightly on the door.

"Come in!" A woman's voice came from inside the room, cold but pleasant.

"Master is back!"

Mu Wanqing's pretty face showed joy, she pushed the door open, and Mu Han and Zhong Ling followed.

The light in the wooden house was a little dim, but it didn't affect Mu Han.

On the chair in the room, sat a young woman with a clean face and pretty appearance, similar to Mu Wanqing, but more mature and charming.

No matter in terms of appearance or figure, he is not inferior to Gan Baobao.

"(bicf) Master."

Seeing Qin Hongmian, Mu Wanqing saluted. There was a trace of awe on her pretty face. It was obvious that Qin Hongmian was usually quite strict with Mu Wanqing.


Zhong Ling also shouted timidly.

Name: Qin Hongmian

Gender: Female

Age: 34

Identity: Mu Wanqing's mother, known as Shura Dao in the world

Cultivation: first-class early stage

"How did you take off your veil?"

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