
Caihuazi let out another heart-piercing cry of pain, which made everyone around feel terrified.

"I said, I said..."

Because of the pain, Cai Huazi's face was pale, and his face (de Zhao) was distorted, and he could no longer bear Mu Han's torture.

"Now I'm not interested in knowing anymore." Mu Han shook his head, a cold killing intent flashed in his eyes.

"My lord, please spare me, my lord, please forgive me..." Caihuazi sensed Mu Han's killing intent, and hurriedly begged for mercy.

"Hmph, even dare to provoke my woman, you deserve death."

Mu Han slapped Caihuazi's chest with a tyrannical palm.


Caihuazi's whole body shot out backwards, smashed through the wooden window, flew out of the Drunken Immortal Pavilion, and landed heavily on the ground. When he landed, he was already dead.


Seeing this scene, the people in the surrounding Jianghu gasped.

Many people in the Jianghu secretly rejoiced in their hearts that they did not use alcohol to moles the three beauties, otherwise, they would be the one lying on the street now. . "

Chapter 70 Lu Yukang Min, A Lesson to Quan Guanqing (1/3)

"Let's go."

Being so disturbed by Caihuazi, I can't eat this meal, Mu Han threw a silver coin on the table, stood up and said.

The three daughters Wang Yuyan, Azhu and Abi also followed Mu Han out of the Zuixian Pavilion.

The four drove to the Xingzi Forest outside Luoyang City.

After leaving Luoyang City, a carriage drove towards him. On the carriage sat a young woman in her thirties.

The young woman was dressed in plain clothes, with a beautiful appearance and a plump figure, which was well-proportioned and eye-catching.

Name: Kang Min

Gender: Female

Age: 35

Cultivation: not in the flow

Identity: Wife of Ma Dayuan, deputy head of the beggar gang

Kang Min?

Seeing Kang Min, Mu Han had a look of surprise on his face.

I didn't expect to meet Kang Min here.

Does this mean that Xingzilin's beggar gang meeting is over?

Although Kang Min's appearance is extremely beautiful and his charm still exists, Mu Han has no interest in him.

This woman has a vicious heart, and in order to achieve her own goals, she will use her own body as a bargaining chip by any means.

This kind of woman who is as good as she can be, if she accepts her, 090 will inevitably not guarantee that her hair will be green.

When Kang Min saw Mu Han, his pretty face also showed surprise.

What a handsome boy!

Compared with Duan Zhengchun back then, I don't know how many blocks Duan Zhengchun has lost.

Kang Min smiled charmingly at Mu Han, but when he saw that Mu Han didn't pay attention to him, his pretty face suddenly sank, and a vicious look flashed in his beautiful eyes.

"Ah Zhu, see that woman's appearance clearly." Mu Han said lightly.

"Yes, son."

Although A'Zhu didn't understand what Mu Han meant, she still remembered Kang Min's appearance firmly.

Two carriages pass by!

After a long journey, Mu Han and the three daughters finally arrived at Xingzilin.

Now Xingzilin and a group of people are making noise there, Mu Han glanced around, but he didn't find Qiao Feng's figure.

It seemed that I was really late, Qiao Feng's background had been exposed, and he had already left Xingzilin.

"Ah Zhu, are you ready?" Mu Han said lightly.

"My lord, I'm ready."

A'Zhu got off the carriage, and her appearance was exactly that of Kang Min.

"Ah Zhu, do you still remember what I taught you just now?" Mu Han asked.

"Don't worry, son, I've got it all in my mind." A Zhu winked at Mu Han playfully, and said.


"Hehe, the beggar gang is known as the largest gang in the Central Plains, but the elders in the gang are all a bunch of trash. It's really sad to let a shameless woman and two despicable people play in the palm of their hands."

Just when the people of the Beggar Clan became confused because of Qiao Feng's departure, a voice of ridicule came from the side.

Everyone in the beggar gang looked in the direction of the sound, and saw a man in white robe walking slowly.

The white-robed man, dressed in white snow, eyes like stars, handsome as a fairy, like a banished fairy descending from the world, his temperament is extraordinary, unrestrained and elegant, making everyone startled slightly.

And behind the man in white, there were three beautiful women, and one of them was Mrs. Ma Kang Min who had not been away for a long time.

"Who are you? How dare you insult our beggar gang? Can't you seek death?" At this moment, a cold voice came.

Mu Han looked over, and saw a middle-aged beggar with an elegant appearance, looking at him with a gloomy expression.

Name: Quan Guanqing

Sex: Male

Age: 40

Nickname: Shifang Xiucai

Status: Master of the Great Wisdom Branch, Disciple of the Eight Bags of the Beggar Gang

Cultivation: super first-class mid-term


A crisp slap made the entire apricot forest fall silent.


Quan Guanqing spat out a mouthful of blood, which was mixed with countless broken teeth.

Everyone didn't see (caff) clearly what was going on, and Quan Guanqing just felt a blur in front of his eyes, and was slapped hard.

"What are you? You don't even distinguish between superior and inferior. The elders of the beggar gang didn't speak. It's your turn to intervene." Mu Han said with a smile.


Quan Guanqing covered his swollen face with a sinister look in his eyes.


With a wave of Mu Han's hand, a fierce gust of wind whizzed out and landed on Quan Guanqing's chest, causing his body to fly upside down and hit a big tree heavily, and another mouthful of blood spewed out wildly.

"What are you, haven't you learned your lesson yet?"

If it wasn't for Mu Han's mercy, this blow might be enough to kill Quan Guanqing.

But now is not the time to kill Quan Guanqing, Mu Han spares his life for the time being.

Elder Xu of the Beggar Gang and the elders of Song Xi, Chen Wu, and several other elders also changed their expressions slightly when they saw Mu Han's move.

Although their cultivation base was higher than Quan Guanqing's, they were not able to defeat Quan Guanqing so easily. The young man in white in front of him had obviously surpassed them in cultivation base.

"Xu Chongxiao from the beggar gang, who are you, why did you come to make trouble at the beggar gang meeting?" Elder Xu asked solemnly.

With Quan Guanqing as a role model, Elder Xu was extremely polite when speaking.

Name: Xu Chongxiao

Sex: Male

Age: 87

Status: Retired Elder of the Beggar Gang, Uncle of Wang Jiantong

Cultivation: the mid-term peak

"Hehe, telling you my name is also an insult to me. Qiao Feng is really embarrassing him for being able to lead you trash to become the number one martial arts gang." Mu Han shook his head and said unceremoniously. .

"Why do you hurt people with your words?"

Hearing Mu Han's words, everyone in the Beggar Clan showed resentment on their faces.

As the largest gang in the world, the Beggars' Gang is highly respected by everyone in the Jianghu, but today, a young man under [-] years old said it was worthless, which made everyone in the Beggars' Gang very angry.

"Hurt someone? Compared with you, I am far behind."

Mu Han sneered: "Qiao Feng made great contributions to your beggar gang, but how did you treat him? Moreover, with Qiao Feng's cultivation, it is easy to kill you, but you are standing here safe and sound. Explain what?"

Everyone in the beggar gang was silent, although they were numerous, they were powerless to refute, because every word Mu Han said pierced their hearts.

"Without Qiao Feng, can your beggar gang still be called the largest gang in the world?" Mu Han continued to sneer.

"Hmph, Qiao Feng is from Khitan. This is a solid fact. Da Song and Khitan are incompatible. Therefore, Qiao Feng will definitely not be able to take the position of gang leader."

Elder Xu finally couldn't help it, and scolded: "If your Excellency is only here to mock our beggar gang today, you can leave.". "

Chapter 71 Apricot Forest, the True Murderer (2/3)

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