Although Tianshan Child Elder is already ninety-six years old, the current Tianshan Child Elder can be regarded as a true rejuvenation, so ninety-six years old is nothing to Mu Han.

In the previous life, the female protagonists in some cultivation novels were often hundreds of years old.

"It will take another day for your illness to recover, and then your cultivation will be able to return to its peak strength." Mu Han said, his eyes were also sizing up and down Tianshan Child Elder.

Tianshan Child Elder is still wearing her previous clothes at this time, and she looks extremely short when she wears them.

The exquisite figure with concave and convex is vividly displayed, the exquisite facial features, and the pretty appearance make Mu Han unable to take his eyes off.

"Thank you!"

And Tianshan Child Elder felt Mu Han's gaze, and two red clouds flew up above her pretty face.

If ordinary people saw Tianshan Child Elder showing a shy expression like a little woman, they would be so shocked that even their jaws would drop.

For decades, Tianshan Child Elder has shown herself as a child, but now she has returned to normal, even her mentality has returned to her twenty-year-old age.

Mu Han circulated the innate zhenqi again and injected it into Tianshan Child Elder's body.

Seeing Mu Han's concentration, Tianshan Child Elder's heart was pounding, like a frightened deer, her pretty face was pretty, and even her fair neck was flushed.

If I could be with him...

In her heart, even a thought that even she felt terrible appeared.

"Concentrate." Mu Han said softly with his eyes slightly closed.

Mu Han was naturally aware of Tianshan Child Elder's strangeness, but now is not the time to be distracted, if one is not careful, all previous efforts will be wasted.

Tianshan Child Elder's pretty face flushed slightly, and she also became concentrated.

The time of a day is fleeting.

A powerful aura swept out from Tianshan Child Elder's body by 0.7, sweeping away all the surrounding stones and dust.

Innate Fourfold!

After being cured of Tianshan Child Elder's strange illness by Mu Han, even her cultivation broke through the shackles and reached the fourth level of congenital.

"Your strange disease is already cured." Mu Han smiled lightly.

Child Elder Tianshan slowly opened her eyes, exhaled lightly a mouthful of turbid white air, and looked at Mu Han with gratitude in her eyes.

"Thank you!" Tianshan Child Elder said softly.

"Hehe, since I promised you, I must do it, but don't forget what you promised me." Mu Han said lightly.

"En." Tianshan Child Elder nodded, and said in response, her voice was sweet and pleasant, very nice.

At this time, a hurried voice came from the entrance of the cave: "My lord, it's not good!". "

Chapter 1 The shy Fu Minyi kills people if they don't agree with each other (3/[-])

"My lord, it's not good," a hurried voice came from outside the cave at this time.

"Come in."

Tianshan Child Elder quickly recovered her usual majesty, and said coldly.

At this time, a pretty woman rushed in, knelt down on one knee, and saluted Tianshan Child Elder.

Name: Fu Minyi

Gender: Female

Age: 22 years old

Identity: Leader of the Yangtian Department of Vulture Palace

Realm: super first-class mid-term

But when Fu Minyi saw the appearance of Tianshan Child Elder, she was stunned for a moment, with a look of doubt on her face.

"Why, you don't recognize me?" Tianshan Child Elder said in a cold voice.

Feeling the familiar aura and majesty of Tianshan Child Elder, Fu Minyi finally confirmed that the peerless beauty in front of her was really Tianshan Child Elder.

"My lord, it's not good." Fu Minyi said out of breath.

"Why panic?" Tianshan Child Elder scolded.

"My lord, the people from the thirty-six caves and the seventy-two islands have rebelled, and they have gathered at the foot of the mountain for 20 minutes. Granny Yu and her sisters are resisting at the foot of the mountain." Fu Minyi said.

"Hmph, courting death!"

Hearing this, a icy look flashed across Tianshan Child Elder's face.

"Wu Xingyun, you have just broken through and your aura is not stable, so you should stay here to stabilize your cultivation. Let me handle this matter." Mu Han said lightly.

"Thank you sir."

Wu Xingyun knew that what Mu Han said was reasonable, he had just made a breakthrough, and he really needed to stabilize his cultivation, and he was relieved to leave this matter to Mu Han to handle.

"Fu Minyi, you order to go down, all subordinates, listen to the deployment of Mr. Mu Han."


Fu Minyi looked at Mu Han curiously.

When Mu Han and Li Qiushui confronted that day, she was not there, but she also heard from the sisters that an extremely powerful young master came to the Vulture Palace.

She could feel that there was a mystery in Mu Han's body.

"Let's go." Mu Han smiled faintly at Fu Minyi.

"Okay, son."

Fu Minyi just came back to her senses, her pretty face blushed, she quickly saluted Tianshan Child Elder, and then left with Mu Han.

"Miss Fu, this is too slow!"

Mu Han smiled slightly, and amidst Fu Minyi's exclamation, he put his arms around Fu Minyi's slender waist, and rushed towards the foot of Misty Peak.

Being hugged by Mu Han's waist, feeling the warmth from his big hands, his nose was filled with the strong masculine aura emanating from Mu Han's body, Fu Minyi's pretty face was so charming that even her fair neck was slightly flushed.

There are no men on Misty Peak, and Fu Minyi has lived on Misty Peak since she was a child, and has never been in contact with men. Today, she has such close contact with Mu Han, and her heart is pounding for a while.

Mu Han took Fu Minyi with him, used his electric lights to walk swiftly towards the foot of the mountain.

Hearing the whirring wind in her ears, Fu Minyi was also amazed. She never thought that at such a young age, Mu Han not only possessed a very high level of cultivation, but also possessed such profound lightness kung fu.

I'm afraid even the Lord can't keep up.

A moment later, Mu Han brought Fu Minyi to the foot of Misty Peak Mountain, and faintly, there was the sound of weapons clashing.

Mu Han looked at it with a glance, and in the forest, two people were confronting each other, and in the middle of the two people, there were two people fighting fiercely.

One was an old woman in her fifties or sixties, and Mu Han learned her identity through the system, she was Granny Yu from the Haotian Department.

And the one who fought against Granny Yu was an acquaintance of Mu Han's, Murong Fu.

As for the people at the Vulture Palace, they are led by four beautiful little beauties. Mu Han can guess their identities without going through the system. They should be the four maidservants of Tianshan Child Elder, plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum.

The four girls, each wearing light red, moon white, light green and light yellow dresses, are exactly the same tall, short, fat and thin, and even their appearances are the same, with oval faces and eyes like lacquer, they are delicate and exquisite.


Murong Fu sent Granny Yu flying away with one palm, making Mei Jian's four daughters all gasp in surprise.

Granny Yu flew upside down and fell into the crowd of Vulture Palace, with a smear of blood spilling from the corner of her mouth.

Murong Fu prided himself on his identity and did not take advantage of the victory to pursue.

The middle-aged man beside Murong Fu yelled sharply: "Quickly get out of the way for me, or I will kill you all."

"Boss Wu, you are so bold, I will kill you when the lord comes out." Mei Jian scolded.

"Exit? Hehe, I think Child Elder is already dead. We have fought all the way to the foot of the mountain, and she didn't show up. You should obediently hand over the life-death talisman antidote, and we can spare your lives." Wu The boss sneered and said.

"If you want an antidote, dream!" Mei Jian said with a cold snort.

"Then don't blame me for being rude."

After the words fell, Boss Wu stabbed at Mei Jian with a sword. Mei Jian's pretty face sank slightly, and the sword swung out, blooming like a plum blossom. In the beauty, but revealed a cold killing intent!


A clear sound of gold and iron came out, and Boss Wu's face changed slightly. He did not expect that the girl in front of him was so powerful.

Just when Boss Wu was about to be assassinated by Mei Jian, Murong Fu who was at the side suddenly made a move, and Mei Jian's long sword stabbed towards Mei Jian himself.

"Careful!" Ju Jian and other women beside him exclaimed.

But Mei Jian had lost control of the long sword in his hand, and the long sword stabbed towards him, so Mei Jian could only close his eyes and wait for death.


But at this time, another gust of wind came, and 270 landed on the long sword in Mei Jian's hand. The long sword fell out of his hand and fell into the hands of a young man in white robe. Beside the young man in white robe, There was also a pretty girl standing there.

It was Mu Han and Fu Minyi.

"The lord has an order, all departments of the Vulture Palace, follow this young master's order!" Fu Minyi said loudly.

"Yes!" The girls of Vulture Palace said loudly.

"Thank you for saving my life, my lord." Mei Jian clasped his fists at Mu Han and said.

Mu Han nodded slightly, turned his head and said to Murong Fu, "Murong Fu, we meet again."

"Why are you here?" Murong Fu said with a frightened look on his face.

Perhaps because of being eunuched by Mu Han, Murong Fu's voice seemed a bit sharp.

"Boy, don't meddle in our affairs, or you will die without a place to bury you."

The people in Thirty-six Cave and Seventy-two Island didn't know Mu Han, one of them scolded.


Mu Han snorted softly, flicked his fingers, and a gust of wind directly sank into the brows of the speaker.

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