"Mu Han, you are despicable and shameless, and even sneak attack, I must kill you. Today's Central Plains Wulin will never let you go." Murong Fu said with a grim expression, angrily.

The image he worked so hard to build and maintain in the martial arts world has been completely ruined by Mu Han~ How can he not be annoyed?

"Murong Fu, I'm standing here, why don't you make a move?"

Mu Han laughed and said, "Just because you are an eunuch, you want to kill me and become the leader of the martial arts alliance?"

Mu Han could kill Murong Fu at any time, but in order to lure Murong Bo who was hiding around, he did not act in a hurry, but humiliated Murong Fu wantonly.

Among the aura of the crowd, Mu Han hadn't noticed the aura of Xiao Yuanshan and Murong Bo, the two of them were well-cultivated, and the aura was so hidden that Mu Han didn't detect it for a while.

But Mu Han was sure that the two should be not far away.


Hearing Mu Han's words, Murong Fu was so angry that he almost exploded.

In Leigu Mountain, Mu Han injured his vital parts, and now he humiliated himself on the spot, making Murong Fu really unbearable.

Even if he is not Mu Han's opponent, he still has to fight to the death!

"I am going to kill you!"

With a movement of Murong Fu's body, he swiped his sword towards Mu Han violently, swiping his long sword, all of them aimed at Mu Han's vital points, for a moment, the sword light was sharp and frightening.

At the same time, Mu Han also noticed that a rather hidden aura fluctuated slightly.

Murong Bo, I finally found you!

Seeing this scene, Ding Chunqiu also performed the great method of transforming kung fu, and shot at Mu Han.

He knew that if he didn't kill Mu Han, even if he managed to escape today, he would be hunted down endlessly by Mu Han.

The two actually formed a tacit understanding again, and they joined forces to get rid of Mu Han.

"Brother Mu, let me help you!"

"Xiao Feng, take your life!"

Just as Xiao Feng wanted to make a move, Xuan Nan who was at the side slapped Xiao Feng with a palm and stopped him.

Looking at Murong Fu and Ding Chunqiu who were attacking him at the same time, a sneer appeared on the corner of Mu Han's mouth.

With his body slightly sideways, he easily dodged Murong Fu's sword, and swung out his palm casually. Under the gaze of everyone, his mighty innate qi directly sent Murong Fu flying away.

One palm sent Murong Fu flying, Mu Han turned around and slapped out another palm, facing Ding Chunqiu!


The two clapped their palms together, making a dull sound.

"Boy, you are doomed! Huagong Dafa!"

The corner of Ding Chunqiu's mouth curled up into a sly smile, and he immediately used the transformation technique.

However, the smile on the corner of Ding Chunqiu's mouth did not dissipate, but it froze on his face, because he found that he did not absorb internal energy from Mu Han's body when he performed the transformation technique, but his own internal energy involuntarily surged towards Mu Han's body .

"Your internal strength is too dirty!" Mu Han said in a low voice.

Before the words finished, Mu Han exerted his strength suddenly, Ding Chunqiu spurted a mouthful of blood, and flew out backwards.

"call out!"

Ding Chunqiu was still in mid-air, a sword energy from Mu Han's left hand shot out, directly passing through Ding Chunqiu's spine.


There was a toothache sound of bones breaking, and Ding Chunqiu's spine was instantly interrupted by Mu Han.

At the same time, Mu Han performed the Dragon Capturing Kungfu with his right palm, and grabbed a water bag from the waist of a man from the Jianghu, and it shattered in an instant. With a flip of his palm, several pieces of thin ice had condensed in his palm, and he pierced into it. Inside Ding Chunqiu's body.

Severing Ding Chunqiu's spine and planting the life-death talisman were all done in an instant, making everyone feel dazzled, and at this time, Ding Chunqiu had just landed heavily on the ground.

"Ah...so itchy...ah...it's so itchy!"

Ding Chunqiu began to scratch his face, neck and body vigorously, blood flowed out, his whole body was bloody, it was terrifying!

Seeing Ding Chunqiu's miserable state and hearing Ding Chunqiu's screams, all the heroes of the Central Plains felt a chill in their hearts.

Unexpectedly, Ding Chunqiu, who is a master of martial arts, would be powerless to fight back in front of Mu Han.

With Mu Han's strength, it is not impossible to kill Ding Chunqiu with one palm. ·· 0 for flowers 0 0

But Ding Chunqiu has committed many evils, so it is not possible for him to die so easily.

"Amitabha, Master Mu, your method is too cruel, you should quickly relieve the itching of Master Ding." A Shaolin monk clasped his palms together and said softly.

Mu Han looked over, and it was Master Shaolin Xuanji who was speaking!


Mu Han laughed, and said: "When Ding Chunqiu performed poison kung fu to kill people, why didn't the master say that he was cruel? You monks in Shaolin Temple are more hypocritical than each other."


Xuan Ji just wanted to speak, but was stopped by Mu Han.

Mu Han said impatiently: "What are you, you, Shaolin Temple, aren't you hypocritical? As a monk, you don't recite Buddhist scriptures in the temple, but you get involved in Jianghu affairs all day long. Where is your Shaolin Temple?" .. .... 0 ...

Xuan Ji's expression darkened, and he was about to make a move, but was stopped by Xuan Ci at the side.

Xuanci looked at Mu Han, and said: "Master Mu, Ding Chunqiu has done many evils, you have done a good deed for the Central Plains martial arts. But you broke into Shaolin Temple, stole the Yijin Jing, and killed many more in Juxian Village. The lives of innocent people, these things also need to pay some price."

Hearing Xuanci's words, Mu Han said coldly: "Abbot Xuanci, as an eminent Shaolin monk, have you ever had innocent blood on your hands?"

"Presumptuous, the abbot is merciful, so how could he be stained with innocent blood?" Xuan Ji on the side scolded.

"You are not Abbot Xuanci, how do you know that he has no blood debt?" Mu Han questioned.

When asked by Mu Han, Xuan Ji was speechless.

Abbot Xuanci remained silent, but his eyes were looking into the distance, as if recalling the past, with guilt on his face.

"Brother Xiao, do you want to know, who was the leader who led people to ambush your family of three at Yanmen Pass? I can tell you right now." Mu Han said lightly.

And when Mu Han finished speaking, there was another aura not far away, which trembled slightly.

Xiao Yuanshan also appeared!

A smile appeared on Mu Han's face, the two righteous masters are all here! "

Chapter 2 Xiao Yuanshan Appears, Father and Son Recognize (3/[-])

"Leader brother?"

Hearing this, everyone's eyes fell on Mu Han, and there was a look of curiosity on his face.

The news about Xiao Feng being in Xingzilin has long been rumored in the Jianghu, and people in the Jianghu are secretly guessing, who is this so-called leading brother?

But after guessing and guessing, there is no conclusion.

Unexpectedly, Mu Han actually knew the identity of the leading brother.

Hearing this, Abbot Xuanci's body shook slightly, and then he let out a soft sigh.

"Brother Mu, do you know who the leading brother is?"

Hearing Mu Han's words, Xiao Feng was quite surprised, but more excited, if he finds out the leading brother, then he can wash away his grievances, and even avenge his parents.

"Hehe, I know, but before I tell you, I need to invite someone out to meet you." "Five three seven," Mu Han said flatly.

"Who? Could it be the elder brother who took the lead?" Seeing Mu Han's expression, Xiao Feng asked suspiciously.

Mu Han shook his head and said: "No, but this person knows who is the leader, and how did your adoptive parents Qiao and his wife, master Xuan Ku, your mentor, Tan Gong and Tan Po, and Shan Zheng's family die? , he is also very clear."

"Then invite this person to come out and meet me." Xiao Feng said hastily.

"You've watched the excitement here for so long, are you still unwilling to show yourself?" Mu Han said loudly towards Xiao Yuanshan's hidden direction.

As soon as the words fell, a masked man in black appeared in front of the crowd with a movement of his body, performing superb lightness kung fu. He was obviously not an ordinary person.

Seeing this masked man in black, everyone was in an uproar. They didn't expect that there was such a master hidden around.

"Boy, you are really amazing, you even found me."

The masked man in black was extremely surprised. You must know that he had been hiding in Shaolin Temple for thirty years. If he didn't want to show up, no one would be able to find him.

But this young man in white, named Mu Han, actually revealed the location of his hiding place, which is really amazing!

"It's not difficult to find you."

Mu Han smiled faintly, pointed at the masked man in black, and said loudly to Xiao Feng: "Brother Xiao, you can get answers to all your questions from him, and he is still your dearest relative!"

"My dearest relative?"

Hearing Mu Han's words, Xiao Feng was shocked and murmured.

The masked man in black in front of him really gave him a familiar feeling.

But his biological parents, adoptive parents, and mentors who taught him careers have all passed away. In this world, how can I have any close relatives?

The heroes of the Central Plains martial arts became more and more curious.

"Brother Mu, who is he?" Xiao Feng asked.

"Brother Xiao, can't you figure it out?"

Mu Han smiled lightly and said, "He is Xiao Yuanshan!"

Xiao Yuanshan?

Hearing this name, most people are a little dazed.

Who is Xiao Yuanshan?

Why haven't I heard of it above the rivers and lakes.

Xuanci at the side had a look of shock flashing across his face, then he returned to normal immediately, folded his palms together, and whispered a Buddha's name.

Xiao Feng's face showed disbelief.

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