Martial Arts: Dugu Swordsmanship (comprehend the last move of Dugu Swordsmanship, transform Qi into a sword, control the sword with Qi, unite human and sword, Dzogchen) Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu (Dzogchen), Lightning Light God Walking (Dzogchen), Dragon Subduing Eighteen Palms (Dzogchen) Dog Beating Stick Method (Dzogchen)

The art of fighting left and right (Dzogchen) Lingbo Weibu (Dzogchen)... (can be obtained through the system points lottery, or you can find martial arts cheats to practice)

Supernatural skills: god-level deduction, god-level skills of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting

Cultivation realm: Congenital fivefold (practice internal force congenital true qi)

Soul Master Realm: Fifth Grade Soul Refining Master (Cultivation of Soul Power)

System points: 1073000 (points can be obtained for defeating and killing opponents, completing tasks and achievements)

The world we live in: the confused version of Qinshi Mingyue World, the wrong version of Tianxing Jiuge (the next world, waiting to be opened)

Looking at the more than one million points on the system panel, Mu Han felt itchy.

"Why don't you try your luck?"

These more than one million system points made Mu Han feel quite wealthy. He also wanted to give it a try. How is his luck in the new world?

Some points were directly used and exchanged for an intermediate lottery card.

"Master, do you want to draw a lottery?"


Hearing the system's inquiry, Mu Han firmly said, this mid-level lottery card is a blue treasure box, I don't know what will be drawn.

The items in these treasure chests are randomized by the system and cannot be influenced by Mu Han.

The virtual lottery platform slowly emerged, and then, one after another, blue treasure boxes flew past Mu Han's eyes at an extremely fast speed that could be recognized by the naked eye.

Although I have drawn a lot of things, my heart is still pounding when I draw a lottery again. Looking at these speeding blue treasure boxes, Mu Han licked his tongue, staring at these blue treasure boxes with his eyes. Looks a little excited.


When the shout fell, a blue treasure chest appeared on the lottery platform.

"Ding, congratulations to the master for obtaining the spiritual weapon of the fantasy world, Prince Changqin!"

Prince Changqin?

Magic weapon?

Mu Han was a little agitated, spiritual weapon is not something that can appear in the world of martial arts.

If the prince Changqin is really a spiritual weapon, isn't he the master who completely abused Qin Shi Mingyue World?

Obviously, an intermediate lottery card cannot draw a spirit weapon.

In the next system explanation, Mu Han was so angry that he cursed his mother in his heart, and there was a spectacular scene of ten thousand grass and mud horses galloping past above his head.

Although the prince's Changqin is a spiritual weapon, like the Xuanyuan Sword, it has suffered fatal damage and is no longer as ordinary.

This is obviously a tasteless one!

Mu Han looked at the prince Changqin in his hand and muttered.

Intermediate lottery card, just draw such a thing?

Can only play the piano?

It seems that I am in the new world, so I am not lucky!

However, in the blink of an eye, several beautiful figures flashed in Mu Han's mind.

Anyway, if I learn the skills of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting by myself, it would be good to know a few female friends with the prince's Changqin.

(Qian Nuo Zhao)

Thinking of this, he looked at the Prince Changqin in his hand. It was simple in texture and exuded a soft aura. When he played it, the sound was pleasant, like the murmur of a stream.

Putting the prince Changqin in the system warehouse, Mu Han's indifferent eyes scanned this strange valley.

The daughters of the bright moon world in Qin Dynasty were not inferior to the daughters of Tianlong.

The masters in the Qin Shi world are even more powerful than the masters in the Tianlong world.

"¨`Tianze, the four fierce generals of the night, Ba Linglong, the sword master Gai Nie, Donghuang masters, wait for me!"

Mu Han sneered, his stern eyes fell on the people slowly coming in the valley.

"System, is this Valley of Broken Soul?"

"Yes, Master!"

Hearing the system's answer, Mu Han smiled slightly, Broken Soul Valley, what a familiar name!

"Duk! Tuk!"

In Broken Soul Valley, accompanied by the sound of thunder from time to time, a group of people came slowly. . "

Chapter 2 Valley of Broken Souls, Ghost Soldiers Borrow the Way (2/3)


The silver dragon-shaped electric light flashed continuously, shining on the group of people driving to the Valley of Broken Soul.

The sound of cars and horses, mixed with the sound of thunder, made the air extremely depressing.

There are about a thousand people in this team, wearing iron armor, it seems that they are not ordinary soldiers.

"The two princes have ordered that the [-] military pay is sent to the border. The situation is urgent and we must go forward in the rain."

In addition to more than a thousand soldiers escorting several carriages loaded with things, someone on the cavalry at the side urged them from time to time.

And in front of the carriage, on top of the two tall horses, sat two middle-aged men wearing brocade clothes, one was thin and the other was fat. These two had a calm demeanor, but their eyes shone with a strange brilliance.

"Fourth brother, after sending the military salary to the border, how about going back to my house to taste the Dragon Bone Bazhen Soup?"

"Yes, I just want to go to Brother Wang's mansion and try the Dragon Bone Bazhen Soup."

This fat man in brocade is Han Wangan's third brother, Anping Jun. He saw his fourth brother Longquan's eyes staring at the dense forest not far away. Due to the dense clouds, he couldn't see the dark depths of the dense forest. something is hiding.

However, Mr. Longquan's heart was pounding. He seemed to feel the mysterious force coming slowly from the depths of the dense forest. He subconsciously pulled the rein, and the horse under his crotch raised his head and neighed. The front hooves kept slapping the ground.

Suddenly, a burst of lightning flashed across the sky, causing a brief gleam of light to appear in the dense forest.The leading guards stopped suddenly, with a look of horror in their eyes.

It turned out that there was a strange green light flickering in the depths of the dense forest, like a flickering will-o'-the-wisp, which made many soldiers retreat in fright.

Amidst the green light, several figures slowly condensed. They were wearing black iron armor, holding black weapons in their hands, and their empty eye sockets also shone with green light, beating like flames.

"Ghost, this is a ghost, the ghost soldier borrowed..."

When the first few soldiers retreated in fright, they tripped over something and they all flopped and knelt on the ground.

They looked terrified, got up from the ground one by one, and surrounded the carriage.

"Ghost soldier excuse?"

"Excuse the ghost soldier? Hurry up, protect the army's salary."

Lord Anping and Lord Longquan yelled loudly, holding the reins with both hands, urging the horses to retreat, even though they were well-informed, they were scared pale by this group of ghost soldiers, but in their eyes, But there was a look of surprise.



The sound of armor colliding seemed to vent the fear of these guards. They surrounded the carriage one by one, but saw that the military pay covered by felt cloth was slowly decreasing.

The rain became more urgent.

The bean-sized raindrops not only wet the felt cloth, but also reduced the [-] military pay in the felt cloth.

There was a sizzling sound from the felt cloth, and smoke spewed out from time to time, which made the guards look terrified. They looked at the attacking ghost soldiers one by one, almost powerless to fight back.

Shock, fear, and fear made the morale of this group of men and horses low. They watched the hundred thousand military pay disappear, and they also watched the sharp blades of the ghost soldiers penetrate their bodies.

Blood spattered, making the guards feel pain.

All this is true!

Could it be that these ghost soldiers are the ghosts of the five thousand soldiers of the Zheng Kingdom in Broken Soul Valley?

Suddenly, another burst of lightning flashed across the sky, accompanied by rumbling thunder, but it unexpectedly shone on a handsome man in white clothes and black hair standing on a cliff in Broken Soul Valley.

He has a beautiful appearance, just like a banished fairy descending from the earth, and there is an evil smile on his handsome face that has been chiseled with ax and chisels.

He looked down at the scene that happened in Valley of Broken Soul, with a playful expression on the corner of his mouth.

It's a good show.

"Run, run."

"Quick retreat, these ghost soldiers are the ghosts of Zheng Guojiang's soldiers."

After many guards were killed by this group of ghost soldiers, Lord Anping and Lord Longquan hurriedly urged the horses to escape.

At this time, the rest of the guards also fled away, leaving only a few carriages and terrifying ghost soldiers.

"Ghost soldiers make excuses? It's interesting. Although it's a deranged version of Tianxing Jiuge World, if (cade)'s guess is correct, the master of this group of ghost soldiers is still..."

Accompanied by flashes of lightning, the bodies of several ghost soldiers suddenly dissipated and turned into a group of crows, flying around in all directions.

At this time, Mu Han's eyes showed a playful look, it seemed that everything came at the right time, and when he first arrived in Qinshi Mingyue World, he encountered this good show.

He looked down at the group of ghost soldiers with a stern gaze, and they turned into hundreds of crows amidst the bang bang bang, making the corner of his mouth reveal a contemptuous smile.

It seems that the owner of these crows is not in the Valley of Broken Souls.


Suddenly there was a soft sound in the dense forest, the sound was very soft, but it was clearly heard by Mu Han.

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