This is the first time that Hong Yu has come into contact with such a handsome and handsome man. His hair is like ink, floating gracefully behind him. His tall and straight figure and resolute temperament make Hong Yu's heart rippling.


That weird cry still rang out from time to time in the dense forest, making the surrounding air chill.

Xu was scared out of the shadows by the ghost soldiers just now, Hong Yu couldn't help but put her arms around her shoulders, her delicate body trembling, and her eyes looked at a big tree in horror.


Seeing Hongyu's expression, Mu Han followed her gaze.

Dozens of crows rested on a big tree.

The eyes of each "[-]" crow shone with a strange green light.

The green light was like a will-o'-the-wisp, causing the crows to flutter away one by one, and in an instant, a ghost soldier riding a dark horse appeared.

The ghost soldier was tall and tall, and the spear in his hand was glowing with blood, and blood was faintly overflowing.

His appearance made Hongyu grab Mu Han's arm involuntarily.

"Young master, ghost soldier, this ghost soldier is much more powerful than the previous one, why don't we run away."

Hong Yu also saw that this ghost soldier had a ghostly aura emanating from his body compared to the previous ghost soldiers, which was even more eerie.

Involuntarily, Hong Yu was frightened, and she was eager to pull Mu Han away, for fear that Mu Han would be killed by the ghost soldiers.

Unexpectedly, Mu Han hugged Hong Yu's shoulder carelessly, raised his sword eyebrows, and looked stern.

He said indifferently: "It's just a ghost soldier, you still don't want to die!"

The voice has not yet fallen, but the people have arrived!

Mu Han raised his palm and waved out a piece of golden dragon-shaped zhenqi, which exploded onto the ghost soldier like a cloud in the wind.


This ghost soldier originally wanted to kill him, but he was turned into a big hand with five fingers stretched out by the golden dragon-shaped true energy, which grabbed his throat impressively.

With the click sound, the ghost soldier was crushed into a pile of powder.

The ground was full of dead crows.

Another crow?

Mu Han frowned slightly, and coldly glanced at the corpses of these dozens of crows, with an indifferent smile on his lips.

"Young master is great!"

Hong Yu looked at it with ease and joy. This young man in white was not only handsome, but also had extremely high martial arts skills. Suddenly, her heart was pounding like a deer.


Mu Han hugged Hong Yu carelessly again, without any sign of letting go. He looked down at Hong Yu's delicate cheeks, which were rosy white, as if water would flow out when pinched.

Her long hair, with a faint fragrance, fell on Mu Han's cheek, which made him unable to help himself.


Hong Yu didn't expect Mu Han to hug her so boldly, and suddenly felt like an electric shock, shaking a few times, trying to stretch out his hand to break away from his palm, but felt powerless all over, how could he break it?

What's more, Mu Han exuded a masculine resolute temperament, which made Hongyu's cheeks flush, and she was indescribably shy.

"It's so lovely, it's a pity not to eat it."

Mu Han murmured in his heart, looking at Hong Yu's shy face, it seemed that everything would come to fruition.

"Yu'er!" Mu Han said softly.

"Well, son~"

Hong Yu, who was teased by Mu Han, gradually lost her eyes. She looked at the handsome man in front of her with beautiful eyes, and her mind was in chaos.

Um?There seems to be a play.

Mu Han smiled slightly, and hugged him even tighter, making his cheeks itchy and hot from the orchid air in Hong Yu's mouth.

At this moment, how could Mu Han give up this opportunity?He lowered his head to Hong Yu's lips, and put his arms around her slender waist.


Just when Mu Han was about to enter into a deeper communication, suddenly, several black shadows approached from far away, thumping and rushing over.

What the hell!

Mu Han cursed secretly, damn it, who is it?A good thing to disturb labor and management?

Mu Han slapped the past, causing those black shadows to be smashed into pieces. He glanced over, and it turned out to be...


What the hell, is it a crow again?

Being disturbed by these crows made Hongyu recover, she broke free from Mu Han's embrace, but there was a ripple in her heart.

The owner of this group of crows should be the black crow among the birds?

It seems that the ink crow wants to use this group of crows to kill himself.

What the hell, Mu Han only felt ten thousand muddy horses galloping past, this black crow dared to spoil his good deeds, when he saw him, he would have to beat him up violently.

Seeing Hong Yu's shy face, he knew that he could only wait for the right time for further communication.

"Thank you for saving my life, my lord. Hong Yu is going back now."

Hong Yu bowed slightly to Mu Han, and there was a sense of reluctance in her words.

"By the way, if you come to Xinzheng, you can come to Zilanxuan. When the time comes, Hongyu will treat you well."

Hong Yu took a deep breath, she seemed to have great courage when she said this.

"Oh? Are you not afraid of these ghost soldiers?"

Ah ~

Mu Han didn't mention it, just after he finished saying this, Hong Yu cried out in surprise and threw herself heavily on him.

"This group of ghost soldiers is so scary, Hong Yu is afraid."

Hong Yu's delicate body trembled, thinking of the strange looks and terrifying aura of these ghost soldiers, she was so frightened that she dared not look to the left and right, as if there were a pair of green eyes staring at her at any time.

"Forget it, I'll be a flower protector and take you back to Zilanxuan."

Mu Han said "righteously and awe-inspiringly", sending Hongyu back to Zilanxuan was only the first step in his plan.

Only he knows this kind of plan, and he doesn't intend to tell others.

"Thank you, sir!" Hong Yu's cheeks turned even redder, this young man in white is really considerate.

Hong Yu has never been so cared for by others, and her affection for Mu Han suddenly increased a lot.

Seeing Hong Yu's expression, Mu Han smiled slightly. If he hadn't been disturbed by these crows, he and Hong Yu would have been able to communicate in depth.

Damn ink crow, don't let labor catch you.

Mu Han was cursing in his heart, if he wasn't afraid of Hongyu being frightened, he would have gone to find Mo Crow's trace 5.8, and beat him up mercilessly.

"Hong Yu, don't call me son, be good, call me Brother Mu."

Looking at Hongyu's shy expression, there is no trace of pink on her delicate cheeks.

Just plain makeup is so beautiful, Mu Han smiled slightly, and continued to tease.

"Brother Mu?"

Hongyu's little head is a little funny, she has never called anyone that way, even Wei Zhuang who often contacts in Zilanxuan, also calls Master Wei Zhuang.

Now, I only feel that Brother Mu is very kind, so I called softly: "Brother Mu."

"Good girl, Yuer."

Mu Han smiled slightly, he stretched out his arms to hug Hong Yu, causing Hong Yu to exclaim in surprise, before she could react, she was embraced by this firm arm.

She leaned tightly on her generous chest, making herself feel warm.

A sense of happiness that she had never felt before made her face blush. . "

Chapter 5 Zilanxuan, first meeting Nongyu (2/3)

Zilan Xuan!

Zi Lanxuan was famous in the Seven Kingdoms not only because of Fengyue Land, but because of Zi Lanxuan's woman.

Zilanxuan has the number one qin girl in Korea, and also the most beautiful master in the Land of Love and Moon in the Seven Kingdoms.

But all the princes and nobles who have seen Zi Nu will never forget this mature, charming and feminine woman.

She is like a blooming violet, making even the most daring person dare not cause trouble in Zilanxuan.

When the lights came on, luxurious carriages were parked outside the Zilan Pavilion. From time to time, high-ranking officials and nobles walked in, and from time to time, princes and grandchildren walked out of Zilan Pavilion drunk.

Mu Han was not the first person to go to Zilanxuan, nor was he the last.

Hong Yu, who was at the side, blushed with embarrassment, a pair of star eyes fell on Mu Han's body on her red face, and her footsteps gradually stopped.

Although Mu Han sent her to the door of Zilanxuan, she showed no sign of intending to let him leave.

Mu Han smiled slightly, this Zilan Pavilion was really prosperous, who would have thought that such a luxurious land of love and moon would be a place to spy on information from the Seven Kingdoms?

Thinking of this, his footsteps stopped involuntarily.

At this time, some people at the gate of Zi 16 Lanxuan couldn't help but stop when they saw such a handsome young man, and their envious eyes made time stop.

Mu Han is dressed in white Shengxue, looks clean and elegant, with a pair of piercing eyes, flashing a flamboyant and frivolous look, but it gives off an aloof and cold aura.

He is like a long sword unsheathed in the dark night, even the endless night cannot block his sharp edge.

"Brother Mu, this is Zilanxuan."

Hong Yu said in a low voice, she didn't dare to look into Mu Han's eyes, she felt that his gaze was like the light penetrating the soul, causing a slight ripple in her heart.

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