"It's like I'm looking forward to the Zinu girl's promise, isn't it?"

Looking at Zi Nu's sexy figure, Mu Han swallowed his saliva, causing Zi Nu's eyes to see Mu Han's eyes, and could not help but snort.

This Mu Han is always trying to tease himself.

"Look, before the business is finished, Mr. Mu has drifted away again, am I pretty?"

"Haha, talking to Miss Zi Nu is a matter of business. If Miss Zi Nu joins hands with me, I will definitely not disappoint Miss Zi Nu."

"Hmph, sweet words, men don't have a good thing, Mr. Mu, you are so boring, these words of yours are fine for coaxing little girls, as for me, it's out of date."

At this moment, Zi Nu kept sizing up Mu Han with her charming starry eyes. She walked out of the room slowly, but her voice echoed in the room, "Young Master Mu, you have entered Ji Wuye's death list, and you want to control Qi Wuye." The land of the country, let’s talk about stabilizing South Korea first, Zi Lanxuan, provide information to the young master at any time` 々.”

The purple girl who only left her sexy back made De Muhan smile slightly, it seems that she has already fallen in love with him.


Gently pushing open the door, Han Fei, who was dressed in purple, raised his eyes to see Mu Han, who was as handsome as a fairy, and felt that he was becoming dirty.

This Mu Han sat leaning beside the table, gently knocking on the table with one hand, while with the other hand, he picked up the good wine in the wine bottle and drank it down in one gulp.

"Zi Lanxuan's fine wine tastes very good, Mr. Han Fei, would you like a cup?"

Not long after Zi Nu left, Han Fei came to Zi Lanxuan for the third time, and heard that Mu Han was in the house, which made Han Fei run outside Mu Han's house in a hurry.

Finally seeing Mu Han, it seems that the [-] military salary stolen by Ji Wuye will be found soon.

"No, Mr. Mu, Han Fei has something to ask."

"If I let you take Sikou's seat, what will you give me in return?"

He didn't know Han Fei well. Even if Han Fei was the beginning of his game, he had to use it for himself. Otherwise, he would be full and help the irrelevant Han Fei?

"Yes, if Han Fei is the boss Kou, please invite Mr. Mu as the guest of honor and create a brand new Korea with me."

"Brand new South Korea? The rotten things are already rotten at the root, and it takes a lot of time to rebuild them. Besides, how could I be your honored guest? Mr. Han Fei, you think too highly of yourself."

Mu Han continued to knock on a few cases, making them make a dull sound.His cold voice echoed in Han Fei's ears, causing Han Fei's heart to sink involuntarily.

This Mu Han, he asked him to be the honored guest, but he didn't do it, what exactly does he want?

"I don't know what Mr. Mu wants? If Han Fei can do it, he will never refuse."

"Hehe, Mr. Han Fei, I want you to serve me as master, are you willing?"

Mu Han looked up at Han Fei's surprised expression, which made Han Fei feel like he was being shocked by electricity.

Serve you as master?

Looking at Mu Han's cold smile, Han Fei couldn't control himself a little. How could he bow his knees and serve others as his master?

Immediately, Han Fei fell into silence. Seeing that he could get evidence from Mu Han that Ji Wuye stole [-] military pay, by then, he would be able to capture the position of commander.

Unexpectedly, this Mu Han actually said such words, so that he couldn't accept it at all.


"Hehe, you don't want to have such a small condition? Then, get out."

Seeing Han Fei's unbearable look, Mu Han sneered contemptuously.

Those who achieve great things have a deep tolerance. It seems that this Han Fei still lacks some enthusiasm.

"Mr. Mu, I, Han Feinai, is the son of the King of Han. If I submit to you, wouldn't it be a slap in the face of the Korean royal family?"

"Slap in the face? Just because you still want to become a Sikou? This is not a threat to you, but a condition of cooperation between you and me. Han Fei, if you are my younger brother, when I take control of the Seven Kingdoms, I will be able to implement the law you have implemented." , to educate all living beings in the land of the seven kingdoms."

". In the land of the Seven Kingdoms, let my law promote the Seven Kingdoms? You~ what ability do you have to control the Seven Kingdoms?"

"Oh? You don't believe it?"

Seeing Han Fei's unbelievable expression, Mu Leng smiled coldly, making the latter feel the pair of sharp edges, as if piercing through the fog barrier called Tianxia.

"He does have this ability, and the method advocated by Mr. Han Fei will also educate and educate all living beings as he expands his territory."

The soft and moving voice seemed to be whispering in the ear, and the sound reached Han Fei and Mu Han's ears, making Mu Han smile slightly, showing a look of disdain for the world.

"Miss Purple Girl? Even you~"

Han Fei knew Zi Nu girl very well. Although she was the master of Zi Lanxuan on the surface, she actually had a more hidden identity.

This woman who was very popular in Korea said that she trusted Mu Han, which made Han Fei turn around and look at Mu Han.

Mu Han smiled slightly. He put down the wine bottle, walked slowly (by Zhao Zhao's) to Han Fei's ear, and whispered something in his ear. In no time, he saw Han Fei's frowning brows blossomed, and gradually revealed a happy expression.

"Thank you, Brother Mu!"

Han Fei only felt that he was about to jump up excitedly. He saluted hurriedly, turned around and left quickly.

"What did you tell him? Why is he so excited?"

Seeing Han Fei almost staggering to the ground, Zi Nu's eyes full of doubts fell on Mu Han.

Mu Han fascinated her more and more. How many secrets does this man have that I haven't guessed?

"Miss Zi Nu, I trouble you to prepare a banquet on the mountain. After a while, you will see a good show."

"A good show? Mr. Mu, you are becoming more and more mysterious. Could it be that you can really make Ji Wuye spit out one hundred thousand military pay?"

Seeing Mu Han's expression on his chest, a trace of surprise flashed across Zi Nu's eyes. . "

Chapter 22 The Great General's Mansion, Ji Wuye's Shock (1/3)

When the lights were on, in the Sparrow Pavilion of the General's Mansion, there were several beauties leaning on Ji Wuye's burly and majestic body, all showing tender and timid eyes.

Ji Wuye held the wine bottle in one hand, admiring the beautiful scenery everywhere. These beauties were all collected by him, and after his skillful training, they have already become charming and charming, and they are for his own use.

And on the table next to Ji Wuye, there was a pile of golden coins, which made these beauties keep watching.

"Hahaha, these gold coins are all yours. Whoever grabs the most will be rewarded heavily by this general."

These gold coins are nothing more than a drop in the bucket for a hundred thousand military pay. Seeing these beauties, they were stupefied at first, and then twisted their delicate bodies one by one, and pounced on them. Immediately, Ji Wuye looked up to the sky laugh.

That Mu Han might have been killed by someone from the Poison Scorpion Sect, and Han Fei and Zhang Liang's clues were completely cut off.

In another six or seven days, Xiangguo opened his eyes and failed to solve the ghost soldier's excuse, and the entire Zhang family would be destroyed by him!

Any stumbling block that blocks or hinders him, he will step on to become a stepping stone for him to reach the pinnacle of power.

No one would know that the [-] military salary was swallowed by him without leaving a trace.

"Report to the general, the messenger of King Han has arrived and is waiting outside the gate at 803."

The sound of hurried footsteps came to the Sparrow Pavilion, and a guard with a panicked expression hurried over.

"King Han's messenger? For no reason, what order? She didn't send any news from the deep palace. Could it be an urgent military situation?"

In the depths of Ji Wuye's mind, a soft and charming woman emerged. He settled down, and his stern eyes fell outside the Sparrow Pavilion.


"Congratulations to the general. This time, the father heard that the general has made great achievements, so he specially sent me to pass the message."

Han Fei, who was dressed in purple and showed a luxurious temperament, strode from the bird pavilion to Ji Wuye's not far away, making Ji Wuye's Chinese character face reveal a suspicious look.

"Young Master Ninth? I don't know what great contribution this general has made to make Young Master Ninth come here late at night."

Ji Wuye was confused. Did Han Fei find the wrong person?He hadn't made any great achievements recently, and immediately, he fixed his eyes on Han Fei, trying to detect a clue.

"Haha, the general still doesn't kneel down to listen to the seal?"

Looking at Ji Wuye, who was showing a confused look, Han Fei smiled slightly, showing a chic and suave look, which made these noisy beauties look at them quietly.

"What are you doing in a daze, keep grabbing."

Ji Wuye was very displeased with Han Fei's expression. He was so powerful that even King Han didn't pay attention to him. Even if King Han ordered him to, he would not kneel down.

"This general occasionally suffers from a leg ailment and cannot kneel down, so please ask the young master to read it by himself."

"Okay, Ji Wuye listened to the order, the emperor blessed him, and he was generous. The general Ji Wuye won a hundred thousand military pay and saved our loss in South Korea. He has made great contributions. Now, the king is benevolent, and he is giving the general a thousand taels of gold. One hundred bolts of silk, and fifty people enslaved. General, congratulations."

Han Fei read without arrogance, every word he said made Ji Wuye full of doubts. The [-] military salary was clearly in his hidden stronghold, so why was it obtained by the king?

It's impossible, it's never possible, unless someone knows where their gold is hidden.

"I don't know where the ninth son learned that I got the [-] military salary. This general is a little confused."

"Huh? Didn't the general get the [-] military salary? That's strange."

"Perhaps the ninth son is confused. The one hundred thousand military salary was obviously borrowed by the ghost soldiers. It disappeared in an instant. Could it be human work?"

Seeing Han Fei's feigned surprise, a sneer flashed across Ji Wuye's face. It seemed that Han Fei wanted to trick him into making him hand over one hundred thousand military pay.

Is he an imposing Korean general, so stupid?

"General Ji, I also heard from my father that the fourth brother said it. After the fourth brother said that he had a long talk with the general, the general informed him of the whereabouts of the [-] military salary. Now, the [-] military salary is in the The palace, if General Ji doesn’t believe it, you can see for yourself.” (bidj)

"Fourth son Han Yu?"

Ji Wuye was so angry that his teeth itched. When Han Yu came to the mansion, he did let his adoptive son Han Qiancheng leave first. Could it be that Han Qiancheng found some clues in the mansion?

Han Yu, did he send someone to take away the [-] military pay that I hijacked?

Ji Wuye stood up slowly, his tall and mighty body made the air in the Sparrow Pavilion suddenly cold.

At this time, those beauties were all frightened by Ji Wuye's aura.


A thunderous crackling sound made De Ji Wuye burst out with terrifying killing intent.

His horizontal kung fu practice has reached perfection.

"Oh? So that's it, Young Master Ninth, why don't you drink a few glasses of wine in my mansion, and have a long talk with Young Master Ninth when the general comes back."

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