"Mr. Mu, if my guess is correct, you have worked so hard for Zhang Liang!"

No one in Xinzheng City knew that the Ninth Prince Han Fei had never been seen by the King of Han, and although Zhang Liang was the grandson of Xiangguo Zhang Kaidi, he was a master strategist and could be called a think tank.

"Haha, Miss Zi Nu, you guessed it wrong. Han Fei and Zhang Liang are equally important to me. The more irresistible things are, the more I will do them."

"Oh, so that's the case. I don't know what Mr. Mu will do next? I'm looking forward to it."

"Miss Zi Nu, don't you know? The more you look forward to, the greater the disappointment. Miss Zi Nu will not know such a simple truth."

Seeing Zi Nu's charming and sexy figure, Mu Hanfu understood, and he smiled slightly, making Zi Nu's cheeks shy.

Obviously, he said this to Mu Han first.

"Hmph, Mr. Mu, you slapped Ji Wuye twice, which really made me admire. However, the four murderous generals of Yemu are about to enter the stage. You have to be careful."

"The four vicious generals of the night, the blood-clothed waiter controls the power, the emerald tiger controls the wealth, the coir raincoat controls the spy, and the fashionable banshee controls the government. Now, it's really cool for you to beat Ji Wuye violently, but it's really cool to be in control of the army, government, and finances." , the four murderous generals of the spies have already set their sights on you. The current situation is not only a killing situation, but also a difficult situation."

Wei Zhuang, who was sitting on the side, continued to show a cool expression. Every word he said, every word, seemed to have a strong penetrating power, making all the girls look up at Mu Han.

"Well, that's why we want to create an organization, an organization that stirs up the situation in the Seven Kingdoms."

"An organization?"

"That's right, an organization that integrates military, government, espionage, and wealth. This organization is quicksand."

"."quicksand? "


Everyone's eyes lit up, as if they felt a strange scene.

Looking at Mu Han's firm and slightly evil smile, everyone knew in their hearts that this organization called Quicksand would definitely stir up this chaotic world of conflicts in the land of the Seven Kingdoms.

"Brother Mu, I am willing to join Quicksand."

Amidst the creaking sound, the door of the room was opened, Han Fei and Zhang Liang's brother-in-law walked in, and they all saluted Mu Han.

In fact, Han Fei and Zhang Liang's arrival had already been noticed by the people in the room. Seeing that Mu Han didn't speak, they just didn't open the door.

At this time, Han Fei was wearing a purple dress, looking suave and suave, with the Korean Sikou's waist tag hanging beside the dress.

It seems that the [-] military salary has turned the Zhang family from danger to safety, and Xiangguo Zhangkai also fulfilled his promise, making Han Fei the Sikou.

"Quicksand is no longer a plate of loose sand, but a desert, a desert that gradually devours the land of the Seven Kingdoms. Brother Wei Zhuang, Han Fei, Zi Fang, Zi Nu, Nong Yu, Hong Yu, would you like to (Li Zhao Zhao) , together with me will grow the quicksand, annex the seven heroes of the Warring States Period, and hundreds of schools of thought."

"I am willing!"

"I am willing!"

Mu Han's eyes showed a piercing expression, which made Dewei Zhuang nod coolly, Han Fei and Zhang Liang all saluted, Zi Nu, Nong Yu, and Hong Yu all showed admiration in their eyes.

"The poisonous scorpion sect has been wiped out by me. Now, there are still those gangs in Xinzheng City."

"There is also the Qijuetang family that dominates. Since you killed the poisonous scorpion, the poisonous scorpion is a mess, and it has been annexed by Tang Qi."

"Oh? Qijue Hall?"

Mu Leng smiled coldly, he wanted to control the land of the Seven Kingdoms, and all schools of thought could not be accomplished by relying on them alone.

Besides, he didn't want Zhu Nu and the others to take risks, so Qijuetang was a good choice.

The task of controlling the turmoil in Xinzheng City is handed over to Qijuetang. . "

Chapter 27 Qijuetang surrenders, Huo Yugong's treasure (3/4)


A flash of lightning flashed across the dark night sky, like a raging silver dragon.

Immediately afterwards, a thunderstorm resounded over Xinzheng City, and the pattering rain caused a small river in the city to swell instantly.

On a wooden bridge above the small river, there stood a man dressed in white and as handsome as a fairy, holding an oil umbrella in one hand.

He walked lightly and did not make a sound on the wooden bridge.

"Who? Dare to trespass on Qijue Hall's territory?"

Amidst the rain, a few men in black cloaks stood in his way, causing a sneer to form at the corner of his mouth.

"Oh? You are from Qijuetang? Let Tang Qi come out to see me."

Although his handsome face, shaved with chisels and chisels, only showed an evil smile, it was like the lightning in the night, which made the disciples of Qi Jue Hall feel chills down their backs.

"The hall master is not here, you should go."


Before the words fell, the disciple of Qijue Hall let out a muffled grunt, and flew out backwards, hitting the ground heavily, his whole body twitched a few times, and remained motionless for a while.


Died before seeing clearly what was going on?

The rest of the 250 Qijuetang disciples felt their legs tremble, and they all showed terrified expressions.

Why is this person so cruel?

All of a sudden, the faces of these disciples all showed expressions of horror.

This man in white is too scary!

"Tell Tang Qi to come out and see me!"

Mu Han said coldly, although the voice was not loud, it was heard clearly by the surroundings.

After he founded Quicksand in Zilanxuan, he came to Qijue Hall.

The Qijuetang is the underworld gang in Xinzheng City, so let them do some shady things.

The rain gradually became heavier. Accompanied by thunder, a dozen or so disciples ran out of the room. The leader was a thin old man with white hair.

Name: Tang Qi

Age: 60

Sex: Male

Identity: Hall Master of Qijue Hall

This person is Qijuetang Tang Qi, the boss of the underworld gang in Xinzheng City.

"My friend, why did you kill my man?"

Tang Qi didn't know that he was Mu Han, if he knew, he would be so frightened that he knelt on the ground. (bibj) He saw a disciple was killed, and the rest of the disciples showed panic expressions, obviously frightened, and immediately looked at Mu Han.

This is a white-clothed man who wins snow, like a banished immortal.

He is dressed in white, with a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth, all showing his unusual temperament.

This kind of temperament made Tang Qi dare not go beyond it in the slightest.

"Oh? Just annexed the Poison Scorpion Sect, did you get carried away with complacency? Tang Qi, do you know that the Poison Scorpion Sect is under Ji Wuye's subordinates, and if you annexed the Poison Scorpion Sect, are you not afraid that Ji Wuye will find you?"

Mu Han smiled slightly, those deep eyes seemed to see the depths of Tang Qi's heart, making the hall master of Qijue Hall suddenly feel as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.

Ji Wuye!

This name has a strong deterrent effect, making everyone in South Korea feel frightened.

Tang Qi was a little shocked, and his face gradually turned pale. Mu Han's words were like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, which made Tang Qi feel terrified.

Even if the underworld gang controlled the entire Xinzheng City, Qijuetang would not be able to challenge Ji Wuye.

As a powerful general in South Korea, Ji Wuye's four fierce generals in the night and the killer of birds in the night made Tang Qi feel like a thorn in his back.

"Hehe, don't you believe it?" Mu Han smiled faintly.

"Who the hell are you? What is the purpose of coming to Qijue Hall?" Tang Qi asked with a chill down his back.

"Mu Han!"

"Mu Han?"

With a plop, the trembling Tang Qi seemed to feel a flash of lightning falling into his mind, making him kneel on the ground involuntarily.

His Qijuetang controls the underworld in Xinzheng City, and also controls some intelligence in Xinzheng City.

Mu Han, this name is no stranger to him.

It is said that the master of the Poison Scorpion Sect, Poison Scorpion, died at his hands.

It is said that the two chief killers of the night birds were also defeated by him.

He lives in Zilanxuan, and even the hottest Zinu girl in South Korea looks at him differently.

Why did he come to Qijue Hall?

Tang Qi was well aware of the disparity in strength between himself and Mu Han, so he knelt on the ground, making the other Qijuetang disciples extremely astonished!

Boss Tang actually knelt in front of this young man in white?


Although these disciples were puzzled, none of them were stupid, and they knelt on the ground following Tang Qi.

"Tang Qi, I want to take your Qijuetang and use it for me. I wonder if you want to?"

"Tang Qi and Qi Juetang are willing to serve as sons, go through fire and water, and will do whatever they want."

Tang Qi was not stupid, Mu Han's seemingly questioning words did not allow for the slightest rebuttal from him.

It can make the poisonous scorpion sect disappear, and it can also make the Qijue hall disappear.

This Mr. Mu Han came prepared, with his unfathomable strength and mysterious identity, he is absolutely no match for him!

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