Madam Hu and Nongyu are indeed mother and daughter, they both speak exactly the same, which makes Mu Han smile slightly, it seems that the favorability of the two daughters towards him has increased a lot.

"Hehe, Wushuang ghost, you are too weak."

Seeing Mrs. Hu and Nongyu's second daughter walking to a big tree not far away, Mu Han turned around and glanced at Wushuanggui's burly figure, shook his head, and said. "

Chapter 36 Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu, Defeating Wushuang Ghost in One Move (4/4)


Wushuang ghost is more than ten feet long, and his appearance is extremely ugly.Muscular, bare chest, was firmly tied by several thick iron chains.

Moreover, with his bare feet that were as hard as iron, every step he took would not only shake the ground, but also cause the surrounding dust to fly. Wherever he passed, there were rows of footprints on the ground.


The Wushuang ghost grabbed the big tree beside him with both hands, but with a light lift, he actually uprooted the big tree.

It can be seen that this Wushuang ghost is indeed born with strange power.

"Brother Mu, this giant is terrifying, you have to be careful?"

Nongyu, who was hiding not far away, opened her small mouth slightly, showing a slightly surprised expression. She was dumbfounded by Wushuang Ghost's brutal strength, and couldn't help but secretly worried for Mu Han.

To deal with a strange person like Wu Shuanggui who has perfected his kung fu, ordinary swords can't hurt him at all.

However, if he was hit by the Wushuang ghost's fist, it might not be as simple as breaking bones and tendons.

"Yes, Mr. Mu, will we be your burden?"

Madam Hu was also a little scared. She looked at Mu Han standing in front of Wushuanggui. Although he was tall and handsome, could she resist his punch?

He couldn't help showing a look of remorse, why did he go to the land of Baiyue?Doesn't this make Mu Han suffer?

Although it was her heart's knot to return to the land of Baiyue, she didn't want Mu Han to get hurt by it.

"Is he the Hercules of Baiyue?"

Mrs. Hu was very worried about Mu Han's safety, she glanced at the Wushuang ghost who was like steel and iron, and saw his steel-like ugly face, and the red fruit on his chest, engraved with the unique flame of Baiyue people serpentine.

The land of Baiyue worships the snake god. Although Madam Hu has been away from Baiyue for more than ten years, she still remembers this kind of flame snake pattern very clearly.

"Hehe, how can you be a burden? Mrs. Hu, Nongyu, you just watch from the side, a mere strongman, I, Mu Han, don't take it seriously¨.."

In the original book, Wei Zhuang defeated the Wushuang ghost with one move, since he was able to defeat Wei Zhuang by traveling in all directions, dealing with this Wushuang ghost was a piece of cake.

What's more, when I was on my way with Mrs. Hu and Nongyu, I successfully broke through to the sixth level of innateness!

Strength to a higher level!

Mu Han, with a playful smile on his face, stood proudly, the disdain and contempt in his eyes made the Wushuang ghost's eyes widen, as if they had burst out.


Wushuang Ghost's physique is strong and domineering, and his right fist is like overwhelming momentum, rushing forward.

This kind of terrifying punching force caused a whirlwind of punching force to form around, and everywhere it passed, it was like a mess.

"What a terrifying punch, Brother Mu, hurry up."

"I've never seen such a powerful Hercules, Mr. Mu, you have to be careful."

Even though they were hiding behind the big tree, Mrs. Hu and Nongyu's daughters still felt the terrifying punch of Wushuang Ghost, and they all became worried for Mu Han.

In the original book, Wushuang ghosts are so powerful that a thousand-year-old crystal can be shattered with one punch, and a thousand-jin stone gate can be propped up with one hand.

This punch, like a howling wind, was terrifying.

Can Mu Han, who is in the midst of a storm of fist strength, withstand such a brutal and terrifying punch?

In an instant, a thought flashed through Mrs. Hu Nongyu's mind, if this Wushuang ghost hurt Mu Han, they would definitely rush over without hesitation, even if they hit a stone with a pebble, they would not back down.

At this time, they already showed a determined look.

As if aware of Mrs. Hu and Nongyu's intentions, Mu Han turned his face and smiled slightly, and then, he pushed forward suddenly with both fists like overwhelming mountains.


In an instant, a golden light burst out from Mu Han's fist strength, accompanied by the roar of dragons and elephants, thirteen dragons and thirteen elephants, like thousands of troops and horses, shook the earth rumbling.

Dragon Elephant Prajna Skill, Dzogchen!

Wushuang Gui's fist is powerful, and Mu Han's Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu is even more powerful.

Stop the strong with force, resist violence with violence!


This violent power of thirteen dragons and thirteen elephants made Mrs. Hu Nongyu's mouth slightly open, and she was stunned.

Mu Han's fist strength is even more domineering, brutal, and terrifying than Wushuang Ghost's fist strength!

What is he like?

Involuntarily, this thought crossed Madam Hu's Nongyu's mind, and they were all shocked.

Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu, Thirteen Dragons and Thirteen Elephants, each of the dragon and elephant's power has a thousand catties of strength, even if Wushuang Gui's fist strength is very turbulent, it can't resist the violent impact of these thirteen dragons and thirteen elephants .


The power of the first dragon elephant, impressively withstood Wushuang Ghost's berserk punch.


The second dragon-elephant force actually made Wushuang Ghost Teng Teng retreat several steps.


All the power of the Dragon Elephant from the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu exploded onto Wushuang Ghost's body, causing his overbearing body, which was more than ten feet long, to fall to the ground with a bang.


This last dragon-elephant force broke Wushuang Ghost's leg bones, and he lay on the ground, unable to get up.

one move!

With just one move, he completely abused Wushuang Ghost.

"." Well, Brother Mu is awesome. "

Nongyu threw herself on Mu Han excitedly, looking at Mu Han who was spotless and uninjured, she couldn't help but feel shy, and really wanted to lean on this firm chest forever.

Madam Hu at the side didn't bother Mu Han Nongyu, although she gradually had a good impression of Mu Han, but the difference in their ages was too big, which made Madam Hu always feel that there was a hurdle in her heart.

"How old is she and she still cries, Madam Hu is by her side, so she's not shy."

Seeing Nongyu weeping with joy and looking so pitiful, Mu Han couldn't help reaching out to wrap her in his arms, but his hands landed on Nongyu's hips.

Perhaps sensing Mu Han's restlessness, Nongyu gently broke away from Mu Han's embrace.

"Brother Mu, do you really want to kill this giant (de Zhao) man?"

Feeling that his cheeks were no longer hot, Nongyu turned around to look at the burly giant lying motionless, with compassion in his eyes.

This Wushuang ghost was beaten so badly by Brother Mu that he couldn't move, so pitiful.

"Wu Shuang Ghost, he came here, could it be?"

Seeing Wushuang ghost being crushed by him and unable to move, a seductive figure flashed in the depths of Mu Han's mind.

Flame Fairy!

If the guess is correct, Yan Lingji was imprisoned in a hidden cave nearby.

And Wushuang ghost came here, probably to save Yan Lingji, and regarded himself as the person who imprisoned Yan Lingji.

In the original book, Yan Lingji's appearance is astonishing as a heavenly being, her charming voice, her skin that can be broken by blowing bullets, and those ice blue eyes that make people restless like flames, all appear in front of Mu Han's eyes .

Yan Lingji, this is an unusual woman! . "

Chapter 37 A remote cave, the beautiful Flame Lingji (1/4)

Mu Han didn't kill Wushuang Ghost!

Although Wushuang Ghost has a bad temper, well-developed limbs, and natural supernatural powers, he is simple-minded and easily exploited by others.

And whether it was used by Tianze or became one of the four heavenly kings of Niu Liusha, Wushuang ghost has always been loyal.

This made Mu Han quite appreciate.

As a subordinate, loyalty is the most important thing!

"Wushuang ghost, you are very good, but it's a pity you didn't meet a good master."

The sudden appearance of the Wushuang ghost let Mu Han know that he was looking for Yan Lingji, but according to the development of the original plot, the prince of Baiyue who was imprisoned in the dark dungeon, the red-browed dragon snake Tianze, may have been released.

However, he didn't take Tianze seriously. If Tianze came to stop him, then don't blame his subordinates for being ruthless.

Right now, Mu Han wants to meet Yan Lingji.

This woman who is like fire and water is very suitable for my appetite.

"Let's go!"

Seeing Mrs. Hu and Nongyu standing beside the carriage, Mu Han smiled slightly, and after letting the two daughters sit in the carriage, he drove away with a whip.

In fact, when he left Wushuanggui's side, Mu Han, who is a fifth-grade soul refiner, had already intercepted a memory fragment in Wushuanggui's mind.

The scene presented in this memory fragment is the cave where Wushuang Gui knew that Yan Lingji was imprisoned.


The carriage turned around and headed for the cave where Yan Lingji was imprisoned.

"Brother Mu, where are we going?"

"This... doesn't seem to be the way to the land of Baiyue."

At this moment, Mrs. Hu and the second daughter Nongyu felt that Mu Han seemed to be driving the carriage in the opposite direction, and asked.

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