She didn't speak, and her slender hands, which were as white as jade, were twisted in front of her body. Obviously, she was also confused and didn't know what to do.

In fact, Zi Nu also has a good impression of Mu Han in her heart, and Zi Nu admires him very much for his temperament and determination.

However, Zi Nu did not reach the point of agreeing with her body.And Mu Han's forceful kiss did not make Zi Nu show a look of disgust, on the contrary, she showed shyness and a deeper affection.

"I haven't made up my mind yet!"

Obviously, although Mu Han's domineering played a certain role, it didn't make Zi Nu give up.

There is still a trace of ties in her heart, after all, Nongyu, Hongyu, and Yanlingji all have a crush on Mu Han.

Although she looks sexy and charming, she is shy like a little girl inside, which makes Mu Han smile slightly.

"Okay! Then I'll wait for you!"

Mu Han laughed loudly, let go of Zinu, picked up the wine bottles on the table, and drank it all in one gulp. The wine of Zilanxuan really tastes better the more you drink it. 0.0 "Zi Nu, has there been any movement in Xinzheng City these days?"

"I was about to tell you about this, but who knew you...Han Fei was under house arrest, and King Han's two younger brothers were killed by ghost soldiers."

"Mr. Anping? Mr. Longquan? They were killed. What does it have to do with Han Fei?"

Mu Han said coldly, it was Mo Crow who made the ghost soldier's excuse.

Mo Ya had already been killed by himself in the land of Baiyue, it seemed that Ji Wuye still did not give up.

"Ji Wuye said that Lord Anping and Lord Longquan were killed because Han Fei found [-] military pay. These two princes are the younger brothers of King Han, so Ji Wuye's instigation made King Han believe it was true. .Han Fei has been locked up for several days."

"Oh. Tell Zifang to come."

Mu Han smiled slightly, but there was a hint of ferocity in his eyes. . "

Chapter 60 Conditions for Rescuing Han Fei, Hu Meiren (1/3)

"Master Zhang, is my sister really in Zilanxuan?"

"Yes, Beauty Hu, how could Zhang Liang tell lies? Here, Mrs. Hu is already waiting at the door of Zilanxuan."

The sound of carriages and horses approached from far away. On a luxurious carriage, the door curtain was raised, revealing a white and delicate melon-seeded face. Her eyes were full of spring, and her voice was soft and soft. Zhang Liang, who was so young, couldn't help but The ground cheeks are hot.

"Young Master Mu is really amazing."

Looking at Zilanxuan which was so close, Zhang Liang couldn't help sighing in his heart.

Last night, after hearing the news of Mu Han's return, Zhang Liang rushed to Zilanxuan.

Han Fei was framed by Ji Wuye and imprisoned by King Han, leaving him helpless.

Unexpectedly, after a few words, Mu Han came up with a plan, that is to invite Hu Meiren to Zilanxuan to meet Mrs. Hu, and let her persuade King Han to rescue Han Fei.

Zhang Liang led the promise, and according to Mu Han's words, in just a few words, Hu Meiren came to Zilanxuan with him.

"elder sister……"

"younger sister……"

Seeing her sister finally came to Zilanxuan, Mrs. Hu couldn't help hugging her.

If it weren't for the fire at Huoyu Villa, they would not have come to Xinzheng 20 City. One married the enemy Zuo Sima Liu Yi, and the other married the potbellied King Han.

Now that the sisters finally meet, they naturally have a lot to say.

"My younger sister heard that my elder sister went to the house to take a look. I wonder if my father's grave is still there?"

"It's still there. I have told my father what I need to say, so that he will not worry about us. Moreover, I have also avenged the Huoyu Villa and my father."

"Who? Who killed father and destroyed Huoyu Villa?"

Hu Meiren still remembers the fire more than ten years ago.Seeing that Mrs. Hu said that she had avenged her, she couldn't help shouting.

Hu Meiren and Mrs. Hu talked while walking, and after a while, they came to a room.

Just when the door opened, Hu Meiren suddenly saw a man as handsome as a fairy, drinking from a wine bottle.

He is tall and handsome, with three-dimensional facial features and deep eyes, showing his frivolous and resolute temperament.

He really is a stunningly beautiful man.

And he also looked at Hu Meiren, her appearance was very similar to Mrs. Hu, both were beautiful and dignified, but, in Hu Meiren's eyes, there was a strange look. A mature and sexy charm.

"Meet Hu Meiren."

Mu Han smiled slightly, her handsome face made Hu Meiren's cheeks flush, she gently pushed Madam Hu, and said, "Sister, why is there a man?"

Hu Meiren is King Han's favored concubine, her status is not low, and she has never been so close to other men. Seeing the handsome and unrestrained Mu Han, she couldn't help feeling shy.

"Sister, this Mr. Mu has avenged us."

"He? Sister, what's the matter with you?"

Seeing Mu Han's handsome expression with a slight smile, Hu Meiren couldn't help but look at Mu Han and Mrs. Hu more.

Seeing Madam Hu's tender eyes, looking at Mu Han with admiration, Beauty Hu smiled and sat opposite Mu Han.

"To disturb Beauty Hu, there is indeed one thing. This matter is related to the safety of Beauty Hu."

"My safety? Mr. Mu, I am favored by the King of Han in the palace. How can there be any danger? Mr. Mu is too worried."

"Haha, doesn't Hu Meiren believe it? What about Mrs. Mingzhu?"

Seeing that Hu Meiren shook her head with a look of disbelief, Mu Han smiled slightly.

"Ms. Mingzhu? How do you know?" Hu Meiren opened her mouth slightly in shock. If her only opponent in the palace was this charming Mrs. Mingzhu.

"If I tell Hu Meiren that Mrs. Mingzhu is actually Ji Wuye's person, what would Hu Meiren think?"

"Ji Wuye?"

Who in South Korea doesn't know the great general Ji Wuye?And who doesn't know that he has power over the government and the public, covering the sky with one hand.

Thinking that Mrs. Mingzhu turned out to be Ji Wuye's person, Hu Meiren was even more surprised.

"Yes, Mrs. Mingzhu is Ji Wuye's person, and she is also the cousin of Bai Yifei in blood. Hu Meiren, your current situation is very dangerous."

"I know Mr. Mu will definitely have a solution. You can ask my sister to call me out. I'm afraid it's not just telling me that it's dangerous?"

"Haha, Hu Meiren is really smart, and she can see through a little bit. Yes, there is indeed one thing, and it is Han Fei."

Seeing Hu Meiren's shy expression after being praised by him, Mu Han smiled slightly. It seems that this Hu Meiren is also easy to get started.

However, whether or not Hu Meiren can be taken down depends on Mrs. Hu.

"Master Ninth? Oh, I heard that he was framed by Ji Wuye and imprisoned by the king. Could it be that Mr. Mu asked me to save him?"

Being praised by Mu Han made Hu Meiren even more shy. This Mu Han is so good at talking, no wonder her sister...

"Look, I'll just say Hu Meiren is smart."

"Yes, sister, just promise to Mr. Mu."

Seeing that Beauty Hu was a little hesitant, Madam Hu urged from the side.

"Okay, I'll just listen to my sister, but, Mr. Mu, if I rescue Han Fei, can you promise one thing?"

"Oh? What's the matter?"


Seeing Hu Meiren suddenly burst into a mischievous laugh, Mu Han instantly felt dizzy.


Outside Zilanxuan, a luxurious carriage slowly drove away from 077.

Suddenly, the curtain on the carriage was lifted, and Beauty Hu smiled sweetly at Mu Han with her beautiful cheeks.


Mu Han felt dizzy for a while, he never thought that Hu Meiren would make such a tricky request.

It turned out that although Hu Meiren in the room said she could rescue Han Fei, she gave Mu Han time to go to the palace to teach her some kung fu.

Naturally, Mu Han would not refuse Hu Meiren's offer.However, looking at Hu Meiren who was gradually going away, Mu Han gradually showed a smile.

Teaching Hu Meiren some kung fu, when the time comes, close contact will be unavoidable. Thinking of this, Mu Han laughed, just waiting for Han Fei to come back.

"Zi Nu, where's Brother Wei Zhuang?"

Seeing Zi Nu walking slowly, with a look of jealousy again, Mu Han smiled slightly, and was about to reach out to hug her, but she avoided it lightly.

"I asked Wei Zhuang to protect Han Fei secretly. After all, it was Ji Wuye who framed Han Fei. He could kill Lord Anping and Lord Longquan without anyone noticing, and he could also secretly assassinate Han Fei."

"Okay, Zi Nu, you are becoming more and more demeanor, haha, I, Mu Han, am so lucky to have Zi Nu girl."

"Hmph, you think beautifully."

How could she not know Mu Han's plan?

Seeing Mu Han's playful smile, he snorted lightly, but there was a shy look on his pretty face. . "

Chapter 61 The Seventh Level of Innateness, Ten Thousand Swords Come Back to Their Clan (2/3)

In the room, Mu Han sat cross-legged, his eyes were slightly closed, and his hands were in a mudra in front of him.

Suddenly, a tyrannical aura swept out of his body.

Innate Seventh Layer!

During this period of time, Mu Han has been cultivating hard, and his cultivation has finally broken through again, reaching the seventh level of congenital!

And his soul power cultivation has also reached the level of a seventh-rank soul refiner!


Mu Han slowly opened his eyes, and let out a breath of white air.

He felt a sense of urgency, even Bai Yifei had reached the eighth level of congenital, and there are still masters such as Donghuang Taiyi and Guiguzi who have not yet appeared. If the strength is not improved quickly, how will the great cause of unification of the world be realized.

Name: Mu Han

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