"Mr. Mu, if I tell the king what happened today, what will the king think? Mr. Mu, are you afraid?"

"I believe Hu Meiren won't tell Fatty Han. Unless, Hu Meiren doesn't want me to teach you Kung Fu?"

"Fatty Han?"

Hu Meiren was a little speechless, isn't Mu Han too arrogant?Too crazy?

This Zilanxuan and this Xinzheng City are all Korean territories.

Even if King Han is a big fat man with a big belly, you can't say it, can you?If King Han gets angry, wouldn't he be asking for death?

Hu Meiren looked at Mu Han with interest, as if he was afraid that the world would not be chaotic.

"Hmph, you don't want me to say it, but I just want to say it, Mr. Mu, you just wait for the king's order."

Hu Meiren smiled slightly. She originally told Mu Han that Han Fei had been rescued, but unexpectedly, Mu Han took advantage of her first, which made Hu Meiren a little angry.

"Oh, go ahead and say that someone called him Big Fatty, Haitang Pig."


Seeing that Mu Han showed no sign of fear at all, on the contrary, he showed a cynical look, which made Hu Meiren feel the pain in her heart, and slowly suppressed it. She looked at Mu Han with almost bewildered eyes, as if she wanted to see through it. Mu Han's heart.

What material is this Mu Han made of?Why are you so thick-skinned?

Moreover, he is not afraid of King Han, he is simply a freak.

"Hu Meiren came to Zilanxuan to see me. Could it be that she has already rescued Han Fei? Hu Meiren is really smart and rescued Han Fei so quickly."

"Yeah, I'm smart, right? But it's not so fast, you don't even look at it, it's the second night."

"It's the second day?"

Mu Han was a little surprised and said, he looked around and made sure that there was no sign of anyone coming, I am obedient, (bddc) I feel that I have cultivated to the seventh level of innateness, and the speed is very fast, who knows, it has passed a day?

But on this day, none of the girls came to bother him.

It must be that Zi Nu realized that she was practicing in seclusion, so that the women did not disturb her.

Thinking of this, Mu Han couldn't help admiring secretly, this purple girl is really a capable assistant!

"Haha, I forgot, Hu Meiren, did you come to Zilanxuan today just to let me teach you Kung Fu?"

Mu Han smiled slightly, looking at the slightly melancholy-looking Hu Meiren, he couldn't help feeling pity.

So pitiful, this Hu beauty is the one you are talking about, right?Her every frown and smile are all fascinating.

"You really can't hide anything from Mr. Mu's eyes. Mr. Mu, you are so smart, why don't you let your concubine have a little secret?"


Seeing Hu Meiren's slightly shy expression, Mu Han smiled slightly. Compared with Mrs. Hu, this Hu Meiren is indeed a bit more talkative, but this kind of woman is very popular with men.

He is one of them.

"Mr. Mu, the concubine doesn't want to stay in the palace anymore. Mr. Mu also said that the king of Han has a big belly and looks disgusting."

"I knew you would say that."

Mu Han raised his head and looked at this delicate Hu beauty. At the beginning, Huoyu Villa was burned down and Huo Yugong was killed, leaving Mrs. Hu and Hu Meiren's sisters without support.

This allowed Hu Meiren to enter the palace and become the concubine of King Han, and Mrs. Hu married an enemy.

Hu Meiren was forced to do so at the beginning, but now, seeing her sister, Mrs. Hu, escaped from the sea of ​​suffering, she also wanted to leave the palace.

"Don't want to stay in the palace? Where do you want to go? The world is so big, where is your shelter? Have you considered it?"

"Isn't my sister living in Zilanxuan?"

Seeing Mu Han's tone of teaching her, Hu Meiren snorted, and she pouted her mouth, making the atmosphere around her a bit ambiguous.

"Madam Hu is different from you, so she can naturally live in Zilanxuan. If you lived in Zilanxuan, wouldn't Fatty Han destroy Zilanxuan?"

"No, the concubine can't do it. If you don't agree, I'll tell King Han that you're belittling me."

Seeing Mu Han's resolute expression, Hu Meiren couldn't help but use her trump card.

"You think I'm afraid of Fatty Han?"

Mu Han gave a wicked smile, and suddenly approached Hu Meiren, causing the latter to thump involuntarily.

Mu Han's eyes were so crazy and full of arrogance that Hu Meiren was deeply shocked.

At the same time, Hu Meiren felt a slight ripple in her heart, she knew that she had chosen the right person. "

Chapter 63 Tasks for Humeiren, Shennong Order (1/3)

"You think I'm afraid of Fatty Han?"

Mu Han gently lifted Hu Meiren's chin, showing a gentle smile.

Looking at Hu Meiren from such a close distance, and smelling her faint body fragrance, Mu Han smiled slightly.

There was a shy blush on the fair and flawless cheeks, which made Hu Meiren even more charming.

"I...I don't know."

Hu Meiren's heart is almost in a mess, this Mu Han shouldn't look at him like this, so that he doesn't dare to look up at him at all.

It's not how terrifying Mu Han's eyes are, but Mu Han's eyes are too deep, too arrogant, and too charming.

Hu Meiren had never seen such a handsome man like a fairy, and Mu Han's every move made her heart thump.

"I can ask Zi Nu to rescue you from the palace, and I can also let you meet your sister in Zi Lan Xuan, but before that, you have to promise me a condition, or in other words, complete a mission."

Mu Han smiled slightly, and let go of her chin, which made the beautiful Hu finally heave a sigh of relief.

"Master Mu, what task do you give me?"

Hu Meiren flashed a pair of big smart eyes, and her face was full of doubts.She didn't know what task Mu Han asked her to complete, but she really wanted to leave the palace.

"It's very simple. If you have a way to invite Mrs. Mingzhu to Zilanxuan, maybe I will ask Zinu to help you leave the palace. However, you can rest assured that I can guarantee your safety. Even if Mrs. Mingzhu does not Agree, she can't hurt a hair of your hair. As for whether you can complete the task, it depends on how capable you are."

Mu Han said coldly, his deep gaze seemed to see through Hu Meiren's mind.

Mrs. Mingzhu is a fashionable banshee, one of the four evil generals of the night.

Mu Han naturally has his own plans when he wants to see Mrs. Mingzhu.

In fact, he alone was enough to save Hu Meiren from the palace.

However, when the plan was not completed, he didn't want to take risks.

He also wanted to see if Hu Meiren was on a whim, impulsive, or really wanted to leave the palace.

If she really made up her mind, even if she couldn't invite Mrs. Mingzhu, Mu Han would rescue her. However, he didn't intend to tell her what he was thinking.

"Ms. Pearl?"

Madam Hu was indeed a little surprised, she did not expect that Mu Han would ask her to invite Madam Mingzhu out, and it was still a romantic place like Zilanxuan.

Hu Meiren slowly raised her head to look at Mu Han, seeing that he didn't seem to be joking, she gritted her teeth and said, "Master Mu, I promise you."

Regardless of whether she can complete the task in the end, she will do her best to invite Mrs. Mingzhu.

In fact, she has a bad relationship with Mrs. Mingzhu. Although she will be polite when they meet on the surface, it is just a tacit understanding between each other.

"Okay, I'll wait for your good news."

Mu Han didn't intend to keep Hu Meiren, his words were an obvious way to see off the guests.

Hu Meiren glanced at Mu Han with deep meaning, what kind of charm does this handsome man have, which made her feel like a deer bumping in her heart, and her cheeks gradually showed shyness.

Seeing Hu Meiren reluctantly leave, Mu Han smiled slightly, the reason why he did this was to sharpen Hu Meiren's temperament.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Hu Meiren should have left Zilanxuan, so Mu Han stepped out of the room.

Maybe it's because he has cultivated to the seventh level of the innate level, which makes De Muhan refreshed, and his handsome appearance, which is as handsome as a fairy, has a soft luster.

"Brother Mu, the ninth son has been rescued, and he is resting in his mansion."

"Oh, just save it, Zifang, what else do you need?"

When Mu Han walked out of the room, he saw the youthful and handsome Zhang Liang, walking slowly in front of him.

After hearing that Han Fei was rescued, Mu Han just smiled lightly and didn't take it seriously.

"Brother Mu, Hall Master Situ of Qianlong Hall invited Brother Mu to attend today's treasure appraising meeting. I wonder if Brother Mu has time?"

"Situ Wanli of Qianlong Hall? Oh, a farmer."

Qianlongtang is one of the six farmhouse halls, and Situ Wanli is the head of Qianlongtang.

The peasant disciples are all over the land of the Seven Kingdoms. Although there are many masters, there are also good and bad.

This Situ Wanli is not very good, and Mu Han is not interested in this treasure appraising conference.

"Exactly, I don't know if Brother Mu is going, or..."

"This Situ Wanli has a great style. If he invites me to go, I will go? Isn't it very embarrassing? If Situ Wanli greets him personally, maybe I will think about it."

"Uh, Brother Mu..."

Seeing Mu Han's arrogant and disdainful expression, Zhang Liang felt dizzy for a while.

This Situ Wanli is the head of the farmhouse, with a very high status, who would dare to say that about him?Only Mu Han could say this. · ·········································

"you want to go?"

Mu Han squinted at Zhang Liang coldly, making Zhang Liang wave his hands in shock. If Mu Han didn't go, how dare he go.

"Brother Mu won't go, I... I won't go either."

"Haha, be good."

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