"get out."

"Wang Wang~"

The man really barked like a dog, and after a few cheerful barks, he ran away, the barking sound still barking non-stop.

Mu Leng smiled coldly, and his deep eyes scanned the onlookers.

In an instant, everyone in the audience felt their hearts tremble violently, like thorns on their backs, and they all fled away in fright.

"Haha, harmony makes money, harmony makes money, Mr. Mu, please."

Situ Wanli is not stupid, to be able to sit on the head of the Qianlong Hall, he is definitely a genius.

He also knew that Mu Han's strength was against the sky, so he laughed and pretended that this had never happened.

it is good!

Since Situ Wanli is willing to suffer from being dumb, Mu Han no longer makes things difficult for him.

After all, he came to Qianlongtang for the Shennong Order. "

Chapter 65 A Piece of White Silk, Prince Yandan (3/3)

Walking into the Qianlongtang Appreciation Conference, all eyes were on Mu Han.

Mu Han smiled slightly, without saying a word, he hugged Yan Lingji chicly, followed by Zhang Liang with a helpless face, and went straight to Jiazi Pavilion.

The Qianlongtang Appreciation Conference is divided into several pavilions such as A, B, C, and D.

Of these pavilions, the Jiazi Pavilion is naturally the most honored, seeing Mu Han sitting in the Jiazi Pavilion, the guests in the other pavilions were slightly sullen.

They were all prominent, but Situ Wanli arranged them in other pavilions, so they were naturally a little bit resentful.

Name: Yan Dan

Sex: Male

Age: 30

Cultivation level: Congenital fivefold

Identity: Prince Yan

Name: Yanchun Jun

Sex: Male

Age: 50

Identity: Younger brother of King Yan, the man who covers the sky with one hand in Yan Kingdom

Name: Touman

Sex: Male

Age: 35

Cultivation level: Congenital fivefold

Identity: Wolf Clan Shanyu

Name: Jing Ke

Age: 19

Sex: Male

Cultivation level 13: Congenital fivefold

Status: Guest Qing of Yan Dan, Crown Prince of Yan State

There was a scar on Yandan's face, and he looked very heroic in black.

Jing Ke is a green young swordsman, he is playing with the wine bottle in his hand, looking like he has nothing to do.

As a Shanyu of the wolf clan, Touman is full of muscles and is a master of horizontal kung fu.

As for Jun Yanchun, he was a fat man with a big belly, he had two beauties in his arms, and he looked at Yan Lingji secretly with a pair of eyebrows and mouse eyes.

Looking at these resentful wives, Mu Han smiled coldly, with a playful look on the corner of his mouth.

Come and bite me if you have the ability?If you don't have the ability, just shut up to the labor and management.

"Uh, harmony makes money, and harmony makes money, everyone. This treasure appraising conference depends on how buyers buy and sell."

Seeing the rest of the guests looking at Mu Han, Situ Wanli felt dizzy for a while. This Mu Han is too hated.

In fact, he also blamed himself for vacating the Jiazi Pavilion, but let De Muhan sit back and enjoy the success, which aroused the hatred of the rest of the people.

"Master Situ, what is your name for this treasure appraising conference? I didn't bring any treasure today."

"Haha, Mr. Mu is a big celebrity in Korea. The purple girls in Zilanxuan are all married to Mr. Mu. How can Mr. Mu not bring a baby?"

"What did I lie to you for? I only have a white silk on my body."

Seeing that Situ Wanli was so triumphant and seemed not to believe Mu Han's words, Mu Han smiled slightly and put the white silk on the table.

"White silk?"

"It turned out to be a very ordinary white silk?"

"What kind of baby is this?"

Looking at the tables in front of him, where there are so many precious treasures, he is really dazzled.Everyone looked at the white silk on Mu Han's case again, and couldn't help showing contemptuous expressions.

This is too shabby, right?

Fortunately, there are still three of you, and there is only one white silk. Isn't this disgusting?

There was a black line on Zhang Liang's forehead, if he had known that Mu Han was carrying a white silk, he would have brought a few treasures from the Zhang family, it wouldn't be so embarrassing.

Yan Lingji showed an evil smile, and her icy blue eyes kept looking at the man in front of her.

Mu Han is indeed a different, extraordinary man. Others are all beautiful treasures. Mu Han just took a white silk, and he is so confident and confident. His skin is really thick.

Yan Lingji couldn't help sighing.

"Uh, white silk?"

Situ Wanli also stared at Mu Han with wide eyes, is this Mu Han too cheeky?

The Qianlong Hall of labor and capital is a treasure appraisal conference. If you give me a piece of white silk, isn't this a face-slapping me?


Haha, everyone must look down on my white silk, my white silk, also known as the three-foot white silk, if this white silk is used by a master, it will be powerful everywhere, killing people invisible, no less than a handle sword.If women use it, the effect is different.This white silk, I offer [-] taels of gold, do you want anything? "

Mu Han smiled slowly, he spoke so loudly that even Lingji Zhang Liangyan looked at him, all showing a look of surrender.

It's just a piece of white silk, but what Mu Han said was a wild flower, it's not ordinary.

Seeing Mu Han's expression on his chest, Situ Wanli really wanted to slap himself.

I'm fine, what did you ask Mu Han to do?

Ten thousand taels of gold, why don't you grab it?

Everyone at the scene showed contemptuous looks, did Mu Han think about money like crazy?Ten thousand taels of gold and a piece of white silk, do you think we are fools?

"This Mu Han is unusual."

Yan Dan looked into Mu Han's deep eyes, such a handsome man with such a well-thought-out courage, a piece of white silk can become a murderous weapon.

Everything made Yandan feel that Mu Han was different.

Ordinary people, who can describe a piece of white silk so terrifying?

"No one wants it? It turns out that they are all ignorant. It's a pity, this white silk."

Mu Han showed a look of pity, which made everyone present feel that it was just a piece of white silk. Is it so magical?

What he said clearly meant that they didn't know the goods.Immediately, Situ Wanli had the urge to rush up and beat him.

Mu Han, don't be too arrogant, it's just a piece of white silk.

"Mr. Mu, I'm going down to Yandan, can I have a look at this white silk?"

At this time, Yan Dan, who was sitting in the Yizi Pavilion, stood up suddenly, first saluted Mu Han, then walked over and looked at the white silk.

"Do you want to buy it?"

"Uh, it's a pity I didn't bring so much money with me."

"It's okay, you give me the IOU."

Mu Han smiled slightly, showing that you will suffer if you don't buy it, which made Yandan suddenly feel that Mu Han is very special, as if he was shocked by heaven and man.

Strong sell?

This piece of white silk is not worth ten thousand taels of gold, right?


Seeing that Yandan was planning to buy this white silk, Jun Yanchun, Jing Ke, Touman, and Situ Wanli all showed expressions of disbelief.

This Yan Dan is such a prodigal son that he even used [-] taels of gold to buy a piece of white silk.

Immediately, Lord Yanchun kept looking at Yan Lingji with squinting eyes?

In fact, Mu Han knew in his heart that Yan Dan bought this white silk just to win him over.

Although Yan Dan is nominally the Crown Prince of Yan, his status is threatened.

In the whole country of Yan, no one knows that Lord Yanchun covers the sky with his hands.

"Yan Dan, I will personally go to the country of Yan to find you and cash in my [-] taels of gold!"

"Ah? Young Master, are you serious?"

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