Bai Yifei in bloody clothes couldn't help but gasped, he was so frightened that he took a few steps back, he just felt that Mu Han was too frightening, right?

"Mu Han, you... what are you doing?"

Bai Yifei covered his chest with his long and slender white hands, and there was a look of panic on his pale and bloodless cheeks.

This Mu Han didn't seem to intend to let him go.


"Am I scary? Bai Yifei, you are also the owner of Snow Cloth Fort after all, show some masculinity!" Mu Han scolded.

"Bai Yifei, why are you so cowardly? You are the master of Snow Cloak Castle, one of the four evil generals of the night, and you are so aggressive?"

Seeing that Bai Yifei was indifferent, Mu Han raised his hand and slapped Bai Yifei on the face.


Mu Han struck hard, this slap sent Bai Yifei flying upside down, and hit the ground with a slam, all his red clothes were torn, and there were swollen slap marks on his fair cheeks.

Mu Han's attack was too heavy!

"Bai Yifei, Ji Wuye, let me tell you clearly, if you dare to play Zilanxuan's idea, if you dare to disrespect Prince Han Fei, I, Mu Han, can kill you in minutes. Do you know why I don't kill you? Because it is A dog can also guard the door."

Mu Leng said in a low voice, Ji Wuye was so frightened that Bai Yifei and Ji Wuye fell silent.

"Hehe, I also heard that you plan to let Xinghun kill me? Do you think the Six Souls Curse is very powerful? Even if the Eastern Emperor Taiyi came to kill me, I would kill him like an ant. I, Mu Han , you will never be able to offend, and you will never be able to climb high, if you are stubborn, I will let you have a taste of the dance of death."

Mu Han continued to look down at the two of them, his arrogance and arrogance made the air suddenly cold. "

Chapter 76 Life and Death Talisman, Hu Meiren Returns to Heart (2/5)

The air in the bird pavilion plummeted.

Mu Han was as handsome as a fairy, standing proudly, and an invisible aura instantly enveloped him.

His words were tantamount to the sound of death, making Bai Yifei and Ji Wuye fight with each other, not daring to vent their anger.

But seeing Mu Han's contemptuous expression, Ji Wuye and Bai Yifei still had anger flashing deep in their eyes.

As the top two masters in South Korea, they were so abused by Mu Han. If it gets out, how can they hang around in South Korea?

But now the two of them dare not resist!

This Mu Han's strength was too frightening. He obviously only had the seventh level of innate cultivation, but his combat power was so strong that neither of them had the strength to fight back.

"Ji Wuye, Bai Yifei, you two ants, do you still want to kill me?"

Mu Han bared his teeth and smiled, he looked at the two of them coldly, a joking look gradually appeared on Jun's face.

Looking at Mu Han, Ji Wuye and Bai Yifei all shook their heads.

Kill your sister?

Ji Wuye and Bai Yifei suddenly felt that they had lived in vain for more than ten years, and the Korean night organization that they worked so hard to manage was completely on the verge of collapse by Mu Hanyan.

Now, the crown prince was killed, Han Yu was imprisoned, and the Ninth Prince Han Fei had Mu Han to help him. Ji Wuye suddenly felt that the game of his great general was probably over.

"Ji Wuye, ants like you, I really don't bother to kill you, just be honest, I can let you live." Mu Han said coldly.

Ji Wuye and Bai Yifei were terrified by the icy voice, resounding across the ground.

Mu Han had his own reasons for not killing Ji Wuye.

Now, with his strength, it is easy to kill Ji Wuye and Bai Yifei.

However, Ji Wuye was involved in Luo Wang. If Ji Wuye died, it might cause chaos in South Korea, and then Qin might reap the benefits.

When Han Fei completely controlled the situation, it would not be too late to remove Ji Wuye.

But Mu Han's visit this time, besides warning Ji Wuye, naturally had another purpose.

Just trying to control Ji Wuye and Bai Yifei.

As for the means of control, Mu Han happened to be in the world of Tianlong, and learned the life and death talisman of the natural child elder, and through the improvement of the system, the effect of the life and death talisman became more and more powerful.

Mu Han stretched out his palm and bent it slightly. In his palm, more than ten tiny ice blades had condensed.


Mu Han's palm shook slightly, and more than a dozen tiny ice blades shot towards Ji Wuye, Bai Yifei and Jade Tiger.


The three of them were hit by the life-death talisman, and immediately itched all over, and scratched vigorously on their bodies.

"Mr. Mu Han, a villain has eyes but can't see Mount Tai. I beg you to spare your life."

Even masters like Ji Wuye and Bai Yifei couldn't bear the torture of the Life and Death Talisman, so they begged Mu Han for mercy.

With a wave of Mu Han's palm, three antidotes flew into the mouths of the three of them, and the itching disappeared immediately.

"Hmph, if you still dare to play tricks behind your back, then there will be no antidote." Mu Han laughed and said.

"The villain must obey Mr. Mu Han's orders." Ji Wuye said, but in the depths of his eyes, there was a hint of viciousness that was difficult for others to detect.

But Mu Han keenly caught this vicious look.

Mu Han laughed, he knew that Ji Wuye would not surrender to him sincerely, but he didn't need Ji Wuye to submit to himself, and when the time was right, he would naturally get rid of Ji Wuye.

Now is not the time to kill him.

"Okay! Then I don't want to see or hear anything that is not good for me." Mu Han smiled lightly, and his cold eyes fell on Ji Wuye and the three of them.

Ji Wuye and the others felt Mu Han's gaze, as if they had fallen into an ice cellar, they couldn't help shivering, their whole bodies were icy cold.

What a terrible look!

Ji Wuye knew that with their cultivation, they could not confront Mu Han head-on.

Now, we can only count on the trap, on the Yin Yang family!

Mu Han moved and disappeared...

As for Mu Han's departure, Deji Wuye and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he was controlled by Mu Han tonight, he finally saved his life.

However, this Mu Han was too terrifying and mysterious, and he almost suppressed them all by himself.

Mu Han exists like an evildoer, and his every move makes their hearts chill.

Inside the Sparrow Pavilion, there was silence.

A gust of wind blew out the lights in the Sparrow Pavilion, and in this endless night, only Bai Yifei's pale and bloodless handsome face could be seen.

And the few pairs of eyes exposed in the dark night were all full of fear.


After leaving the Sparrow Pavilion, Mu Han used the Lightning Divine Walk to come to the Korean royal palace.

Although there are many imperial guards guarding the palace, no one can detect Mu Han's trace.

In fact, before coming to the palace, Mu Han already knew the layout of the palace well.

He was familiar with the road, and in the blink of an eye, he came to a magnificent palace.

Mu Han lightly jumped to the front of the palace gate, and heard a sigh from inside the palace, revealing a feeling of longing.

He looked through the crack of the door and saw a beautiful figure from behind.

The red agate-like light illuminated her white jade-like back, only to see her in palace attire, standing in front of the dressing table, sighing in front of the mirror.

"' 々 Hu beauty?"

Through the prosperous face reflected in the bronze mirror, Mu Han couldn't help smiling slightly, it turned out that, by coincidence, he came to Hu Meiren's bedroom.

"Hey, Mu Han, what kind of person are you?"

Ever since she met Mu Han, who was as handsome as a fairy, Hu Meiren was attracted by his handsome and suave demeanor.

When she returned to the palace, she thought of Mu Han's figure all the time in the back of her mind.

Dressed in white clothes, he descended to earth like a banished fairy, with handsome facial features like a chiseled chisel and a knife, showing a gentle smile.

He has a frivolous and resolute temperament, and the masculine (good king) breath exuded from him all attracts her heart.

Suddenly, Hu Mei's heart trembled slightly. Could it be that she fell in love with him?Can't help but sighed.

"Mu Han..."

Hu Meiren couldn't help but said infatuatedly, before she finished speaking, she felt a man's strong and powerful arms hug her tightly.

Immediately, her delicate body trembled slightly, her cheeks were slightly hot, and she seemed to be aware of this familiar masculine breath.

"Did you come? I'm not dreaming, am I?"

"It's me."

Mu Han smiled slightly, put his arms around Meiren Hu's delicate body, and placed her on the bed.

Immediately, Mu Han's mouth was sealed against Hu Meiren who still wanted to speak, and his other hand was wandering restlessly.

Gradually, at this moment, the silence was louder than the sound, and I felt her pretty face flushed slightly, her breathing was short, and a scent of fragrance came to her nostrils.

Mu Han smiled slightly, and a battle of conquests has begun..."

Chapter 77 The Trendy Banshee, Mrs. Pearl (3/5)

Everything is quiet!

In Hu Meiren's bedroom, after Mu Han and Hu Meiren fought angrily, Hu Meiren's cheeks were shy, and she was indescribably shy.

"Master Mu, I have already asked Mrs. Mingzhu, and she said that she will go to Zilanxuan to find you."

"Don't call me Young Master Mu, call me Brother Mu."

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