"Hehe, if you want to destroy a person, you must first destroy his eyes. Ji Wuye is already like a lost dog. Do you think it is necessary to keep his eyes?"

Mu Han smiled coldly, every word he said, every word, shocked Mrs. Mingzhu.

Mu Han is really cruel, where is he going?

I'm afraid, he won't stay in Korea forever.

How can this South Korea keep him?

Immediately, Mrs. Mingzhu's field of vision suddenly widened, and she suddenly understood that Mu Han would be a legend, a monstrosity who could overwhelm the seven kingdoms of the world.

"The Cloaked Man is..."

Mrs. Mingzhu sighed, met Mu Han, did she have room to resist?


The moonlight is bright and clear, sprinkled on the sparkling river like crystal.

A light boat was driving on the river, and the man on the boat was a man in a coir raincoat and a cloak.

No one can see how shocking he is. Almost everyone who sees him will be instantly killed by his sharp eyes like a sharp sword.

In fact, the river was not calm. When the small boat drove to the center of the river, several figures landed on the small boat impressively.

Suddenly, the boat sank.

"Lord Lu said that Luo Wang has already started to move, and I believe he will find Mu Han."

One of the men in black glanced coldly at the coir raincoat.

"Oh? Even Mr. Lu was alarmed? It seems that the general is very troublesome. It is said that Bai Yifei was defeated by this person in the land of Baiyue. Who is this Mu Han?"

The man in coir raincoat glanced coldly at the river, and suddenly, a figure in white, like an immortal descending from the earth, descended from the sky and landed steadily on the sparkling river.

"Coir raincoat, are you talking about me?"

This white-clothed figure was slender and handsome, with a wicked sneer on the corner of his mouth. He exuded a frivolous and arrogant demeanor, as if a murderous god had come to the world.

Name: Coir Clothes Guest 0 ···Ask for flowers·······

Sex: Male

Age: 35

Cultivation: Congenital Quadruple

Identity: One of the four evil generals of the night, the coir raincoat under the moon

Congenital quadruple?

Mu Han smiled coldly.

"Mu Han?"

As one of the four evil generals of the night, Coir Clothed Man controls the intelligence of the entire night, and he has seen Mu Han's image for a long time.

Now, seeing a young man in white suddenly, the coir raincoat immediately thought of Mu Han.

In the whole of South Korea, Mu Han is the only one who can stand in front of him so arrogantly.

"Hehe, coir raincoat, since you know me, you should know why I came to you." Mu Leng smiled coldly, revealing an arrogant and unruly temperament.

"You want to kill me?" said the coir raincoat. ..........................................................

"Tonight, you will definitely die!" Mu Han said lightly.

What he said was tantamount to spreading hatred, which made the coir raincoat very angry.

"Kill him for me!"

The straw coir raincoat was very polite, no one had ever been so arrogant before, and the night had swallowed up countless opponents who didn't know their heights and depths.

Mu Han is destined to be swallowed by the night.

Thinking of this, the coir raincoat snorted coldly, and ordered the men in black to kill Mu Han.

These men in black all showed their gleaming long swords in their hands, and charged towards Mu Han like ghosts.

"too weak."

Mu Leng smiled coldly, and swung the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand impressively.


In an instant, countless sword lights appeared in the void.

After seeing Mu Han, it was like worshiping the sword god, and the sword move was unparalleled with fierce sword strength.Spread out in an instant.

Immediately, his figure turned into a puff of green smoke, and his furious energy scattered in all directions.

At this time, countless sharp swords were flying all over the sky like a violent storm, with the force of the swords like a net, and the energy of the swords like a rainbow.

Once Wan Jian Guizong came out, how could these bird killers be able to resist it?

Immediately, countless sword moves passed through his body, killing them one by one across the river.

"What a terrifying sword."

The coir raincoat who was fishing in An Ran couldn't help being surprised.

Mu Han killed so many bird killers with just one strike, he is simply a monstrous existence! "

Chapter 79: Kill the Cloaked Man and Ask to Kiss the Purple Girl (5/5)

The power of a sword is so terrifying!

With just one sword strike, Mu Han killed these night killers. Immediately, the coir raincoat was so shocked that he dropped the fishing rod in his hand into the river.

He was completely in a daze, Mu Han was so powerful that he gasped.

With just one move, it is so terrifying, Mu Han is really evil.

"Hehe, coir raincoat, I told you, you will surely die tonight! In my eyes, you are like an ant!"

Mu Han continued to draw hatred, his indifferent expression and playful smile made the coir raincoat shiver uncontrollably.

This Mu Han actually compared him to an ant?

He was one of the four evil generals in the dark night, and he was very upset that Mu Han despised him so much.


The coir raincoat snorted coldly, this Mu Han is too arrogant, how could he let Mu Han play jokes like this?

"Mu "Six Nine Seven" Han, do you think you are very powerful?"

"I don't think I'm powerful, but I can kill you. Coir raincoat, you are not convinced, are you? Huh, in front of me, if you are not convinced, you have to be convinced, because I am stronger than you, you It is the weak. Weak, there is no room for rebuttal."

Mu Han didn't care about the indifferent killing intent of the coir raincoat guest at all. The coir raincoat guest with the fourth level of innate talent is just a soy sauce character.

He looked at the coir raincoat coldly, and an invisible aura erupted all over his body, shaking the coir raincoat so hard that he couldn't help but retreat, and directly bumped into the shade of the green willows by the river.


Mu Han's expression greatly irritated the coir raincoat, causing him to slam into the willow tree heavily, and cold sweat broke out on his cheeks.

"Sir-cloaked man, shall I tell you something?"

Mu Han smiled slightly, he performed Lingbo micro-steps, his figure was erratic, and he came to the coir raincoat guest with a playful look on his face.

Tell me something?Speaking of your sister, do you have the guts to kill labor?

The coir raincoat struggled to stand up, but was nailed to the willow tree by Mu Han with a sword.

At this time, a trace of killing intent flashed across Mu Leng's stern eyes.


This sword made it impossible for the coir raincoat to dodge at all, and with the sound of poof, the Xuanyuan sword nailed the coir raincoat to remain motionless.

"Mu Han, you..."

"Hehe, it's not easy to want to die? I will kill you slowly."

Seeing the gritted teeth of the coir raincoat guest, Mu Han felt refreshed, and this refreshing feeling was based on the coir raincoat guest's pain.

Immediately, the coir raincoat was so frightened that he almost passed out!

This Mu Han is too scary.

Mu Han looked at the coir raincoat coldly, and the murderous intent in his eyes became more and more serious.

"Tell me, where is Luo Wang's headquarters?" Mu Han asked.


The coir raincoat snorted coldly.

"It doesn't matter if you don't say anything!" Mu Han laughed.

The indifferent killing intent caused the surrounding air to drop suddenly, and suddenly, the coir raincoat felt a chill in his heart.

Mu Han slowly withdrew the Xuanyuan Sword.


The coir raincoat had a ferocious face, and suddenly slapped Mu Han's vitals.

However, before the coir raincoat could make a move, his figure froze.

"Mu Han, give me...poof, this...impossible..."

Mu Han's sword directly crossed the coir raincoat's forehead.

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