Immediately, he ordered some food and wine, and began to feast on them.

Sure enough, the food and drink in this market town is really not as good as Zilanxuan, which made Mu Han feel like chewing wax.

Immediately, Mu Han had the idea of ​​going to the jungle to barbecue.

He said he would do it (Zhao Hao), and Mu Han gave him the meal money, bought a horse by the way, caught a pheasant in the dense forest, washed and stripped it clean.


Mu Han licked his lips, looked at the fragrant pheasant that was about to be cooked, and couldn't help swallowing.

"smell good."

It's better to do your own work!

Suddenly, Mu Han, who was about to grab a roast chicken and feast on it, heard a soft female voice.

He turned his head to look, and saw a beautiful young girl with big smart eyes, looking at the roast chicken in Mu Han's hand, she swallowed, and her stomach started to growl.

Name: Princess Honglian

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Cultivation: Innate first level

Identity: Princess of Korea, Han Fei's biological sister.

Princess Red Lotus?is her?

Mu Han blinked his eyes, and looked carefully at the girl in red in front of him.

She didn't sneak out, did she? "

Chapter 82 Red Lotus Accompanying, Ambush (3/5)

Princess Red Lotus?

Although her cheeks have a rustic look, she can still see a jade-like complexion.

She has red lips like cherry blossoms, black hair, and amber eyes with long and thick eyelashes, giving people a charming and enchanting beauty.

That pink gauze dress, light and elegant, swaying, set off her innocent, elegant and sweet temperament.

Perhaps because of being a Korean princess, her expression was a little stubborn and strong.

This is her innate aristocratic nature.


Looking at the grilled chicken in Mu Han's hand, which was steaming fragrantly, Hong Lian couldn't help swallowing.

"Do you want to have a bite?"

Mu Han smiled slightly, just like the warm winter sun, making Honglian feel warmer.

She might be starving, so she hurriedly grabbed the roast chicken that Mu Han handed over, and began to feast on it.

Immediately, she felt that this roast chicken was the most delicious thing she had ever eaten in her life.

Involuntarily, he weakened his vigilance towards Mu Han a bit.

Mu Han first watched her eat, and saw that she was eating with gusto, and he was also greedy, so he hurriedly picked up the leftover roast chicken and started to eat it.


After eating, Guren couldn't help belching.

Suddenly seeing Mu Han beside her, she couldn't help but feel shy and hot.

"Thank you."

Hong Lian said very politely, she was innocent, 210 might have eaten Mu Han's roast chicken, she was a little embarrassed, she couldn't help but smile sweetly.

Looking at the beautiful Princess Honglian, Mu Han shook his head. In the original book, after Honglian was destroyed in South Korea, she was hit hard. She changed her name to Chilian and became ruthless and vicious.

Now, she stood in front of him pretty and lively, with a sweet voice, which made people feel pleasing to the heart and lungs.

Immediately, Mu Han wanted to change Honglian's fate.

"You're welcome, Honglian, what are you doing when you're not staying in the palace?"

Mu Han smiled slightly, went to the side of the river to wash off the oil stains on his hands, and turned to look at Honglian.

This little red lotus is still very young, like an unripe peach.

"How do you know me? are Mu Han?"

Hong Lian, who was washing her hands, suddenly saw Mu Han calling her name, she couldn't help but stare, her cheeks puffed up, with an expression of disbelief.

Seeing that Mu Han is as handsome as a fairy, handsome and unrestrained, his extremely three-dimensional facial features have sharp edges and corners, and there is a slight frivolity in his deep eyes.

He stood proudly, with a slightly evil smile, outlining his unique temperament.

In fact, although Honglian lived in the palace, she was very close to Han Fei.She went to Zilanxuan to meet Mu Han more than once, but was declined by Han Fei with a smile.

Even Xiao Liangzi didn't help her, but fortunately she had secretly glanced at Mu Han.

This time, when she came outside Xinzheng City, she felt that staying in the palace was too boring, so she might as well come out to play, but unexpectedly, she got lost.

"Haha, yes, I'm Mu Han, I'm handsome."

Mu Han said confidently, causing Honglian to accidentally meet his fiery eyes. In an instant, her face was shy, and she couldn't help but lower her head.

"Mu Han, where are you going?"

Honglian finally mustered up her courage, her amber eyes burst into a different kind of expression, she looked at Mu Han, and her heart couldn't help but rippling slightly.

Although it was the first time meeting Mu Han, Hong Lian felt that Mu Han was very kind.

"Honglian, your ninth brother calls me Mr. Mu, you should call me Brother Mu. Come on, call me Brother Mu."

Mu Han smiled slightly, this little red lotus had a sweet appearance and skin that could be broken by blows, which made him want to take Honglian to Yan country together.

Looking at Mu Han's frank and receptive appearance, Hong Lian also knew that her ninth brother, Han Fei, could become the future crown prince of South Korea, thanks to Mu Han's help.

Moreover, Mu Han was older than himself, and he had a close relationship with Ninth Brother Han Fei. Immediately, Hong Lian said shyly, "Brother Mu."

"Hey, Honglian, do you want to go to Yan Country with Brother Mu?"

"Yan Kingdom?"

Mu Han laughed loudly, approached unconsciously, stretched out his finger and gently scratched the tip of Honglian's nose.

In an instant, Hong Lian's face was full of shyness, feeling Mu Han's masculine aura, which made her feel so embarrassed.

However, when Mu Han said that he was going to the country of Yan, Hong Lian couldn't help showing a surprised look. Is this brother Mu not in Korea (bddb)?

"Yeah, it's too boring to stay in Korea all the time. I want to visit Yan Country. Do you want to go?"

Seeing Honglian looking at him with a puzzled face, Mu Han smiled slightly. Originally, he thought about going to Yan Country by himself, which was too boring, so why not take Honglian with him, and have a companion on the way.

"Yan Guo, it seems too far away?"

Thinking that it is too far to go to Yan Country, if I go with Brother Mu, this lonely man and widow, isn't it good?

Immediately, Honglian was a little hesitant, although she also wanted to go to Yan Country.

"Haha, Honglian, your Brother Mu and your Brother Han Fei are very close, do you think Brother Mu can't protect you? Don't worry, I'll be back to Korea in a few days."

Mu Han stood proudly, showing a handsome look like a fairy, and he descended to earth like a banished fairy, giving people a strange warmth.

Immediately, Honglian hesitated in her heart, she really wanted to go to Yan Country, and thought that Mu Han was a good friend of Ninth Brother, she immediately nodded shyly.

"Haha, Honglian, let's go, Brother Mu will take you to see the scenery of Yan Kingdom."


Honglian nodded shyly. At this moment, she suddenly felt a masculine aura, which disturbed her a little.

She exclaimed in surprise, and felt herself being held in Mu Han's arms, and then, she sat on the horseback with him.

The hooves of the horses moved forward cheerfully.


The only way for South Korea to go to Yan State must pass through Handan City of Zhao State.

Handan City is the land of the Seven Kingdoms and the capital of the Zhao Kingdom.

Ever since King Wuling of Zhao, Hu Fu rode and shot, the state of Zhao was strong and strong, and it was in the Central Plains.

In an inn on the outskirts of Handan City, several figures were vaguely seen, but their appearances could not be seen.

"Mu Han left Xinzheng City and went to Yan Country. This Handan City is the only way to go."

"That's right, I'm Ba Linglong, assigned by Mr. Luo Wang Zhao, I will definitely complete this task and kill Mu Han."

"It's been a long time since I've killed anyone. I never thought that killing someone again would be such a powerful person. Haha, my hands really itch."

"We can't underestimate the enemy. This Mu Han is very powerful. Even Ji Wuye and Bai Yifei were brutally abused by him. Such a person is simply a monster."

At this time, if someone peeps in from the inn, they will be surprised to see these eight figures.Sometimes it will merge into one figure, and sometimes it will split into eight different figures, and these eight figures all look at one powerful figure.

That is, their eight exquisite bodies, a figure full of terror and murderous aura.

"Haha, why build up their ambitions and destroy your own prestige, Mu Han is just one person."

"I have eight exquisite bodies and eight faces. I believe that Mu Han will die at our hands."

"This time, we not only killed Mu Han, but also killed a more important person."


"King Qin Yingzheng!"

The sound did not fall, and the surroundings returned to silence. "

Chapter 83 The Weird Inn, Ba Linglong (4/5)

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