"General Li, can you create a new world with me? South Korea will be our starting point. Any stumbling block that blocks me will become a stepping stone for me to control the Seven Kingdoms."

Mu Han slammed the ground with a deafening sound, every word he said, every word, shocked Li Mu's mind incomparably.

In an instant, Li Mu felt as if he was in a desert. This land of quicksand was gradually spreading, devouring the world of the seven kingdoms.

"Haha, this Mr. Mu really lives up to his reputation. Brother Li, the old man will return to Mr. Mu with you."

At this time, a burst of hearty laughter came, and a burly old man in brocade clothes came striding forward.

"Brother Lian Po..."

Li Mu raised his head and saw Lian Po approaching, and immediately knew in his heart that brother Lian Po must have fallen out with the eldest son in order to save himself.

Name: 090 Lian Po

Age: 50

Sex: Male

Cultivation: Congenital Quadruple

Identity: General Zhao Guo

Seeing Lian Po laughing up to the sky, full of energy, Mu Han smiled slightly and said: "With the help of General Lian Po, Quicksand will surely be like a fish in water."

"Haha, Young Master Mu thinks highly of this old man, yet this eldest son actually said that old man Lian is quite old, can he still have enough food? I'm sorry for his grandma, the old man just ate a bucket of rice and ten catties of meat."

Lian Po scolded while talking, complacent, he looked at Li Mu, and Li Mu looked at him.

"Meet Mr. Mu."

"Meet Mr. Mu."

Seeing Mu Han's sincere invitation, Li Mu and Lian Po naturally agreed, this country of Zhao is no longer a safe place, they knew that Mu Han would definitely create a brand new world.

"Okay, the two generals are refreshing, how about this, I will write a letter and ask Honglian to return to Korea with the two generals. At that time, Zi Nu of Zilanxuan will accept the two generals. I don't know what the two generals mean. How about next?"

Mu Han smiled slightly, raised his eyes to look at Honglian, and then turned to Lian Po and Li Mu.

"I have no objection." Li Mu said firmly.

"Brother Li agrees, and I have no objections. It's just that, Mr. Mu, this old man is a wine bag, can you have a drink first? This old man is hungry."

Lian Po stretched out his hand to sway his hair, showing a very helpless expression.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Mu Han and the others all laughed loudly. "

Chapter 91 Red Lotus' First Kiss, Mysterious Invitation (2/5)

There are quite a few inns and restaurants on the outskirts of the capital, and Mu Han, Li Mu, and Lian Po drank in these restaurants and got very drunk.

That Lian Po was so drunk that he had to demolish the eldest son's mansion, but fortunately he was stopped by Li Mu before he gave up.

Mu Han circulated his internal energy to force out the smell of alcohol. He saw that Li Mulian fell asleep after being quite drunk, and couldn't help smiling.

Let him do the task of killing Mr. Zhao Guochang.

He stood up suddenly, and turned to Honglian's room, feeling a little sorry for the little girl in his heart.

Originally promised her to go to the country of Yan together, but unexpectedly, he met Lian Po and Li Mu, and joined Quicksand.

Although these two military gods can go to Korea by themselves.Mu Han felt that it would be better for Honglian to recommend him.

After all, Fatty Han is not dead yet, and Li Mulian joined the quicksand, which can also deter Ji Wuye and Bai Yifei who are about to move to a certain extent.

Thinking of this, he opened the door and entered, but saw Honglian facing the bronze mirror without saying a word.

The moment Mu Han entered the door, her delicate body trembled slightly, and Mu Han stepped forward and hugged her.

All of a sudden, a girly fragrance came over her nostrils, Hong Lian still didn't speak, but when she was hugged by Mu Han, her breathing became obviously short of breath.

"Honglian, do you blame brother Mu? Actually, why doesn't brother Mu want to go with you? Do you think brother Mu goes alone, with no one to take care of him on the way, isn't he lonely?"

Mu Han sighed slowly, he took the lead, showing that he was also very helpless.

"Brother Mu..."

Seeing Mu Han showing the expression that he also wanted to take him to Yan Kingdom, but just happened to meet Lian Po and Li Mu, so he had no choice but to give up, Hong Lian couldn't help calling softly.

"Don't worry, Honglian. When Brother Mu returns from Yan, he will take you to Qin. Do you want to go?"

Mu Han said with a playful smile, smelling the girlish fragrance from the red lotus, he couldn't help but become dishonest with his hands, showing signs of in-depth communication.

"Really? Brother Mu...well, Brother Mu, don't...々~..."

Hong Lian raised her head excitedly, her amber eyes were shining brightly, she raised her head like this, just facing Mu Han who lowered her head.

In an instant, the two looked at each other, and the love was so strong that she touched Mu Han's fiery eyes, her cheeks flushed, she felt her delicate body was hot, and she exhaled like blue.

"Honglian, Brother Mu wants you..."


Looking at Honglian's pretty face and shyness, her skin is as white as jade, glowing with crystal light.

Although a dress covered her exquisite body, it still showed Honglian's sexy and charming.


Looking at Honglian's delicate expression, how could he bear it?

He hugged Honglian's delicate body with a big hand, bowed his head and kissed her.

A sweet and soft fragrance hits the nostrils.

"Ding, congratulations to the master, for getting the first kiss of the red lotus, the master will be rewarded with 5000 system points."

Wouldn't it be a pity if they didn't sleep together in this situation?

Mu Han took off Honglian's clothes, and was about to have an in-depth exchange with Honglian, when there was a sound of breaking wind, and an arrow was nailed outside the door.

What the fuck?

Mu Han's eyelids twitched involuntarily, ten thousand muddy horses galloped by, who the hell is this?

Disturb labor?

Do you want to be shameless?Are you looking for a draw?


The sound of breaking the wind completely disturbed the atmosphere in the room, which made Hong Lian recover, she couldn't help but exclaimed, her cheeks shy.

"Brother Mu, I'm not ready yet!"

She hurriedly broke away from Mu Han's embrace, and covered her eyes with her slender hands, not daring to look at Mu Han's strong body.

Fuck?Who the hell is this?

Mu Han's eyes were cold and wanted to kill someone.

After getting dressed, Mu Han opened the door, and saw a piece of cloth hanging on the wooden post outside the door.

On the cloth and silk, there are clear characters, which are actually the characters of Qin State.

The seven heroes of the Warring States Period have different characters, which Mu Han can tell at a glance.

"Please, sir, go to the suburbs to talk!"

Damn, what about your sister?

There is a black line on Mu Han's forehead, who the hell is this?Pretending to be a ghost, what tricks are you doing?


A small flame bloomed from his fingertips, burning the cloth to ashes like an instant youth.

If Honglian was not by his side, he would go to the suburbs and slap him, your sister, destroy the atmosphere of in-depth communication between labor and management, if you don't slap you to death, labor and management will not be named Mu.

"Brother Mu, who is it?"

"It's a psychopath, you can just sit around and have nothing to do."


Seeing Mu Han's indifferent tone, Hong Lian was speechless for a while. She wanted to say something, but when she suddenly saw Mu Han's fiery eyes, she couldn't help but feel shy and charming.

"Guren, should we continue?"

After closing the door casually, Mu Han showed a look of unsatisfactory expression, which made Hong Lian even more shy.

".々Brother Mu, don't!"

Honglian hugged her chest with both hands, she bit her red lips lightly, showing a pitiful and shy look, I really felt pity for her.

"Boom boom boom!"

At this time, there was another knock on the door, with a very anxious look, which made Mu Han almost run away.

Knock your sister, is it over yet?

Seeing that Honglian was infinitely shy, she was able to communicate in depth immediately. The sudden knock on the door made Mu Han's face turn cold instantly, and the surrounding air suddenly dropped, as cold as ice.

"Master Mu, I'm afraid I have to rush to South Korea immediately."

Just when Mu Han revealed his murderous aura, he suddenly heard Li Mu's anxious voice coming from outside the door.

It was Li Mu and Lian Po?

"what happened?"

Mu Han opened the door, but saw Li Mulian standing outside the house together, although the two of them still smelled of alcohol on their vicissitudes of life, their expressions became very serious.

"Mr. Mu, Mr. Zhao Guozhang knows (is Zhao Hao) the news that the two of us escaped from Handan, and he has ordered us to be arrested."

Even though Li Mulianpo is a military god and possesses undue courage, but he is still a little worried.

"Okay, since that's the case, you and Lian Ye will go to South Korea, and I will meet the eldest son for you,"

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