"A good bird chooses a tree to live in?"

Gai Nie's heart was shocked when he saw Mu Han standing aloft, exposing the aura of a king looking at the sky.

This Mu Han is really not an ordinary person


"That's right, your master is just the King of Qin, and I will control the world of the Seven Kingdoms. Gai Nie, do you think you can defeat me? A sword master like you should pursue a higher level of swordsmanship. "

"Higher kendo!"

Following Mu Han's deafening voice, Gai Nie's vision suddenly widened.

Indeed, before he met Mu Han, he really felt that the combined vertical and horizontal sword techniques of the Guigu School were invincible in the world.

But after meeting Mu Han, everything turned upside down because of Mu Han.

Even if it is combined vertical swordsmanship and even horizontal swordsmanship, it will be defeated by Mu Han with one move.

Mu Han has obviously reached a higher level of swordsmanship.

"Gai Nie, you must be thinking in your heart that my sword skills may have reached perfection. In fact, my way of the sword is not so terrifying. Above the way of the sword, there is the world of swords, and above the world of swords, there is also the realm of swords , I have only glimpsed a little bit of kendo."

Mu Han said modestly, his voice was as loud as a drum beating, which greatly shocked Gai Nie.

Mu Han's kendo is just peeping at the fur, and his own kendo is probably not even as good as the superficial.


In particular, the sword world and sword domain that Mu Han mentioned was something Gai Nie had never heard of.

The stroke of the sword is indeed like a vast sea.

"Gai Nie, do you want to create a sword world with me?"

"You want me to create a sword world?"

Gai Nie was shocked again. The sword world is a void sword world that is split after practicing swordsmanship to the state of transformation. This sword world is like a space, a space independent of the land of the seven kingdoms.

Immediately, Ge Nie showed an extremely shocked expression, he raised his eyes to look at Mu Han, who smiled slightly with a firm expression.

"That's right. I'll give you half a month to think about it. When the time comes, I'll wait for you in South Korea. You, Wei Zhuang, are my respected Guigu disciples. I hope you don't let me down."

"Me! I will go to you, I will go to you, together with Xiaozhuang."

Mu Han's Sword Realm and Sword Domain had already shocked Gai Nie.

In fact, Gai Nie is already the number one swordsman in the Qin Kingdom, and he probably has no rivals in the Seven Kingdoms.

The appearance of Mu Han just made up for this gap.

Gai Nie also knew that if he stayed in Qin, he would not make any progress in the way of swordsmanship.

If you go to South Korea and compete with Mu Han, maybe you can practice for a few years, ten or so years, and it is very likely that you will open up the world of swords.

Nothing can stop Ge Nie's enthusiasm for swordsmanship. Mu Han's words are more like a bright light, allowing Ge Nie to have a glimpse of a higher swordsmanship.

"I was lucky enough to meet Mr. Mu today, which made Gai Nie Mao suddenly enlightened..."

Gai Nie stood up, held the sword in both hands, and bowed deeply to Mu Han. When he raised his head, there was a look of admiration in his eyes.

If it weren't for Mu Han, he might still be like a frog in a well, treating his own swordsmanship.

Although he only heard a few words from Mu Han, it gave Gai Nie the feeling of meeting a good teacher and helpful friend.

Mu Han deserves to be number one in swordsmanship.

And Gai Nie, when he heard Mu Han's words that the world of the Seven Kingdoms will be under my control,

In front of his eyes, a strange scene emerged.


The quicksand gradually devoured the land of the seven kingdoms, and Mu Han was the master of the quicksand.

"Okay, take me to see Ying Zheng."

Mu Han frankly accepted Ge Nie's courtesy, he told Ge Nie so many reasons, he could already bear Ge Nie's bow.

Although he didn't say anything, when Mu Han saw Gai Nie, he already knew that it was Ying Zheng who wanted to see him.

"Yes, King Qin is in the dense forest on the outskirts."

Facing Mu Han's words, Gai Nie was in awe, he turned around and led Mu Han to the dense forest.

In fact, the confrontation between the dense forest and the two is still a few miles away, so Qin Wang Yingzheng did not know about the conversation between Mu Han and Gai Nie.

A few miles away, it will arrive in an instant.

When approaching the dense forest, Gai Nie stood aside, not intending to go in.

Although Gai Nie intends to submit to Mu Han and achieve a higher level of swordsmanship, he is still the number one swordsman in Qin, adhering to the mission and belief of sending Qin King Yingzheng back to Qin.

1.1 "Young Master Mu, I'm being polite."

Just as Mu Han approached the dense forest, a figure in white strode out from the dense forest.

This man was born with the air of a king, even though he was polite, he still had an expression neither overbearing nor humble.

Mu Han raised his eyes and saw that this brocade-clothed young man was handsome and imposing, with an imperceptible domineering aura.

Name: Ying Zheng

Age: 19

Sex: Male

Identity: Qin Wang


Mu Han nodded slightly, which made the brocade-clothed man in front of him startled, and couldn't help but froze.

At this time, he sighed in his heart: "It is said that Mu Han is not an ordinary person. When I saw him today, he really deserved his reputation. If he becomes our guest of Qin, he will definitely help me eradicate Lu Buwei. I don't know, does he agree or not?"

Thinking of this, he raised his head to look at Mu Han, and it was as if he had descended from a celestial being, giving off a distinctive aura. "

Chapter 95 Trading, Mu Han's Conditions (1/5)

King Qin?Ying Zheng?

Mu Han looked at Ying Zheng coldly. This Qin King was young and frivolous, and he was dressed in luxurious brocade clothes, showing the air of a king.

"Oh? Is there anything you can do for me? I'm very busy."

Actually, Mu Han didn't like King Qin Yingzheng more or less, and he also knew the reason why Yingzheng saw him, so his voice was neither arrogant nor humble, and he didn't respect the King of Qin at all.

Seeing Mu Han, whom he had admired for a long time for the first time, Ying Zheng was very excited.

Mu Han killed Ba Linglong and defeated Black and White Xuanjian. Although he was hiding in the dense forest, he could see clearly and was very excited.

If I worship Mu Han as my guest of honor, will I still be afraid of Lu Buwei and Luo Wang?Thinking of this, Ying Zheng bowed deeply.

"Disturbing Mr. Mu in the middle of the night really makes me uneasy..."

"If you see me just to say these nonsensical polite words, then please go back."

"Actually, this king wants to invite Mr. Mu to be the honored guest of the state of Qin, and to help this king eradicate the treacherous official Lu Buwei and the trap killer organization."

Seeing Mu Han's impatient expression, King Qin Yingzheng said hastily.

There is only one chance, and he must seize it.

As the king of Qin, he really wants Mu Han to help him eradicate Lu Buwei's influence.

"Oh? I knew that it would be no good for King Qin to come to me. I can promise you to kill Lu Buwei, because this old guy has annoyed me, but before that, you must promise me three conditions."

"Three conditions?"

"Yes, there are three conditions, no more and no less. As for the conditions, I haven't decided yet. I will let you know in advance when I think about it. However, you must be mentally prepared."

Mu Han said indifferently, he stood proudly, dressed in white, spotless, and the evil smile outlined at the corner of his mouth made Ying Zheng's heart thump involuntarily.

three conditions?

Three conditions that I don't know what they are?

Immediately, Ying Zheng felt that he had obviously fallen into the trap set by Mu Han.

If I agree to these three unknown conditions to Mu Han, maybe Mu Han will help him to eradicate Lu Buwei's forces and the network organization.

However, these three conditions made him feel controlled by others.

If I leave in a huff, I'm afraid I won't be able to eradicate Lu Buwei, or even be killed by Lu Buwei.

All of a sudden, Ying Zheng felt like a lump in his throat.

"These three conditions are very difficult. If the King of Qin can't do it, then we won't talk about it."

Mu Han said coldly, there was no room for relaxation, Ying Zheng felt a little angry when he saw this.

How can he be controlled by others when he is a majestic king of Qin?Immediately, King Qin was filled with anger, but thinking of asking for something from Mu Han, the anger in his heart gradually dissipated.

"Can Mr. Namu be the honored guest of Qin?"

"Yingzheng, do you think a mere honored guest can win me over? Hehe, even if you give me the throne, I don't bother to take it, understand?"

"What's more, I killed Lu Buwei because he provoked me. If you are narcissistic and think that it is because you have great sincerity that you let me kill Lu Buwei, then I will tell you clearly that you are not worthy!"

"Understood? You are not worthy at all, and you can weigh the three conditions I asked you to agree to,"

Mu Han looked at King Qin Yingzheng coldly. The expression on King Qin Yingzheng's face, which was excited at the beginning, gradually turned gloomy and cold.

He didn't expect that in Mu Han's eyes, he was worthless in the eyes of Qin Wang.

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