"You! Do you dare to hit me?"

Gao Jianli clutched his swollen cheek with an expression of disbelief. "

Chapter 2 Piano skill competition, willing to bow down (5/[-])

Gao Jianli was furious, he had always loved Xuenv.

Seeing that Xue Nu followed Mu Han, she proposed a duel.

Unexpectedly, Mu Han's sword skills were indeed much higher than his own, and Xue Nu looked at Mu Han affectionately, which immediately made him want to defeat Mu Han with piano skills.

But I saw his slender hands pressed on the piano, making a sound of tuning.


Gao Jianli is worthy of being a qin master in the land of the Seven Kingdoms, second only to Shi Kuang. He only heard the light and elegant sound of the qin, and his eyes suddenly opened up.

In a short time, you can see the green mountains like daisy, surrounded by green water, and between several mountain peaks, a waterfall rushes down, like thousands of troops, roaring and galloping.

Even so, in the bamboo forest in the mountains, there were a few geese singing faintly, and they went away in the empty valley in the mountains.

When the sound of the piano ended, Gao Jianli couldn't help looking at Xue Nu and Mu Han, showing excitement.

Obviously, Gao Jianli felt that his piano skills were unparalleled in the world, and almost no one could match him except Master Shi Kuang.

He also felt that even though Mu Han's piano skills were very powerful, he could not withstand the crushing of his peak and perfected piano skills.

Mu Han, after all, his piano skills are not as good as his own.


Feeling the sound of Gao Jianli's piano, such a strange scene appeared in front of his eyes.Xue Nu couldn't help but raised her snow-white jade cheeks, and looked at Mu Han with her ice-blue starry eyes.

There was a hint of worry in her eyes.

"Mu Han, you must win."

She also knew that Gao Jianli had a close relationship with Master Shi Kuang, Mu Han, can his piano skills really beat Gao Jianli?

Seeing Xuenv's slightly worried expression, Mu Han smiled slightly, and gently reached out to hold her in his arms.

"Don't worry, I don't pay much attention to a mere Gao Jianli."

Mu Han held up Xue Nu's chin with his other hand, his eyes showed a firm and doting look, which made Xue Nu softly hum, her jade-like cheeks showed a little shyness.

And Xue Nu's favorability increased a lot in an instant.


Seeing that Mu Han still despises him, a trace of worry flashed across Gao Jianli's heart.

If Mu Han really defeated him, would he willingly give up Xue Nu?

Actually, the reason why Gao Jianli fought Mu Han was just to express his anger.

What's more, Mu Han defeated himself with a single sword, and also used Yi Shuihan's swordsmanship that had reached the state of perfection, which made Gao Jianli feel a little admiration in his heart.

He really felt in his heart that Mu Han might really be able to give Xue Nu happiness!

I couldn't help but sighed in my heart, although I was unwilling, but if the one I love can have a good home, wouldn't it be better than wandering with myself?

Thinking of this, he raised his head and looked at Mu Han. He wanted to see if Mu Han's piano skills were better than his own?


Sensing Gao Jianli's expression, which was full of hostility at the beginning, gradually showing a calm expression, Mu Han couldn't help showing a smile.

It seemed that he was about to figure it out.

Gao Jianli's Yi Shuihan is indeed very delicate, and although he is as cold as ice, he is a man who values ​​love and righteousness. Mu Han wants him to be his subordinate.

Although Gao Jianli was young and frivolous, Mu Han felt that this was an opportunity to hone him.

"Haha, Gao Jianli, your qin skills are nothing more than that. What's the use of blindly poetic and illusory? You don't know about qin skills. Is there still killing qin? Those who kill qin are like swords flying wildly, killing people invisible. "

Mu Han smiled lightly, and looked at Gao Jianli who was stunned in place with his starry eyes.

Killing the zither is to inject internal energy into the sound of the zither, which suddenly turns into thousands of sword lights, leaving the opponent nowhere to escape.

The qin can please people, but it can also kill people.

"Kill the piano?"

Suddenly, Gao Jianli's eyes brightened. If he integrated the sound of the piano into Yi Shuihan, and then exerted his own ice power, wouldn't the sound of the piano turn into thousands of Yi Shuihan's ice blades?

Immediately, Gao Jianli felt enlightened. Although Mu Han only gave a hint, he placed himself in a more vast swordsmanship.

"Kill the piano?"

Xue Nu's delicate body trembled slightly, Mu Han's words opened her eyes.

Although her Lingbo Feiyan is a dance of death, if she can integrate Lingbo Feiyan into the sound of the zither, she can kill people invisible.

She looked up at Mu Han, her eyes were full of infatuation, this Mu Han knew a lot.

"That's right, Shaqin."

Amid Mu Han's laughter, a majestic inner force was released, like a shadow, he raised his hand and grabbed Gao Jianli's piano.

In an instant, the qin was seen turning around in mid-air before it landed steadily in front of Mu Han.


The sound of the piano sounded, and Gao Jianli suddenly felt his heart agitated. The sound of Mu Han's piano playing did not feel ethereal or ethereal, and it was like a poetic scene. It was like being in the midst of thousands of troops. I want to go away with my sword, and kill him without leaving a piece of armor.


Suddenly the sound of the piano changed again, and Gao Jianli couldn't help being in the inn, surrounded by powerful enemies, and killed the enemies by himself.


The sound of the piano changed again, leaving Gao Jianli in a daze. Is he really inferior to Mu Han?His piano sound gives people a sense of solidity.


At the end of the sound of the piano, Gao Jianli felt profuse in sweat, and felt admiration spontaneously.

Xue Nu was also attracted by the sound of Mu Han's piano, only felt that although Mu Han's piano sound was simple and unpretentious, it made people feel stable, so she couldn't help but look at Mu Han.

I just feel that he is shrouded in layers of fog, and if I want to see him clearly, I need to get rid of this cloud.

".~Young Master Mu, your piano skills are really good, and Gao Jianli is willing to bow down."

Feeling that the sound of Mu Han's piano floated far away, not limited to the shape, but presented a deeper realm, Gao Jianli suddenly felt that he was really ashamed of himself.

In an instant, Gao Jianli felt that what he had learned was only superficial after listening to Jun's song.

He even felt that Mu Han's piano skills had reached the pinnacle and had reached perfection.Even Master Shi Kuang may not be able to play such a song.

In an instant, Gao Jianli fully understood that only Mu Han could give Xuenv happiness, and he was far inferior to him.

"Gao Jianli, if you integrate Yi Shuihan (Dehao) with piano skills, you will surely have your own way of swordsmanship in the future."

"The way of the sword? Do you have your own way of the sword?"

As Mu Han's voice fell, Gao Jianli seemed to have realized something, and gradually felt that he was in a deeper realm of the sword, and he couldn't help but bowed to Mu Han's father.

"Thank you, Mr. Mu. Tomorrow is the sword tasting meeting of my Mohist family. I wonder if Mr. Mu can take a look at it? Gao Jianli welcomes you."

Thinking of what Mu Han said about the way of swordsmanship, and thinking of the weird sword in Mu Han's hand, Gao Jianli suddenly felt that Mu Han was very unusual. How could a person like him be a part of the crowd?It looks like a sword god.

"Oh? The Mohist Sword Tasting Conference? I can think about it."

Mu Han smiled slightly, he didn't directly refuse, he didn't tell Gao Jianli clearly whether he was going or not, which made the latter feel lost for a while.

If Mu Han doesn't go to the Sword Tasting Conference, is it still necessary to hold the Sword Tasting Conference? "

Chapter 3 Yandan's Invitation, Breath of the Star Soul (5/[-])

"Get it!"

Outside Feixue Pavilion is the street leading to the palace.

The sound of horseshoes was fast and slow, and in an instant, it came to Mu Han and Xue Nu.

I only saw a man in brocade clothes who suddenly jumped down from the carriage. He saluted anxiously and said, "Young Master Mu, why didn't you inform Yan Dan when you came to Yan? Feast for the son."

Yan Dan is the Crown Prince of the Yan Kingdom, and has been dominated by Lord Yan Chun and Yan Yi many times, making him feel threatened by his position as the Crown Prince.

Now, Lord Yanchun and Yan Yi were all killed by Mu Han, and Yan Dan came to the mansion after hearing the news, so he was naturally courteous to Mu Han and dared not show any negligence.

"It's okay, I'll just go for a walk."

Mu Han smiled slightly, seeing Yandan salute to him, he was neither arrogant nor humble, so he accepted the salute.

He killed Yan Chunjun and Yan Yi, which can be said to help Yandan wipe out the enemy. In the current Yan Kingdom, Yandan has no real and potential danger.

And Mu Han's free and easy expression naturally attracted the attention of passers-by, at least Gao Jianli was surprised.

"Prince Yandan is so polite to him?"

Gao Jianli is the luthier of Feixue Pavilion, how could he not know the name of Prince Yandan?

Now, seeing Prince Yandan salute Mu Han deeply, and Mu Han accepted it frankly without being overbearing or humble, Gao Jianli was surprised. At the same time, he also knew that Mu Han was really extraordinary.

In fact, even though he was in Concubine Yan Xuege, he also got some things about Mu Han from the few words of others.

What's more, he is one of the leaders of the Mohist school, so he naturally heard that Mu Han is the master of quicksand, which is why he wanted to invite Mu Han to participate in the Mohist sword tasting conference.

"Young Master Mu, Prince Yandan, Gao Jianli, is the leader of the Mohist family."

Gao Jianli with a chic expression bowed deeply to Mu Han and Prince Yandan, then stood aside, waiting for them to speak.

"Oh? So it's from the Mohist family, what's the matter with Mr. Gao?"

Prince Yandan's voice was obviously not as submissive as Mu Han's. He carried his back with one hand and looked proudly at Gao Jianli, making the latter feel like a thorn in his back.

After looking at Gao Jianli, Yan Dan turned to look at the silent Mu Han. There was no arrogance on his cheeks, but a look of adoration instead.

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