Mu Han learned that Zhao Yun's "Zero Twenty" Weiyang Slash was a terrifying move that exploded using the flame power of metallurgy.

Cooperating with Yun Zhongjun's fierceness, he can kill the opponent in an instant.

This Zhaoyun Weiyang Slash was deduced, Mu Leng smiled coldly, Zhaoyun Weiyang Slash?In fact, it is nothing more than that.

"The Tianzhao Sword of Lord Yunzhong, when the old man ranked him in the sword manual, he was listed as the thirteenth. Therefore, Mr. Mu's Xuanyuan Sword must be able to severely damage the Tianzhao Sword."

"Mr. Mu's Xuanyuan Sword is the sword of the holy way, but Yun Zhongjun's Zhaoyun Weiyang Slash cannot be underestimated."

Seeing Yun Zhongjun's Tianzhao sword suddenly turned red like a flame, exuding a scorching murderous aura, Feng Huzi and Xu Fuzi looked at each other, and felt that Yun Zhongjun should not be underestimated.

After all, Yun Zhongjun is the elder of Jin.The masters of the Yin-Yang School are all so powerful that they are abnormal, and they cannot be resisted by the Mo School.

If it wasn't for Mu Han's attack, just one Yun Zhongjun might be able to crush everyone in the Mo family.

There is a huge disparity in strength between the Mo family and the Yin-Yang family.

"Zhaoyun Weiyang beheaded!"

"Zhaoyun Weiyang beheaded!"

In an instant, Amaterasu's sword was as red as flames, Yun Zhongjun yelled violently, Zhao Yunwei Yang Slashed like a sea of ​​flames, violently struck past.

Mu Han and Yun Zhongjun swung Zhaoyun Weiyang Slash almost at the same time, and Mu Han's Xuanyuan Sword showed the momentum of flaming wild slash, which was far better than Yun Zhongjun's Tianzhao Sword.

This Xuanyuan Sword is the sword of the holy way, how can it be resisted by a mortal sword like Tianzhao Sword?

In an instant, Yun Zhongjun's expression changed suddenly, and his whole face became distorted. How could this Mu Han be so terrifying?This sword of his is even more like burning flames, as if devouring Lord Yunzhong.

"Your sword, your strength, why do you also cut Zhaoyun Weiyang?"

Yun Zhongjun turned pale with shock, Mu Han's sword had already shocked him.Unexpectedly, he would actually be able to perform such a domineering flame slash like Zhaoyun Weiyang Slash. In an instant, Yun Zhongjun was astonished as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.

This Mu Han is too scary, right?How did he know that Zhaoyun Weiyang was killed?

At this scene, Yun Zhongjun was so shocked that he almost knelt down in fright?

He has traversed the land of the Seven Kingdoms for more than ten years, and this is the first time he has encountered such a monstrous opponent.

"Hehe, it's just Zhaoyun Weiyang, but you, Yunzhongjun, do you think you are very powerful? An ant like you, the more confident you are, the more humble you will be."

Mu Han stood proudly, his stern and deep eyes seemed to penetrate Yun Zhongjun's seemingly powerful heart, which made him startled and said, "This, is this mind reading technique?"

Mind reading is one of the yin and yang techniques of the Yin Yang family. This Mu Han can actually read minds. Immediately, except for Yun Zhongjun, the star soul standing aside, Da Si Ming was shocked.

Could it be that Mu Han has learned all the Yin-Yang techniques of the Yin-Yang family?This is too scary, right?

"Under the seemingly powerful appearance, there is a fragile heart, Yun Zhongjun, how are you?"

Mu Leng smiled coldly, his charming smile, and playful expression all sent shivers down Yun Zhongjun's spine.

In an instant, he felt a sudden heart-wrenching pain in his heart. He looked up at Mu Han, his frightened expression made him open his mouth wide and couldn't close it.

It turned out that Mu Han made a gesture of searching for something with one hand.

This movement, Yun Zhongjun is very familiar with, it is the yin-yang puppet technique!

In an instant, Yun Zhongjun couldn't help feeling cold in his heart, how did Mu Han control his body with the puppet line of Yin Yang puppetry?Why didn't he notice the slightest clue?

Thinking of this, he suddenly felt the terrifying breath of death enveloped him.

Mu Han's action of searching for something was clearly crushing his own heart...


In an instant, he saw the tall and burly Yun Zhongjun, who opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood. He could not have imagined that he, the dignified elder, was defeated so thoroughly and so embarrassingly.

Mu Han, can he kill himself with just one move?It made Yun Zhongjun suddenly kneel on the ground, as if he was dying.

"What? Killed Yun Zhongjun with one move?"

"Mr. Yunzhong was killed?"

Six Fingers Heixia, Prince Yandan and others all showed excited expressions, they were all ecstatic in their hearts, they only felt that Mu Han was too powerful, crushing and killing Yun Zhongjun in minutes.

In an instant, Gao Jianli and other Mohist people, Yan Dan felt the gap between himself and others and Mu Han.Not your average size.

Mu Han exists like a god, how could mortals like them be able to guess a thing or two?

"Mr. Yunzhong was killed?"

Xinghun and the others also showed expressions of horror.

Although Yun Zhongjun is one of the five elders, his cultivation level is not comparable to Xinghun's. Now, seeing Yunzhongjun being tortured and killed, and he was directly crushed by the yin and yang puppet technique, Xinghun and others felt shuddering.

"How did Mu Han become so powerful?"

Shocked, Xinghun couldn't help but look up at Mu Han.Unexpectedly, he saw Mu Han looking at him coldly.

Immediately, Xinghun retreated more than ten feet away in fright as if being stung by Mu Han's sharp edge. 1.6

"Xinghun, I planned to let you live for Concubine Yan's sake. Who knows, you are so stubborn and dare to come to kill me with Jun Yunzhong. I feel sorry for you." Mu Hanyao Shaking his head, he said coldly.

"Young Master Mu, the matter is not what you think. It was Jun Yunzhong who instigated me, and it was not my intention." Xinghun hurriedly explained.

Star Soul was about to cry.

My Yin-Yang family is here to destroy the Mo family, and everyone in the Mo family is already caught in a urn. Who would have thought that you would come here suddenly, insert a barrage, and spread hatred arrogantly.

"Oh? I seem to remember your status as a Dharma protector, higher than Yun Zhongjun, the elder Jin. Xinghun, I really feel sorry for you."

Mu Han said indifferently, he said it lightly, but it scared Xinghun so much that he was about to cry. "

Chapter 1 Corpse God Curse Gu, Yin Yang Puppet Art (5/[-])

"Master Mu, are you going to kill me?"

Finally, he saw his original intention from the bright light that Mu Han burst out, Xinghun couldn't help but turn pale, he stepped back dozens of steps, still felt that he couldn't break free from the shadow created by Mu Han.

This Mu Han, like a killing god, made Xinghun's heart suddenly chill.

Yun Zhongjun was brutally killed by Mu Han with one move, this was beyond Xinghun's expectation.

He couldn't figure it out, why did Mu Han practice Yin-Yang Art to the point where he had reached the state of perfection?

Could it be that he is really a heavenly existence?Looking down at all living beings?

In an instant, Xinghun's fear deepened. This Mu Han was like a long sword out of its sheath, which could seal his throat at any time.

"You have touched my bottom line, do you think you still have a chance to survive? Xinghun, I didn't want to kill you, but you are too presumptuous."

Mu Han continued to speak coldly, he glanced at Xinghun coldly, his pair of star pupils were like sharp sword lights, causing Xinghun to spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Mu Han, I have no grievances with you, you can't kill me."


Seeing Xinghun showing a stubborn and unwilling expression, Mu Han raised his hand and slapped Xinghun on the face, making the latter bewildered. 14 "You, you dare to hit me?"

Xinghun fell into a daze, he couldn't imagine that Mu Han would slap him on the face, is he so weak?Willing to be crushed by him?

"Slap star soul?"

"This Star Soul doesn't dodge either? Or, does he have no time to dodge at all?"

Seeing Mu Han torture and kill Yun Zhongjun, everyone in the Mo family was shocked.Now, Mu Han raised his hand and slapped Xing Hun in the face, making Liuzhi Heixia and other Mohist people fall in admiration.

They all felt that it was a wise move for them to take refuge in Mu Han.

"Slap in the face, Master Xinghun?"

"Master Xinghun was slapped in the face just like that?"

Young Siming and Senior Siming looked at Mu Han at the same time, what kind of powerful method did this Mu Han use to slap Master Xinghun in the face with one move?Moreover, Xinghun couldn't dodge at all, like a clay statue, motionless in shock.

"He slapped Xinghun in the face again?"

Concubine Yan was also shocked, and there was a strange look on Fen's face.

She saw Yun Zhongjun being abused with her own eyes, and was killed in an instant.

Now that Mu Han slapped Xinghun, he would definitely be able to kill him. Thinking of this, Concubine Yan became even more entangled.

She could feel that Mu Han's yin and yang skills had reached perfection.However, the Onmyo family still has a pervertedly powerful Donghuang Taiyi.

Now, if he was with Mu Han, Donghuang Taiyi would definitely not let them go, and even put Mu Han in a dangerous situation because of himself.

Thinking of this, Concubine Yan became even more entangled, she really wanted Mu Han to teach her a higher level of yin and yang skills.

Sometimes, the choice is really difficult, Concubine Yan can't help but sigh.

"I dare not hit you?"


Mu Han raised his hand and slapped Xinghun again, instantly slapping Xinghun in the face, making the latter even more terrified.

He thoroughly felt that the gap between himself and Mu Han was not just a tiny bit, but a world of difference.

If Mu Han wanted to kill himself, he could do so with the flick of a finger.

"Mu Han, you slapped me in the face again? You can't resist my Corpse God Curse Gu at all."

In an instant, Xinghun's hands erupted with golden light, like golden ladybugs, biting towards Mu Han.

These little golden bugs, like fireflies flickering in the room, glowed brilliantly.

However, these bugs are very dangerous, and everyone in the Mo family turned pale with fright.

"Corpse God Curse Gu? Be careful, Mr. Mu!"

Seeing these golden bugs, once they bite Mu Han, they will definitely make him weak and at the mercy of others.

Immediately, Concubine Yan showed an anxious and worried expression, causing everyone in the Mo family who was frightened by the corpse god curse to look sideways at her.

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