"There are a lot of these three-legged Golden Crows, four? Six? They are still appearing, and there are actually eight three-legged Golden Crows? No, it seems that there are two three-legged Golden Crows in the middle, ten three-legged Golden Crows? This, this is still Is the soul wandering in the dragon?"

Concubine Yan's expression suddenly changed in shock, she showed an unbelievable expression, and she fell towards Mu Han, feeling that this scene was too exaggerated, right?

Concubine Yan's perception of Hunxi Longyou was completely rejected. This Hunxi Longyou has reached so many three-legged Golden Crows, it is simply against the sky.

"Yan'er, these ten Hunxilongyou are the improved version of Hunxilongyou promoted by Brother Mu. The outer eight Hunxilongyou are the Qiankun Xungen Kanli Zhendui in the gossip. The two in the middle Soul Xilongyou is one yin and one yang. In this way, it is the outer eight trigrams and inner yin and yang, which is equivalent to a small formation. The power of this improved version of Soul Xilongyou is more than ten times that of the original."

Mu Han smiled slightly, this improved version of Hunxi Longyou is a reduced version, just to teach Concubine Yan.

In the expanded version of Soul Xilongyou, each three-legged Golden Crow is extremely large, shaped like a Kunpeng, and its lethality is more than ten times more powerful than the original Soul Xilongyou.

"Ten times stronger?"

Concubine Yan opened her mouth slightly, she was completely shocked, this improved version of Hunxi Longyou, I am afraid that even the Eastern Emperor Taiyi will find it difficult to release...  

But Mu Han was able to release it easily, his face was neither red nor out of breath, and he was quite calm.

Thinking of this, Concubine Yan swallowed her saliva unconsciously, what could be more tempting than this Hunxi Longyou?Her Hunxi Longyou is just one three-legged Golden Crow, but this improved version has ten three-legged Golden Crows, which is simply too shocking.

"Brother Mu, I want to learn!" Concubine Yan said coquettishly.

"Okay, Brother Mu will teach you."

Mu Han smiled slightly, and told Concubine Yan about the improved version of Hunxi Longyou's exercises.

Mu Han explained very slowly, and Concubine Yan listened intently. The more she listened, the more she felt that Mu Han's improved version of Soul Xi Longyou had the power to destroy heaven and earth.

In an instant, Concubine Yan felt as if she was in a strange scene, with ten golden three-legged golden crows flying in front of her eyes.

"Yan'er, this improved version of Hunxi Longyou, don't rush for success, unless you have a thorough understanding of Hunxi Longyou, and then cultivate slowly, only then can you achieve great success."

"Yan'er knows."

Perhaps it was because of Mu Han's strength, the always proud Concubine Yan showed a shy look like a little woman, which made Mu Han a little distracted.

"Yan'er, let Brother Mu kiss you."


Without waiting for Concubine Yan's answer, Mu Han lowered his head and sealed Concubine Yan's lips.

In an instant, she saw Concubine Yan as if she had been electrocuted, her delicate body trembling slightly, her mind went blank.

"Brother Mu, don't!"

Sensing Mu Han's intention to communicate deeply, Concubine Yan couldn't help but feel extremely shy, she hastily resisted Mu Han's big hand, causing Mu Han to sigh.

"Brother Mu, when you kill Donghuang Taiyi, Yan'er will lay down, hee hee, I'll go find Xue'er."

Concubine Yan's cheeks were full of shyness, she broke away from Mu Han's embrace, turned around and rushed out the door, her silver bell-like laughter echoed in the corridor.

"Hey, little girl."

Mu Han felt a little melancholy, and it would be a matter of course soon, but this little girl ran really fast.

This made Mu Han helpless. "

Chapter 1 "Fierce Battle" The True Face of the Great Commander and the Lesser Commander (5/[-])

"Ding, congratulations, Master, for getting Concubine Yan's first kiss, you will be rewarded with 5000 system points."

Seeing Concubine Yan turn around and enter Xue Nu's room, Mu Han, who felt the system prompt, shook his head and walked towards the room at the end of the corridor.

He opened the door and entered, and saw Da Si Ming sitting cross-legged next to the table.

Her slender hands were red like flames, reflecting the whole room and turning red, but her ten nails were as black as ink.

This is the result of long-term practice of skeleton blood handprint.

"Master Mu?"

Seeing Mu Han walk in, Da Si Ming was a little surprised, she got up quickly, and stood beside Mu Han obediently.

"Da Si Ming, I will teach you the skeleton blood handprint."

The skeleton blood handprint deduced by Mu Han is still an improved version. After he taught Concubine Yan the improved version of Hunxi Longyou, he came to teach Da Siming the improved version of the skeleton blood handprint.


Da Si Ming couldn't help showing an excited expression, and that enchanting and charming figure made Mu Han swallow his saliva involuntarily.

Da Si Ming's figure is well-proportioned and uneven, especially when paired with the crimson tights, she is even more charming and sexy 13.

Feeling Mu Han's fiery eyes, Da Si Ming blushed unconsciously, and she lowered her head, revealing her snow-white neck.

"Do you think I'm going to lie to you?"

Mu Han stepped forward, gently hugged Da Si Ming's soft waist, and looked at this sexy and colorful woman with a pair of doting eyes.

She has a completely different personality from Xuenv, perhaps because of her practice of fire spells, she does not resist Mu Han's "communication" at all, and she even caters to Mu Han.

This made Mu Han bolder.

"Young master Mu, you want to teach me the skeleton blood handprint."

"it is good!"

Mu Han smiled wickedly, he lowered his head and kissed her red lips, a hot feeling came from Da Si Ming.

"Well, Mr. Mu."

Da Si Ming's mind was blank, and his limbs were slightly stiff.

"Ding, congratulations, Master, you have won the first kiss from Da Si Ming, and you will be rewarded with 5000 system points."

Mu Han directly ignored the system notification tone!


There was a sound of clothes being torn, and Da Si Ming couldn't help but exclaimed, and she felt a sudden chill all over her body.

"Well, Mr. Mu, don't!"

Da Si Ming, who was still being kissed by Mu Han, wanted to resist Mu Han's next move, but was completely embraced by Mu Han's strong arms.

"don't want?"

Mu Han smiled slightly, and laid Da Si Ming down on the bed. In an instant, the lights in the room went out, and with Da Si Ming's low moan, Mu Han angrily took Da Si Ming's blood.

"Ding, congratulations to the master, you have obtained the virginity of the chief minister, and you will be rewarded with 20000 system points."

Mu Han still ignored the system notification tone, and the power he had suppressed for a long time finally broke out on Da Si Ming's body.


In the early morning of the next day, when it was just dawn, Mu Han put on his clothes and saw that Da Si Ming was still asleep, so he didn't disturb Da Si Ming.

Last night's galloping on the battlefield had already made Da Si Ming exhausted, she slept soundly, and beads of sweat appeared on her cheeks.

Fortunately, when Mu Han went on a conquest, he told the Commander-in-Chief some of the mental skills and internal strength of the improved version of the skeleton blood handprint.

And overnight, the system points actually increased by 3, reaching 69 system points.

He smiled slightly, turned and walked out of the room, but almost bumped into Shao Si Ming head-on.

Seeing Mu Han come out of Da Si Ming's room early in the morning, Shao Siming seemed to think of something, although she covered her veil, she still showed a shy expression.

What will Mu Han do with Da Si Ming in the room?Thinking about it, you will know, thinking up to this point, Shao Si Ming couldn't help calling softly: "Mr. Mu."

In fact, Da Si Ming's painful and enjoyable voice last night did reach Shao Siming's ears, and seeing Mu Han looking at him dotingly, Shao Siming inevitably showed a flustered expression.

"Young Commander, your Ten Thousand Leaf Flying Flower Flow doesn't seem to reach my level. Come, I'll teach you the Ten Thousand Leaf Flying Flower Flow."

Seeing Shao Si Ming's delicate appearance, Mu Han went to her room, and immediately smelled the girlish fragrance from Shao Si Ming in the room.

Seeing Mu Han walk into the room, Shao Si Ming looked confused, she glanced at Mu Han's back, walked into the room, and closed the door smoothly.

"Master Mu!"

Suddenly being alone in the room with Mu Han, Shao Siming was more or less shy. She timidly called Mr. Mu, causing Mu Han to turn around and look at him. His slightly frivolous eyes made Shao Siming feel like an electric shock Like, the delicate body trembled slightly.

"Well, Shao Siming, this Thousand Leaf Flying Flower Flow requires strong internal strength to cultivate to the point of cutting gold and cutting jade. Now, let me teach you Soul Xilongyou first."

"Soul Xilongyou?"

Hun Xi Long You is the inner strength method of the Yin Yang family. Mu Han taught Shao Si Ming Hun Xi Long You in order to make her Ten Thousand Leaves Flying Flowers even more exquisite.

"Yes, Soul Xi Longyou."

In fact, an elder Mu Chang of Shao Si Ming's level has no chance to practice Hunxi Longyou at all.

Mu Han's words made De Shao Siming's eyes light up, and he felt very happy.

"Thank you, Mr. Mu."

Shao Siming felt Mu Han's fiery gaze, and couldn't help turning her face away. She knew the relationship between 343 Mu Han, Da Si Ming and Concubine Yan, but her heart was pounding like a deer.

"Okay, this Hunxi Longyou looks complicated, but it's actually very simple. After all, you have the foundation to practice Yin Yang."

While explaining the cultivation method of Hunxi Longyou to Shao Siming, Mu Han walked slowly in front of her.

"Master Mu!"

Feeling Mu Han's restless big hand, Shao Si Ming suddenly felt her delicate body tremble slightly, and she looked at Mu Han timidly, with a confused look on her face.

"Young Commander, I, Mu Han, want you to be my woman."

Mu Han looked at Shao Si Ming, who had mastered the mind of Hunxi Longyou, and mastered it, and stretched out his hand to hold her in his arms.

"Master Mu!"

After all, Shao Si Ming was very shy, she resisted Mu Han's actions, her heart was pounding even more.

"Young Master, can you let me see your face?"

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