He hurriedly opened the birthday gift bag, but saw that the birthday gift bag had everything in it, which was simply too advanced.

Decorated ribbons, birthday fireworks, delicate and lovely cakes, a bouquet of roses, and other things, as well as some auxiliary things, made De Muhan a little dazzled.

It seems that I have to carefully arrange You Ruo's birthday.

Immediately, Mu Han tried his best to arrange the small building in the middle of the lake in an unusual way.

"Youruo, come out."

Seeing that he had arranged all the things in his birthday gift bag in the small building in the middle of the lake, Mu Han called You Ruo.

At this moment, You Ruo couldn't wait any longer. She pushed open the door, and what she saw was a wonderful scene full of purples and reds.

"What a nice view!"

You Ruo's jade hands covered her cheeks excitedly, showing a surprised and happy expression. "

Chapter 49 Fireworks and Kongming Lanterns, if you are in love (4/5)

The birthday gift package given by the system made Mu Han decorate the entire small building in the middle of the lake perfectly, with ribbons hanging in the house, a few Kongming lanterns floating in the room, and a few exquisitely carved Carved, lifelike wooden idol.

In the center of these cases was a fragrant cake with the words "Happy Birthday" engraved on it. Seeing all this, You Ruo's eyes glistened with tears.

It was the first time in her life that she had seen a birthday. In the past, it was Wen Chouchou who came to give her some snacks.

Now, he and Mu Han have never lived together, and he actually worked so hard to prepare for his birthday, which made You Ruo's heart full of gratitude and a little bit of goodwill.

"You Ruo, cut the cake."

"Cake?" You Ruo blinked, his eyes full of puzzlement.

"You can understand it as a kind of snack." Mu Han couldn't explain clearly for a moment.


You Ruo didn't ask any more questions, but followed what Mu Han taught.

Mu Han handed the knife and fork to You Ruo, seeing her pitiful expression, he boldly stepped forward, pampering her hair, making You Ruo's cheeks flushed with blush .

"This cake is delicious, big brother, I can't finish it, so you should too."

"Okay, after eating the cake, I'll give you a wonderful show."

Seeing You Ruo cut the cake with his own hands, Mu Han smiled slightly. He ate the cake with You Ruo as if it was a feast for the eyes. Since the cake was not big, the two of them didn't eat, and they ate it quickly.

At this time, Mu Han hugged You Ruo in his arms, cast a large teleportation technique, left the small building in the center of the lake, and left Tianyin City, the main altar of the Tianxiahui.

It turned out that Mu Han placed several birthday fireworks on a mountain not far from Tianyin City.

If fireworks are set off in the small building in the middle of the lake, it will definitely attract the attention of the Tianxiahui. Mu Han doesn't want to startle the snake yet, and he doesn't want others to destroy the romantic atmosphere between himself and You Ruo.

The stars are shining brightly, a Milky Way hangs above the sky, and this mountain is even more silent.

"Is this the fireworks~〃?"

"This is not an ordinary firework, come, let's set it off together."

Mu Han smiled slightly, he lit the firework from his arms, then took You Ruo's tender hand, and lightly lit a firework.

Since You Ruo had never lit a firework before, she seemed very scared, and Mu Han was beside her, which made You Ruo light a firework.

bang bang!

The two set off the fireworks one after another, and because there was no moonlight, the fireworks were extremely brilliant.

The entire sky is like colorful flowers blooming, various colorful small balls of light burst into the sky, forming colorful petals.

Looking at these colorful fireworks, Youruo was very excited.

This is the first time she has set off fireworks. Seeing these fireworks blooming like a hundred flowers, a little light gradually blooms, and then disappears, turning into wisps of blue smoke, dissipating, Youruo excitedly clapped her hands He held his cheeks, showing a look of joy.

"Brother Mu, thank you very much."

When leaving Huxin Xiaozhu, You Ruo asked Mu Han what his name was, and Mu Han told him his real name.

At this time, the petals fell down like rain, and against the backdrop of the fiery trees and silver flowers, You Ruo's white jade-like cheeks looked even more beautiful, making Mu Han couldn't help holding her in his arms , and You Ruo did not dodge Mu Han's movements.

"You Ruo, let's put the Kongming lanterns together, and remember to make your birthday wish."

Immediately, Mu Han and You Ruo lit dozens of Kongming lanterns.But Mu Han didn't know that although the gorgeous fireworks he set off did not cause a sensation in Tianyin City, Xiong Ba, who was on the first floor of the world, could clearly see them.

"Fireworks? The world has not seen fireworks for a long time. Chou Chou, are these fireworks beautiful?"

Xiongba walked out of the No. [-] Tianxia Building with great interest, leaning on the railing, showing his arrogance, watching the fireworks go up and away, like martial arts sects resisting his dominance, dissipating with the smoke.

"Boss, these fireworks are so beautiful. I don't know if you remember, today is the eldest lady's birthday."

"Youruo's birthday?"

Seeing Wen Chouchou walk out of the first floor in the world and come to his side, Xiongba turned his face to look at him, a gleam of joy flashed in his eyes, but was soon concealed by his domineering aura, but in his heart, a Zhang Xiuli's exquisite cheeks.

You Ruo, speaking of it, it has been a long time since he has been to Huxin Xiaozhu.

"That's right, boss, the eldest lady has been staying in the small building in the center of the lake. The boss should go to see the eldest lady. I went to see the eldest lady a few days ago. She was obviously thinner. She stayed alone in the small building in the middle of the lake. It's too late. bored."

"Oh, it's indeed time to visit You Ruo, but the giant spirit statue in the void today seems to be protesting against me, Chou Chou, you go to celebrate the young lady's birthday, remember, make more snacks. "

Thinking of the giant spirit statue that suddenly appeared, Xiongba knew that it was definitely not a mirage, someone must be protesting to the world, he had not succeeded in his hegemony, and he really owed You Ruo a lot.

".~Yes, leader, it's just that the eldest lady has been depressed recently, and please ask the leader to visit the eldest lady in a few days."

"okay, I get it."

"The subordinate has retired."

Seeing Xiongba's impatient expression, Wen Chouchou's heart skipped a beat. He hurriedly left the first floor of the world, and followed Xiongba, the hero. He always felt that his life would be in danger.

"Oh, I was scared to death."

Wen Chouchou flashed his fan and headed to the main altar of Tianxiahui, ordering the kitchen to make some snacks.

"You Ruo, you don't blame Dad, do you?"

Standing on the first floor of the world, Xiongba couldn't help but feel a surge of emotion when he saw the gradually disappearing fireworks and the gradually rising sky lanterns.

And on the mountain peak outside Tianyin City, Mu Han and You Ruo lay side by side on the grass on the mountain peak, looking at the bright starry sky and the Kongming Lantern gradually going away.

This is Mu Han's first arrival in (Zhao Haohao) Fengyun World, the first time he felt that the time passed slowly and the days passed peacefully, just lying on the soft grass, smelling the faint fragrance of a young girl, he felt very happy It is indifferent.

"Brother Mu, thank you, You Ruo will remember this birthday forever."

"Silly girl, what are you talking about? If you want, Brother Mu will give you a lifetime birthday, so that every day is your birthday."

"How can every day be a birthday, Brother Mu, you are pregnant!"

Mu Han turned over, looked at You Ruo's fair cheeks, stretched out his hand to brush her hair, causing You Ruo to turn her face sideways, and looked at Mu Han, her long eyelashes, crystal clear eyes, Suddenly, her voice stopped, as if she sensed the meaning of Mu Han's words, she blushed involuntarily.

"Brother Mu!"

"You Ruo, be my woman, brother Mu will celebrate your birthday forever."

Mu Han confessed very bluntly, he hugged You Ruo's delicate body, making her even more shy. "

Chapter 50 Head of Sword Sect, You Ruo's First Blood (5/5)


Jianzong Jianzhong!

When the Pojun was killed, suddenly, over a sword mound of Jianzong, clouds and mist were densely covered, and countless sword lights circled around the sword mound like overwhelming mountains and seas.

The countless sword lights, like destroying the heavens and the earth, made the entire Jianzong feel like they were under the siege of Jianlongjuan.


The countless swords are earth-shattering, not only shaped like a sword tornado, but also like a sword curtain like a net, from top to bottom, directly hit the sword mound.

At this time, in the sword mound, under a thick glacier, suddenly a strange sword shadow broke through the ice.

This sword shadow was suspended in the void coldly, and he scanned a valley in the sword mound, with a terrifying sword intent on his cheek.


His sword intent really reached the point of terror, but all around the sword mound was razed to the ground, and the entire sword sect was buzzing.

"Who? Killed my son Pojun? I, Jianhui, have come out of the rivers and lakes again. I must kill him. Don't let me catch him!"

He is actually Jian Hui, the head of the Sword Sect?

More than ten years ago, at the time of the Sword Sect Grand Competition, Jian Hui used the Return to Heaven Ice Art to freeze the entire Sword Tomb for 750 degrees, but now, he appeared on the Sword Tomb?

A master of the sword sect who has been frozen for more than ten years is not dead?What kind of terrifying power does he have?


Countless sword lights hovered around Jianhui's sword shadow. Jianhui looked up, and saw that the entire Jianzong was covered by dark clouds, and silver dragon-like electric lights appeared endlessly, dissipating in the sky like sword lights above.

At this time, Jian Hui clenched his fists fiercely, with a terrifying sword light shining in his eyes, as if tearing the entire sword mound apart.

The moment Jian Hui appeared, the sword light in the entire Sword Tomb suddenly condensed together, forming a majestic and majestic Qingtian sword pillar with majestic sword intent, causing a trace of sneer.

This Jianhui raised his head to the sky and shouted loudly, causing the sword intent on the Qingtian Sword Pillar to sink into his body like a beam of sword light.

In an instant, a scarlet sword imprint appeared on Jianhui's brow, and this scarlet sword imprint was the Heavenly Sword.

Heavenly Sword!

It is the most terrifying sword intent among the sword sects. Once it reaches the realm of the heavenly sword, it can tear apart the sword world and (befd) enter the realm that swordsmen dream of.

And Jianhui, when sensing that Po Jun was killed, made her own sword intent soar, so that the supreme sword intent in the sword mound merged into one, and then stepped into the realm of the heavenly sword.

Now, Jianhui, who has reached the realm of the Heavenly Sword, is even more confident. He is determined to avenge the murderer who killed his beloved son.

"No matter who it is, no matter what kind of cultivation it has achieved, don't even think about defeating the deity who entered the Heavenly Sword. Hmph, just wait, this deity Jian Hui will definitely find you and tear you to pieces!"

Jian Hui roared coldly, his Heavenly Sword Realm caused the entire Sword Tomb to resound, even above the sky, when several silver dragon-like lightning flashes galloped past, there was also a drum-like shock The sound of thunder.

The horror is like earth-shattering!

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