How could this blood curtain withstand the power of the Great Desolation Prisoner's finger?In Wudao Kuangtian's horrified eyes, this terrifying force shattered the blood curtain.

The terrifying remaining energy of that finger force suddenly poked Wudao Kuangtian's chest, making him feel a sharp pain and suddenly restless.

It has to be said that Wudao Kuangtian's expression suddenly changed when he was frightened by the strength of Dahuang Prisoner's Finger, and he was even more afraid of Mu Han.

(to Wang Zhao)

Being able to unleash the terrifying strength that can crush him, this Mu Han is really a monster like against the sky.

Wudao Kuangtian only feels that he still dares to be called a heaven?This Mu Han is the real god, he can injure himself severely with one finger, and kill himself with one move.

Immediately, Wudao Kuangtian looked at Mu Han in great horror, and he felt that Mu Han was too terrifying and extraordinary.

"Hey, Xiao Kuangtian, what do you want me to say about you? An ant like you dares to fight with me, isn't this just asking for it?"

Mu Han still sneered, which made Wudao Kuangtian extremely shocked. He looked at Mu Han in horror, his voice trembling slightly, and said, "You, why are you so powerful?"

"Why? Because I am stronger than you, because you are weak and I am strong!"

Mu Han stood proudly, his expression extremely arrogant.


Wudao Kuangtian's blood was sprayed out again as if he didn't want money, and he was called a weak person by Mu Han? "

Chapter 85 Invincible madness, surrender! (3/4)

"You are weak, but I am strong!"

Mu Han's ear-shattering voice made Wudao Kuangtian sweat wildly, this Mu Han is simply a monster, he is even more forceful than himself, and he still pretends to be forceful, which makes him very ashamed.

"Am I weak?"

Wudao Kuangtian was extremely shocked. Mu Han denounced him as a weakling for his legendary fourth-level master like a god, and no one was convinced.

"Little Kuangtian, it is enough to know that you are weak, why say it? Yes, you are weak."

Mu Han looked at Wudao Kuangtian jokingly, the loud voice made Wudao Kuangtian almost collapse.

How dare Mu Han call himself that?

What the hell!

Wudao Kuangtian's eyelids twitched and the corners of his mouth twitched. He looked up at Mu Han with anger all over his face.

"Mu Han, can you stop calling me Little Crazy Heaven? Labor and capital are not little crazy heavens, labor and capital are Wudao crazy heavens."

Being crushed by such a master, Wudao Kuangtian was already very irritable in his heart, but Mu Han still didn't take it seriously, he went his own way, making Wudao Kuangtian's cheeks reveal a touch of helplessness and unwillingness.

"Xiao Wudao, do you feel that you are not reconciled? You are also very helpless. Do you think that you can't beat me? Now, I will give a way that can beat me. I wonder if you are willing?"

"Labor and capital are not called petty wackos...what can I do?"

Wudao Kuangtian was furious for a while, if he hadn't been unable to beat Mu Han, he really wanted to rush forward and slap him, this Mu Han is too hateful.

"It's very simple, submit to me."

"What? Submission to you?"

Wudao Kuangtian looked at Mu Han and smiled faintly, he heard it right, Mu Han was planning to submit himself to him, but suddenly, he looked at Mu Han coldly, with a bad look on his cheek.

Return to Mu Han?

This is really a big joke, he is also a member of the Cangjie clan after all, with god-like strength, how can he submit to Mu Han?

Wudao Kuangtian raised his sky-like eyeballs and looked at Mu Han from above.

Hmm, don't even think about it!

"Wu Dao Kuang Tian, ​​I will give you two ways, one is to kill you, the other is to submit to me, choose one of the two, life or death, you choose yourself."

Mu Han sneered lightly, his Great Desolate Prisoner's Finger and Emperor Seal Jue could easily crush Wudao Kuangtian.

"Mu Han, don't be too arrogant."

Wudao Kuangtian was furious, this Mu Han didn't take himself too seriously, or in other words, he took himself too seriously.

"Arrogance? I have the capital to be arrogant, do you have it?"

Mu Han raised his eyebrows lightly, and raised his hand to slap Wudao Kuangtian heavily in the face with a slap, causing the latter's burly body to spin several times on the spot like a spinning top.

With a slap, Wudao Kuangtian was completely stunned.

Why was he slapped in the face by Mu Han?Is he fast?Is it really impossible for me to dodge it?

Wudao Kuangtian had several questions in his mind, and he looked at Mu Han with a bit of rage. He came to snatch Tiankui, not to be slapped in the face by Mu Han.

"Mu Han, do you really think you can make me surrender?"

"It's fine if you don't submit, I will beat you until you can't submit. If you don't submit, you will not only be killed, but you will also not be able to cry from heaven."

"Crying? Are you threatening labor and capital with heavenly crying? Do you think labor and capital will be willing to be threatened by you?"

Wudao Kuangtian's heart was pounding, in fact, when he came to look for Mu Han, he sensed the aura of heaven crying.

Now it's a good thing, before I got the cry from heaven, I was slapped by Mu Han, which made me powerless to fight back. In the heart of Wudao Kuangtian, don't mention how angry he was.

However, if he is angry, can he stop Mu Han's attack?Obviously, Wudao Kuangtian couldn't hurt Mu Han at all, and if Mu Han wanted to kill him, it would be as easy as flipping the palm of his hand.

In an instant, Wudao Kuangtian felt that he had failed too much. In this world, the only person who could be called the God of Heaven was Mu Han.

He is the real evildoer. In front of Mu Han, he still pretends to be a god?How inferior I am.

Immediately, Wudao Kuangtian's heart was filled with sweat. Only when he met Mu Han did he truly know his own shortcomings.

Originally, he thought that his cultivation was against the sky, that he was an unworldly evildoer, a master who could (bfbc) dominate the entire Shenzhou, but now, after meeting Mu Han, everything changed completely, and he could feel how arrogant he was .

"Have you figured it out? Submit to me, maybe you can see the sky cry, but if you don't submit to me, you will never see the sky cry."

"Mu Han, aren't you afraid that I'll kill you behind your back?"

"Kill me? Do you have the ability? It's not that I look down on you, nor do I despise you. In my eyes, you are not even as good as the weak, just an ant."

"Fuck, you say I'm even worse than the weak?"

Wu Dao Kuang was so angry that his teeth were itching, what was going on with Mu Han?At first you said you were weak, now you say you are an ant, what the hell, did you tell me everything?Is labor so weak?

"That's right, you are not weak, you are quite weak, what do you think?"

Mu Han proudly looked at Martial Dao Kuangtian, making the latter's heart thump. He could feel that in front of Mu Han, he could only bear his sword intent and tremble. , I have no room for rebuttal at all.

Failure, humiliation, unwillingness and other emotions were all smoldering in Wudao Kuangtian's heart at the beginning, until Mu Han's sharp and deep eyes made him feel like an ant in his heart.

"Actually, you are not useless. You can still show me a city gate. I, Mu Han, want everything in this piece of Chinese martial arts forest and imperial dynasty. You will guard the city gate for me, won't you feel wronged?"

Mu Han pretended to be coercive, causing Wudao Kuangtian's eyes to suddenly flash with surprise. Does Mu Han want the entire Shenzhou martial arts, the imperial world?

Wudao Kuangtian thought in his heart, Mu Han really possessed this ability, this Shenzhou martial arts forest, the entire empire, would be under Mu Han's control.

Wudao Kuangtian was struggling in his heart, he was not a stupid person, he knew the situation in front of him, and he couldn't allow himself to choose.

"Wu Dao Kuangtian pays homage to Mr. Mu."

Wudao Kuangtian is not a fool either. For a person with such strength, does he still have room to refute?I can only bear his invincible domineering.

Besides, he was crying for God.

"Okay, Wudao Kuangtian, you go to Wushuang City to guard the city gate for me now. If you make great achievements, I may let you cry. Remember, you will never be as good as me, and you will always be crushed by me." .”

"Yes, Mr. Mu."

Feeling the domineering lore power in Mu Han's body that controls the sky, Wudao Kuangtian suddenly felt sweaty in his heart, he hurriedly stood up and left Fengxi Village in a hurry.

"The inhuman madness returns to Mu Han?"

Yu Yue, who was on the verge of death, suddenly saw Wu Dao Kuangtian return to Mu Han, and his heart was also quite shocked.

This Mu Han is really not an ordinary person! "

Chapter 86 Catcher, try hitting me again (4/4)

Seeing Wudao Kuangtian return to Mu Han, Yu Yue, who was on the verge of death, suddenly saw his eyes light up, his internal organs had been shattered, his oil had already been exhausted, and now he was still alive.

He could feel Mu Han's powerful strength, if Mu Han could help him take care of his daughter Yu Chuchu, he would die without regret.

Moreover, he felt that Mu Han was someone who could be entrusted to him for life, and his daughter would never be wronged by following Mu Han.

Name: Yu Yue

Age: 40

Cultivation level: Congenital seventh level

Identity: Owner of Kirin Arm, ~Fengxi Village Chief

Name: Yu Chuchu

Age: 17

Cultivation: not in stream

Identity: Daughter of Yu Yue

"Young Master Mu."

"Oh, Yu Yue, how's your injury?-"

Watching Wudao Kuangtian leave Fengxi Village, Mu Han turned to look at the seriously injured Yu Yue, the beautiful and charming Yu Chuchu was still unconscious

"Mr. Mu, I have committed a lot of crimes. I should have died a long time ago. Now, I have another regret. After I die, no one will take care of Chuchu. Mr. Mu, can you help me take care of Chuchu?"

Mu Han poked his palm, and a wave of true energy entered Chu Chu's body.

Yu Chuchu moved her eyelashes and woke up unexpectedly.

Seeing this scene, Yu Yue was very surprised.

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