
In an instant, as soon as Mu Han finished speaking, there was a deafening and terrifying sound that shook the entire palace like it was shattered.

That Jue Xin lost his balance and fell to the ground with a thump, Jue Wushen supported the wall, his face full of shock. ············································

He suddenly saw a dazzling white light appear in the area of ​​several feet centered on the God of Boxing.


This piece of white light was extremely ferocious, as if it covered the surrounding area, and then he saw that the land covered by the white light made a loud noise like thunder, as if the sky was collapsing.

When the smoke dissipated, a bottomless pothole appeared in front of him, and the burly kung fu god disappeared without a trace, as if disappearing out of thin air.

However, Jue Wushen knew in his heart that Quan Dao Shen was swallowed by this fierce white light.

"He didn't make a move, why was he able to release this white light, and also killed his junior martial arts god? Mu Han, isn't it too damn heaven-defying?"

Jue Wushen's heart was pounding, he didn't see Mu Han make a move, he still stood where he was, without any movement. ... . 0

Unexpectedly, in an instant, the fist god was swallowed by white light and disappeared.

This move was truly earth-shattering, making Jue Wushen's domineering killing intent extremely unstable.

"Uncle Master's boxing god disappeared? No, Uncle Master was killed by Mu Han?"

Jue Xin turned pale with shock, his face was sweating profusely, his uncle, known as the number one master of Dongying, was actually killed by Mu Han, and it seemed that he did not make any moves when he saw Mu Han.


Juexin felt as if he had been hit by [-] critical points, so frightening, wasn't it?Didn't make a move, and killed the master uncle boxing god?

This is the face of Chi Guoguo!

"Father, uncle is dead?"

Jue Xin seemed to be crying, and he looked at his father, whose expression suddenly changed, Jue Wushen, and suddenly felt that Mu Han was too monstrous, he was simply a murderous god.

Jue Wushen suddenly turned around and stared at Jue Xin, am I blind, do I need you to remind me?

Seeing his father's furious appearance, Jue Xin hurriedly swallowed the words he hadn't finished speaking.

"Mu Han, you really are extraordinary."

Jue Wushen looked at Mu Han coldly, the killing of the master of boxing was indeed beyond his expectation, but he would not be afraid of Mu Han because of it.

Mu Han patted the white clothes on his body as if nothing had happened, and seeing Jue Wushen's pretended calm expression, a sneer sneered at the corner of his mouth.

"Oh? Absolutely Wushen, how do you want to die, maybe I will fulfill you."

Mu Han jokingly smiled, this absolute innocence was also on his plate.Door."

Chapter 92 Killing Fist, Absolutely Godless Shock (2/4)

"Mu Han, do you think you can kill this old man?"

Absolutely staring at Mu Han coldly, this handsome man in white has a terrifying sword intent.

Without making a move, he was able to make a white light engulf Quan Dao Shen, which immediately made Jue Wushen feel a lot of pressure.

However, as the master of Wushen Jue Palace, Jue Wushen has already reached the point of perfection in his killing fist, so he is not afraid of Mu Han.

"Ding, congratulations master, you discovered the earth-level low-grade kung fu Shaquan, do you want to deduce it?"


This killing fist is fierce and tyrannical. Although it looks simple and unpretentious, it can shatter the sky and the earth, and burn everything.

Killing fist is divided into three levels of fist strength, each move is more violent than the other, and each move is more powerful than the other.

The first killing heart: breaking the body to kill the heart, directly hitting the heart!

The second god of killing: specialize in killing god-like masters.

The third kill of "[-]": This move is the most powerful. It blows up the sky with one punch, the sky collapses and the earth shatters.

Mu Han's god-level deduction directly practiced Jue Wushen's killing fist to the third killing move. In this scene, Jue Wushen didn't know that he wanted to use his killing fist to kill Mu Han.

"Father, your killing fist is quite powerful, killing Mu Han is as easy as flipping the palm of your hand."

Standing on the sidelines, Jue Xin boasted that he saw the white light released by Mu Han with his own eyes, devouring his uncle's fist god. Now, whether he can kill Mu Han or not depends entirely on his father.

"Haha, Xin'er, your father's killing fist is indeed extremely powerful. But you should not say anything and let Mu Han know. If he gets scared and runs away, wouldn't our previous efforts be wasted?"

Jue Wushen looked triumphantly at Jue Xin, who praised him. His son was very obedient and ruthless, much like himself when he was young.

He looked up at Mu Han coldly again, this Mu Han was so arrogant that he didn't even look at him?

"Father, you can definitely kill Mu Han."

Jue Xin said excitedly, he knew that Jue Wushen's killing punch was extremely domineering and killing.If his father killed Mu Han, he would get the beautiful girl next to him. Thinking about it, I get excited.

"Xin'er, as a father, don't you know what's on your mind? Well, let's talk about it after my father kills Mu Han."

Jue Wushen could see Juexin's thoughts at a glance, he looked up to the sky and laughed, and strode towards Mu Han, surrounded by a terrifying golden light.

Immortal golden body!

Juewushen's indestructible golden body and killing fist were so terrifying. He looked at Mu Han coldly, with a look of contempt and disdain on his face, which made Mu Han jokingly smile. Obviously, Mu Han still hadn't given up on Jue Han. Wushen puts it in his eyes.

"Absolutely Wushen, tell me, how do you want to die?"

Mu Han still looked at Jue Wushen indifferently, his god-level deduction has deduced the killing fist to the state of Dzogchen.

Now, I have to see for myself whether Juewushen's killing fist is stronger or the deduced killing fist is stronger.

"Mu Han, you killed this old man's junior brother, the master of boxing, and also killed the emperor and Huangying. Do you think that this old man can't do anything to you? Hmph, this old man will tear you to pieces."

Jue Wushen looked at Mu Han angrily, his killing fist was extremely terrifying and fierce, and one strike was like shaking the sky and cracking the earth.

He knew that if he couldn't kill Mu Han, he would definitely be killed by Mu Han, so he directly raised the killing fist to the highest level.



As soon as this fist is released, it is like shaking the sky and destroying the sky, and he is absolutely complacent. He knows that this killing fist is extremely terrifying, and killing Mu Han is as easy as flipping the palm of his hand.

"Father, this punch is really powerful."

Jue Xin rubbed his palms excitedly, he knew very well the power of this killing punch. Back then, his father, Jue Wushen, relied on the killing punch to kill countless masters.


The power of this punch is like destroying the sky and destroying the earth, like tearing a big hole in the sky. Jue looked at Mu Han indifferently. He knew that Mu Han was not easy. Kill Mu Han.

In fact, even though he has the Killing Fist and the Immortal Golden Body, Jue Wushen still has some elements of fear for Mu Han. After all, Mu Han killed the God of Boxing, the Emperor and the Emperor Ying with one move, and he can be called a monstrous master.

However, how could Absolutely Wushen allow Mu Han to tease him?For the sake of his eternal dominance, he must kill Mu Han with one move.

That Quan Dao God's Fist Killing the Void is not at all comparable to the domineering and lore-killing Fist of Jue Wushen.

But when he saw this punch come out, there was no grass growing around him, and the whole palace was trembling under the power of Jue Wushen's fist.

Moreover, Juewushen's killing fist directly formed a tornado of fists that could destroy the sky and the earth.


This incomparably ferocious tornado of punches made Juexin's heart pounding in shock. Could it be that this was the strongest punch of his father's absolute lack of spirit?

In an instant, Jue Xin felt that Mu Han would definitely die by his father's killing fist...

"Juewushen, you just want to kill me with a mere killing fist? Are you too shameful?"

Mu Leng smiled coldly, and slapped out with a punch like overwhelming mountains and seas.Immediately, Jue Xin and Jue Wushen both felt shocked from the bottom of their hearts, as if overwhelming fist strength.

"Killing fist?"

Jue Xin was completely stupefied, why did this Mu Han also kill fists?Moreover, his killing fist is even more powerful than his father's killing fist.

"Killing fist?"

Jue Wushen is like being hit by [-] critical points, why does Mu Han kill punches?Isn't this too scary?

This killing fist is his unique skill, why was it learned by Mu Han?He has cultivated to such a terrifying level?

This is not just a [-]-point crit hit, but also a slap in the face that he is absolutely godless, which makes him extremely angry. With the power of this killing punch, he kills fiercely.

He doesn't believe that Mu Han can use the killing fist, even if Mu Han can remember the killing fist and learn the killing fist, he still can't comprehend the essence of the killing fist!

Thinking of this, the power of Jue Wushen's killing fist hit Mu Han directly like a surge, but Mu Han was not afraid, his killing fist hit Jue Wushen's fist tornado like overwhelming On top of that, there was a sudden thud in the bottom of his heart.

What the fuck?

Jue Wushen's eyelids twitched, he felt as if he saw the God of Killing coming into the world, he was completely stunned 0.3 times, and he also felt extremely hot on his cheeks, Mu Han's killing punch was more proficient and extremely violent than his own.


Jue Wushen was shocked several feet away by Mu Han's violent punch, but due to his indestructible golden body, he was not injured.

However, this was enough to shock him. He never thought that his killing fist would be used by others one day, and that person could crush him.

This is so awesome, it's Chi Guoguo's slap in the face.

At this time, Jue Xin was also dumbfounded. If Mu Han could kill his master's fist and shatter the void of his fist, he could see it clearly, but why did Mu Han know his father's killing fist?This is a bit unreasonable.

Could it be that this Mu Han evildoer has reached such a terrifying level? "

Chapter 93 Slap Jue Xin, Defeat No God (3/4)

Kill punch?

Jue Xin looked at Mu Han in bewilderment, and then at his father, whose face was ashen, his fists clenched and his veins popping out, Jue Wushen, why did Mu Han kill him?Moreover, it is too shocking to cultivate the killing fist to the point where it has reached the state of perfection, right?

"Mu Han, why do you know how to kill fist?"

Jue Wushen finally broke through the doubt in his heart, he looked at Mu Han coldly, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

Mu Han can kill fists, and he has cultivated to the point of perfection?Why is he so powerful?

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