The martial arts supreme gasped, this monstrous Mu Han was too terrifying, he actually killed Jue Wushen quietly?

In an instant, the Martial Master felt that there was a huge gap between himself and Mu Han. Even if he tried his best, he would never be able to beat Mu Han.

And if Mu Han wanted to kill himself, it would be as easy as flipping the palm of his hand.

Immediately, the arrogance of the Martial Master became much weaker, like a deflated ball, which made Mu Han smile faintly.

"Mu Han, please don't kill me."

Amidst the plop, the Martial Master knelt on the ground, looking at Mu Han nervously. "

Chapter 96 Zen Ceremony, Emperor Muhan (2/4)

In the dungeon of the imperial city, the Martial Master fearfully looked at the frosty Mu Han. He knew very well that Mu Han came to the dungeon not to save himself, but to control the entire dynasty.

In fact, from the very beginning when Mu Han got the dragon vein in Lingyun Grotto, he had a faint feeling that Mu Han was not easy.

Afterwards, he asked Wuming Wuming and Sword Emperor Mu Yingxiong to intercept and kill Mu Han in order to return the dragon veins to Lingyun Grotto and continue the dynasty.

Unexpectedly, Jue Wushen suddenly led Guichaluo to attack, his imperial brother was killed, and he himself was caught off guard by Jue Wushen~ and became a prisoner.

When he heard that Mu Han had killed Jue Wushen, although he was shocked by Mu Han's strength, he still heaved a sigh of relief when he heard that Jue Wushen was killed.

"Supreme Wulin, if you give me the dynasty and abdicate yourself, maybe I will spare your life."

Mu Han knew that although the Martial Master was cowardly, he was not a treacherous person, and he only wanted to win the dynasty.

If he obediently gave him the dynasty, maybe he would spare his life, but if he was obsessed with his obsession, then don't blame his subordinates for being ruthless.

Mu Han is the kind of person who is decisive in doing things and never procrastinating.

"If I give you the dynasty, can you really spare my life?"

The Martial Master looked at Mu Han in disbelief, and felt that he had walked through the gate of hell. If Mu Han hadn't killed Jue Wushen, he would have died in the hands of Jue Wushen.

Now, the emperor's elder brother has been killed by Jue Wushen. If he disobeys Mu Han, he may not escape death. For the sake of the lifeline of the entire royal family, he can only take the throne of Mu Han.

"Yes, give me your Zen seat, and I will save your life."

Mu Han smiled faintly. If he killed the Martial Master, it would definitely cause turmoil in the Shenzhou Martial Arts, but letting the Martial Master go to Zen would make a big difference.

Immediately, Mu Han looked up at the Martial Master, who hurriedly knelt down and said, "Yes, thank you, Mr. Mu. I will prepare for the Zen position right now."

"Okay, I'll come to the imperial city the day after tomorrow and wait for your seat."

Mu Han was not afraid that the Wulin Supreme Master would suddenly repent. He knew that he had killed Jue Wushen, so he must have been extremely terrified. Therefore, Mu Han calmly left the prison, which made the Wulin Supreme Master heave a sigh of relief.

"Grandpa Taizu, Brother Huang, I am not too weak, but the fate of the dynasty is approaching, and the dragon veins should be mastered by Mu Han, and Mu Han killed Jue Wushen, so he is qualified to become the master of the new dynasty."

The Martial Master stood there blankly, looking at Mu Han's far away back, he felt as if his whole body was numb.

At this time, he supported the wall, and then strode out of the prison.

He knew that the new dynasty would definitely be able to rule the entire Shenzhou martial arts and wipe out the ambitions of the Eastern martial arts.


Mu Han cast a large teleportation technique and teleported to Wushuang City at a very high speed.

He didn't let Chuchu go with him, but let her stay in the inn, and his trip was to pick up Zhunu and others to the imperial city.

"Master Mu?"

Dugu Jian, Wudao Kuangtian and other legendary masters guarding Wushuang City suddenly saw Mu Han, who was dressed like a fairy in white, and floated back to Wushuang City, all showing respectful expressions.

"Well, get ready and go to the imperial city."

"Yes, Mr. Mu."

Dugu Jian, Wudao Kuangtian and other masters agreed in unison, which was also expected by them.They all knew that Mu Hanxiu was an evildoer, and it would be easy for him to occupy the imperial city.

Mu Han went straight into Wushuang City, and when he saw Bu Bai Suzhen, Yan Ying, Dugu Meng, Dugu Lian'er and other women were all in the room, he walked over quietly.

"Brother Mu?"

"Master Mu?"

Mingyue and Kong Ci saw Mu Han first, and they both showed excited expressions. When the two daughters said this, You Ruo, Bai Suzhen and other women all turned to look at Mu Han.

As expected, he was handsome as a fairy, handsome and unrestrained Mr. Mu Han.

Mu Han smiled slightly, put his arms around Mingyue and Kong Ci, and patted the two girls' tusks twice.

clap clap!

This crisp sound and soft feeling made De Muhan feel a little distracted.

In an instant, the faces of all the women present were flushed, and each of them showed shy and charming expressions.

Especially Ming Yue and You Ruo, who had been slapped by Mu Han, covered their faces shyly.

"Han'er, why are you back?"

Among the women, Bu Bai Suzhen was quite majestic, as if she was the head of all the women. She watched Mu Han return to Wushuang City, and knew that something must be wrong with him.

"I'll pick you up to live in the imperial city." Mu Han smiled lightly.

"You, you control the entire imperial city?"

Bu Bai Suzhen said with a slightly trembling voice, Mu Han is too evil, always doing things that shock the world. ······Ask for flowers·····

"Almost, the Martial Master is about to take the Zen seat with me, let's go, let's go to the imperial city together."

"Mu Han, you are too surprising, I really can't see through you."

Bu Bai Suzhen felt extremely shocked in her heart, Mu Han was too calm, how could he be so calm when taking over such a big event in the imperial city?It was really unusual.

"It's okay, I will understand it slowly."


Bu Bai Suzhen also heard the pun in Mu Han's words, her cheeks were slightly red, she was afraid that the girls would see it, so she gently covered it up.

And Mu Han looked at his mother-in-law, smiled slightly, but didn't speak,

That night, Mu Han took all the girls, Dugu Jian, Wudao Kuangtian and others as guards, and left Wushuang City in a mighty way.  …………………

The people of Wushuang City were all kneeling by the side of the road, weeping with gratitude, thanks to Mu Han who killed Dugu Fang, they were able to get rid of Dugu Fang's tyranny and live a good life.

Now that Mu Han wants to leave Wushuang City, they are naturally very reluctant.

The journey was unimpeded, and Mu Han and the girls soon arrived at the imperial city. After picking up Chu Chu at the Imperial Inn, Mu Han let the girls live in the palace.

The imperial palace in the imperial city is huge, and Mu Han fought against Jue Wushen, but only a few of them damaged the front hall of the imperial palace.

The next day, the Zen Ceremony!

The edict read by the Martial Master is nothing more than the lack of talent and learning, mediocrity and inaction, unable to revitalize the dynasty. Now, Mr. Mu Han has obtained the dragon vein of the Yellow Emperor, which is actually the rejuvenation of the dynasty and the revitalization of Shenzhou.Zhen Zen is located in the words of Mr. Mu and so on.

And Mu Han naturally said some polite words, I also continued the imperial dynasty, named Tianchao, known as the Emperor of Heaven, and all states and governments continued to use the title of the Tianchao, with the emperor Mu Han as the main one.

As for the supreme martial artist, Mu Han didn't kill him, but moved him to the most remote place in the Celestial Dynasty, and sealed him as a servant.

And masters such as Dugu Jian and Wudao Kuangtian were appointed by Mu Han as commanders of the imperial army, controlling the safety of the palace.

Thus, amidst the shouts to send off the Heavenly Emperor, Mu Han concluded the Zen ceremony and formally changed the Yuan Dynasty.

In addition to changing the imperial dynasty into the Celestial Dynasty and the Imperial Palace into the Heavenly Palace, Mu Han also divided China into Kyushu.Mountain."

Chapter 97 Stone Dingtian, the Fifth Patriarch of Nijian (3/4)

In a valley dozens of miles away from Tiangong, there is a towering and majestic castle hidden.And in the center of the castle, a gold-plated pagoda exudes an unusual light.

Outside the gold-plated pagoda, sitting cross-legged was a burly middle-aged man in brocade clothes. With his stern gaze, he felt the atmosphere in the entire castle, causing the hearts of the five old men who stepped into the castle to tremble.

"Haha, congratulations to General Shi, you have actually cultivated to the second level of legend."

These five old men were dressed in red, blue, black, white and yellow respectively. They all looked at the burly middle-aged man sitting in front of the gilded pagoda, but their eyes were looking at the middle-aged man. After the age, he couldn't stop sneaking into the gold-plated pagoda.

What kind of thing is hidden in this gold-plated pagoda?As these old men kept peeking at them, the middle-aged man in brocade clothes coughed "[-]" coldly, as if he didn't want to see them.

Seeing that the middle-aged man didn't speak, the old men smiled awkwardly. This General Shi still has an old temper.

"Nijian Fifth Patriarch of the Nijian Sect came to this general's Shijiabao, probably not talking nonsense, right? If it is for the Lingtian Pagoda, please come back."

The general in brocade clothes looked coldly at the fifth patriarch of the Nijian sect, causing embarrassment to appear on the cheeks of the fifth patriarch of the Nijian sect. They all stared at General Shi, feeling that he was too ungrateful .

"Shi Dingtian, do you know that something earth-shattering happened in the imperial city?"

"A big deal? What big deal can it be?"

Shi Dingtian raised his sword eyebrows, and his angry voice made one of the five ancestors of Nijian feel uneasy, and felt his mind buzzing. Obviously, he could feel Shi Dingtian's strength, quite scary.

Shi Dingtian was ordered by the Martial Lord to guard the Lingtian Pagoda in Shijiabao. If there was no order from the Martial Master, even princes and ministers would have to stay away.

Back then, the wife of the supreme martial artist, the empress of the Dynasty, came to Shijiabao with the intention of opening the Lingtian Pagoda, but in the end she was killed by Shi Dingtian outside the Lingtian Pagoda.

"What's the big deal? General Shi, it seems that you don't know yet. The dynasty was destroyed, changed to the Yuan Dynasty, and the Martial King was also moved to a remote area, and was made a marquis of obedience. All these things happened just yesterday. "

"It's just that the Supreme Master of the Martial Arts also committed suicide on the way to be demoted yesterday."

"What? The dynasty was destroyed? The Martial Master was demoted and committed suicide again? How is this possible, Huo Zu, are you trying to deceive me by saying these things because you want to get the Lingtian Pagoda? Do you think this general is a fool? ?”

"Liar to you? Do you think that the fifth patriarch of Nijian came all the way to Shijiabao because of the Lingtian Pagoda? General Shi, we are indeed greedy for the things in the Lingtian Pagoda, but we are all members of the imperial dynasty. How could you lie? I am waiting here to ask the general to come out of the mountain and kill the usurper together."

Shuizu, one of the five ancestors of Nijian, looked at Shi Dingtian coldly. They were indeed greedy for the Lingtian Pagoda, but they came this time to ask Shi Dingtian to kill Mu with them. Cold, take back the dynasty.

The Wulin Supreme, whom Mu Han named obedient, committed suicide on the way to the place where he was banished. They knew that the Wulin Supreme had been depressed since he was demoted, and he was cowardly by nature. Now being belittled by Mu Han, he was overly frightened, so he committed suicide.

"Is the dynasty really destroyed? The martial arts supreme also committed suicide? Who is it that is so monstrous? You should know, right?"

Shi Dingtian also felt that he couldn't recover for a while, what the hell was he singing?The dynasty complied with the destiny and possessed the dragon veins of Lingyun Grottoes, how could it be destroyed?It seems that it is not easy to destroy the people of the dynasty.

"Heavenly Emperor Mu Han!"

Saying this name suddenly, the Fifth Ancestor of Nijian suddenly felt a chill go down his back, and felt that the whole Shijiabao was chilly.

Mu Han!

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