Chapter 1 Twelve Panic, Laugh Three Times (4/[-])

"You came!"

The huge Miyin Temple seemed very quiet, Mu Han stood proudly, with an indifferent smile on the corner of his mouth, although he was calm, his voice was as cold as ice.

"Twelve panics!"

He seemed to be talking to the air, but there was a helpless sigh in the air.

"Nothing can be hidden from Heavenly Emperor Mu Han, Mr. Mu, you are very strong."

"I'm really strong, but you are the first one to appear behind my ass abnormally. Do you think I'm right? Twelve panics."

Mu Han turned around and looked coldly, the air behind him fluctuated, and a smiling old man appeared.

Name: Xiao San Xiao

Age: 4000

Cultivation level: legendary fifth level realm

Status: One of the Twelve Fears of the Martial Arts.

Is he the laughing three laughing head of the twelve panicked ones?

Back then, Bai Xiaokuangsheng combined the twelve people and things in the martial arts world that made people frightened and panicked, collectively called the Twelve Panics.

These twelve panics are the Fire Unicorn in Lingyun Cave, Nie Jiaxue Yin Dao, Duanjia Huolin Sword, Wushuang City Wushuang Sword, Jianzong Hero Sword, Baijian Villa Peerless Sword, Wulin School Jianzong, Wudang, Shaolin, The poisonous shadow outside the Great Wall, the evil door and the righteous way, he!

And this him is a mysterious and unpredictable martial artist.

Twelve panicked smiles and three smiles!

Xiao San 960 Xiao Xiao looks ordinary, but he looks like a bad old man. Even if he is walking on the road, he will not notice that he is actually panicked.

Now, he is actually standing behind Mu Han, what exactly does he want to do?

"Ahem, Mr. Mu was just joking. Now that Mr. Mu has obtained the mirror of the emperor's mind, what is his plan?"

"What do you want me to do?"

Seeing Xiao Sanxiao's embarrassing expression, Mu Han asked directly.

"This... this old man is not a roundworm in Mr. Mu's stomach."

Xiao Sanxiao was speechless for a while, and he scratched his head in embarrassment.

When other people saw this twelve-frightened man, they were either too frightened to speak out, or knelt down and begged for mercy, but Mu Han did not change his face when the mountain collapsed in front of him, which made him admire Mu Han very much.

However, Mu Han seemed to know what Xiao Sanxiao was thinking, he showed a playful look, as if he was saying: With your body, do you still want to be Taishan?

"Smile three times, you suddenly appeared behind me and shocked me, how about this, in order to compensate for my spiritual loss, how about you do something for me?"

"mental loss?"

Xiao Sanxiao was dazed for a while, seeing Mu Han's serious expression, he didn't know what the mental loss was?

"Don't interrupt, the mental damage fee is for you to find me a map of the Nine Stars Hidden Dragon Cave. It shouldn't be difficult, right?"

"Nine-star Canglong lair? Could it be that Mr. Mu is going to Fuyu country?"

"Mieyin Battle Armor, Datong Sword is such a good treasure, would I not want it?"

Mu Han smiled lightly, and smiled three times in return, making him speechless for a while.

"The Holy King of Fuyu Kingdom will never let Mr. Mu go to the Hidden Dragon Lair."

Xiao Sanxiao said with certainty that he felt that Mu Han was not worth going to Fu Yu Country, and that the Great Tribulation of Thousand Years was the most important thing.

"Look, you don't understand this, right? Smile three times, you can only do twelve panics. You have to know that if I claim the title of Emperor of Heaven and establish the Celestial Dynasty, then the Holy King of Fuyu Kingdom will definitely come to pay homage. Then follow him to Hidden Dragon Cave and snatch the Mieyin Battle Armor. Smile three times, see you make a face, don’t you believe it?”


Seeing Mu Han Chengzhu in his chest, Xiao Sanxiao really didn't believe it, he felt that the Holy King would come to heaven to pay homage to Mu Han unless he was mentally ill.

"This is the most basic etiquette between countries. I know you don't believe it. Why don't we make a bet."

"I don't know what bet Mr. Mu wants to bet?"

Hearing Mu Han said that he wanted to bet, Xiao Sanxiao felt flustered for a while, this Mr. Mu always does something different.

"If I win, how about you find me a map of Tianmen?"

"If Mr. Mu loses, can you agree to this old man's request?"

"A great calamity for thousands of years? Huh, I still hope that the Dongying people will come to Shenzhou. When the time comes, I will wipe them out in one fell swoop, so that there will be no future troubles forever."

"Uh, how do you know everything?"

"Because I am the Heavenly Emperor Muhan!"

Mu Han pretended to be very blunt, which made Xiao Sanxiao speechless for a while, thinking that Mu Han couldn't (bfbd) keep a low profile?Can't you be more humble?Is this too shameless?

"The old man came to Miyin Temple precisely for the great calamity, Mr. Mu, the old man gave Mr. Mu the map of the Hidden Dragon Cave and the map of the Tianmen."

"how many days?"

"At least a month."

Xiao Sanxiao calculated for a while, then told Mu Han that if he wanted to find two maps, it would take at least a month.

"Okay, when I destroy the Tianmen, we will fight against the Great Tribulation together."

Mu Han smiled faintly, taking advantage of Xiao Sanxiao's search for the map for a month, he wanted to visit Wutian Purgatory instead.

Although Mu Han yearned for the Chi Family's Chi Huo Divine Art and God Duo Qi Kong in Wutian Purgatory, but he still wanted to see Chi Xue.

It is said that this is a beautiful woman.

"Master Mu, I will not bother you. After a month, I will go to the Heavenly Palace in person."

"it is good!"

Looking at Mu Han's slightly smiling expression, he smiled three times and was speechless for a while,

Good sister, laughing at your sister?Knowing that the old man wants to get the map of Hidden Dragon Cave and Tianmen within a month, isn't it not easy?

However, in order to avoid the Great Tribulation of Thousand Years, Xiao Sanxiao turned around and left Miyin Temple. He knew that with Mu Han, the Great Tribulation of Thousand Years and the Great Tribulation of Ten Thousand Years would be a fart!


Watching Xiao Sanxiao leave Miyin Temple, Mu Han sat quietly in Miyin Temple, waiting quietly for Wuming and Mu Yingxiong to come.

Mu Han knew that although Fuxu escaped and left Miyin Temple, he would definitely meet Wuming and Mu Yingxiong, and even add fuel to the story and speak ill of himself.

But will he take them seriously?


While Mu Han was sitting quietly, he saw that the gate of Miyin Temple was shattered by an external force, Na Buxu jumped out first, followed by Wuming and Mu Yingxiong.

At this time, Wuming and Mu Yingxiong looked at Mu Han indifferently, and the sword intent they released was astonishing like a surging wave.

Name: Anonymous

Age: 40

Cultivation level: legendary four-level realm

Identity: Martial Arts Myth!

Name: Mu Yingxiong

Age: 50

Cultivation level: legendary four-level realm

Identity: King of Swords, King of Swords!

Legendary Four Realms?

Mu Han smiled slightly. It seems that Wuming and Mu Yingxiong have worked hard for three months, and finally raised their cultivation base to the fourth level of legend.

However, Mu Han was still able to crush them, he looked at Wuming and Mu Yingxiong with a playful look, making their hearts thump.

The three-month period has come, and they still showed a look of fear in the face of Mu Han who was like a monster.

"Mu Han, are you the one who made the Martial Master commit suicide?"

Before they came to Miyin Temple, they learned that Wulin Zhizun was exiled by Mu Han to another place, and he was made a servant of orders. However, Wulin Zhizun committed suicide on the way.And Mu Han got the Bodhidharma relic in the Lingtian Pagoda in Shijiabao!

Since Mu Yingxiong's father, Mu Long, was a general of the dynasty, they were very unwilling to accept that Mu Han changed the Yuan Dynasty, causing the Martial Master to commit suicide. "

Chapter 2 Killing is True, Wutian Absolute Sword (4/[-])

Before Wuming and Mu Yingxiong came to Miyin Temple, they met Monk Buxu.

Na Buxu also added fuel and vinegar to say some bad things about Mu Han, for example, he killed Du Kong, killed Emperor Seng, and got the Mirror of Mind.

And Wuming and Mu Yingxiong also knew that Mu Han changed the Yuan Dynasty and called him Emperor of Heaven.

He also indirectly killed the Supreme Master of the Martial Arts. Thinking of this, the two of them glared at the same point~Mu Han standing proudly.

"Mu Han, sooner or later this mirror will fall into my hands."

Although Fuxu was seriously injured, he knew that Wuming and Mu Yingxiong would definitely kill Mu Han.

For the past three months, the two of them have been trying their best to practice unrivaled martial arts in order to kill Mu Han.

Suddenly, Mu Yingxiong looked at Mu Han angrily. He knew that the Bodhidharma relics in the Lingtian Pagoda in Shijiabao had also been obtained by Mu Han, and that the dragon veins in Lingyun Grotto had been stolen, which might be related to Mu Han.

This Mu Han is really full of sins!

In fact, Mu Yingxiong and Wuming were also shocked in their hearts, even though they had raised their cultivation base from the third level of legend to the fourth level of legend.

However, Mu Han's cultivation is also much stronger than that in Baijian Villa. He stood indifferently on the open space of Miyin Temple, his evil and frivolous expression made the hearts of Wuming and Mu Yingxiong thump .

They only felt that Mu Han was too monstrous, the three months had come, and his cultivation base was still incomparably majestic, and his sword intent, like overwhelming force, directly devoured the sword intent on their bodies.

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