"Okay, Mu Han, you are really good, I'll go back and tell the master."

Although Jianyue said so, he didn't move at all, and the sword intent on his body was getting heavier and heavier.

Jianyue wanted to sneak attack Mu Han when he was leaving!

However, he didn't know that Mu Han used his soul power to see Jianyue's thoughts clearly.


Mu Han raised his hand and slapped Jian Yue in the face, making the latter look at Mu Han in astonishment, why did he slap himself in the face?

"This slap is for your master, Jian Yue, you are too weak."

Since Jianyue is the first soul of Jianbei, when Mu Han slapped Jianyue in the face, he actually slapped Jianbei in the face. When he was in the sword world, his every move was known by Jian Bei.

"You, Mu Han, you are really extraordinary, remember, if you slap me in the face, I will double..."

Jian Yue was trembling with anger, this Mu Han was too arrogant, he even slapped himself in the face without asking indiscriminately.



Mu Han was not soft on his hands, raised his hand and slapped Jianyue several times, until Jianyue was about to cry.

However, Mu Han was still not merciful, he slapped Jianyue in the face again, this time the strike was too heavy, and Jianyue's head was blown off.


When Jianyue was about to die, he opened his mouth and spewed out blood again. He looked at Mu Han with unbelievable eyes, and felt that he killed himself, it was too arrogant.

"Jianbei, remember to come to the sword world to find me."

Feeling Jianyue being killed, an incomparably majestic sword intent suddenly enveloped him, but Mu Han smiled coldly, as if he knew that Jianbei was looking at him.

Immediately, Mu Han lifted his feet and left. He knew that Jian Yue, the first Yuan Shen, was killed, and he would definitely be sensed by Jian Bei.

Now, he came to the sword world not just to make Jian Bei provoke him, but also to find kung fu magic weapons and so on.

Immediately, Mu Han turned around and left. Although this sword world is not as vast as the wrong version of Fengyun World, it is not too small.

Mu Han looked up, and on the sword mountain covered by clouds and mist, there was a mass of crimson mist, like a ferocious red eye, looking at him fiercely and indifferently. "

Chapter 3 Jianbei’s Plan, Twelve Swords (4/[-])


Because Mu Han suddenly opened the sword world, there was an earth-shattering vibration in the sword world.

Jianyue was killed by Mu Han's move, and Mu Han walked away, making Jianbei, who knew all this clearly, really angry.

Jian Bei is the first master of the sword sect who opened the sword world, but he is not the first master of the sword world.

Although the sword world is a different world formed by the sword intent of thousands of swordsmen in the Chinese martial arts, but Jianbei's cultivation has not improved much in the past few hundred years.

What annoyed him the most was that Mo Kui and the Twelve Swordsmen in the Sword Pool both wanted to capture Jianshan, so Mu Han came suddenly, which made Jian Bei want to recruit Mu Han.

However, Jian Bei didn't expect that Mu Han would blow up Jian Yue with one move, causing his first soul to be killed.

"My lord, this Mu Han is so ungrateful, why don't you go down and capture Mu Han."

"You? This Mu Han's cultivation is terrifying and his sword intent is powerful. You can't catch him. Since he wants me to invite him in person, I will invite him. However, I am worried that the devil already knows about Mu Han's awe-inspiring sword intent. , I am afraid that his evil thoughts and sword intent will not be kind~ Let it go."

Looking at the Second Primordial God Sword Prison, intending to capture Mu Han himself, Jian Bei shook his head and stood up from Jianshan.

Although he sits on the highest sword mountain in the sword world, he knows that his cultivation is not as good as that of the devil in the sword pond. This devil is a creature formed by thousands of evil thoughts and sword intents, and cannot be resisted by other races.

For so many years, Jianbei has been sitting firmly on the sword mountain, never confronting Mokui and the Twelve Swordsman, in order to wait for the opportunity to destroy them in one fell swoop.

Now, Mu Han suddenly opened the sword world, which first made Jian sad for a while, and then he felt that Mu Han's coming to the sword world was a god-sent opportunity.

"Yes, what my lord said is very true. Now, if we can join hands with Mu Han to kill Mokui, so that the master can dominate the sword world, it will be just around the corner."

"It's good that you know that Mu Han is just a pawn for this deity to eradicate dissidents. Only by killing Mokui can this deity rule the sword world,"

"Yes, it seems that Mu Han is going to the Sword Pool, will he meet the Twelve Swords?"

In this sword world, apart from Jianshan, there is also Jianchi. Jianshan is formed by the righteous sword intent of swordsmen in the world, and is gradually controlled by Jianbei.

And Jianchi is an evil sword intent, controlled by Mokui, Mokui's most capable assistant is the Twelve Swordsman.

The Twelve Swords, said to be able to form the Twelve Swords of Xuanyin, this is a top-grade swordsmanship of the Xuan level, it is extremely terrifying, and has the potential to exterminate the sky.

In addition to the twelve swordsmen, Mokui also has countless swords, scorpions and magic soldiers.

This sword and scorpion can make Mokui have an indestructible demon body.

This is what Jian Bei is most worried about. At the same time, he also knows that Mu Han is going to Jianchi.

"This Mu Han is known as the Emperor of Heaven, and his sword intent is strong. I'm afraid the Twelve Swordsman is not his opponent. Now, you and this deity rush to persuade Mu Han before Mu Han meets the devil."

"My lord, what if Mu Han doesn't want to form an alliance with us?"

Ever since Jianyue, the first Yuan Shen, was killed, Jian Prison felt that Mu Han would never be coerced.

Anyone who wants to coerce Mu Han will be trampled under his feet.

Immediately, Jian Prison looked at the lord Jian Bei very worriedly, but saw Jian Bei smiled coldly, and he said coldly: "It doesn't matter if you don't coerce, as long as I want the whole sword world, then Mu Han probably doesn't have the ability to control the sword world. Without further ado, let's go!"

Jian Bei said confidently, he smiled slightly, seeing that Jian Prison was still hesitating, he smiled lightly, stretched out his hand and patted his shoulder, and left Jian Mountain together with Jian Prison.


The sword world is still being shaken!

I only heard a deafening loud noise, which made the entire sword world shake non-stop. Thunder and lightning flashed above the sky, dozens of silver dragon-shaped lightning flashed across the void, and then, there was an earth-shattering thunder, which resounded throughout the entire world. firmament.

At this time, a pool of swords that had been calm and calm suddenly stirred up waves. Countless scorpion-like swords scorpions crawled out of the pool together, exuding terrifying sword intent.

At this moment, a handsome man in white clothes was gradually approaching Jianchi.

In the sword world, there are endless sword mountains, but there are not many sword ponds. In addition to the Xuanyin sword pond where Mokui lives, there are also sword ponds with twelve sword residences.

Now, these densely packed sword scorpions, shaped like a large army, crawled out of the sword pool of the twelve sword constellations.

Mu Leng looked at these sword scorpions coldly. When he was about to approach the sword pool, he saw these sword scorpions crawling towards him.

"These swords and scorpions also want to stop me?" ·····································

Mu Leng smiled coldly, and in an instant, the sword strength formed around him swirled furiously, circling like a net from heaven and earth.

Then, Jian Jin slashed down in anger, like a storm, almost one sword at a time.

And with the sound of bang bang, these sword lights killed all the sword scorpions that rushed over.


Obviously these sword scorpions were killed and sensed by the masters in the sword pool, they didn't feel angry, but all looked at Mu Han in horror, only felt that this white man's sword intent was powerful and extraordinary.

These sword masters hidden in the sword pool all jumped out of the sword pool and came to Mu Han. They are all majestic and have superb sword intent. It can be seen that they are standing next to each other, forming an incomparably majestic sword formation. ..... ... 0

However, Mu Han was not afraid of them. He smiled coldly, which made the hearts of the twelve old men thump, and felt that Mu Han was coming to the world like a god of death.

Name: Twelve Swordsmen (Twelve Sword Masters)

Cultivation level: legendary triple realm

Identity: Master of the Sword World, Twelve Swordsmen in the Sword Pool.

Although the cultivation base of the Twelve Swordsmen has only reached the legendary third level, but once they are combined to form the Twelve Swords of Xuanyin, the power is infinite.

Looking at the sword scorpion corpses on the ground, they were all killed by Mu Han's sword, and the twelve sword dwellers were all out of breath, isn't Mu Han too arrogant?

Although he has a strong sword intent, are they afraid of the Twelve Swordsmen?

All the twelve swordsmen looked at Mu Han, and felt that this man in white, who was as handsome as a fairy, with sharp and three-dimensional features, could be the Heavenly Emperor Mu Han?

Immediately, the twelve sword dwellers formed a circle, surrounding Mu Han. One of the sword dwellers looked at Mu Han angrily.

"Heavenly Emperor Mu Han, you came to the sword world and killed our sword scorpion, you are really a heinous crime. Today, I will let you know that you have paid in blood."


"Exactly what you said!"

The twelve sword masters shouted one after another, although they felt that Mu Han's sword intent was powerful and monstrous.However, they still wanted to kill Mu Han with one move.

At this time, Mu Han didn't notice the expressions on the faces of Twelve Swords, he felt that there were still many things worth buying in the sword pool.Door."

Chapter 4 Xuanyin Twelve Swords, Mokui (4/[-])

Outside the sword pool, the Twelve Swordsman looked at Mu Han coldly, but Mu Han didn't take it seriously, he stood proudly, revealing a surging and powerful sword intent!

"Ding, congratulations master, you have discovered the Xuanyin Twelve Swords, a top-grade Xuanyin exercise, do you want to deduce it?"


The Twelve Swords of Xuanyin are formed by the evil sword intent in the sword pool. They can point out the sword or shoot out from the body with sword moves without any physical assistance. .

The Twelve Swords of Xuanyin need the support of a huge sword intent, and the powerful sword intent on Mu Han's body is just right.


Due to practicing the Twelve Swords of Xuanyin, four kinds of visions suddenly formed around Mu Han!

The wind, the hurricane is raging and rolling, the Xuanyin Wind Sword!

Thunder, sky thunder is deafening, Xuanyin thunder sword!

Ice, Xuanbing is frozen for several feet, Xuanyin ice sword!

"Four Nine Zero" fire, red flame surging, Xuanyin fire sword!

Each kind of vision exudes extremely terrifying sword intent, causing the expressions of all the twelve sword constellations standing outside the sword pool to change suddenly.

"This is?"

"Why is the vision produced by Mu Han's practice very similar to the Twelve Swords of Xuanyin?"

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