Looking at Mu Han's deep eyes, Huang Rong suddenly felt her heart pounding, but she couldn't hide her shyness, she hurriedly lowered her head and stopped looking at Mu Han.

"Haha, Rong'er is so cute, she's really charming."

Mu Han kissed Huang Rong's delicate cheek, he turned and laughed and left, leaving behind Huang Rong who was still shy, but a trace of disappointment flashed in her eyes.


Mu Han, who left the small world with him, set foot on the wrong version of the world again.

Now, Xiao Sanxiao hasn't handed over the map of Hidden Dragon Cave and Tianmen to himself, so he naturally doesn't want to go to Fuyu Country.

However, when he was in the sword world, he wanted to go to Wutian Purgatory to meet Chixue, so Mu Han immediately went to Wutian Purgatory.

He knew that since the ancestor of Chi Huo, this Heavenless Purgatory has been watched by people in the martial arts world.

At the beginning, Chihuo Yuanzu was forced to come to Longxiize to establish Wutian Purgatory. In fact, he was persecuted by the imperial martial arts supreme and Dongying martial arts masters.

This martial arts supreme is the ancestor of the martial arts supreme of Mu Han.

In fact, Mu Han also knew in his heart that the martial arts supreme and Dongying martial arts had always wanted to occupy Wutian Purgatory, in fact, they wanted to obtain the God Duoqikong and Chihuo Shengong.

At this time, Mu Han cast a large teleportation technique and teleported away.


Shanhaiguan is majestic and majestic, it is the northern barrier of the Celestial Dynasty, and on the road leading to the Celestial Dynasty from Shanhaiguan, a group of people came on horseback.

Although the leader was covered by wind and dust, he still exuded an aura of majesty.

He is burly, and has a hulking waist, quite the demeanor of an emperor.

The rest of the people seemed to be his subordinates, all of them were silent and their faces were dusty.

"General, how many days will it take to go to Tianchaotian Palace?"

The leader of the emperor asked when he saw the great general behind him applauding him. 350

This general was also burly, with a hulking back. He looked at the middle-aged man in brocade with a respectful expression.

"Holy King, after passing the Shanhai Pass, it won't take long to enter the Heavenly Palace."

"Okay, whether we can break the hidden dragon's lair this time depends entirely on the emperor Mu Han."

"Your Majesty, I don't know what is so great about Mu Han that he can make the Supreme Master of the Wulin Zen seat him, and indirectly cause the Supreme Master of the Wulin to commit suicide in fright."

"I don't know, but I can feel that Mu Han is extraordinary, he is like a god on high."

"God, maybe he is really like a god, but, Your Majesty, if Mu Han is really a monster, isn't it worth the candle if we let him open the Hidden Dragon Cave together?"

"It doesn't matter, I believe that Mu Han would never do this. An evildoer like him wants to get the entire heaven and earth, the martial arts of Shenzhou. He doesn't even bother to get the Great Harmony sword and the Mieyin battle armor."

Although the Holy King said it lightly, his heart was still very uneasy. He really didn't know whether Mu Han wanted the things in the Hidden Dragon's Lair or not.

"Yes, my subordinates know."

The general looked at Sheng Wang Chengzhu's expression on his chest, and he couldn't refute the holy king, so he could only nod immediately.

But at this moment, a figure stood in front of the Holy King like a ghost. "

Chapter 4 Smile Three Smiles, Red Fire Demon Dragon (4/[-])

This is an old man with an ordinary appearance. He appeared in front of the Holy King and the others with a smile, and their horses neighed in unison.

And because of the sudden incident, the Holy King was almost thrown off his horse.

"Who is the old man? Why is he blocking my way?"

Although the holy king was angry that the visitor suddenly blocked his way, and made him almost fall off his horse.

However, he felt that this person came suddenly, and his strength was by no means comparable to them. Immediately, the Holy King looked at the old man coldly, and he wanted to see what this person wanted to do?

No one has ever dared to block his way to help the Holy King of Fuyu Kingdom. Now, the strength of this poor old man is like a god descending, making the Holy King take a look at him involuntarily.

"You are the Holy King? The old man laughed three times in panic."

It turned out that this person looked to be Xiao Sanxiao who had lived in the rivers and lakes for thousands of years.

The head of the twelve panics!


The Holy King couldn't sit still for a while, and fell off his horse. He hurried to Xiao Sanxiao, bowed deeply, and said, "I've heard the name of Twelve Panics for a long time, and I'm lucky to meet you today. I don't know why senior Come here?"

Even though the Holy King is in Fuyu Country, he knows how to smile three times, this twelve laughs three times in panic, he is a marvelous martial artist.

He knew that Xiao Sanxiao suddenly came in front of him, there must be something important, so he didn't dare to neglect, and hurried to his side.

"Holy King, I heard that you are going to visit the Heavenly Emperor Mu Han?"

Xiao Sanxiao was worthy of the holy king's worship, he looked at the holy king coldly, he didn't meet Mu Han's kind expression at all, it was like an iceberg that rejected people thousands of miles away.

The great general also looked astonished, and the terrified leader of the martial arts twelve smiled three times, he finally saw his true colors.

"Yes, I am going to go to the Celestial Dynasty from Shanhaiguan. I don't know what advice you have from seniors?"

If you go to Tianchao from Fuyu country, you need to pass Yanmen Pass.And the Holy King went to Dongying before, and met the Emperor Lianchengzhi who had just succeeded to the throne, so he entered the sea from Dongying and entered Shanhaiguan.

"Humph, Lian Chengzhi is full of tricks, you have to be careful. Now that you have met the emperor Mu Han, ask him to go with you to the Hidden Dragon Cave. Otherwise, your uncle and cousin are nothing. Good bird.`."

The Holy King's uncle is King Lingwu, and his cousin is King Jingnan. They have been peeping at the position of the leader of the Fuyu Kingdom. This is why the Holy King contacted Dongying and the Celestial Dynasty in order to succeed to the orthodox throne.

Now, he laughed three times and got to the point in one sentence, which immediately made him stand in awe.

"Yes, I also want Heavenly Emperor Mu Han to protect me."

Sheng Wang sincerely looked at Xiao San and smiled. The aura exuded from this martial artist made him feel a thorn in his back.

At the same time, he didn't dare to call himself Zhen. In front of Xiao Sanxiao, his grandfather was not as old as Xiao Sanxiao.

"Okay, Holy King, the Hidden Dragon Cave is at stake. If you don't invite Heavenly Emperor Mu Han, I'm afraid Hidden Dragon Four will submit to your uncle. After all, he has better qualifications than you. You can decide for yourself. Now, The Heavenly Emperor Muhan is in the Heavenly Palace, so hurry up and go."

"Yes, what the senior said is very true, I will go now."

The Holy King agreed, with an anxious look on his cheeks. He was indeed afraid that his uncle King Lingwu and his cousin King Jingnan would find the Hidden Dragon Cave first, obtain the Mieyin Battle Armor and Datong Sword, and obtain the power of the Eastern Blue Dragon.

"Okay, let's go."

Xiao San smiled and finished these words with a smile, and his figure also disappeared.

The Holy King breathed a sigh of relief, the pressure from Xiao Sanxiao just now and the pressure from King Lingwu and King Jingnan all made him feel uneasy.

"Your Majesty, is he really smiling three times?"

"He just smiled three times. I have seen this man in the portrait left by Taizu. Now, let's go to the Celestial Dynasty as soon as possible and ask the Emperor Mu Han to go to the Hidden Dragon Cave with us."

The Holy King had no doubts about what he said with a three-smile smile, and he and the General and others walked away in a hurry.

"Haha not bad."

When Shengwang and the others left, that Xiaosanxiao reappeared, and in his hand, there was a piece of paper with many curves drawn on it.

This piece of paper is exactly the hidden dragon cave he drew based on the approximate location and internal structure of the hidden dragon cave in the mind of the holy king.


Xiao Sanxiao disappeared again, but a strange sword shadow appeared outside Shanhaiguan.


Wutian Purgatory is not far from Longxi Lake, and Mu Han cast a large teleportation technique, and soon came outside Longxi Lake.

Looking at the unusually calm lake, Mu Han didn't go over immediately.

This Ambergris Lake is extremely vast, and the lake water is even more unfathomable. According to legend, there are water ghosts and monsters hidden in the Ambergris Lake, so this skyless purgatory is particularly mysterious and quiet.

Everywhere looks calm!

However, the calmer the place, the more undercurrents are surging.


Sure enough, when Mu Han stopped, perhaps feeling Mu Han's terrifying and powerful sword intent, the originally peaceful Ambergris Lake suddenly raised a lake water more than ten feet high.


When the overwhelming lake water rushed out of Ambergris Lake, accompanied by lightning and thunder, a red dragon-shaped thing galloped wildly, bursting out with earth-shattering power.

Name: Red Fire Dragon

Age: 500

Cultivation level: legendary triple realm

Identity: Wutian Purgatory, Ambergris Zezhen Lake Divine Beast.

According to legend, this scarlet fire dragon was the first generation prison master of Wutian Purgatory, Chihuo Yuanzu, after he got it in Kunlun Mountain, he was fostered in Longxi Lake, in order to protect the safety of Wutian Purgatory.

Now, Mu Han came to Longxiu Ze, his powerful sword intent made the Scarlet Fire Demon Dragon feel restless and infinitely terrified, causing him to fly out of Longxiu Ze like a rage.

".〃The Scarlet Fire Demon Dragon, what a big beast, it's a pity, you are a beast after all."

Mu Han smiled faintly. He looked up at the scarlet fire dragon, with a killing intent on his stern cheeks.

Since this red fire demon dragon is relentlessly blocking himself from entering Wutian (Manuozhao) purgatory, he will never show mercy.


Apparently, the Scarlet Fire Demon Dragon also felt the killing intent on Mu Han's body. His red flame-like body suddenly spewed out a group of fierce and incomparable flame power, as if it would wipe out the sky and burn it to ashes.

At this time, Mu Leng looked at the power of the flames indifferently, and he directly made a move of the Emperor Seal, condensing his palms into a seal!


The palm prints that were like overwhelming mountains and seas, like breaking the sky, smashed hard on the body of the Scarlet Fire Demon Dragon amidst the sound of tearing.


That emperor's seal is terrifying, how can this scarlet fire dragon resist it?With just one move, he was shocked by Mu Han's domineering force, and his bones were broken, and he fell into the Dragon's Saliva Lake from midair.

"Your sister, dragon meat, I've never eaten it, this time I'll give it a try."

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