After seeing Mu Han slap Chi Yan, Chi Xue still stared at her intently, he didn't pay attention to Chi Yan and Liu Sheng Wuji at all, as if he was the only one in front of him, this made Chi Xue feel warm in his heart meaning.

"You, you dare to hit me?"

Chi Yan was so angry that he jumped to his feet. Mu Han slapped him in the face, which is a majestic master of the Chi family. How annoying.

He also didn't understand why Mu Han would slap him, he thought back on his words, and didn't mean to provoke Mu Han.

"Do you still want to fight?"

Mu Han directly slapped Chi Yan in the face again, he directly ignored Liu ShengWuji's gaze, causing Chi Yan to fly upside down like a paper kite with broken strings, and fling it directly on the hall.


The furious Chi Yan spat out another mouthful of blood, he looked at Mu Han helplessly, and felt that he was very unusual.

"Chi Yan, you actually speak ill of my woman? Do you think I will give you a chance to live?"

When Mu Han said these words coldly, all the Chi family members present were extremely shocked.

Talking bad about his women?In the entire conference hall, there is only Chi Xue, a delicate beauty...

At this time, Chi Xue also felt extremely suspicious, when did she become his woman?

"You, you lied."

Chi Yan looked at Mu Han in horror, he was completely frightened by Mu Han, and also completely confused.

His woman turned out to be Chi Xue?This is simply impossible!

"I never lie. Chixue is my woman. If you dare to call me my woman, I have already promoted you before killing you."

Mu Han looked at Chi Yan indifferently, which made the latter terrified. He took out the marriage contract that Chi Jue had written, and threw it to Chi Xue. When Chi Xue started the marriage contract, she immediately blushed with embarrassment.

It turned out that in the marriage contract it was impressively written that Chixue should marry Mu Han, and that Mu Han would inherit the position of sect master of Wutian Purgatory.

In fact, when writing the marriage contract, Chi Jue knew that Mu Han was very unusual. Since he was the Emperor of Heaven, if he could kill Liu Sheng Wuji, the position of Lord of Heavenless Purgatory would naturally be handed over to Mu Han.

He also knew that if he died, if Wutian Purgatory fell into Mu Han's hands, he would definitely become stronger, advance by leaps and bounds, and shake the world!

"This is my father's handwriting, Mr. Mu, is he still alive?"

Chi Xue's words were tantamount to overwhelming the entire conference hall and causing an uproar.

These Chi family all looked at Mu Han with excited expressions.But Chi Yan had a grim expression on his face, he didn't believe that Chi Jue was still alive, and it was actually him who had Chi Jue backfired by Chi Huo's magical power.

"Chi Jue is dead, but the soul of 1.8 Chi Jue is still there, at the bottom of Longxi Lake."

Mu Han said indifferently that if he could produce the handwriting of the marriage contract, it would prove that Chi Jue's soul was still alive, which made Chi Xue and the Chi family believe it.

"Hmph, everyone, don't be fooled by him, Chi Jue died a long time ago, he is just a fake."

Chi Yan naturally couldn't believe that Chi Jue was still alive.

"I'm talking to my wife, why are you interrupting?"


Mu Han directly slapped Chi Yan with his hands, causing the latter to spurt blood wildly.At this time, Chi Xue felt her cheeks burning hot, especially when she saw the marriage contract saying that she should marry Mu Han.

And the Chi family also felt that if Mu Han was Chi Xue's husband, he would definitely not let Liu ShengWuJi's plot succeed.


At this time, Liu Sheng Wuji suddenly thought of something, and suddenly felt a chill down his back? "

Chapter 3 The Sword World Opens, Liu Sheng Wuji's Shock (3/[-])

Seeing Mu Han slap Chi Yan, all the members of the Chi family in the conference hall were angry.

However, Liu Sheng Wuji stared at Mu Han suspiciously with a sharp edge, obviously, he might have guessed something.

"Zhen? Who are you and why do you call yourself Zhen? Could it be that you are the emperor of heaven, Mu Han?"

Liu Sheng Wuji looked at Mu Han in shock, and the more he looked at him, the more he felt that Mu Han resembled him.

As the sword master of Dongying, how could he not know Mu Han?He killed Emperor Dongying, Huang Ying, the number one swordsman, and also killed Wushenjue Palace Mistress Jue Wushen in the imperial city, an authentic master of boxing.

All of these legendary masters were masters in Dongying Wulin, but they all died at the hands of Mu Han. This made Liu Sheng Wuji look at Mu Han fiercely, and at the same time, his expression was a little flustered , after all, so many masters died at the hands of the same person, he couldn't help being surprised.

Why does Mu Han possess such incredible strength? He is simply a monster. Thinking of this, Liu Sheng Wuji couldn't help but thump in his heart. Obviously, he understood Mu Han's actions 15 times in his chest.

"Yes, I am the Heavenly Emperor Mu Han!"

Mu Han's indifferent words aroused the excitement of all the Chi family members in the entire conference hall.

It turns out that he is Mu Han, the heavenly emperor who has shocked the martial arts in Shenzhou!

Seeing that the white-clothed man turned out to be the Heavenly Emperor Muhan, Chi Yan suddenly felt a breath of death rushing up, no wonder he was able to slap himself, it turned out that he was the Heavenly Emperor Muhan.

"Is he the Heavenly Emperor Mu Han?"

Chi Xue also looked at this handsome man with a peerless beauty in front of her with a pair of clear eyes, he exuded a royal aura, which made her reject Mu Han very much, he would definitely kill him Liu Sheng Wuji.

"Heavenly Emperor Muhan, what are you doing in Wutian Purgatory? Could it be that you are also doing it for the Chihuo Divine Art and God Duo Qikong? If that's the case, why don't you and I work together to destroy Wutian Purgatory together?"

"No, I came to Wutian Purgatory to teach you the Chihuo Divine Art and Shendu Qikong. I heard that you want to get these two magical arts, so I come to play with you and see if you deserve it."

Seeing Liu Sheng Wuji wanting to win him over, Mu Han smiled lightly, is he a person who is drawn at will?Immediately, he shook his finger, and looked at Liu Sheng Wuji with a cold and playful look.

"What? Mu Han obtained the Chihuo Divine Art?"

Chi Yan, who was standing by the side, was terrified in his heart, where did Mu Han get the Chihuo Divine Art and God Duo Qikong?Could it be that after Chi Jue died, did his soul still stay in Longxiuze?

In an instant, Chi Yan thought of the red god statue at the bottom of Longxi Lake, and his heart felt cold for a while.

"Mu Han knows the Chihuo Divine Art?"

"Could it be that he will still seize Qikong?"

At this time, all the members of the Chi family were whispering to each other. Obviously, Mu Han's words convinced them, but they also knew very well in their hearts that even if Mu Han obtained the Chihuo Divine Art, it was for the sake of the entire Skyless Purgatory, for the sake of the Chi family. Like Liu Sheng Wuji, in order to destroy the Chi family.

"Mu Han, even if you are the emperor of heaven, Mu Han, do you think you can defeat this old man? Haha, as the sword master of Dongying, this old man has a majestic sword. Back then, Huangfu Jian, the first generation of sword master in the middle-earth martial arts, was defeated Are you worthy of the old man's defeat?"

Liu Sheng Wuji burst out laughing suddenly, he looked at Mu Han proudly, he knew in his heart that even though Mu Han was formidable, even if his sword intent was extremely powerful, it was still not as good as his Dongying Taidao that broke hell.

Thinking of this, Liu Sheng Wuji looked at Mu Han indifferently. Although he was slightly afraid of Mu Han in his heart, he still felt that it was easy for him to crush Mu Han.

"Oh? Since you're so confident, I'll make it happen for you, Liu Shengwuji, show off your Japanese sword and fight with me!"

Naturally, Mu Han would not let himself and Liu Sheng Wuji fight in Wutian Purgatory, I am afraid that Wutian Purgatory cannot resist their sword at all.

And because the sword world was implanted in the small portable world, Mu Han was able to enter the small portable world at will with a thought.

Therefore, he tore open the incomparably majestic sword world directly outside the conference hall, and in an instant, a sword intent that exterminated heaven and earth gushed out from the sword world, covering the entire conference hall.

"Sword Realm, the sword intent of Mu Han and I actually tore apart the Sword Realm? It is said that the Sword Realm is extremely powerful, so I want to see it."

Liu Sheng Wuji looked at the different world that appeared out of thin air, exuding endless sword intent, and immediately followed Mu Han's figure into the sword world.

In an instant, the sword world disappeared into Wutian Purgatory, leaving behind Chi Yan and the others with bewildered faces, while Chi Xue hugged her chest with both hands, hoping that Mu Han would kill Liusheng Wuji.


Mu Han and Liu Sheng Wuji entered the sword world one after another, looking at the incomparably majestic sword mountain, Liu Sheng Wuji suddenly felt that the sword intent on his body was getting stronger, which made him laugh wildly up to the sky.

"Mu Han, do you want the old man to kill you with the first move when you lead the old man into the sword world?"

Liu Sheng Wuji looked at Mu Han with incomparable arrogance, only to feel that his sword had exploded with a furious sword intent.

"Oh, Liu Sheng Wuji, are you so confident? Do you think I'm so stupid?"

"What? Could it be that this sword world was not opened by your and my sword intent?"

"Hehe, do you think so?"

"Could it be that you opened this sword world by yourself? Is this sword world your thing?"

Liu Sheng Wuji felt his heart pounding more and more. He originally thought that he and 767 Mu Han were tearing apart the sword world, but when he saw Mu Han shaking his head, he suddenly understood everything in his heart. This sword world is Mu Han. It was torn apart by one person, and in an instant, Liu Shengwuji's hand holding the sword trembled abnormally.

"Liusheng Wuji, you can indeed defeat Huangfu Sword's Sword Twenty-Three. Now, I will try your Wuji Three Skills and your Breaking Hell. Let's make a move, Liusheng Wuji!"

Mu Leng looked at Liu Sheng Wuji coldly, with a playful sneer on the corner of his mouth, the more Liu Sheng Wuji thought about it, the more frightened he became. .

Promise and three unique skills, breaking through hell!

This sword has the terrifying power to break through hell. Liu Sheng Wuji knew that if he didn't kill Mu Han, he would be killed by Mu Han. This made him use the sword strength of Wuji's three swords to the strongest. .

Wuji Absolute Sword's strongest killing sword instantly formed a furious hurricane sword storm, and even the sword mountain in the distance became buzzing in this sword of Yagyu Wuji.

The long swords in the entire sword world were horribly destroyed by Liu Shengwuji's sword, as if they were shattered.

However, Mu Han, who was standing in the center of the sword force storm, remained motionless, as steady as a mountain, watching Liu Shengwuji's critical strike with indifference. "

Chapter 1 Killing the Sword Master, Immortal Sword (3/[-])

Wuji Absolute Sword, open hell!

Liu Shengwuji's first sword had already reached the level of destroying the sky and forming a hurricane of swords, causing the entire sword world to resound.

However, Mu Han remained unmoved, he watched Liu Sheng Wuji show off his power with great interest, and continued to show a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

That's right, Mu Han stood in the center of the storm of swords, still sneering at Liu Shengwuji.

"Mu Han, you are too arrogant!"

Liu Sheng Wuji didn't expect Mu Han to look down on him so much, and suddenly let him pull the Wuji Absolute Sword, which exploded into a tornado of swords that could destroy heaven and earth.


Above the entire sky of the sword world, it was like overwhelming mountains and seas, those clouds and mist were condensed into the shape of a sword, and the tornado of the sword roared towards Mu Han.

And the land of the sword world was also shaken by Liusheng Wuji's sword move, several gaps were split open, and evil sword intents rushed out, as if they were integrated with Liusheng Wuji.

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