The Fifth Kalpa: Magic Prajna

Once this calamity comes out, it is like the heart of a sword piercing through the heart, exposing the enemy to this mad sword intent, before the sword comes out, the heart is broken!

Sixth Tribulation: Madness and Evil

This calamity is incomparably majestic, the wind of the sword is fierce, like a land with a radius of hundreds of feet, but the intent of the sword is like the power of the sky, pouring down.

The Seventh Tribulation: The Nine Heavens of Thunder

This calamity knife is intended to crush the sky, forming a violent and extinct thunderstorm. When the knife is aimed, the sky is fissioned, as if turning into thunder and lightning, and the power of the sky is torn apart by thunderbolts and electric lights!

The Eighth Tribulation: Four Emotions Returning to One

This calamity integrates the world's fierce and evil thoughts into one, forming a robbery knife, a murderous knife, an evil knife, and a killing knife. When the four knives are cut out, the color of the world will change, and everything will collapse.

The Ninth Tribulation: Ten Thousand Tribulations

This catastrophe is like the ruler of heaven and earth, the hero of all things, the sword will affect the power of heaven and earth, and it will directly rise to the sky without bounds, so that the endless sword will kill the enemy!

Tenth Kalpa: Destroy Ten Thousand Realms

This catastrophe is like destroying the sky, forming a gloomy, vicious, and cold world. The sky and the earth are like covering the sky and covering the sun, but before the sword intention comes out, it has already rotted and devoured people, turning them into dense bones like fierce generations .

"The ten kalpas of the evil king among the great evil kings is really domineering and lore. Now, I have learned the ten kalpas of the evil kings from Jiukong Wujie, and it is worthwhile to get the great evil king."

Thinking of this, Mu Han smiled lightly, just as he was about to put the Great Evil King into the system panel.

Suddenly, a gust of wind rushed towards Mu Han. The speed of this gust of wind was extremely fast, like overwhelming mountains and seas, killing Mu Han.

Moreover, in this strong wind, a figure carried the sky and destroyed the earth, and it was extremely terrifying.

And how could Mu Han let him succeed?In an instant, Mu Han's Xuanyin sword energy, shaped like Xuanyin sword armor, blocked the violent blow of the strong wind for Mu Han!


The surging wind suddenly hit the Xuanyin sword armor, but it was blocked by the Xuanyin sword energy of the Xuanyin sword armor.

At this time, a figure in the strong wind looked at Mu Han indifferently. He was tall and fierce, and a close-fitting tights made his muscles bulge, giving people a capable and fierce feeling. He looked at Mu Han indifferently. Mu Han made a sneer appear on the corner of Mu Han's mouth.

This person is probably extraordinary!

Name: Wu Wudi

Age: 50

Cultivation level: legendary sixth level realm

Status: Patriarch of the Wu family, top ten warriors!

It turned out that this arrogant, unruly, cold and ruthless middle-aged man was an unrivaled master of the martial arts family.

Why did he also come to Nine Spaces Unbounded?Moreover, from the scene where he burst into a strong wind and killed Mu Han angrily, it can be seen that his purpose is also the Great Evil King!

"I really didn't expect that the blood ancestor Wu Hui's murderous sword robbery king and the reincarnated Guan Yu Yundingtian's evil sword Kuangxie could form the unrivaled magic weapon great evil king? Mu Han, hand over the great evil king to this deity?"

Wu Wudi looked coldly and arrogantly at the man in white who was as handsome as a fairy with an indifferent smile.

His three-dimensional facial features with sharp edges and corners, and his evil and frivolous temperament made Wu Wudi know that this person was the Heavenly Emperor Mu Han.

Wu Wudi has always been hiding in a hidden place in the Celestial Dynasty, and he has also heard that Mu Han became the Emperor of the Celestial Dynasty, but he did not expect that Mu Han was a nineteen-year-old man in white clothes.

In fact, Wu Wudi was able to enter Nine Kong Wujie because of the exit left by Wu Wuer when he entered Nine Kong Wujie.

He entered Nine Space Unbounded also to find the relics left by Wu Wuer. Unexpectedly, he met Yun Dingtian fighting with Blood Patriarch Wu Hui, and also met Mu Han who killed Yun Dingtian and Blood Patriarch Wu Hui. Han merged the evil sword Kuangxie and the murderous sword robbery king into one, forming the great evil king of the world's evil weapon!

Immediately, he had the idea of ​​trying to snatch the great evil king, but he was defeated by the Xuanyin sword energy formed by Mu Han, which made Dewu Wudi feel extremely ashamed and humiliated. ··················································

"Haha, Wu Wudi, do you want to get the Great Evil King in my hands? Do you think you are worthy of an ant like you?"

Mu Han looked at Wu Wudi proudly, that extremely playful look made Wu Wudi feel angry.

As one of the top ten warriors, he was a legendary master of the sixth level who had practiced the basalt true kung fu to the peak. How had he ever been so underestimated?

This pause made Wu Wudi unable to swallow his breath, he looked at Mu Han indifferently, really wanted to slap him.

However, would Mu Han be afraid of this top ten martial artist Wu Wudi?

"Hmph, Mu Han, even if you are the Emperor of Heaven, this deity will not take it seriously. Now, if you hand over the Great Evil King, this deity will spare your life."

Wu Wudi looked at Mu Han extremely arrogantly, but caused Mu Han to smile coldly, handing over the Great Evil King?This Wu Wudi's brain is showing off?Will I give you the Great Evil King? 0  …  

"Wu Wudi, if you want to get the Great Evil King, come and snatch it from me, but I told you in advance, you won't get it at all."

"What a joke, how can I, Wu Wudi, not get this great evil king? Mu Han, today I am going to tear you to pieces!"

Wu Wudi looked at Mu Han angrily. His true basaltic kung fu is a fusion of basaltic internal kung fu and top ten martial arts.

Although he saw that Mu Han got the Great Evil King, he didn't see that Mu Han got the Great Evil King's Saber Heart, the ten kalpas of the evil king.

In an instant, Wu Wudi's body burst out with endless killing intent, as if swallowing the entire Nine Spaces without boundaries.

But Mu Han looked at Wu Wudi coldly, not in the slightest frightened by this overbearing killing power.

"Mu Han, die!"

In Wu Wudi's Tiandao battle box, there are ten top martial arts weapons. He directly swung the fierce and incomparable Tianming Dao at a speed that is hard to see with the naked eye, and unleashed a terrifying and overbearing Wudu sword technique.


When the Destiny Saber came out, the entire Nine Spaces Wujie felt like the sky collapsed and the earth fell apart, and Wu Wudi's Wuer sword technique directly hit the sword move that broke the sky with anger.

This knife is enough to wipe out the sky, and the wind around the knife is like a tornado.

But at this moment, Mu Han who stood proudly smiled coldly, he didn't take Wu Wudi seriously.

It turned out that his god-level deduction was deducing the true basaltic skills of Wu Wudi, a top ten warrior!righteous."

Chapter 2 All Ten Directions Are Destroyed (3/[-])

In fact, Mu Han knew very well in his heart that Wu Wudi's wrath breaking the sky sword move is exactly the unparalleled sword technique among the top ten martial arts.

In particular, this Wuer sword method, combined with Xuanwu internal strength, even breaking the sky is easy.


Wu Wudi looked coldly at Mu Han who was standing proudly, but Mu Han didn't move at all, and his expression of ignoring him made him even more angry. He really wanted to kill Mu Han in an instant with this unique sword technique. .

Obviously, Wu Wudi is planning to do just that, his Wuer sword technique has already reached the point of destroying heaven and earth.

But Mu Han didn't dodge it, he smiled slightly and looked at Wu Wudi's Heavenly Dao battle box.

This Heavenly Dao battle box is a good thing. It is said that the weapons that perform the top ten martial arts are all divided into this Heavenly Dao battle box.

"Mu Han, hand over the Great Evil King!"

Wu Wudi's sword came out like a gust of wind, this fierce and lore "Nine Four Three" sword almost made the entire Nine Spaces Boundless, undergoing earth-shaking changes, and Mu Han stood with the strength of Wuer's sword Center, still no response.

Was this Mu Han frightened?Or do you think you can defeat your own Wudu Swordsmanship?

However, Wu Wudi didn't think that Mu Han could defeat him, he was a top ten martial artist, and his top ten martial arts were even more proficient.

And Wu Wudi's basaltic internal strength, which is matched with Wu Wudi's Wuer sword technique, has been brought into full play by Wu Wudi to the point of perfection.

However, Mu Han still showed a look of contempt for Wu Wudi.

"Ding, congratulations to the master, you have discovered the real black martial arts of the earth-level low-grade martial arts, do you want to deduce it?"


In fact, Wu Wudi's top ten martial arts, together with Xuanwu's inner strength, form an extremely powerful true Xuanwu.

The top ten martial arts are Wuer Swordsmanship, Wentian Spear Jue, Destiny Sword Dao, Dayi Jipu, Tiger Roaring Stick Collection, Shanhaiquan Jing, Xuanwu Divine Palm, Strong Leg Jue, Mellow Golden Finger, Oracle Bone Dragon claw.

And Xuanwu Neigong is an extremely powerful technique.

Since Mu Han has cultivated to the legendary sixth level, his Qiankun Shengyang Jue has also reached the tenth level, so he instantly integrated the basalt inner strength into the Qiankun Shengyang Jue, making the Qiankun Shengyang Jue even more powerful.

And these top ten martial arts were deduced by Mu Han and merged into Destroy All Ten Directions!


Mu Han, who had cultivated the true basalt martial arts to the level of Dzogchen, looked at Wu Wudi indifferently, and instantly struck out a domineering and lore move that would destroy all directions!


In an instant, the strength of innate zhenqi, like huge waves, galloping like ten thousand horses, directly descended from the sky, smashing wildly at Wu Wudi's Wuer sword technique.


This kind of slashing and killing move made the heart of the sword that had no two swordsmanship suddenly tremble.

And Wu Wudi was even more horrified to discover that this "Destroy All Ten Directions" is the fusion version of the top ten martial arts.

This meal made Wu Wudi terrified, why did Mu Han use the Xuanwu real kung fu?Why is Mu Han's top ten martial arts stronger than his own?

"Wu Wudi, are you surprised? Are you afraid that I will know the true black martial arts? Haha, is this the only ability for an ant like you?"

Mu Han could see the terrified expression on Wu Wudi's cheek, he couldn't believe that Mu Han would be so powerful that his expression changed suddenly, and his heart beat even more.

And Mu Han seemed to see through Wu Wudi's mind, which made him even more uneasy.

This Mu Han is too evil, right?To actually combine all the top ten martial arts into one move?

However, would Wu Wudi feel scared because of this?

He can't, he absolutely can't!


Following the overwhelming vigor of the ten directions, it directly defeated the heart of the sword with no two swordsmanship.

And Wu Wudi also changed his moves sharply in an instant.


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