However, Mu Han still did not dodge, standing in place like a clay statue.

"Fight against me? Boundless sword, are you confident?"

Mu Han jokingly looked at Wuliang Yidao's sword energy, the Xuanyin sword armor formed by his Xuanyin Twelve Swords directly protected his body, blocking the extremely terrifying sword energy of Wuliang Yidao from the sword armor.

And Xuanyin Twelve Swords' Fierce Extinction Sword pierced Wuliang Yidao's body like a ghost.


Wu Liang looked at the knife in his hand in horror, but it didn't hit Mu Han, but was blocked by a mysterious sword energy.

However, his own body was turned into a sword by this zhenqi, and it was directly inserted into the chest. The immeasurable sword did not kill Mu Han with a single sword, but was killed by Mu Han's sword.


After spitting out a mouthful of blood, Wuliang fell to the ground with a heavy knife.

With one sword, he killed Wuliang with one sword.


The tens of thousands of Dongying troops were all shocked, Mu Han actually killed Wuliang Yidao, and Wuliang Yidao's knife seemed extremely terrifying, but it did not kill Mu Han.

This meal made the tens of thousands of Japanese troops feel cold in their hearts, and Mu Han's cultivation level also aroused Tang Shou Funakoshi's doubts.

He didn't believe that Mu Han was only at the legendary third-level realm, because he knew that Wuliang Yidao was at the legendary third-level realm, but it was impossible for even the most powerful swordsman or swordsman to fight against the legendary third-level realm. Achieve a one move kill.

A one-shot kill is a high-level cultivation versus a low-level cultivation, not a high-level versus high-level duel.

"He actually killed Wuliang with one knife?"

Covering his blinded right eye with one hand, although blood was still coming out of the right eye, Musashi Mori could no longer feel the pain in his right eye. He was shocked by Mu Han's sword that killed Wuliang, but he was still really angry Turn into a sword!

This sword was so weird and terrifying that it made the Dongying General feel his heart pounding. Mu Han's strength is really so enchanting?

"Master Mu killed Wuliang with one sword?"

On Fuyu City, the Holy King rubbed his palms excitedly, and the blood of the tens of thousands of Fuyu City guards also watched.

Mu Han killed Wuliang with one move, which must have boosted their morale, making them feel that the tens of thousands of Japanese troops were nothing more than that.

After killing Wuliang Yidao, Mu Han calmly looked at the tens of thousands of Dongpu troops, Musashi Mori and Tango Funakoshi, which made these Dongpu masters startled. They knew that Mu Han could kill Wuliang Yidao. Absolutely above the legendary triple realm.

And among these Japanese troops, only Tangshou Funakoshi's cultivation base has stepped into the third layer of legend, which involuntarily made Musashi Mori's cheeks burst into cold sweat, he knew that Mu Hanjue was not easy to deal with.

However, if he didn't kill Mu Han, he would definitely not be able to swallow this breath.

"." Mu Han, you die for me. The army obeys the order and kills Mu Han. This general will reward you heavily. "

With heavy rewards, there must be brave men. These Japanese troops were brought to Fuyu by Musashi Mori just for money, for women, and for the sake of food and clothing.

Now, with Musashi Mori's order, all the tens of thousands of Japanese soldiers shouted in unison: "Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The sound shook the wilderness as if it was deafening. Although the shouts of tens of thousands of Japanese troops frightened the guards in Fuyu City, to Mu Han, it only caused him to sneer.

"Musang Mori, why did you let these Dongying warriors come to die in front of me? However, since you gave me this great gift, wouldn't I be sorry if I didn't accept it? Anyway, these tens of thousands of Dongying warriors I take your life!"

Amidst Mu Han's laughter, he looked jokingly at the tens of thousands of Dongying warriors who had come to die. He directly raised the Great Evil King, striking out the fierce and furious saber force of the Ten Kalpas of the Evil King.

As soon as the saber came out, the extremely fierce saber intent made these Japanese warriors dare not take a step forward. They all stayed where they were, looking at Mu Han in fear.

"Kill, don't listen to Mu Han's nonsense!"

Musashi Mori jumped into a rage with anger, he raised the divine sword and pointed at Mu Han angrily, and the tens of thousands of Japanese troops rushed straight towards him. "

Chapter 1 The Evil King’s Ten Tribulations, Destroyed With One Knife (3/[-])


The killing sound is shocking!

Tens of thousands of Japanese troops rushed towards Mu Han the moment General Musashi Mori raised his sword.

Dongying people have always paid attention to the spirit of samurai, and at the command of Musashi Mori, the entire Dongying army, without hesitation, all rushed to Mu Han!

But Mu Han smiled coldly. He watched the tens of thousands of Japanese troops attacking him indifferently, but he didn't move.


As soon as the saber was released, there was a whirlwind of saber intents all around, but seeing where the saber intent passed, it covered the sky and covered the sun, as if tens of thousands of Japanese troops were trapped in it.

And the entire firmament is in this piece of sword intent, turning into a terrifying, gloomy and extremely cold world.

In an instant, the starlight dimmed, like the sky suddenly plunged into darkness. This is the strongest ultimate move of the Great Evil King, and it is also the tenth calamity of the Great Evil King. It is indeed extremely terrifying.

"What a terrifying blade intent. Why did the sky suddenly plunge into darkness? This ability to turn day into night is so terrifying. This day, Emperor Muhan, is truly terrifying."

That Tang Shou Chuanyue felt his heart pounding, he suddenly saw this blade intent, it was almost extinct, and the tens of thousands of Japanese troops in the blade intent were like ants.

"With this kind of 823 strength, why is Emperor Muhan so terrifying today?"

That Musashi Mori's expression changed suddenly, he couldn't imagine that before the tens of thousands of Japanese troops could kill Mu Han, they were surrounded by the endless sword intent on his body, causing them all to be enveloped In the meaning of the knife.

Moreover, he could also see that the tens of thousands of Japanese troops were all terrified, and they knew that Mu Han's strength would definitely reach the point of destroying heaven and earth.

Only people with this kind of strength can have the strength to kill Liu Sheng Wuji and other Japanese masters.

Then Musashi Mori suddenly understood one thing. Before attacking Fuyu Kingdom, when Emperor Lianchengzhi ascended the throne, when it came to Emperor Muhan killing the Emperor, Huang Ying, and Jue Wushen of Wushenjuegong, they all crushed them with one move .

At that time, he still laughed in his heart that the emperor was too timid, where in the world is there such a monstrous person?However, at this moment, Mu Han's endless saber intent erupted, causing Musashisen to spit out a mouthful of blood as if he had been slapped in the face. He didn't expect that Mu Han's evildoer could reach such a heaven-defying state.


The sky became extremely dark, and those Japanese troops looked at the star-studded sky in horror. They could only feel their hearts pounding. At the same time, they also felt a terrifying sword intent descending from the sky, directly covering the sky. on them.



First, the Japanese army led by them was torn apart by the invisible sword intent, as if they disappeared out of thin air and shattered.

Immediately afterwards, the Japanese army behind them all screamed out in pain. This kind of saber intent was almost invisible, but it also killed them in an instant.

Tens of thousands of Dongying troops, tens of thousands of fresh lives, were directly crushed by Mu Han's Great Evil King Saber, a horrifying and killing sword light, and died one by one under Fuyu City. There was no bloodshed. Obviously, the speed of the knife light was too fast, so fast that none of them could react, and they were instantly swallowed by the knife light.

And the holy king in the city and all the guards of the Fuyu Kingdom were stunned. The tens of thousands of Dongpu troops just died in the hands of Mu Han?

They didn't even have a chance to return the phone, they were killed with a knife, and all of them died unexpectedly. This made the Holy King feel flustered. He knew that the gap between himself and Mu Han was simply worlds apart.

"Master Mu killed them with one move? This is simply too terrifying!"

The Holy King knew that these Japanese troops were all brave and good at fighting, but he was beheaded by Mu Han, which made him uneasy. He also knew that even if he tried his best, he would never catch up with Mu Han. Hell, he might still be crushed by Mu Han.

In an instant, the sage king knew that meeting Mu Han and submitting to him was the most sensible move in his life.

"The tens of thousands of Japanese troops are gone?"

Musashi Mori was terrified when he saw it. His tens of thousands of Japanese troops all died at the hands of Mu Han. Isn't this too frightening?

At the moment when tens of thousands of Japanese troops rushed towards Mu Han, they were directly bombarded by a blade of light. Musashi Mori was so shocked that he almost sat on the ground, and the heart of his divine sword was also trembling.

And Funakoshi Tang, who is known as the number one expert in Japan, also felt Mu Han's terrifying strength, and his expression suddenly changed in shock, and he felt that he had seen the most terrifying scene in his life.

Mu Han, like the lone star of the gods, killed tens of thousands of Japanese troops, making Tang Chuanyue's hand holding the knife tremble.

Obviously, he also felt extremely shocked and terrified.


Tang Handu Funue felt the Dongying Mie Knife in his hand, and sent out the knife intent of fearing Mu Han, but he still looked up at Mu Han. He knew that if he didn't kill Mu Han, he and Mu Cangsen might be killed.

"Musashi Mori, what do you think of my strength?"

Mu Han smiled faintly, and looked at Musashi Sen indifferently, causing the latter's expression to change suddenly. He knew that Mu Han was extremely terrifying, so seeing Mu Han's indifferent expression, Mu Cang Sen hurriedly backed away a few feet away.

He knew that just one look from Mu Han made him blind in one eye, which shows how terrified he is.

"Mu Han, you are indeed powerful, but this general will never admit defeat. Hmph, a monster like you, this general doesn't believe that you can always be invincible. Don't hand the boat over and kill Mu Han!"

Mu Cangsen looked at Mu Han viciously. Although he knew that Mu Han was superior in strength, he still felt in his heart that if he didn't kill Mu Han, he might be instantly killed by Mu Han. Immediately, he said very forcefully.

What's more, he was indoctrinated with the spirit of Bushido since he was a child, and he knew that if he fled back to Dongpu, he might as well commit suicide by harakiri.

"Haha, Musashi Mori, do you think you are so powerful? Haha, living an ant like you is a waste of food."

Mu Leng looked at Musashi Mori indifferently, and raised his hand to slap him. The invisible force of the palm directly slapped Musashi Mori in the face, causing the latter to be thrown backwards in an instant amidst the screams.


Mu Cangsen didn't expect Mu Han to slap him in the face again. He felt that he had failed too much, but he still wanted to stand up, but he saw Mu Han standing beside him strangely.

That's right, the endless killing intent emanating from Mu Han's body made Musashi Mori's heart pounding, and he felt a breath of death enveloped himself.

"Are you going to kill me?"."

Chapter 2 Tang Hand Funakoshi's Bushido (3/[-])

"you are right!"

There was a sneer on Mu Han's face.

As soon as this remark came out, it was like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, making Musashi Mori's heart pounding. He didn't expect that Mu Han really wanted his life!


Mu Leng smiled coldly, and casually slapped Musashi Mori on the chest. The incomparably powerful palm force made Musashi Mori spurt blood wildly~.

"Musashimori, how do you feel?"

Mu Han looked at Musashi Sen, who was spurting blood, with great interest. This Japanese general had already been severely injured by himself, and he saw that he would not live long.

Mu Han's words made Musashi Mori's terrified expression, he looked up at Mu Han, he knew that his internal organs were crushed by a palm.

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