"Dongfang Canglong pays respects to Mr. Mu."

"Well, since you are sincerely surrendering, you can go back to Fuyu County with me."

Mu Han wasn't worried that Dongfang Canglong would resist him. As soon as he finished his sentence, he glanced at Dongfang Canglong, making the latter turn into a furious blue dragon.

And Mu Han jumped directly onto the Canglong, and flew to Fuyu County with him.

"Dragon? What a big dragon?"

"Could it be that this is the Eastern Blue Dragon that has been passed down for hundreds of years in Fuyu City?"

"Look, there is a person standing on the dragon's head. He, he is the Emperor of Heaven."

On Fuyu City in Fuyu County, the guards of Fuyu County who had surrendered to Mu Han all looked up at a dark dragon, which was slowly descending from the sky.

And above the dragon's head, a figure in white clothes became more and more clear, he was Mu Han!

"Master Mu!"

Seeing Mu Han gently descending from the dragon's head, the blue dragon also turned into a human figure, and Shi Dingtian, who was wearing armor, stepped forward hurriedly, clasped his fists and saluted.

"Well, let's go to the city to talk."

Mu Han smiled slightly, and led Dongfang Canglong and Shi Dingtian into the Palace of Fuyu County.

Afterwards, Mu Han changed Fuyu Country into Fuyu County, and the Fuyu King's Palace was changed to the Palace of the Princess.

Shi Dingtian is the princess of Fuyu County, Dongfang Canglong is the deputy princess, and let the Heavenly Emperor Army guard Fuyu County.

Mu Han's purpose is to prevent Dongying from taking the opportunity to enter again.

After arranging all this, Mu Han teleported away amidst Shi Dingtian and Dongfang Canglong's respectful expressions. "

Chapter 3 Xuanhua, the master (3/[-])

It was a cheek as round as a full moon.

Wearing a blue long gown embroidered with gossip patterns, he sat leisurely on a rattan chair with a steaming teacup beside it.

There was a scent of tea in the air, causing the visitor to stop and look at him with a little compliment.

"Haha, the boss is so elegant, still drinking tea? Don't you need to go to Xuanhua to see~?"

The visitor wore tights, revealing a tall and straight figure. He had an extraordinary appearance, and there was a heroic look between his brows, but his eyes were shining like stars.

He is Dongying Emperor Lianchengzhi!

"It turns out to be His Majesty the Emperor, please sit down."

As the head of the Xuanhua, he was used to being pampered, and with a slightly clumsy body, he stood up slightly to salute, but Lian Chengzhi stretched out his hand to support him, motioning him not to look outside.

"His Majesty the Emperor, are you also doing business with Xuanhua?"

Xuanhua is the largest chamber of commerce in Japan, but behind this chamber of commerce, there is a murderous consortium hidden.

And Da Dangjia is the owner of the Xuanhua, Lian Chengzhi is very clear about this, and he also wants to use the power of the Xuanhua to eradicate a person.

"That's right, there is indeed a big deal that needs to be done by the master."

"Need me to take action?"

Da Dangjia straightened his body, his expression was a little surprised, this Emperor Lian Chengzhi wanted to kill someone by himself, I don't know how powerful this person is?

Thinking of this, the head raised his eyes and looked at Lian Chengzhi, thinking that Lian Chengzhi came to Xuanhua for the safety of the entire Dongying.

In fact, for so many years in Dongying, he has been in contact with Dongying's high-level officials and killed many political enemies for them.

Now, Lian Chengzhi came here in person and had to do it himself, which shows that the things he encountered were quite difficult.

However, the head of the family boasted that his Wan Dao Senluo and the four are fierce, and they were extremely powerful, so he didn't pay attention to the person who wanted to kill.

In order to hint to Lian Chengzhi that he is very good, the head of the family casually picked up the teacup, ready to taste the cup of tea.

"That's right, it needs the master to take action. This person is extremely powerful. Liu Sheng Wuji, Jue Wushen, Boxing God, Huangying and other Japanese masters were all killed by him."


Before Lian Chengzhi finished speaking, the teacup of Da Dangjia suddenly fell to the ground, and Da Dangjia jumped up, looking at Lian Chengzhi in surprise, with a suspicious look on his face.

This person killed Liu Sheng Wuji, Jue Wushen, Boxing God and other Japanese masters?Could it be that this person is the Heavenly Emperor Mu Han?

Although Xuanhuahao is a business name, there is a murderous consortium behind it. The martial arts masters from the Central Plains and Dongying will all be recorded in Xuanhuahao's roster.

And Mu Han was naturally recorded by the Xuanhua account, and the head of the family had also seen some information about Mu Han, so his expression suddenly changed in shock, and he felt his heart pounding.

Mu Han is quite evil, could it be that Lian Chengzhi offended Mu Han?

This is impossible, Lian Chengzhi has been staying in Dongying and has never set foot in the Central Plains, how could he offend Mu Han?

Immediately, the head stared at Lian Chengzhi, puzzled.

Killing Mu Han was indeed a very difficult matter.

"Does His Majesty mean Mu Han?"

"That's right, it's Mu Han."

Seeing the slightly calm expression of the head, Lian Chengzhi knew that he had found the right person.He knew that Wan Dao Senluo, the master of the family, and the four major villains were all extremely powerful, and it would be easy to kill Mu Han.

"Oh, I don't know if the old man killed Mu Han, what good will the emperor give Xuanhua?"

Da Dangjia is not obliged to help Lian Chengzhi, nor is his Xuanhua service for Dongying free of charge.

The head of the family will never do anything that is not beneficial.

"I don't know what kind of benefits the master wants?"

Lian Chengzhi's expression gradually turned cold, he knew that almost no one in Dongpu could shake the master's Xuanhua.

This big boss even made friends with many powerful people in Dongpu, and some of them even belonged to his Xuanhua name.

Even the former emperor failed to ban the Xuanhua, let alone himself?

Therefore, Lian Chengzhi turned to look at him when he heard what the head asked him.

"Haha, in fact, what the old man wants is not too expensive to embarrass Your Majesty."

The head of the family smiled heartily, and he cast his indifferent eyes on Lian Chengzhi's face, only to see the latter snort coldly.

"Oh? The head of the family will not make things difficult for me? Okay, tell me."

"Your Majesty, the old man wants to place the head office of the Xuanhua Company on Mount Fuji. I wonder if His Majesty can agree?"

"Mount Fuji? Don't you know that Mount Fuji is the land of the Heavenly Palace?"····································

Hearing the words of the big boss, Lian Chengzhi really couldn't bear it, he turned to stare at the big boss, but saw the latter smiled at him faintly.

Obviously, Lian Chengzhi was completely angered by the rude behavior of the head of the family.

Originally, he was very reluctant to seek help from the Xuanhua, but now that the Xuanhua has made more progress, he really wanted to leave in a hurry.

"Haha, Your Majesty is angry? In fact, since the establishment of the Xuanhua, it has been keeping its own place and has never done anything against it. The old man put the Xuanhua on Mount Fuji for His Majesty."

"For me?"

"Exactly, if the old man kills Mu Han, His Majesty will be able to command the Central Plains. At that time, Your Majesty will be the Lord of the Central Plains. Will you still have a high opinion of Mount Fuji in Japan?"

"Oh? Can you really kill Mu Han? If you can kill Mu Han, I can give you Mount Fuji." .. ... 0

If the master kills Mu Han, he will be able to command the Central Plains and take over the Central Plains in one fell swoop. At that time, the entire Central Plains will be under his control.

At that time, will he still think of Mount Fuji in the small country of Japan?

Therefore, Lian Chengzhi was extremely excited by the words of Da Dangjia. He looked up at Da Dangjia with an excited expression.

"The old man is absolutely sure to kill Mu Han."

"Okay, master, Mu Han's life is in your hands, and I will report back to God Amaterasu."

"Yes, don't worry, Your Majesty."

Seeing the back of Lian Chengzhi leaving, the head turned around and bowed towards the door.

At this time, he heard a majestic and indifferent voice.

"Lian Chengzhi is very ambitious. Even if he asks you to kill Mu Han, I'm afraid you will be killed by him."

When the voice fell with a bang, a black shadow suddenly appeared in front of the head.

"Yes, I know this, and who will win in the end is still unknown."

"Are you so confident? That day Di Muhan was far from simple, he could kill Liu Sheng Wuji and others."

"If I can't even kill Mu Han, wouldn't I be a failure? Hehe, Mu Han will definitely die."

The head of the family looked up to the sky and laughed, making himself ambitious. He looked indifferently at the sunset in the distance.

Immediately, he stood up, turned around and left.

"Just wait and see."

The black shadow looked at the back of the head of the family going away, and he also disappeared in the Xuanhua.Spoon."

Chapter 1 Lian Wuhen and Lian Xin Luo (3/[-])

The knees of the Buddha were flooded, and the Lingyun Grotto was set on fire!

When Mu Han first arrived in the wrong version of Fengyun World, he immediately surrendered Fire Qilin in Lingyun Grotto, obtained the dragon's veins, and made Beiyin Kuangdao Nie Renwang and Nanlin Jianshou Duanshuai to submit to him.

Now, he has established the Celestial Dynasty and is called the Emperor of Heaven. It is time for King Nie Ren and Duan Shuai to be sent to Tiangong to guard it.


After coming out of Fuyu County, Mu Han cast a large teleportation technique, and quickly teleported to the Leshan Giant Buddha next to Lingyun Grotto.

This Leshan Giant Buddha is at the confluence of Qingyi River, Minjiang River and Dadu River. The water is so fast that few people come here.

"Flooded Buddha's knees again? Could it be that the fire unicorn is coming out again? Haha, if he sees me, he will be shocked."

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