And Tie Shen patronized and looked at these martial arts heroes, without paying attention at all, he sat down suddenly.


After the tiger-skin iron seat was cut off by Mu Han, how could it withstand the heavy pressure of the Iron God?

But hearing the bang, Tie Shen sat down on the ground.


Everyone present was so shocked that their jaws dropped to the ground.

"Congratulations, Master, your martial arts has advanced to another level."

With quick eyesight and quick hands, Huai Mie hurriedly helped the embarrassing subway god up. "

Chapter 3 Master, Mistress Has an Affair (3/[-])

"Haha, everyone laughed at me. I have been forging weapons for so many days, and my martial arts has improved a lot. I am embarrassed."

Tie Shen smiled awkwardly, and glared at Huai Mie, turned around from the living room, and went back to the room to change clothes.

The trousers were torn by the stool just now!

It's just that Tie Shen didn't notice that his ass/butt was exposed.

Everyone was overwhelmed for a while. They didn't expect that the master of the Iron God Sect Master, who was so muscular and with bronze skin, had his butt/butt so white?

And Mu Han also covered the eyes of Lian Wuhen and Lian Xinluo.

"Master Mu, you are enough."

Lian Wuhen and Lian Xinluo saw Mu Han withdrawing his hand, and Lian Wuhen thought of himself as the master of the evil sword sect, being molested by Mu Han in public, and suddenly felt very angry, his cheeks were rosy and hot.

However, when she turned to look at the crowd, she saw that they were not looking at her, but were talking in low voices, so she leaned over and listened for a while, her cheeks became redder in an instant, and her anger subsided, feeling that she had wronged Mu Han. 14 Mu Han didn't mean to tease him, he didn't want himself and Lian Xinluo to see Tie Shen's appearance.

However, Lian Wuhen felt a little suspicious in his heart, why was Mu Han able to foretell?Could it be that he did it on purpose?He couldn't help but look at Mu Han, only to see Mu Han giving her a doting smile, which strengthened Lian Wuhen's guess.

Deng Deng!

Not long after, Tie Shen, who had changed his clothes, strode boldly to the living room. When he left, Huai Mie Huai Kong had already helped change seats.

Therefore, this time Tie Shen was very obedient, he first touched the seat delicately, and then sat down contentedly.

He was also afraid that the seat would collapse again, so he didn't use up his strength, and waited until he felt all right, then he breathed a sigh of relief and sat down on the seat steadily.

"Everyone, all you martial arts heroes, you came to Tiexin Island as a guest, and you didn't expect to meet the Beiye Lion who was killed. Now that I am leaving the customs, I will definitely find the murderer and give you an explanation."

Tie Shen's sharp eyes looked at these heroes, making them all greet him in unison.

Iron God's cultivation is in the legendary third level, which is naturally much higher than their legendary first level.

And as soon as the Iron God's voice fell, many martial arts heroes praised the Iron God.

At this time, Tie Shen was even more excited, feeling that with him here, all monsters and ghosts would have to stay away.

"Master Mu, do you think the island master of Iron God can find the murderer?"

If it was in the past, Lian Wuhen would definitely agree with Tie Shen's ambitious expression.

However, she knew that Mu Han's cultivation was far superior to hers and his intelligence was extraordinary, so she was skeptical and asked Mu Han.

Mu Han didn't pay attention to Tie Shen's impassioned speech, he took a look at Tie Shen, then picked up the teacup, seeing this, Lian Wuhen hurriedly poured tea into Mu Han's teacup.

"I think it's enough. Iron God is not very powerful. If he fights with Beiye Xiongshi, he will definitely not be able to kill Beiye Xiongshi with one move."

"and then?"

"And the murderer who killed the Beiye lion killed him with one move."

"I see."

Lian Wuhen was so enlightened by what Mu Han said, she felt that Mu Han was very mysterious, who the hell is he?Delian Wuhen felt that he could not see through Mu Han more and more.


"Eating melon seeds."

"Master, disciple."

"Eating melon seeds."

Seeing that Lian Xinluo wanted to speak, Lian Wuhen flatly refused, and grabbed a handful of melon seeds and put them in front of her, making Lian Xinluo continue to eat melon seeds aggrieved.

"Everyone, the old man sits on Tiexin Island today, even the Heavenly King, I have to stay away. Look, everyone, no one was killed, right? It's all due to the old man's aura."

Tie Shen looked up to the sky and laughed, feeling good about himself, which made these heroes all nod their heads in praise.

"Island Lord Iron God is indeed very heroic."

"Island Master Iron God is very capable."

"Island Master Tie Shen sits on Tie Xin Island, what are we afraid of? Drink his mother, sleep his mother."

Some martial arts heroes who had a close relationship with Iron God all booed, their joyful expressions made the heroes below feel relieved, and Iron God looked at them contentedly.

"Master, something is wrong."

Just when everyone was cheering, suddenly, a figure ran in stumbling.

Mu Han used his soul power to intercept a memory of that person, and it was presented in front of him like a movie clip.

"I see."

Mu Han smiled lightly, without saying anything, he directly used his soul power to tamper with a memory of that person, and then looked at Tie Shen quietly.

"what happened?"

Tie Shen glared at the man fiercely, what's your sister's name?Don't you see that labor and management are being praised?He suddenly felt ten thousand muddy horses galloping past, and really wanted to slap him.

"Master, something serious has happened. Mistress and Haisha help the leader."

After the man finished saying this, he couldn't help being stunned for a while, I am damn, what did I say?Did you mean that the leader of the Haisha Gang was killed?

As soon as he spoke, he couldn't help covering his mouth in surprise. He didn't know that this memory was tampered with by Mu Han.

"Your mistress and the leader of the Haisha Gang? What's wrong?"

Tie Shen was a little confused, as if he had been slapped in the face, why mention your teacher's wife in public?

And everyone sitting here is not the leader of the law-abiding, they all feel that there is excitement watching, could it be that the wife of the Iron God has an affair with the leader of the Haisha Gang?Haha, this is so much fun!

As a result, these martial arts heroes looked at Tie Shen's blushing face and snickered in their hearts.

Seeing this disciple was abnormal, Lian Wuhen suddenly felt something changed, she turned 660 and looked at Mu Han, only to see that he was still eating melon seeds.

"Master, I saw my wife and Haisha Gang leader on the bed."


That disciple almost vomited blood in shock, I am damn, I obviously wanted to say that the death of the leader of the Haisha Gang was miserable.

"What do you say?"

Tie Shen walked over with a stride, his fist as thick as the mouth of a bowl, looked at the disciple, and grabbed his lapel with one hand, making the disciple almost out of breath.


Everyone present was in an uproar, this is so coke, and the amount of information is too much, right?

The leader of the Haisha Gang seduced the Iron God's wife?Emma, ​​which show is this?

They suddenly felt that there was a piece of green grass on the top of Iron God, which was extremely spectacular.

"Say, when did it happen?"

Tie Shen couldn't hold back the anger in his heart, his wife actually hooked up with the head of the Haisha Gang, he suddenly felt green on the top of his head, how could he swallow this breath?

"Master, Master's Wife, no, it's the leader of the Haisha Gang who died."

This is because Mu Han didn't change his memory. After the disciple said the words, he let out a long sigh of relief.

However, when this sentence was heard by everyone, it seemed to have changed.

The leader of the Haisha Gang is dead?He is exhausted?Or was he killed by Iron God's wife?

Everyone suddenly felt a muddle in their minds. "

Chapter 1 The real murderer appears, Tie Kuangtu! (3/[-])

Everyone in the living room of Tie Xin Island looked at Tie Shen as if watching a joke.

They all pursed their lips and smiled, although they didn't look up to the sky and laugh, but it made Tie Shen feel as if he had been slapped in the face, and he was very angry.

When Tie Shen got angry, no one could stop him. He directly slapped the disciple's celestial cover, and ran out of the living room in stride.


All the people present gasped, they did not expect Iron God to be so cruel, killing his disciple without saying a word.

Immediately, seeing the iron god rushing out of the door, all the heroes followed closely behind.


Huai Kong and Huai Mie knew that their master would kill their wife, so they hurriedly chased after her.

And Mu Han clapped his hands, knocked off the melon seeds in his hands, and said slowly: "Let's go, there's something exciting to watch."

He left first, followed by Lian Xinluo, and Lian Wuhen was stunned, and shook his head with a wry smile, and followed Mu Han.

Tiexin Island was as bright as day, and the fire was brightly lit. The Iron God strode to the place where the leader of the Haisha Gang died.

Mu Han passed through the crowd, and he was surprised to see that the head of the Haisha Gang was also killed in one blow, and his belly was disemboweled and his bones were shattered.

The Lady Iron God had an affair with the leader of the Haisha Gang, it was because Mu Han intentionally tampered with that disciple's memory, it was not true.

Moreover, he also concluded that the murderer who killed the leader of the Haisha Gang must have cultivated above the Iron God.


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