The dragon of the water tribe is about to be born, and the power of the dragon yuan makes Mu Han want to get it, and Di Shitian will come to find him for the sake of the dragon yuan.

The water dragon is extremely ferocious. If you go by yourself, it may be a little dangerous. It's better to let Di Shitian go with you. At that time, you can also be cannon fodder to block the attack of the water dragon.

If Mu Han could think of these things, wouldn't Emperor Shitian, who has lived for thousands of years, know?

Therefore, Mu Han knew very well about the reason for the Ice Emperor's visit, and he didn't say anything, but waited for the Ice Emperor to say it himself.

"Mu Han, my lord, Emperor Shitian, wants you to visit Tianmen."

The Ice Emperor returned to the proud look he had when he was in Tianmen, and looked at Mu Han indifferently, but saw that Mu Han's expression gradually turned cold, and an endless sword intent made the Ice Emperor look bewildered and almost kneel on the ground .

"What did you say? Tell me~ say it again."


Mu Han smiled and looked at the Binghuang for the first time, raised his hand and gave him a slap, dare to show off his power to himself-, who gave you the confidence?

His endless sword intent made the Ice Emperor involuntarily step back a few steps, he looked at Mu Han in surprise, and felt his heart pounding.

"Mu Han, my lord is Di Shitian, the master of Tianmen, how dare you be so rude."

The Ice Emperor was outraged and authentic. Normally, when people saw his lord Di Shitian, they would all kneel down and beg for mercy.

But Mu Han is good, he just doesn't appreciate it, and he doesn't take the lord seriously.

This pause made the Ice Emperor think arrogantly again, especially when he stretched out his hand to touch the cheek swollen by Mu Han, he really wanted to slap Mu Han to death.

"Hehe, what can Di Shitian do? I am also the sky, I am also the emperor, Ice Emperor, I will not kill you this time, go back and tell your master, if you want to come to me, you can come by yourself, and I will accompany you at any time. But, if If there is another moth, I will destroy Tianmen at any cost."

Mu Han looked at the Ice Emperor coldly, and the Twelve Xuanyin Swords came out from his body. In an instant, several bursts of furious sword energy turned into thunder sword intent, like the power of exterminating the sky, directly bombarded the Ice Emperor body.



The Ice Emperor opened his mouth and spat out several streams of blood. He was killed by the sword intent of Xuanyin Twelve Swords, his dantian was shattered, and his whole body was reduced to ashes.

He didn't expect that Mu Han was able to destroy himself with one move, and he was sent flying by the Xuanyin Twelve Swords, and fell heavily to the ground.


The Ice Emperor struggled to stand up, opened his mouth again and spewed blood, he felt more and more that he was a failure, why is Mu Han so monstrous?Why can he crush himself in an instant?He is too strong.

"I want to go back and tell the lord to let the lord kill Mu Han himself."

Thinking of Mu Han's abolishment of all his cultivation bases, the Ice Emperor was trembling with anger. He knew that if he didn't take revenge, he would die with regret.

Mu Han didn't bother with a piece of trash, he wanted the Ice Emperor to send a message to Di Shitian, so he boldly hugged Lian Wuhen and Lian Xinluo, and the two girls, Lian Wuhen and Lian Xinluo, did not resist Mu Han. cold.

"Meet Mr. Mu."

At this time, Huaikong Huaimie also buried Tie Shen's body, Mu Han nodded and motioned for the two to take him to the forbidden area of ​​Tiexin Island.

Tie Shen and Tie Kuang Tu were all killed, Huai Kong Huai Mie knew that he could not resist Mu Han, Mu Han even rescued them, let them avenge the killing master, although Mu Han didn't say anything on the surface, but they were already determined Return to Mu Han.

Now, the strong are king, and Tie Xin Island is naturally Mu Han's domain, he can enter the forbidden area anytime he wants.

All the way uphill from Tiexin Island, after passing a few places with jagged rocks, you can see a sudden mountain peak.

And under the mountain is the forbidden area of ​​Tiexin Island.

Although Mu Han and Da Daojia are both masters in the legendary realm, and Wan Dao Senluo and the four are fierce, and they are quite domineering lore, but they can't shatter this mountain. It seems that this place is very unusual.

"Master Mu, this is the forbidden area of ​​Tiexin Island."

Huai Kong and Huai Mie said to Mu Han respectfully together.

"Xinluo, you stay outside first, and go in with Mr. Mu as your teacher."


Lian Wuhen looked at Lian Xinluo very seriously, making the latter grudging, but could only say "Oh."

"Let's go!"

Mu Han naturally knew why Lian Wuhen had to accompany him into the forbidden area, and he didn't say anything, so he entered the forbidden area with him. ··························································

Although he felt that Lian Xinluo was very reluctant, there was nothing he could do.


Mu Han used his innate qi to make his fingertips ignite with the flames of the Red Fire Divine Art, illuminating the entire forbidden area like daylight.

"Scarlet Fire Divine Art?"

"Well, Chihuo Divine Art, do you want to learn it?"

Mu Han looked at Lian Wuhen provocatively, this sexy and coquettish woman really moved his heart.

"Hmph, I know you have additional conditions. Mr. Mu, your condition for coming to Tiexin Island. What is it?"

"You want to know, I'm afraid you'll regret it."

Mu Han shook his finger, expressing that he would not speak, for fear that she would regret it.

Unexpectedly, Lian Wuhen was really fooled, she hurriedly said: "I don't regret it, just tell me."

"Okay, I, Mu Han, want you to be my woman, do you regret it?"

Mu Han said bluntly, he stepped forward and boldly hugged Lian Wuhen's legs, making the latter gradually feel his body was hot and his cheeks turned rosy.

"I do not regret."

I don't know how to practice Wuhen's eyes moist, she really fell in love with Mu Han, at first she thought that Mu Han would dislike her for being several years older, but now, seeing Mu Han, she told her frankly that she would never give up on this Chance.

"Wuhen, I have many women, and you are one of them."

"I know, but I don't care about these things. They must all be beautiful, unlike me who is already old."

Lian Wuhen hurriedly grabbed Mu Han's hand, she humbly said that she was old, but in fact she was not old at all.Not only are they delicate and charming, but if they stand with Lian Xinluo, others will say that they are sisters, not masters and apprentices.

"If you are old and yellow, I will be gray-haired."

Seeing that Lian Wuhen was also confessing himself, Mu Han immediately hugged her in his arms.And, in a corner of the forbidden area, Nu Na Lian Wuhen bleeds.

"Ding, congratulations master, you have obtained the body of practicing Wuhen virgin, and you will reward master with 20000 system points."

After waiting for two hours, Lian Xinluo, who was guarding outside the cave, couldn't help showing a flustered expression.

She found that the master was supported by Mu Han, and his legs and feet seemed to be injured, but the master's face was ruddy, with a special charm.Husband."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Outside the forbidden area of ​​Tiexin Island, Huaikong and Huaimie stood aside respectfully.

Seeing Master Lian Wuhen being supported by Mu Han, Lian Xinluo rushed forward, took Master's arm, and said, "Master, are you injured?"

She asked eagerly, which made Mu Han almost laugh out loud, but Lian Wuhen gave Mu Han a blank look, then looked at Lian Xinluo and said, "It's okay."

"Xinluo, your master is not feeling well, you can help her out first."

"Okay, Mr. Mu."

Lian Xinluo naturally didn't know that Master Lian Wuhen's leg weakness was due to Mu Han, so she hurriedly supported Master and left the forbidden area of ​​Tiexin Island, causing Lian Wuhen to stare at Mu Han.

Mu Han pretended not to see, and he cast his indifferent eyes on Huaikong and Huaimie.

"Huai Kong Huaimie, as disciples of the Iron God, have you received his true inheritance?"

In fact, thanks to the destruction of the "Seven Five Three" Sword Villa, Tiexin Island has become a geomantic treasure land that everyone in the martial arts world fawns over.

Because of the foundry sect of Tiexin Island, everyone in the world has their weapons cut off.

Now, Tie Kuangtu, the Iron God of Tie Xin Island, was killed.When Mu Han obtained Tiexin Island, he asked Huaikong and Huaimie to set up the foundry warehouse of the Celestial Dynasty.

Whenever you want to forge weapons, let Tie Xindao and Huai Kong Huai Mie make them together.

Thinking of this, Mu Han coldly looked at Huai Kong Huai Mie, making the hearts of the two of them thump.

"Yes, I will sincerely submit to Mr. Mu."

"Yes, we have all obtained the true biography of the God of Iron, and we will be loyal to Mr. Mu from now on."

Huai Kong and Huai Mie are not stupid, and naturally heard Mu Han's words, and immediately expressed their sincerity and surrender.

"Alright, Qing and the other two will guard Tiexin Island well. When I return to the palace, I will send someone to guard Tiexin Island with Qing and the others."

Mu Han laughed happily. With Huai Kong Huai Mie, at least the Celestial Dynasty will not have problems with the supply of weapons.

Now, if he abolished the Ice Emperor's martial arts, even if Di Shitian was not angry about it, he would come to make trouble for him, Mu Han smiled faintly, he was exactly what he wanted.


After ordering Huai Kong Huai Mie, Mu Han moved and left the forbidden area of ​​Tiexin Island. He saw Lian Wuhen sitting on a stone, and Lian Xinluo stood aside worriedly, asking for warmth, which made Lian Wuhen blush.

What a god, she has a headache, can she say that she and Mu Han are in the cave?

However, Lian Xinluo kept asking how to get hurt, so that Lian Wuhen turned around and saw Mu Han. She was as white as Mu Han, as if she was saying that she saw what you did.

"Wuhen, Xinluo, this matter is over, let's go."

Mu Han smiled slightly, put his left arm around Lian Wuhen, and his right hand around Lian Xinluo, neither of the two women resisted Mu Han, her master and apprentice looked at each other, feeling extremely shy.

"Huai Kong Huai Mie surrendered?"

Lian Wuhen knows that Mu Han will never give up until he achieves his goal, he can be so happy, it shows that Tie Xindao's heart is gone, and everything belongs to Mu Han.

"Iron god Tie Kuangtu was killed, Huaikong Huaimie naturally surrendered to me, let's go, from now on, all the weapons of the Celestial Dynasty will be forged by Huaikong Huaimie."

Mu Han smiled faintly, and took advantage of Lian Wuhen's defenselessness, kissed her on the cheek.

Lian Wuhen turned his face away hastily, but Lian Xinluo couldn't help but blush when he saw the master and Mu Han being so intimate.

"Where are you going next?"

Lian Wuhen knew that Mu Han subdued Tiexin Island and killed Dongying's leader, and had already formed a deep hatred with Dongying.

Now, he is still slapping the Ice Emperor, disabling the martial arts of this Tianmen master. It seems that he still wants to get Tianmen?

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