Name: Dainichi Zonguo

Age: 50

Cultivation level: legendary fifth level realm

Identity: One of the masters of Hidden Sword Style

Name: Hai Zewu Wolf

Age: 40

Cultivation level: legendary fifth level realm

Identity: One of the masters of Hidden Sword Style

Name: Yamaga no phase

Age: 40

Cultivation level: legendary fifth level realm

Status: One of the masters of Hidden Sword Style.

In an instant, the system notification sound informed Mu Han of some information about these people.

At the same time, Mu Han also showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth. It turned out that these figures were all the sect masters and guardians of Dongying Yinjianliu.

Yinjianliu is the number one sect in Dongpu, and the master of Yinjianliu, Hayato Tianyin, is the disciple who was killed by Mu Han "[-]".

Now, Hayato Tianyin came to Shenzhou Wulin, apparently to find Mu Han and avenge his master!

But Mu Han didn't pay attention to them, he was able to kill the master, and he deduced the master's martial arts Wan Dao Senluo entirely on his own god level.

And Hayato Tianyin is the master's disciple, and his martial arts probably cannot escape the category of Wan Dao Senluo.

That being the case, why is Mu Han afraid?

This Hayato Tianyin was tall and tall, wearing an Japanese battle robe, and the big knife in his hand caught Mu Han's attention.

This sword is called the Soul of War, and it is the sword of the Dongying Sword Master Liu Shengwuji. When Liu Shengwuji left Dongpu, he handed over the fighting spirit to Hayato Tianyin for safekeeping.

Unexpectedly, Liu Sheng Wuji was killed by Mu Han in Wutian Purgatory, and this battle spirit became Hayato Tianyin's thing.

That Dayi Zongguo was also burly-looking, and his Japanese battle robe set off his mighty and domineering moves.

He looked at the dense forest indifferently, and always felt that he smelled a roast chicken.

And Hai Zewu wolf is ugly like a jackal, and the mountain deer Wuxiang is thin and thin. Although their appearances are different, their cultivation is not low.

If there was no existence of Mu Han, the legendary eighth level, Hayato Tianyin and others would be able to run rampant in the Chinese martial arts, and they would be invincible and unmatched.

Unfortunately, they ran into Mu Han's hands.

"My lord, don't worry, it's just Mu Han. When we see Mu Han, the subordinate will kill him for the lord."

Yamaga Wuxiang clasped his fists to the lord and said, he always felt that the smell of roasted chicken would linger for a long time, could someone roast chicken here?Nima, he suddenly felt that his stomach was empty.

"That's right, my lord, even though Mu Han killed Di Shitian, it was nothing more than that. If we try our best, can't we kill him? At that time, the whole of China will be in chaos, and my lord will be able to dominate the martial arts in China."

Hai Ze Wulang also hurriedly persuaded them, they felt that with the lord's Wan Dao Sen Luo, Da Ri Zong Guo's Infinite Qi Sea, and their own and Shan Lu Wu Xiang's swords, wouldn't it be easy to kill Mu Han if they shot together?

Therefore, Haize Wulang and Yamalu Wuxiang hurriedly persuaded the lord Hayato Tianyin, which made Hayato Tianyin hesitant.

These conversations between them have been seen clearly by Mu Han and Luo Xian.

Mu Han continued to hug Luo Xian, hiding in the dense forest, he didn't know how to express himself, so Luo Xian didn't ask him, just looked at Mu Han quietly.

Luo Xian felt more and more that Mu Han was fearless in the face of danger. Could it be that he was really not afraid of these Japanese masters?

Thinking about Mu Han being able to kill Di Shitian, Luo Xian felt relieved, Mu Han is really a monster.

"Zong Guo, what do you think?"

The hesitant Hayato Tianyin turned to look at his right-hand man and right-hand man Dainichi Monguo.

When Da Ri Zongguo saw Hayato Tianyin looking at him, he pondered for a while and said, "My lord, I think it's not easy to kill Mu Han. We can use tricks. There are many people in the Shenzhou martial arts who beat the strong with the weak." For example, as long as I take advantage of Mu Han's unpreparedness and highlight my ultimate move, then I can kill Mu Han, what do you think my lord would like?"

Dainichi Zonguo felt that his plan was quite good, so he caught it by surprise and caught it by surprise.Ren Namuhan had great abilities, so he didn't expect that they would suddenly attack and kill him by surprise.

"It's not bad, but where can we find Mu Han?"

Hayato Tianyin looked at Dainichi Zonguo suspiciously, Hai Ze Wulang and Yamalu had no relationship.

Ever since they saw Mu Han kill Di Shitian on Shenlong Island, they chased him to Tianmen.

Unexpectedly, all the people in Tianmen were killed, and Mu Han was nowhere to be found. This made them lose their clues, and they were naturally extremely upset.

"Haha, why did my lord forget that even if Mu Han goes to the ends of the earth, he won't be able to escape from the entire Celestial Dynasty, and he will return to the Heavenly Palace. We are in the Heavenly Palace, how about waiting for work?"

"However, it is said that Mu Han's Heavenly Palace is guarded by many Chinese martial arts masters..."

"What's so difficult about it? Why do we provoke them, and say that they are envoys from Japan who come to ask for peace. When the time comes, Mu Han will definitely summon us."

Seeing that Da Rizong Guo and others were full of confidence, Hayato Tianyin also dispelled all doubts in his heart. When he and everyone laughed up to the sky, he also smelled the smell of roast chicken in the dense forest.

"Who is roasting the chicken?"

Hayato Tianyin asked, making Dairi Zongguo, Haize Wulang and Yamalu Wuxiang all look dazed, they didn't know who was roasting the chicken here.

"Haha, Hayato Tianyin, Dainichi Zonguo, Hai Ze Wulang, Yamalu Wuxiang, how are you all?"

At this time, just when Hayato Tianyin and the others were stunned for a moment and suddenly felt that the situation was not good, a figure in white clothes suddenly fell from the sky.

The left hand of this figure in white is still hugging a beautiful and refined girl who is absolutely beautiful.

And this white-clothed young man's handsome appearance and sharp-edged three-dimensional facial features made Hayato Tianyin and the others feel their hearts pounding. The infinite sword intent emanating from this person made them feel uneasy.

Who is he?

Why did he know the names of himself and others?

This question made Hayato Tianyin, Heize Wulang, Yamalu Wuxiang, and Dainichi Zongguo all look at Mu Han in surprise.

He looks like he is only 19 years old, but he can make everyone's heart chill, that Hayato Tianyin suddenly felt that Mu Han was not easy.

"Hmph, who, 1.6 dares to speak up in front of us!"

That Shanlu Wuxiang said angrily, the man in white was still hugging a young girl, he was not a good person at first sight, moreover, he even showed a mocking sneer.

Sneer at your sister!

Shanlu Wuxiang was so angry that he blew his beard and stared, really wanted to slap Mu Han in the face.

"Oh? How dare you yell at me like that?"


Although Mu Han hugged Luo Xian, he still slapped Shanlu Wuxiang in the face. Amidst the screams of Shanlu Wuxiang's miserable cry, Mu Han slapped him until his head was shattered and he died unexpectedly.


Shanlu Wuxiang was slapped to death, and his bones were smashed to pieces.


That Falcon Tianyin looked at Mu Han in surprise, he called himself Zhen?Could it be that he is the Heavenly Emperor Mu Han!

On the boat on Shenlong Island that day, due to the heavy fog, Hayato Tianyin couldn't see Mu Han's true face clearly. "

Chapter 1 Crushed, Hayato Returns from Heaven (3/[-])

Chapter 2 The Japanese Army Attacks (3/[-])

Chapter 3 The Great War, Imminent (3/[-])

Chapter 1 When the knife comes out, the ashes disappear (3/[-])

Chapter 2 Crushing the Great Demon God (3/[-])

Chapter 3 Killing the Great Demon God, Dongying was defeated (3/[-])

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Above the vast East China Sea, Mu Han came to the world like a god, standing aloft, with a pair of deep eyes showing an expression of incomparable contempt.

Na Lian Chengzhi opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood, he felt his heart surging, as if his heart was about to be torn apart, he looked at Mu Han in horror.

He killed the Great Demon God as soon as he made a move, and killed tens of thousands of Dongpu troops. Now, even though there are hundreds of warships following him, although there are tens of thousands of troops, none of them dare to step forward to fight Mu Han. Feeling restless and confused, could it be that he, the majestic Emperor of Japan, is really going to defeat Shenzhou?

He is not reconciled, he is very unwilling!

"Lian Chengzhi, do you want to die?"

The eyes full of indifference and murderous intent made Mu Leng look at Lian Chengzhi calmly. Lian Chengzhi suddenly felt a force coming, and he opened his mouth again to spit out a mouthful of blood, only to feel his heart pounding. However, he still He stubbornly raised his head and glared at Mu Han.

"The Dongying army obeys the order and kills Mu Han."

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