On the attic, the five characters of Shushan Sutra Pavilion appear vigorous and powerful, flamboyant and full of fairy spirit.

"So this place is the Shushan Immortal Sword Sect? I wonder if I have come to the Immortal Sword World?"

He turned to look at the quiet surroundings. Obviously, his appearance did not attract the attention of the Shushan Immortal Sword Sect.

He is Mu Han!

In the wrong version of Fengyun World, kill the great god Amaterasu and rule the celestial emperor Mu Han.

When leaving the wrong version of Fengyun World, he was sent to this higher level world by the system.

"Ding, congratulations master, this is the wrong version of the world of Immortal Sword One."

"Ding, congratulations, master. Since master entered the wrong version of the fairy sword world, the system's cultivation base for master has also improved. Now, master's cultivation base is at the first level of Sanxian!"

As the system notification sounded, Mu Han suddenly felt that some changes had taken place in his cultivation base and the system panel.

Name: Mu Han

Age: 19

Sex: Male

Race: Terran

Item Mall: Xuanyuan Sword [heavy damage, eighteen pieces of artifacts are needed to repair the sword spirit] Demon Subduing Talisman [10]

Cultivation method: The eleventh layer of Qiankun Shengyang Jue [Integration of inner strength and mental methods from various worlds. 】

Martial arts: Emperor Yin Jue [Xiaocheng], Great Wilderness Prisoner's Finger [Xiaocheng], Divine Elephant Suppressing Prison Strength [Xiaocheng] Sword God skills...

Three Thousand Avenues: Great Teleportation

Formation: Tiangang Sword Formation [immortal] [immortal level, god level, holy level...]

Supernatural skills: god-level deduction, god-level skills of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, alchemy

Alchemist Realm: Earth-level alchemist, Xiaocheng realm

Skill: Falling Heart Flame, ranked fourteenth on the Abnormal Fire List.

The World: A Small World with You [Records of the Daughters of Heaven and Dragons, the Daughters of Divine Condors, the Daughters of Qin Dynasty, and the Daughters of Wind and Cloud]

Martial Arts Realm: Sanxian First Stage

Soul master realm: Seventh-level great soul master (cultivating soul power)

System points: 320 million!

The world we live in: The World of Sword and Sword in Chaos

320 million system points is indeed a lot, but Mu Han didn't use these system points.

Because it is the wrong version of the fairy sword world, his past foresight of the plot direction will be greatly reduced.

What's more, in the world of Immortal Sword, there are six major races: God Realm, Immortal Realm, Demon Realm, Human Realm, Demon Realm, and Ghost Realm.

Although the Shushan Immortal Sword Sect is the leader among the sects in the Immortal Realm, however, for the God Realm and the Demon Realm, the Shushan Immortal Sword Sect is simply vulnerable.

When Mu Han entered the world of the wrong version of Immortal Sword, the skills he had learned in the world of low martial arts and high martial arts in the past were greatly reduced.

Therefore, he was eager to learn more inscrutable fairy arts!

If he doesn't know fairy arts, he will have difficulty moving an inch in the wrong version of the fairy sword world, let alone "discussing the Tao" with the women in the wrong version of the fairy sword world.

Thinking about the feeling of being bombarded by Zhao Linger's five thunders, Mu Han suddenly felt sour.

In the original book, there are the beautiful and refined Zhao Linger, the pungent and beautiful Lin Yueru, the pure and lovely Anu, the gentle and charming Caiyi, the benevolent and caring Han Mengci and so on.

There is also Lin Qinger, a descendant of Nuwa who dedicated her life to saving the common people in the world.

It made Mu Han feel that he was too weak.

"This huge Shushan Immortal Sword School doesn't have a library? It's too shabby!"

Standing on the Three Emperors Terrace, climbing high and looking far away, you can see a place surrounded by aura.

Those Shushan pavilions are hidden in the clouds and mist, faintly like a mirage in 970, which is a spectacle.


Mu Han raised his foot and kicked a broken stone, only to see the stone crash into the Five Spirit Barrier of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion with a thud.

At this time, a sudden change occurred, and the originally unbreakable barrier of the five spirits suddenly disappeared, and the Sutra Pavilion in Shushan appeared in front of Mu Han.

"My mother, is this too accurate?"

Mu Han stared at the disappearing Five Spirit Barrier with a face full of surprise.

With this kick, I hit the eye of the five-spirit barrier, causing the five-spirit barrier to open suddenly, and the Sutra Pavilion appeared in front of my eyes.

As the name suggests, the Sutra Pavilion must be the place where Shushan Xianjian School collects books. Mu Han was overjoyed, and hurriedly strode towards the Sutra Pavilion. He pushed open the door of the Sutra Pavilion, and a burst of spiritual energy rushed towards him.

In the Sutra Pavilion, there are thousands of years of Shushan Immortal Sword Sect's classics and history books, martial arts and mental methods, and even the secrets of Shushan, which made Mu Han very addicted.

And Mu Han devoured the jujube like a glutton, and after melting all the secrets and classics, he began to search for the martial arts mentality.

And what surprised Mu Han even more was that in this Shushan martial arts mentality, he could also improve his skills in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

And thanks to Mu Han's god-level skills in piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, and calligraphy, he can master these supernatural martial arts in no time.

Mu Han was immersed in this kind of cultivation, and planned to hide all the martial arts of the Shushan Immortal Sword School in his stomach. "

Chapter 2 Nanzhao Kingdom, the Lord of Worship to the Moon (please subscribe!)

The night sky was clean, and the stars were shining brightly, making the entire sky extremely unstable.

It was the first time since the Moon Worshiping Sect Master ruled Nanzhao Kingdom ten years ago and turned the Witch Queen into a stone statue, it was the first time that he felt that his life star was weak, as if he was about to be swallowed, which made him restless.

This is an extremely quiet elegant room, and there are many lonely books in a dazzling array.

And the owner of this elegant room, although he was tall and burly, looked cold, but that white dress set off his extraordinary temperament.

And in this elegant room, there is a faint evil spirit.

He turned out to be the Moon Worship Sect Master.

"I'm afraid it's not easy for the person who can make the star of this seat dim. This star of life appeared suddenly without warning. Who is it? It's against this seat?"

The Moon Worshiper, who was pacing in the room, thought with a slightly nervous expression.

But he stopped suddenly, turned around and walked out of the room, and walked to the main altar of Moon Worship Sect.

His pair of deep and divine eyes stared up,

As a result, a vague figure in white clothes suddenly appeared among the bright stars.

The figure in white was gone in a flash, which made him look very disappointed.

"The man in white? The world is vast, where can I find this man in white?"

The Moon Worshiper sighed in frustration, and when he turned away in disappointment, he suddenly looked up at the position of the fate star that was about to disappear into the night sky, which made the Moon Worshiper ecstatic.

He finally knew where the fate star was.

"Talent is divided into nine fields, and land is divided into nine states. The place where this fate star is located is in the southern summer. It seems that if you want to find him, you can only go to the south."

After thinking about it in his heart, the leader of worshiping the moon felt that his steps were brisk and he was in a good mood. As long as he found the man in white, no matter who it was, he would kill him, and his destiny would shine in Kyushu.

Deng Deng!

At this time, there was a rush of footsteps from outside the hall, and a Moon Worshiper hurriedly knelt down to the Moon Worshiper.

"Report to the leader, the subordinates and others have lived up to the trust of the leader, and have found the whereabouts of the witch queen's remnants~."

"Oh? Found it? Do you know where it is?"

"The subordinates and others learned that the remnant of the witch queen is on the fairy island outside Yuhang Town. The owner of the island, Lingyue Palace, is a family friend of the witch queen, and the princess is on the fairy island."

The Moon Worshiper looked a little excitedly at the Moon Worshiper who looked calm.

After so many years, he finally knew the whereabouts of the remnants of the Witch Queen. Could he not be happy?

"Okay, that's great."

The Master of Worshiping the Moon rubbed his palms excitedly, he was a little unsteady, he hurriedly supported the stone pillar outside the hall, and then turned to look at the life star of the princess of Nanzhao Kingdom, it seemed that it was not bright, this made him feel good.

"Master, I don't know how to deal with the remnants of the witch queen?"

The Moon Worshiper had never seen the lord so excited, and he seemed a little lost, so he hurriedly asked again.

The sooner this matter is the better, I am afraid things will change if it is too late.

"Well, it's not advisable to go to great lengths in this matter, lest Elder Shi and the Witch King know about it, you should send ten masters there to destroy Fairy Island and bring the princess, but don't hurt her, remember? ?”

After careful consideration, the leader of worshiping the moon felt that even if he found Zhao Ling'er, he couldn't be killed casually, and he was still of great use.

"Yes, this subordinate understands, but what if the princess resists?"

"Resist? Just knock her unconscious, but that Palace Mistress Lingyue is indeed powerful, you must be careful."

"Yes, my subordinates understand."

The Moon Worshiper Mao Sai suddenly realized, hurried forward to salute, and was about to leave.

"Uncle Baiyue, do you know where the princess is?"

Just when the Moon Worshiper was about to return to the main hall, suddenly a beautiful figure like a butterfly sprang out from the darkness, which made the Moon Worshiper draw a knife in his hand, and said angrily: "Who is it?"

He glared angrily. It turned out to be a mischievous and pure-looking Miao girl. She was wearing a dress as bright as a butterfly, which was quite eye-catching.

"Mother Nanman, I scared Anu to death. Uncle Baiyue, he is so fierce."

It turned out that she was Anu, the beauty of Nanzhao.

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