Status: Chief of Baihe Village.

Han Yixian turned out to be in the legendary first stage, which surprised Mu Han.

However, in the wrong version of the fairy sword world where demons are rampant, the legend of Han Yixian is not as good as ants.

Han Yixian also felt that Mu Han and others were extraordinary, so he asked the villagers to open the door and invite them to come to the house. "

Chapter 24 Zombie Mystery (Subscribe!)

Han Yixian is not only the head of Baihe Village, but also the only doctor in Baihe Village.

After entering Han Yixian's room, Mu Han and the others saw a lot of medicinal herbs placed in the room.

This made Zhao Ling'er, Caiyi and Lin Yueru, the daughters, sit quietly aside after entering the village chief's house.

And Mu Han also knew that Han Yixian might have something to say, so he looked at him with a smile.

"You all come from Suzhou City? Don't you know about Baihe Village? Not only Baihe Village, but several surrounding villages have been wiped out by zombies. Only Baihe Village still has people, but everyone is panic-stricken."

Han Yixian thought that Mu Han and the others didn't know that there were zombies in Baihe Village, so he directly told Mu Han and the others about it.

"Oh, those villagers in the deep pit, are they also zombies?"

Mu Han asked calmly, causing Han Yixian to look up at him, and then nodded.

"That's right, those villagers are also zombies, but they were killed by us after becoming zombies. We are going to burn them tonight, so that there will be no future troubles."

Han Yixian's expression became extremely heavy. These villagers are all from his Baihe Village, and they are related to each other.

Now, they have turned into zombies, infected with the poison of zombies, if they are not burned to death as soon as possible, it may be harmful to the rest of the living villagers.

Han Yixian can only do this, he has no choice.

However, Zhao Linger and other women feel that these zombies who are about to be burned to death are so pitiful. They didn't turn into zombies on purpose, but were bitten to death by zombies in Heishui Town.

Now, they can't escape the fate of being destroyed. Although the women are very sad in their hearts, they also know that this is the only choice so far to eradicate the suffering of zombies forever.

"Oh? Where do these zombies come from, does the village chief know?"

"These zombies were in Heishui Town at the beginning. Not far from Heishui Town, there is a general's tomb, which is the mausoleum of General Fuyuan in the Sui Dynasty. The person who first became a zombie was digging the general's tomb. It was infected with corpse gas, and spread more and more, and the whole Heishui Town became a dead town, and it also affected several surrounding villages, besides Baihe Village, there are hundreds of villagers."

Han Yixian briefly told Mu Han and others why the zombies appeared in Heishui Town.

And Mu Han also learned from this that the root of the zombie was the General Tomb in Heishui Town.

However, the tomb of the general was controlled by the Red Ghost King in the blood pool. These people were infected with the corpse poison, which was caused by the Red Ghost King's practice of blood demon magic.

But he also knew very well in his heart that the Scarlet Ghost King was the ghost king of the ghost clan, and his cultivation base was not low.

"The old man still advises you not to go. The road to Yangzhou City must pass through Heishui Town, and the rest of the place is full of lofty mountains."

Han Yixian felt that although Mu Han had an extraordinary bearing, he might not be able to go to Heishui Town.

What's more, he also brought a few beautiful girls with him. If the zombies attacked him, he would be distracted, and the consequences would be disastrous.

Thinking of this, Han Yixian stroked his beard, he knew that if he didn't undo the poison of the corpse as soon as possible, the whole Baihe Village might suffer disaster.

"Brother Mu, why don't we help him kill the zombies."

As a descendant of Nuwa and God Race, Zhao Ling'er was more than enough to kill a few zombies.

And Caiyi is a thousand-year-old butterfly spirit. Although Lin Yueru can't kill many zombies, she has also received Lin Tiannan's true biography.

Immediately, Zhao Linger, Caiyi, and Lin Yueru all looked at the silent Mu Han with big eyes.

When Han Yixian heard Zhao Linger's words, he was so shocked that he almost fell off his chair.

He thought he heard it wrong, and looked at Mu Han and the others in embarrassment. Could it be that they were hiding something?

The more Han Yixian looked at it, the more Han Yixian felt that Mu Han was very unusual. His handsome face with sharp edges and corners showed a playful and contemptuous look. He was as high as the sun, which made Han Yixian feel a little warmth.

"Village chief, village chief, it's not good, the zombies are here."

Just when Mu Han remained silent, all the women looked at him affectionately, and Han Yixian was shocked, the door was suddenly pushed open, and several tall and burly men rushed in.

They looked panic-stricken, trembling all over, and their legs were weak from the sight of zombies.

Mu Han quickly used his soul power to intercept memory fragments from their memories.

There are about seven or eight zombies that came from Heishui Town this time.

"It's just seven or eight zombies, Ling'er, Cai Yiyueru, you stay here, I'll be here soon."

Mu Han instantly knew the number of zombies, he told the girls not to go, and stepped out of the room.

On the way away from Suzhou, Caiyi told Zhao Linger and Lin Yueru how Mu Han killed hundreds of mutated Moon Worshipers in Xianling Island one by one. ··············································

This time he went to kill the zombies, the girls only knew a few zombies, and he could handle it all by himself, Dang even nodded.

The burly men who entered the room looked at Mu Han in astonishment, wondering how did the man in white know that there were seven or eight zombies?

Their astonished expressions were also seen by Han Yixian. He suddenly felt that Mu Han was not simple, and immediately ran out of the door, and he saw the entrance of Baihe Village. In the mist, there were seven or eight menacing men walking towards him. Slow and raw zombies.

They were all salivating, their eyes were blood red, their fingers were shaped like chicken feet, and their clothes were all different. They must have been people from several surrounding villages who had been infected with corpse poison and wandered outside Baihe Village.

And because in the deep pit outside Baihe Village, although there are many corpses of zombies who were killed, the smell of blood is extremely strong, which may be one of the reasons that attracted them here. .......... .. 0

Although there are many strong men in Baihe Village, facing these terrifying zombies, they are frightened and stay where they are, not daring to move.

But Mu Han looked at the seven or eight zombies indifferently, with a playful sneer on the corner of his mouth.


These zombies were about to rush to the entrance of Baihe Village, but amidst Mu Leng's laughter, his body was filled with aura, and the Thunder Spirit Orb suddenly transformed into a majestic Thor.


The Thunder God shouted angrily, like thunder rolling from the sky, raised the incomparably ferocious Thor's Hammer, and smashed it like an overwhelming mountain.


Accompanied by a deafening sound, where Thor's Hammer passed, seven or eight zombies barely dodged, and were smashed into a pile of dust.

"Killed seven or eight zombies with one move?"

Not only Han Yixian was excited, but Baihekou villagers in Baihe Village also shouted excitedly.

Mu Han killed seven or eight zombies with one move, he is simply extraordinary.

"Immortal Master, Immortal Master is here, please be respected by this old man."

Han Yixian knelt on the ground with a plop, he was not afraid, but grateful to Mu Han.



Following Han Yixian kneeling on the ground, the rest of the Baihekou villagers in Baihe Village also knelt on the ground. They all thought that Mu Han was the immortal teacher, the immortal who came to save Baihe Village.

And Mu Han can bear this worship!Dry."

Chapter 25 The Lost Han Mengci (please subscribe!)

"Ding, kill a nameless zombie, system points +5000!"

"Ding, kill a nameless zombie, system points +5000!"

"Ding, kill a nameless zombie, system points +5000!"


Kill seven or eight zombies, and the system points will increase by 4 points.

Mu Han looked calmly at the dense forest shrouded in mist.

These zombies were all poisoned by nearby villagers, and they had no names, so they got tens of thousands of points.If you encounter more powerful zombies, once you kill them, the system points will be very considerable.

Thinking of this, he asked Han Yixian to burn all the zombies in the deep pit to death, so as not to spread the corpse poison, or make the bloody smell attract other zombies.

After Han Yixian finished all these, he and Mu Han returned to the room. The girls were sitting at the table, but when they saw Mu Han coming back from "[-]" at the entrance of the village, they sat together in the courtyard.

"Master Mu, the old man feels that if he wants to destroy these zombies, he must kill the zombie king in Heishui Town."

The zombies that appeared in Heishui Town and the nearby villagers who were killed by zombies were all caused by the corpse poison released by the zombie king. There was no need for Han Yixian to remind him of this, Mu Han knew it clearly.

And the key to this matter is how to kill the zombie king, and the cultivation of the zombie king is probably not low.

"Old man, can you take us to Heishui Town? Since these corpse poisons are caused by the Zombie King, we will meet the Zombie King."

Zhao Ling'er turned to look at Han Yixian, but made the latter smile awkwardly.

"Mr. Mu, this old man has a daughter named Han Mengci. She knows the way to Heishui Town. Why don't you let my daughter take you and others?"

He didn't answer Zhao Ling'er directly, but asked Mu Han, he knew that Mu Han was the backbone of all the girls.

Wherever Mu Han goes, the girls will follow.

Immediately, he turned to look at Mu Han, his heart was also very troubled, after all, the Zombie King is too powerful.

"Alright, where is your daughter now?"

Mu Han knew that Han Yixian's daughter was Han Mengci, and one of the purposes of his coming to Baihe Village was to meet Han Mengci, so he immediately agreed to Han Yixian.

"Young Master, the old man is asking for something. My daughter Han Mengci went to the mountain temple to gather medicine, and she hasn't come back yet. Mr. Mu, can you help the old man find her?"

Han Mengci left Baihe village to go to the mountain temple to collect medicinal materials to cure the poison of the corpse, but it was getting late today, but she hadn't come back yet, which made Han Yixian extremely worried.

"Go to the mountain temple?"

From Han Yixian's memory fragments, Mu Han learned that Han Mengci was an extremely filial woman.

She went to the mountain temple from Baihe Village this morning, and she planned to return to Baihe Village in the evening, but she hasn't come back yet.

There are medicinal materials needed to treat corpse poison in the mountain behind the temple. Originally, Han Yixian wanted a few strong men to go with him, but Han Mengci volunteered and persuaded Han Yixian to go with a basket on her own.

Now, before Han Mengci came back, several zombies suddenly appeared at the entrance of Baihe Village. This made Han Yixian feel flustered, he was afraid that his daughter would be killed by zombies.

"Since Han Mengci knows the route to Heishui Town, then I'll go to Shanshen Temple to see, Linger, Caiyi, Yueru, you are all tired, go and rest first, we will go to Heishui Town tomorrow morning. "

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