"Ding, kill the mountain god in the second level of Sanxian, and the system points will be 20000!"

From the moment he killed the mountain god, ten thousand points will be credited to his account. Mu Han didn't look at the points, but glanced at Han Mengci.

This delicate and beautiful girl was also looking at him, which made Mu Han hug her tightly.

"Come on, I'll take you to see your father."

Although Mu Han intends to accept Han Mengci as a woman, it's the first time they meet, but it's not time to pay attention to her.

Therefore, he didn't force the overlord to bow, but took it slowly.

No matter how much Han Mengci jumps around, can she escape from Mu Han's Wuzhi Mountain?

Mu Han turned his face and smiled dotingly, that bright smile made Han Mengci feel dizzy, she had no idea who this white-clothed man was? "

Chapter 27 The Emerald Buddha Beads at the Temple of the Emerald Buddha (Please subscribe!)


Mu Han stretched out his arms to hug Han Mengci, a beam of brilliance was held up on the soles of his feet, and they were entrusted to the blue sky.

Looking at Han Mengci's hair blown away by the wind, falling messily on his cheeks, Mu Han smelled the girlish fragrance, saw her fair cheeks, and felt that Han Mengci had his own characteristics compared with other girls.

Returning from here with the sword, he arrived at Baihe Village in a blink of an eye, only to see Han Yixian and all the villagers of Baihe Village in the open space outside the village to guard against the zombie attack.

But all the girls fell asleep in the room prepared by Han Yixian, Mu Han didn't bother the girls, he put Han Mengci down, and briefly talked about the encounter with the mountain god.

The Han doctor also knew the legend of the mountain god, it was said that the mountain god was extremely terrifying and killed many villagers, but now Mu Han killed the mountain god, in fact, he was doing harm to them.

Immediately, Han Yixian told Han Mengci that she wanted her to take Mu Han and others to Heishui Town to kill the zombie king and detoxify the corpse.

Han Mengci thought that Mu Han was so powerful, so he readily agreed to go with him. Seeing that Han Mengci had no intention of refusing, Mu Han smiled slightly, turned and went back to his room to sleep.

In the early morning of the next day, Mu Han went to Heishui Town together with Zhao Linger, Caiyi, Lin Yueru and Han Mengci, and Han Yixian and others were sent directly to the entrance of the village.

When Mu Han left, he set up a five-spirit magic circle in Baihe Village, making it impossible for ordinary zombies to enter it. This also allowed the villagers of Baihe Village, such as Han Yixian, to boldly sleep for several hours.

Since Lin Yueru, Han Mengci and the other women don't know how to walk with a sword, and their cultivation base is not high, so Mu Han and others went to Heishui Town and walked away.

Along the way, the mountain road is rugged and there are few people. Although I saw several villages, all of them are deserted and there is no one.

All of this was caused by the zombies in Heishui Town, which caused the villagers in the surrounding villages to be killed and infected with corpse poison to become zombies, or to flee. Although passing through some villages, they always saw many coffins and corpses. Mu Han But with a slight smile, he protected the five-spirit circle beside the girls. Even if a zombie suddenly attacked, he would be wiped out by the five-spirit circle.

And those zombies hidden in the deserted village felt the aura emanating from the five spirit circle, and they were all too frightened to move.

"Master Mu, I remember my father said that if you want to kill the zombie king and destroy the corpse poison, you need to go to the Jade Buddha Temple to find Master Abbot, and ask him to give us the jade Buddha beads, so that we will not be killed by those from Heishui Town." Infected by corpse poison."

Mu Han and his party were walking on the road, when Han Mengci suddenly remembered that her father, Han Yixian, told her that if she wanted to get rid of the ghost energy in Heishui Town, she had to go to the Jade Buddha Temple to find Master Abbot and ask him to take out the Jade Buddha beads.

According to legend, the Jade Buddha Bead is a Buddhist bead of Bodhidharma, which can dispel ghost spirit and corpse poison.

It's just that the master abbot of the Jade Buddha Temple behaved strangely and was very difficult to speak. Han Mengci thought about this, so he told Mu Han about it.

She knew that Mu Han must have a way, and Mu Han was also their backbone.

Hearing Han Mengci talk about the Jade Buddha beads in the Jade Buddha Temple, Mu Han also suddenly thought that the master abbot of the Jade Buddha Temple is not a human race, he seems to be a bead in the hands of Patriarch Bodhidharma.

This Buddhist bead has been cultivated for nine hundred and ninety-nine years before it transformed into a human form and became the presiding abbot of the Jade Buddha Temple.

And because he has practiced Dharma Buddha Qi, he has the ability to dispel corpse poison and ghost gas.

Being reminded by Han Mengci, Mu Han also suddenly realized, he smiled slightly, and looked at Zhao Ling'er, Han Mengci and other women calmly and calmly.

"Okay, since Mengci said that the abbot of the Jade Buddha Temple has Jade Buddha beads to disperse ghost energy and corpse poison, then let's go to the Jade Buddha Temple to have a look."

Mu Han didn't tell the girls that the abbot of the Jade Buddha Temple was the Jade Buddha Bead. He nodded obediently when he saw the girls, and immediately asked Han Mengci to point out which way to go to the Jade Buddha Temple.

And Han Mengci didn't expect Mu Han to agree so quickly, she just asked casually, this made her grateful to Mu Han, and immediately pointed out the route to Jade Buddha Temple to Mu Han.

This Jade Buddha Temple is not far from Heishui Town. Although the corpse poisonous spirit of Heishui Town has destroyed several surrounding villages, this Jade Buddha Temple has survived the disaster because of the Buddha light of Jade Buddha Temple, and has not been killed by zombies. The monsters spread.

And on the way to the Jade Buddha Temple, there are still a few zombie corpses with no eyes, showing a fierce look, with their teeth and claws open, intending to kill Mu Han.

However, he was killed in the air by Mu Han's Shushan Immortal Art.

"Ding, kill a nameless zombie, system points +5000!"

"Ding, kill a nameless zombie, system points +5000!"

"Ding, kill a nameless zombie, system points +5000!"

After killing these zombie wights, the news that the system points were credited made Mu Han see that the points had reached 410 million points.

And Mu Han also figured it out in his heart, as long as the dead body problem in Heishui Town is relieved, he will try to draw 410 million system points for a lottery.

After entering the wrong version of the fairy sword world, the original mid-level lottery is meaningless.

Instead, it is an advanced lottery draw, which consumes 100 million system points at a time.

Mu Han knew all about these things in his chest, and he looked at all the women with eyes of admiration.

"." Let's go, it's just a few zombies, nothing to worry about. "

Mu Han showed an indifferent expression, which made Zhao Ling'er and other girls feel relieved.

Immediately, the girls followed Mu Han to the Jade Buddha Temple.

The Jade Buddha Temple is a magnificent temple, but few people know that the presiding abbot of the Jade Buddha Temple is a small Buddhist bead of Patriarch Bodhidharma.

In fact, the Jade Buddha Bead's temperament is not bad, but it is too deep into the Buddha, and there are some misunderstandings about the Buddha's philosophy, so it went astray and almost went mad.

"Forget it, since you've become obsessed, I'll let you escape from the sea of ​​suffering."

Mu Han smiled slightly, and when he saw the gate of the Jade Buddha Temple was wide open, he stepped into the temple with the girls.

And when they stepped into the temple, they saw a figure striding towards the temple. (no good)

He was young, but he was ordained to become a monk. He didn't speak when he saw Mu Han and the others, but after he glanced at Mu Han and the others, he hurried out.

"Little monk, do you know where the presiding abbot is?"

Seeing that he didn't speak, Lin Yueru hurriedly grabbed his monk's robe, but the young monk tore off his monk's robe with all his strength, and hurriedly walked outside the Jade Buddha Temple to take it off.

Facing Lin Yueru's surprised expression, Mu Han just smiled coldly. He watched the little monk flash out of the temple gate, but looked at them secretly from outside the temple with panicked eyes.

When his eyes met Mu Han's, the little monk was so frightened that he suddenly disappeared.

But Lin Yueru stomped her feet angrily and said, "This little monk is so rude, why doesn't he speak?"

While Lin Yueru was chattering, another middle-aged monk walked quickly from the Jade Buddha Temple. He had a big belly and gave off a Buddha-like appearance.

He didn't speak, just walked over. "

Chapter 28 Little Stones (Please Subscribe!)

Chapter 29 The uninhabited Heishui Town (please subscribe!)

Xiao Shitou never thought that Mu Han didn't want to dispel the zombie gas in Heishui Town, he also wanted to take himself as his subordinate.

But when he resolutely disagreed, he saw a mass of lightning force condensed in the palm of Mu Han's palm, this made Xiao Shitou's heart skip a beat, he knew he had no choice.

And Zhao Ling'er, Lin Yueru and other women all looked at Xiao Shitou, making Xiao Shitou show a shy expression on his cheeks.

Xiao Shitou knew very well in his heart that he was definitely no match for Mu Han, but if Mu Han wanted to kill him, it would be easy for him.

Now, if he doesn't submit to Mu Han, he will be killed by Mu Han immediately.

Thinking that he had cultivated for nine hundred and ninety-nine years, but when he was about to consummate one thousand years, being crushed by Mu Han like this, Xiao Shitou suddenly felt very sad.

However, does he have other options?

"I am the jade Buddha beads of Patriarch Bodhidharma."

"and then?"

"I have practiced for nine hundred to ninety-nine years."

"Oh, and then what?"

"Then, then I intend to surrender to you."

Looking at Mu Han's mocking and sneering expression, Xiao Shitou suddenly felt that his words seemed superfluous, and Mu Han's understated reply made Xiao Shitou feel that he might not be able to escape from Mu Han's grasp for the rest of his life - Yaoyao.

Thinking that the human race's lifespan is only a hundred years, and that cultivators like Mu Han are only a few hundred years old, Xiao Shitou immediately had a plan in his heart.

I have lived for nine hundred and ninety-nine years, and it is very easy to live another thousand years, but Mu Han who caught him, his life span is no more than two or three hundred years.

Two or three hundred years is out of reach for mortals who live only a hundred years.

For monster masters like Xiao Shitou, it was just a blink of an eye.

Thinking of this, Xiao Shitou made up his mind, he felt that he would not lose too much by staying by Mu Han's side for two or three hundred years.

On the contrary, I can secretly learn some Shushan fairy arts from Mu Han to strengthen myself.

Immediately, he had the determination to submit to Mu Han.

Every move of Xiao Shitou, as well as all kinds of entangled thoughts in his heart, were clearly probed by Mu Han with his soul power.

The memory fragments that looked like movie clips made Mu Han smile slightly, it seemed that Xiao Shitou's plan was indeed beyond his surprise.

For a monster race like Xiao Shitou, the lifespan of a human race is indeed not worth mentioning.

"Little Shitou pays his respects to the master."

Little Shitou made up his mind, so he raised his head and looked at Mu Han. Zhao Linger, Lin Yueru, Caiyi and Han Mengci felt very strange at this.

This little stone had sworn just now that he didn't want to submit to Mu Han, why did he suddenly change his mind?

Seeing Mu Han's smiling expression, they dispelled the doubts in their hearts.

They looked up at the little stone together, only to see that the little stone turned into a jade buddha bead exuding the luster of white jade and flew into Mu Han's palm.

At this time, I saw that the little stone had turned into an inch-long villain. He sat down on Mu Han's palm and said, "Master, in fact, the zombies in Heishui Town are nothing to worry about. The key is the zombie king." With the Red Ghost King."

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