How the hell does God know what Dugu Yuyun is doing?As the head of a sect, he left the Shushan Immortal Sword Sect quietly, which made several Shushan elders angry.

Just when these Shushan elders were about to go crazy, a drunken figure came from Yujian. He was full of alcohol, with a wine gourd in his hand and a sloppy Taoist uniform, which made these Shushan elders pinch their noses and make a fuss. Disgusted look.

"Situ Zhong, have you sneaked out to drink again?"

"I said, do you know there was an earthquake in Shushan?"

"Do you know where the headmaster has gone?"

Seeing Jiu Jianxian approaching drunkenly, these Shushan elders surrounded him like a resentful woman, their chattering voices made Jiu Jianxian, who was addicted to fine wine, suddenly With a movement of his body, he retreated a few feet away.

"I said that you have never finished, isn't it the Shushan earthquake? Go to 1.1 and go to the Demon Locking Tower to have a look."

Jiu Jianxian looked at these elders of Shushan very angrily, wasn't it just a small earthquake, why was he so panicked?

As soon as his words fell, the elders of Shushan couldn't help but set him up and went to Suoyao Pagoda to guard his sword.


At this time, in front of the Demon Suo Tower in Shushan, it seemed very quiet. The disciples of Shushan who were guarding the Demon Suo Tower all fainted.

And the well of gods and demons located next to the demon lock tower, although it was sealed by the five spirits barrier, the five spirits were also dimmed.

In an instant, the Shushan elders who set up the Jiujianxian were all silent.

When Jiu Jianxian saw this scene, his drunken state was awakened suddenly, his expression changed suddenly, and he looked at the Shushan disciples who fell on the ground in surprise.

It seems that the situation is extremely serious! "

Chapter 36 The Mysterious Man in Black Robe (Please Subscribe!)

The entire Shushan Demon Suo Tower became silent, Jiu Jianxian and other Shushan elders were silent.

They looked at the well of gods and demons sealed by the five-spirit barrier, and they always felt that something had gone wrong.

And one of the Yuanshen elders hurriedly performed the great method of summoning the gods to wake up these Shushan disciples.

"The disciple pays respects to the elder."

The Shushan disciples who were awakened by the Dafa of Summoning God hurriedly knelt down to the elders of Shushan, including Jiu Jianxian. They all looked at these elders in surprise, not knowing why they came to the demon lock tower.

"what happened?"

Feeling that this matter was very strange, Jiu Jianxian immediately fell in front of several Shushan disciples, his expression was dignified, which made several Shushan disciples startled for a while, and then remembered.

"Elder Qi, the disciples and others were guarding the Demon Locking Tower just now, when they suddenly heard a wave, and then passed out, and then they didn't know anything after that."

Those Shushan disciples thought about what happened, and then told Jiu Jianxian and other Shushan elders about the matter.

"Vibration? Could it be the sound produced by the fluctuation of spiritual energy?"

"Yes, Elder, 16 is this kind of voice."

The meaning of Jiu Jianxian's words made several Shushan disciples suddenly realize that they had indeed heard the sound of this spiritual energy fluctuation.

"Okay, go down and rest."

"Yes, the disciple obeys."

These Shushan disciples had just been awakened by the Dafa of Summoning Gods, and their bodies were still very weak, and they couldn't resist the demonic aura emanating from the Demon Locking Tower.

When Jiu Jianxian saw these disciples leaving, he glanced solemnly at the other Shushan elders.

"It seems that this incident was not done by the demons in the Demon Locking Tower. There is King Suppressing Prison Ming in the Demon Locking Tower. This incident can only be caused by the demons in the Demon Realm."

Jiu Jianxian thought for a while, and then told the elders the conclusion he reached.

These Shushan elders also felt that this incident had something to do with the well of gods and demons.After all, the Prison King Ming in the Demon Locking Tower guards the Demon Locking Tower, seals the demons, and is on the Demon Locking Tower.There are also thirty-six Tiangang sword arrays, any monsters will never want to leave the demon lock tower.

However, the well of gods and demons sealed by the five-spirit barrier is different.

"Now, the head is not in Shushan, and we still need to do our best to guard the well of gods and demons."

"With our cultivation base, it is still no problem to consolidate the five-spirit barrier for a few months. Now, in order to prevent the demon world from breaking through the five-spirit seal of the well of gods and demons, I will wait for these old bones, even if I work hard. To block the demon world. Junior brother, what do you think?"

Immediately, I saw these Shushan elders sitting cross-legged, forming the five spirits of wind, thunder, water, fire, and earth in front of them.

The power of the five spirits gradually consolidated the barrier of the five spirits, making the aura fluctuations disappear.

The entire demon lock tower and the well of gods and demons became extremely calm.

"Brothers, now, I ask the disciples of Shushan to step up their cultivation and strictly guard against the remnants of the demon world and the attacks of demons. Don't worry, brothers, the master will be able to return to Shushan in a few days."

Jiu Jianxian only felt the pride in his heart, these Shushan elders were not afraid in the face of danger, and they used their lives to strengthen the barrier of the five spirits, which really made him admire.

"Okay, let me just say, Junior Brother Wine Sword Immortal is definitely not an alcoholic, he is just drinking for entertainment."

"Okay, don't you feel at ease when I wait for these old bones to guard the five-spirit barrier? Remember, strictly guard the entrances of Shushan Mountain, and never let the demon world enter."

Those Shushan elders all looked up to the sky and laughed. Although they looked relaxed, they knew in their hearts that the task of consolidating the five-spirit barrier was extremely difficult.

Even if they repaired the Five Spirit Barrier this time, they would definitely spend decades of effort.

Thinking of this, they have no complaints. As Shushan disciples, it is their duty to eliminate demons and defend the way, to kill demons and eliminate demons.


In the sound of Jiu Jianxian's agreement, his figure turned into a flying rainbow, and in an instant, he left the demon lock tower.

After Jiu Jianxian left, these Shushan elders clearly felt that there was an internal force in the well of gods and demons that wanted to break through the barrier of five spirits.


In the demon palace at the other end of the well of gods and demons, looking at the re-fortified five-spirit barrier, the black-robed man who intended to destroy the five-spirit barrier opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood.

He could feel that the power of the five spirits in the five-spirit barrier was getting stronger and stronger. It seemed that his intention to destroy the five-spirit barrier had been discovered by the elders of Shushan.

Although he vomited blood, he felt unwilling. He only felt that if he was a majestic master of the demon world and the regent of the demon clan, it would be too embarrassing if he were defeated by a few Shushan elders.

What's more, he forcibly broke the well of gods and demons this time for the sake of the entire demon clan. Thinking of this, he punched the floor angrily.

The floor was piled up with magic spar from the demon world, and it was extremely solid. However, it was shattered by the force of his fist.


This thunder-like loud noise also startled a handsome young man rushing in from outside the demon palace.

He looked at the man in black in surprise, but there was a respectful look on his face.

"Uncle, the drought in our clan is getting worse and worse, and many people in the clan have been killed or injured. When will the well of gods and demons be opened?"

The beautiful boy hurriedly ran to the side of the black-robed man, and helped the black-robed man up, his voice was immature.But his extraordinary bearing caused a warm current to surge up in the heart of the man in black.

"Hurry up, as long as I open the well of gods and demons and get the Shennong cauldron from the Shushan Immortal Sword Sect, the drought of my demon race will be solved. It's a pity that 927 is discovered by the elders of Shushan. It seems that if you want to break the well of gods and demons, It will take some time."

The black robe roared unwillingly, he knew that if he didn't break open the well of the gods and demons as soon as possible, and get the Shennong cauldron to relieve the drought of the demons, the entire demons would suffer catastrophe.

"Uncle, although some members of our clan were killed or injured, there is still time. I will immediately go to other demon clans to transfer them away from the water source."

Seeing the unwillingness of the man in black robe, the handsome young man could only comfort him.

As the prince of the Demon Race, how could he not know that the drought situation of the Demon Race is extremely serious?However, he didn't want the man in black to be seriously injured because of this incident.

"Yes. Don't worry, the prince, your subordinates will definitely live up to their mission."

"Well, uncle, just be careful."

The man in black was extremely moved. He looked at the back of the beautiful young man leaving, and then turned his gaze to the well of gods and demons.

"Hmph, Shushan, Shushan, you don't want me to break the well of gods and demons? Then I want to go against the sky, hum, I don't believe it, and I can't kill a few elders of Shushan."

The man in black looked at the well of gods and demons angrily, and he swung an overwhelming power of the magic knife, as if tearing the sky, and slashed across.

Unexpectedly, the well of gods and demons remained motionless.

But he didn't know that the handsome young man who walked out of the magic hall had a sneer on his lips. "

Chapter 37 Ghost Yin Altar (please subscribe!)

Mu Han didn't know about Ghost Yin Mountain, Shu Mountain Immortal Sword Sect, and Demon Realm Demon Race. After he solved the problem of zombies in Heishui Town, he, Zhao Ling'er, Lin Yueru, Han Mengci, Caiyi and other daughters took the shortcut of Baihe Village to the ghost town. Yinshan.

According to Han Mengci's instructions, Yangzhou City can be reached quickly from Guiyin Mountain.

And when Mu Han went to Baihe Village, the small stone jade Buddha beads were obediently placed on the system panel by him.

Although the lively and active little stone looked reluctant, how could his arms twist his thighs?I can only sleep and protest on the system panel very angrily.

Seeing Xiao Shitou's expression of venting his anger, Mu Han smiled lightly and left him alone. He and the girls rushed to Guiyin Mountain all the way, but when they entered Guiyin Mountain, they saw several strange roads hidden in the dark. figure.

He could tell that these figures were warriors from the Nanzhao Kingdom, and most of them were in the legendary realm.

This made Mu Han coldly smile. It seems that not only the people from the Moon Worship Sect are looking for Zhao Linger, but even the people from the Witch King are also looking for Zhao Linger.

But Wu Wang and others did not know that their search for Zhao Ling'er's whereabouts was also under the control of the Moon Worshiping Sect Master.

Mu Han didn't pay attention to these warriors hiding in the dark, and he could guess that the person who was ambushing in Guiyin Mountain this time was Elder Shi, the current court elder of Nanzhao Kingdom.

This Elder Shi's cultivation base is not low, his personality is stubborn, and he is a thorn in the head, but for Mu Han, Elder Shi's strength is not even worthy of carrying his shoes.

It's fine if he doesn't come to provoke him, if he comes to provoke him, he must make Elder Shi kneel down and beg for mercy.

Thinking of this, the corner of Mu Han's mouth curled into a sneer, and he continued to lead Zhao Ling'er and his daughters into the mountain path of Guiyin Mountain, gradually approaching the Guiyin Altar of Guiyin Mountain.

And those warriors who were observing secretly also told Elder Shi the news that Mu Han and others had entered Guiyin Mountain.

"Okay. This Mu Han is really hateful. He not only brought the princess with him, but also brought other women with him. Hmph, I have to teach him a lesson today~々."

Hearing his subordinates report that Mu Han was not only with Zhao Linger, but also with several beautiful girls, Elder Shi couldn't believe his ears, he felt that Mu Han was too presumptuous.

Her Royal Highness is a golden branch and jade leaf, how can she be so despised by Mu Han?He wanted to find Mu Han right away, and slapped him on the spot.

However, after thinking about it, Elder Shi did not do this. He knew that Mu Han was the elder of Shushan, so he must have noticed the whereabouts of these warriors. When the altar was opened, he caught him by surprise, attacked him unprepared, and killed him by surprise.

Having made up his mind, Elder Shi ordered the warriors from the Nanzhao Kingdom to scatter around the Ghost Yin Altar, while he hid behind the Ghost Yin Altar and waited quietly for Mu Han's arrival.

At this time, Mu Han, Zhao Ling'er and other women also gradually came to the Ghost Yin Altar.

Due to the dangerous terrain of Guiyin Mountain and the rugged mountain road, both Lin Yueru and Han Mengci felt their legs were weak. After they came to Guiyin Altar, they found a place to sit on the ground.

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